Pasuaha Yang Oral History, 2020/04/06
Title (Dublin Core)
Pasuaha Yang Oral History, 2020/04/06
Description (Dublin Core)
I did a podcast based on my journey through the Coronavirus of the struggle I was dealing with my schoolwork. The whole process was complicated, I had some time where I was struggling with being motivated with my schoolwork. But I pushed through it. The podcast was beneficial because I was able to reflect on my day and talk freely about how I feel. Overall, it was a great experience.
Recording Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Pasuaha Yang
Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Home & Family Life
Entertainment: Movies, Theater, etc.
Online Learning
Race & Ethnicity
Cities & Suburbs
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Collection (Dublin Core)
College COVID Stories
Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)
05/26/2020 HBR - moved submitted creator text into the description, left name of creator in that field. Waiting for further feedback on best practice, so I left private.
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)
Pasuaha Yang
Location (Omeka Classic)
St. Paul
United States of America
Format (Dublin Core)
Power Point
Language (Dublin Core)
Duration (Omeka Classic)
abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)
I did a podcast based on my journey through the Coronavirus of the struggle I was dealing with my school work. The whole process was complicated, I had some time where I was struggling with being motivated with my schoolwork. But I pushed through it. The podcast was beneficial because I was able to reflect on my day and talk freely about how I feel. Overall, it was a great experience.
Transcription (Omeka Classic)
Pasuaha Yang 00:05
Hi guys, welcome back to my first day of doing my podcast. Pretty much I'm starting off this week by doing my podcast on living through Coronavirus. And this is week one, pretty much. I'm just going to be talking to you guys about what I'm doing today and how I'm feeling with a Coronavirus. So today I had a music clause by music class and my professor just pretty much gave us a little lecture. And she also just talked about what our next assignment was going on. Also, my classmate had presentations that they were doing to which it was really good. It's really good information, our music and then I didn't have my philosophy class just because we only meet once a week and we usually meet on Thursdays so I just put a bunch catch up on my assignments and today was really cloudy. So, I just personally just stay home and just kind of like catch up on my assignments because I felt like I was kind of behind, but pretty much I'm feeling really good with his Coronavirus and definitely a little not overwhelmed or anything. I'm still trying to balance owl on heavy online class and trying to get my assignments in on time. But personally, I feel good. I'm being pretty productive. I'm definitely like really into like baking so I just been baking like macarons and trying to get that right. I'm trying to find other recipes for me to bake. But yes, I'm definitely being really motivated in school and my education. Even if the Coronavirus is still going on. I'm not failing. I'm not, you know, lacking or anything. I'm still really motivated. So pretty much that's what I did today. Nothing exciting. It's super freakin boring. But I just wanted to you know, talk to you guys about what I'm doing in a day or just how what's going on with the Coronavirus? So yeah, but I will definitely meet or I definitely talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:13
Hi, guys. So, this is day two, today is a Tuesday. And I just been pretty much in bed. I don't have class today. And today's usually like my internship day, but I just didn't even do any work for my internship just because I had my philosophy exam and my philosophy is due tomorrow, Wednesday, which my professor gave us the assignment ad on Monday, but I didn't really look at it on Monday. I just did it today. And it's taken me for a really really long time. I like it because it's a take home exam so we're able to use our notes and just our reading for it. And definitely I really thought that this was gonna be like super easy and everything but no, it's definitely super hard. I'm really struggling and I'm still struggling as a right now. But yeah, I'm just trying to finish everything up. And then I also have some assignments that are due for my other classes too. So, I'm trying to catch up with that. But yeah, I'm not really doing anything. I just, you know, been filling. Still really good about myself with Coronavirus. I definitely haven't been outside because the weather just sucks like it has been super cold and cloudy. And also like I've been babysitting my nieces to everyday you my little brother is I'm kind of helping him. And it's definitely a little hard because they're so loud. And like, it's hard for me to concentrate while I'm while I'm trying to do my exam, you know? But yeah, I'm sorry if this like podcast is not the way as you guys might want. But I just felt like podcasts might be a lot easier instead of a video. Or like my blog, you know, stuff like that. But I think a podcast is really cool. And I'm really into podcasts. I love listening to podcasts, too. And this is kind of like a new thing for me. But yeah, so pretty much super boring day. I hope Tomorrow's a better day. But pretty much I just want to check in with you guys about what I'm doing and everything. But yeah, I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 04:21
