
“You know it's really strengthened my belief that there is a God..."


Title (Dublin Core)

“You know it's really strengthened my belief that there is a God..."
Religion 101 Oral History #54, 2020/04

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Description (Dublin Core)

“You know it's really strengthened my belief that there is a God not because of any large-scale event but mostly because of all the small things going on in my life.” “Well like you said before, I was sent home from my mission in Africa about six months ago or actually about six months earlier than I was supposed to and since being back all of our worship gatherings have been canceled so yeah it's definitely affected my participation in the religious community.” “Well there's been two worldwide fasts to stop the spread and I'm also pretty sure that there's been some donations made but I know those records aren't really that public.”

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

April 1, 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Tom Beazley

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Emotion
English Social Distance

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)


Collection (Dublin Core)


Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Kyler briefly talks about being sent home from his mission in Kenya and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected his belief in good. He also touches on changes made to his religious community due to the COVID-19 pandemic and what community service activities they have been engaged in to help those affected by the pandemic.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Interviewer 00:00
Okay, so, we are with Kyler, who was actually sent home from his mission from Kenya, Africa on March 26. So how has COVID-19 affected your beliefs or faith?

Kyler 00:12
You know, it's really strengthened my belief that there is a God, not because of any large scale of it, but mostly because all the small things going on in my life.

Interviewer 00:23
So, is your religious community still gathering currently? How has COVID-19 affected your participation in your religious community?

Kyler 00:32
Well, like you said before I was sent home from my mission in Africa about six months ago, or actually six months earlier than I was supposed to. Since being back all of our worship gatherings have been canceled. So yeah, it's definitely affected my participation in the religious community.

Interviewer 00:52
So, is your religious community supplying or engaged any in any kind of community service and attempt to help alleviate issues caused by the pandemic? If so, what are those efforts?

Kyler 01:04
Well there's been two worldwide fasts to stop the spread and I'm also pretty sure that there's been some donations made but, I know those records aren't really that public.

Interviewer 01:15
Thank you.

Kyler 01:17
Of course. Thank you.

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