Alexander Oral History, 2020/03/26
Title (Dublin Core)
Alexander Oral History, 2020/03/26
Description (Dublin Core)
Rounding up what I've been doing since the first log I posted on March 24. There was a few things I felt like I didn't cover very well originally.
Recording Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
Audio history
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Social Media (including Memes)
Government Federal
Museums & Libraries
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
work from home
family life
Blackburn North
nursing home
Collection (Dublin Core)
Black Voices
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)
Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)
Location (Omeka Classic)
Blackburn North
Language (Dublin Core)
Duration (Omeka Classic)
abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)
Rounding up what I've been doing since the first log I posted on March 24. There was a few things I felt like I didn't cover very well originally.
Transcription (Omeka Classic)
Alexander 00:03
Hello. So, this is Alex from weapon No. And it's 26th of March, nearly nine o'clock.
Alexander 00:19
In this is the, I'm leaving this message in relation to the corona. Blog, you have to look up the title sorry. And it's pretty bad. very unprofessional of me, a journal of the plague, an archive of COVID-19. So, this is my second blog. So, what can I add?
Alexander 00:53
Well, newspapers still suck.
Maybe it kind of freaks me out. So, I've been trying not to get on to it too much, saying that I've been on Facebook. And well Facebook in particular, a lot more. It's past few weeks than I had been in a while. It's partly because of mentioned in my last post I’ve sort of workers had been on holidays from work and so on. But also, um, yeah, it's really because of this virus and you just kind of, to kind of feel like, I need to see what's going on with the world and so on. Um, I'm lucky I've been at work have worked from home the last couple of days, has been a bit of an experience, but it's been good. And some really great people what state library and yes, most unusual, induction, as my boss said, fair enough. Fair enough. I can't argue there. That's very much the case. And hopefully, you know, the library can keep operating in these strange times. But a very different way, of course, instead Library's closed to the public. So we've, it's all online. So as closed as in going to the actual physical library. There's a lot of stuff that's online. I'm gonna be helping out with our hope. In with my job.
Alexander 02:33
Yeah. I have been lucky. I know a lot of people who are casual people who run bars and, and, you know, entertainment type venues. They're finding it really tough. So I'm very lucky to have a job on how lucky I am so that some sad people have to go through that sort of uncertainty. I'm not really sure what's going to happen. On No, the government looks like this splashing around a lot of cash at the moment, which is really great. Hopefully, it can get to these people who I know who really need that money.
Alexander 03:15
Just thinking about what else I’ve been doing. It's really about looking after the kids just really been, it's been challenging at times. Getting them out of a house. It's been a bit tricky. They love the video games. They like me, that's what I would have done it when I was their age. I'm sure if I had a PlayStation four. In my day, I just wouldn't have wouldn't have moved. So social media and so on. So there's lots of stuff going on with that particular set through my son who's just loves all that stuff. And yeah, but yeah, be good if the kids did a bit of that stuff, but we try to deal with that. My wife has teacher she's got a bit more time at home. So that's been good. But yeah, it's it's some of that stuff's tricky. I'm really wondering how we're going to negotiate all of that. the stresses of being all together in the same room and all that the same house and getting the kids do their work and all that sort of thing is really tricky. The other thing I'm dealing with really is about my dad, it's tough for him, like he can't go outside. But dad's in a nursing home and he can't go outside. You can't go to other places that weren't waiting. They say that he'll have been locked down for two weeks, if he did that. So he's very frustrated. He's had a long term, Parkinson's, and which has been tricky for him. And so he said that, you know why he's been in lockdown for. It's been locked in for many, many years, which I can sort of accept, but because of his condition, but it's tricky for him, I, I feel really bad for him dealing with trying to empty out his wife's unit, my stepmother whose, is not sound of mine anymore, which is really sad. And he sort of dealing with that with the constraints that he can't go to that unit anymore. To look at what's going on. to sort through things, it's all really tricky. So we're even thinking about putting things into storage. He wants to put things into storage, our family's been unsure about it. And one thing is that we're not even sure when he's going to get a chance to go to that unit to the storage facility if we did put all the extra stuff that's in the unit into storage.
Alexander 06:18
And there's a lot.
Alexander 06:20
So, dealing with that's been tricky. And this virus has made it a lot harder. Yeah, so yeah, as I said, it's been a really strange time. For me, even if this virus wasn't happening means just added another layer of weirdness. To be fair. But you know, the supermarket is still open. When there are people trying to space out and do the right thing, people wearing masks in the shop, and not long ago, who sought out widows but now can we accept that people are scared, so they feel they have to do that sort of thing? And yeah, and just saying, it's been interesting to seeing people walking around. It's the other thing too, so many more people in the neighborhood during the day. As I've, you know, I've noticed that that change of one reason being I had been part time for many years, worker, and so you sort of say when people are out walking their dog or whatever, not many around but there seems to be more people around, not in a weird Bondi Beach kind of away but just that people are out and about doing stuff and they're trying to walk their dogs and get through have some exercise have some outside time. I mean, Melbourne today was just a beautiful day, it was 21 degrees. The sun was out light breeze, I mean, perfect autumn day and just lie way out. And everyone's inside is sick and so on. It's a bit sad. So anyway, um, hopefully. Yeah, I know things are probably gonna get a lot worse. But anyway, hopefully this is an interesting vlog for you. And see y'all next time, Alex from Blackburn Niptorth, signing off. Have a good day. Ciao. See you later.
