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More Time
I am submitting some personal thoughts that I’ve had while sitting at home during the pandemic. Before my life was constantly moving with school and work and friends and being out and about and when the pandemic hit it slowed everything down. With less time commuting between school I had more time at home to complete assignments to complete housework and still have time left over. I had time to think. I myself am an over thinker so when the pandemic hit and I found myself with all of this time all I could do his thing over and over and over again and play one scenario in my head 1000 times. And then I will go to sleep and I would wake up and think about the next thing over and over again. This pandemic gave me time to really dig within myself and find the things I don’t want to change because I had the time to think and organize. This also brought me into a bit of a dark place because with all this time to think I then began to look back at my experiences and even though they are lessons some of them are filled with regret and fear and anger and that brought me to a dark place. It also allowed me to grow and show me what I can do better, what I can incorporate in my daily life and how to be a better person for me. Even though it was as if the world was on pause my life said play. With all this time I could reorganize and re-prioritize myself and list out my goals and accomplish things that I haven’t had a chance to. It also allowed me to take an extra minute to look at how I’m treating myself and I thought let’s take some more time for personal care let’s take some more time for mental care to make sure that I am OK. Because I was granted more time. -
A week of Change
March 2020 came to change everyones lives, March 11th 2020 was our last normal day on campus. Everyone on campus was so confused whether professors were going to cancel class or move it to an online class, some professors had already moved it online and most continued with their normal schedule. Wednesday March 11th, 2020 after my class ended I went back home and as soon as I sat down in my living room I went on my instagram and saw that cuny had posted that all classes were going online for the rest of the semester. For me that day was the beginning of a lot of changes. My dad was already coughing but we didn't think it was covid. That next Monday he stopped working because he didn't feel well, both my brother and I stopped going to school and my mom stopped going to work as well. That week was crazy for us, we went to our Costco near by and bought so many things, canned food to be specific, and toilet paper let's not even go there (toilet paper madness is a whole different story). My mother and I went to our local Mexican supermarket and stocked up on everything we thought we needed, we made like 2 trips with each carrying 3 heavy bags. We had bottled water, 32 toilet paper rolls, 48 eggs, 4 gallons of milk, canned tuna, canned fruit (we didn't get fresh fruit because my parents had heard them say in the news how "the virus can get on the fruit" and if we did get we soaked the fruit and deep washed it after). That week was when our sleep schedule changed, that week we started having zoom meeting instead of in person meetings, that week my dad started getting worse and we couldn't sleep knowing he couldn't breathe properly. That week I still remember clearly. We went to my cousins birthday on Sunday not knowing that was the last time we were going to have a family gathering in a while. -
My story is about the pandemic crisis when it started in 2020 I based it particularly on my area where I live.
The pandemic crisis about COVID-19 and how it affected everyone. -
Life in Quarantine
During this corona virus pandemic I have learned how important simple hygiene was. Me and my family took the corona virus very seriously from the beginning of the pandemic. My little brother and I would always get yelled at if we forgot to disinfect ourselves with disinfectant spray and wash our hands the moment we get home from school. This was a huge issue in my family because of our limited living space, if one of us got exposed to the corona virus the rest of us would inevitably get it too. This is why simple hygiene is important especially during times like these where it can affect not just you but your family as well. -
Adventure Behind Uncertainties
Different life circumstances bring different versions of us, sometimes it is how we approach it that determines the type of adventure that we are going to have. The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainties of what our usual lives would be like. For me, it was the repeated days of not knowing what to do next which led me to start reflecting on what I can do now. My first goal in this journey was to reach out to family and friends. During my time of reflection, I realized that I was losing touch with those close to me. Rather than calling once in a while or during birthdays and holidays, I call and text more often than before. My second goal was working on my health. I began making healthier lifestyle choices such as exercising more often, eating healthier food and drinking more water. I also added a skincare routine which I enjoy doing and continue to improve as needed. Prior to the pandemic, I had a passion for painting though I have not really put my skills to use like I should. But recently I started drawing again to bring my paintings to life. Hoping before the end of the year, I can have some paintings to share with family and friends. One of my happiest moment during the pandemic was creating small humanitarian projects such as donating food. It taught me that I can still be involved in my community regardless of the distance. As the pandemic continues, I am still adapting , learning about new ways to improve my health and wellness and continue to find ways to contribute to my community. -
Five years took for granted
Five. This was the number of years that I was able to spend with one of the most important people in my life, my uncle. From the moment I moved here in Brooklyn, he was one of the few that made me feel welcomed. He loved me, took care of me and supported me as if we'd know each other our entire lives. He stood as a second father figure to me, and he truly always managed to put a smile on everyone's face. But, on March 28th, 2020 COVID-19 got the best of him and unfortunately passed away. I was devastated and so heartbroken. Despite how painful his death was, it taught me many valuable lessons. But, I believe the most important one is to not take each day we get to spend with our families for granted. -
Family and Community Impacted by COVID
Well to be honest the pandemic did not effect my family too much, no one caught COVID and most of us are vaccinated as well. No one lost their jobs or their homes, or their business so I believe we were pretty good. The only thing bad would be the isolation but, that's about it. -
Life During A Pandemic
Personal experience during the Covid-19