
“I would say it's definitely a lot harder..."


Title (Dublin Core)

“I would say it's definitely a lot harder..."
Religion 101 Oral History #78, 2020/04

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Description (Dublin Core)

“I would say it's definitely a lot harder to get in community because I feel like that's a big deal with any kind of faith and so with church it's all online now so I'm just watching it like from my home church with my family like in our house so that's kind of a bummer not being able to be in community every week and it's hard because it puts like I don't know more pressure…”

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

April 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Tom Beazley

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Community Service
English Social Distance
English Community & Community Organizations
English Technology

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

care package

Collection (Dublin Core)


Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

Curated by Contributor. Verbal Permission Omitted in Public File but Original File and Student Creator's Name Kept Private. 07/14/2020. Tom Beazley.

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


Annotation (Omeka Classic)

Speaker 2 talks about how the COVId-19 pandemic has affected their faith and beliefs. They also talk about how their religious community has adjusted to meet COVID-19 prevention guidelines. Additionally, they talk about how their church helped a member of the community that was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Speaker 1 0:00
So how has COVID-19 affected your faith or beliefs?

Speaker 2 0:06
Um, I would say it's definitely a lot harder to get into community, I feel like, that's a big deal with any kind of faith. And so, with church, it's all online now so I'm just watching it, like, from my home church with my family, like in our house, so that's kind of a bummer, like, not being able to be in community every week. And it's hard because it puts like, I don't know, like more pressure, like, you have to, like, be more involved with yourself, which I guess, like makes sense, because it's like a personal faith and everything. But it's a lot more individualistic, which is kind of sad, but it's also like a good way to, like, reach out to people and check and like, see how people are doing. And so that's what I've been trying to do, to like, be positive for people who are like in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] situation.

Speaker 1 0:57
And this kind of, like, kind of feeds into the next question which is: is your religious community still gathering currently? And how has COVID-19 affected your participation in the religious community?

Speaker 2 1:08
Okay, cool. So, um, we're not like gathering in person but it's all online, like I said early in the other question. And it does affect us in a way that it was, it was a bummer that, you know, we couldn't get together for Easter anything but they're encouraging everybody to get together in small groups of like, [laughing] hi puppy. They encourage people to get together in groups of like, 10 or less, which is awesome that it's like so encouraging a faith-based community but being faith still.

Speaker 1 1:44
And is your religious community [speaking over one another]. That's alright, so is your religious community, supplying or engaged, any kind of community service and attempt to help alleviate issues caused by the pandemic? If so, what are those efforts?

Speaker 2 1:58
Okay, so I don't know, like, all of it, but I do know that they have been like raising money and they have been, like, putting together, like, packages and, like, helping people. there was a guy, so I got to CCB Christ Church of the Valley, and he, one of, somebody in our church was one of the first people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Arizona and, so, that was kind of a big deal for the church really reached out to him and they helped him with his appointments and by dropping off food and everything, and he still did like the online, Zoom community groups and everything. So I know that they were a big part of him getting fully recovered which he is now.

Speaker 1 2:48
Okay, thank you. And that will be it I believe, so we'll go ahead and stop the recording.

Accrual Method (Dublin Core)


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