Hello. So, this is Alex from weapon No. And it's 26th of March, nearly nine o'clock.
Alexander 00:19
In this is the, I'm leaving this message in relation to the corona. Blog, you have to look up the title sorry. And it's pretty bad. very unprofessional of me, a journal of the plague, an archive of COVID-19. So, this is my second blog. So, what can I add?
Alexander 00:53
Well, newspapers still suck.
Maybe it kind of freaks me out. So, I've been trying not to get on to it too much, saying that I've been on Facebook. And well Facebook in particular, a lot more. It's past few weeks than I had been in a while. It's partly because of mentioned in my last post I’ve sort of workers had been on holidays from work and so on. But also, um, yeah, it's really because of this virus and you just kind of, to kind of feel like, I need to see what's going on with the world and so on. Um, I'm lucky I've been at work have worked from home the last couple of days, has been a bit of an experience, but it's been good. And some really great people what state library and yes, most unusual, induction, as my boss said, fair enough. Fair enough. I can't argue there. That's very much the case. And hopefully, you know, the library can keep operating in these strange times. But a very different way, of course, instead Library's closed to the public. So we've, it's all online. So as closed as in going to the actual physical library. There's a lot of stuff that's online. I'm gonna be helping out with our hope. In with my job.
Alexander 02:33
Yeah. I have been lucky. I know a lot of people who are casual people who run bars and, and, you know, entertainment type venues. They're finding it really tough. So I'm very lucky to have a job on how lucky I am so that some sad people have to go through that sort of uncertainty. I'm not really sure what's going to happen. On No, the government looks like this splashing around a lot of cash at the moment, which is really great. Hopefully, it can get to these people who I know who really need that money.
Alexander 03:15
Just thinking about what else I’ve been doing. It's really about looking after the kids just really been, it's been challenging at times. Getting them out of a house. It's been a bit tricky. They love the video games. They like me, that's what I would have done it when I was their age. I'm sure if I had a PlayStation four. In my day, I just wouldn't have wouldn't have moved. So social media and so on. So there's lots of stuff going on with that particular set through my son who's just loves all that stuff. And yeah, but yeah, be good if the kids did a bit of that stuff, but we try to deal with that. My wife has teacher she's got a bit more time at home. So that's been good. But yeah, it's it's some of that stuff's tricky. I'm really wondering how we're going to negotiate all of that. the stresses of being all together in the same room and all that the same house and getting the kids do their work and all that sort of thing is really tricky. The other thing I'm dealing with really is about my dad, it's tough for him, like he can't go outside. But dad's in a nursing home and he can't go outside. You can't go to other places that weren't waiting. They say that he'll have been locked down for two weeks, if he did that. So he's very frustrated. He's had a long term, Parkinson's, and which has been tricky for him. And so he said that, you know why he's been in lockdown for. It's been locked in for many, many years, which I can sort of accept, but because of his condition, but it's tricky for him, I, I feel really bad for him dealing with trying to empty out his wife's unit, my stepmother whose, is not sound of mine anymore, which is really sad. And he sort of dealing with that with the constraints that he can't go to that unit anymore. To look at what's going on. to sort through things, it's all really tricky. So we're even thinking about putting things into storage. He wants to put things into storage, our family's been unsure about it. And one thing is that we're not even sure when he's going to get a chance to go to that unit to the storage facility if we did put all the extra stuff that's in the unit into storage.
Alexander 06:18
And there's a lot.
Alexander 06:20
So, dealing with that's been tricky. And this virus has made it a lot harder. Yeah, so yeah, as I said, it's been a really strange time. For me, even if this virus wasn't happening means just added another layer of weirdness. To be fair. But you know, the supermarket is still open. When there are people trying to space out and do the right thing, people wearing masks in the shop, and not long ago, who sought out widows but now can we accept that people are scared, so they feel they have to do that sort of thing? And yeah, and just saying, it's been interesting to seeing people walking around. It's the other thing too, so many more people in the neighborhood during the day. As I've, you know, I've noticed that that change of one reason being I had been part time for many years, worker, and so you sort of say when people are out walking their dog or whatever, not many around but there seems to be more people around, not in a weird Bondi Beach kind of away but just that people are out and about doing stuff and they're trying to walk their dogs and get through have some exercise have some outside time. I mean, Melbourne today was just a beautiful day, it was 21 degrees. The sun was out light breeze, I mean, perfect autumn day and just lie way out. And everyone's inside is sick and so on. It's a bit sad. So anyway, um, hopefully. Yeah, I know things are probably gonna get a lot worse. But anyway, hopefully this is an interesting vlog for you. And see y'all next time, Alex from Blackburn Niptorth, signing off. Have a good day. Ciao. See you later.
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