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Dear Diary.. What's going on?
This diary entry explains my emotions and thoughts about what's going on in the world right now. This piece of work is important to me because it's me being in my most vulnerable state. I'm honest, open, and true about what I'm feeling during this pandemic and how it effects me mentally, physically, and emotionally. Enjoy. -
YES! I am a COVID-19 Survivor.
Next day after Covid-19 booster shot, I woke up with body aches. First, I thought it was booster reaction, but later on I Was detected by Covid-19 positive. At the same day my leg sprained, wow what a coincidence! It was really an unpleasant day for me. I knew I have to be strong enough to fight with this situation. I received IV to treat Covid at the same day. My Covid symptoms were coughing a lot and loss of food tase and smell. I continued to pray and read the Quran. Initially, I had to stay in quarantine for 14 days. These 14 days were like 14 months to me. I will never forget these isolated period of Covid-19. I was trying to continue my household chores. After 19 days later my Covid result came negative. At that time, I felt like a free hummingbird. I believe that Allah gives us burdens according to our endurance. I probably wouldn't survived if I had Covid early in the pandemic. I am sincerely for those who were died in this Corona period. I thank Allah for giving me a new life as well as modern science and medical fields. -
Hospital Healthcare Worker in the Covid 19 Pandemic
Name: Adafih Phillip Email: College: Brooklyn College Class: Introduction to Public Health HNSC 2100 Spring 2022 Professor : M. Horlyck- Romanovsky Assignment: Covid-19 Reflection Date: 02/24/2022 Hospital Healthcare Worker in the Covid 19 Pandemic The Covid -19 virus was declared as a global pandemic in March of 2020. The first case in New York State was confirmed on March 1st2020. Healthcare workers face severe challenges and as a frontline healthcare professional I felt vulnerable during this crisis because I was committed to performing my duties as a support staff for nurses and doctors. My primary duties are administrative but it included admitting and discharging patients therefore I work directly with patients being admitted with the virus. I observed how very sick and fragile patients were and the severe challenges healthcare workers faced to care for those patients. Many healthcare facilities faced a major shortage of protective wear such as masks and gowns to protect ourselves .We worked extended hours per week with little or no sleep because of shortage of staff. I was faced with significant burdens such as financial hardship, psychological stress and fear of not being able to assist my family who lived in the Caribbean. Despite the many obstacles we adapted to the changes and everyone did their best .I must make mention of my workplace efforts to help make the changes less stressful. Workers were provided breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, grocery items were shipped to our homes and private transport was provided to and from every borough for everyone. Hotel rooms were provided for staff who did not feel safe to go home to family members , in fear of spreading the virus to loved ones. As a current Public Health student of Brooklyn College and a frontline healthcare worker it is an honor to share a bit of my experience with you. Thank You Adafih Phillip -
The Album
On every family vacation we'd ever taken, I was the designated photographer. It was my job to catch the monuments, and the murals and pictures of my brothers dancing at amusement parks. I was reluctant at first but I improved and every year when we got home, I couldn't be prouder of my little collection. It became a tradition, maybe a week or so after, to look through the album and remember the adventures we had. During those moments, life was beautiful and we were on top of the world. A few years ago as we flipped through a set of photos, my father looked at me and said that we needed to take more videos. I laughed at him but he explained that photos were never enough-you wanted to feel and see and be a part of that memory, and videos were the closest thing to it: a captured moment in time. Of course, I agreed. Even when we weren't on vacations, I was taking photos of us at weekend excursions, at the grocery store, washing our little red car...I could go on for hours and hours but today, I won't. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, I was excited to document this new chapter in our lives which included many DIY home improvements, my failed attempt at a flower garden and sleepovers with my brothers. It was definitely an adjustment. Later on in the year, about late September, my father got sick. He was our designated shopper, our designated driver, our designated everything really so it wasn't surprising but I continued to take photos. I thought to myself, when he gets better, we'll be able to look back on this album on laugh. He spent that first week in quarantine with piles of pills and jugs of orange juice. I spent that first week peeking through the door separating us and taking photos through the window. He would always see me and wave; so much for my candid photos. His birthday rolled around almost a week later and although he was sick, he managed a bite of the worst birthday cake I've ever made but of course, he smiled. I heeded his earlier advice and took photos of his birthday card, his (failed) birthday cake, and a video of us singing to him through the door. He was getting better and life was good. About a week later, my album was filling up and I was sure it would be ending soon because we'd seen some improvements. Unfortunately, he plateaued with his recovery. In the blink of an eye, the subject of my album had gotten weak and frail, and before I could hold on to him, he slipped away. Needless to say, I was devastated-we all were and time seemed to halt. For months, I couldn't look at that album because it was a constant reminder that it didn't have the happy ending that I wanted. But now, my thoughts have changed. I miss my father every day but his passing has reminded me to hold on tight to the things that he taught me. I always remember that he'd say that he was living life and seeing good days and looking back, I'm so grateful that we have those albums as a permanent reminder of all the fun we've had, the mischief we'd gotten into and the life we'd been blessed to enjoy together. I don't want to focus on the things I've lost but instead on what I've gained and that's a greater appreciation for all the people who love and support me. Don't forget to take those photos, make sure you have the sound up when you're recording your videos, but never forget to just live in the moment. That's what this pandemic has taught me. -
Quarantine Life
I am submitting a small glimpse of what life was life for me during Covid 19 and quarantine