Hi guys. Welcome back to day three a week one today's a Wednesday. And pretty much this morning I had my geo class and it was God it was pretty much just a lecture like she was due. She pretty much told us that we have an exam after Easter break and I'm happy because we do have Easter break this week. So, we don't have school on Friday Monday. So, I could just relax on the weekend and everything. But there is definitely like a labs for us to do and those are due next week also too, so I felt like I had to get them done. On by my professor definitely talked about what's going to be on the exam and she does have our study guide which I'm really happy because I feel like study guide definitely really helps me to study and know what's going to be on the test. But yeah, I'm just excited and also she say that it's going to be an open note exam as well too. So, it's really nice because you know, I'm just really thankful that professors are really like you know, just being really nice towards you know, so I'm just really grateful that's happening but yeah, I'm super excited just to kind of be over her class for GL are just kind of finished with exam I'm you know, all for studying and everything. And then also we also have my history class where my afternoon class which was history and be pretty much just talked about, our next assignment was going to be do our research paper and stuff like that. So, I'm just really excited to kind of be done with this semester because I'm just kind of look looking forward to, you know, half the summer but I'm just worried because, you know, with a Coronavirus, go through the whole summer and everything, but I'm doing really good. I'm definitely still staying really healthy. I'm on the intimate die as well. And I've looked that's kind of the best thing with a Coronavirus that's happening to me because I wake up I could you know, I have class, I don't really have to worry about me eating compared to when I go to school where I'm always really hungry. But now I'm able to like, you know, not eat as an early time and you know, eat more like a later, you know, lunch or something like that. But I'm definitely into a really good I'm staying healthy. I didn't go outside today, because it was so cold. So, like, stay inside. But yeah, and pretty much I'm sorry, this podcast is really boring. I definitely try to make it short, just because I don't want a whole long podcast about me doing nothing, which really I doing nothing. But yeah, that is what I'm did today. And I will catch you guys up tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast today is day four. And pretty much. Today's technically the my last day of class before Easter break, because tomorrow on Friday, we don't have class and I'm super, super excited, just because I deserve a break. But this morning, I had my music class, my music lives. And today was good. We talked about our next assignment that we're going to be doing which is based on Hamilton, Hamilton such such a good story or such a good musical theater performance. I personally didn't see it. But my sister did. And they paid a lot of money for it. But I didn't. The musical is just so good. The you know, just, I wish I'd gone and see it. But the tickets are so expensive. Also, I'm just super excited to talk about it. Because she minds President Joe Biden is in two different groups. And I'm in the group that I want it to be in the first place, which we're focusing on two songs, which is based on satisfied and helpless, which those two music are amazing. If you guys haven't heard him, you should definitely hear it because it's so good. That's what I'm really excited about for my music class or the next assignments.
Pasuaha Yang 08:33
But yeah, and then my afternoon class, I had my philosophy, which we just pretty much talked about the exam that we had, I pretty much have a professor that was a little hard just because I wish we did the activity or the section that we were doing in the exam, I wish that we actually just did more of it. Because I had a hard time. And it was just hard for me to kind of, you know, do it by I think he understand what I was going through and a lot of students on sham what they were struggling to. And it was definitely hard. A lot of students thought that it would just take less than two hours, but it literally took the whole day or you know, two whole days to do it. Which you know, I just shows that, you know, philosophy is definitely not an easy class. It's definitely challenging. Just the readings and everything are really hard. But yeah, I'm so happy that today's Thursday night. I don't have class today. So pretty much what I'm gonna be doing tonight. I'm just gonna be you know, do my self-care. I'm gonna put a face mask on. I'm gonna watch a Netflix movie or something or I'm gonna watch Grey's Anatomy because the episode come out today, which I'm super excited about. So, you know, I could just watch my new shows. I'm definitely starting new shows too, just to kind of keep me occupied in everything. But yeah, definitely just want to check in with you guys. And I will definitely see you guys tomorrow or talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 10:07
Hi guys. So today is day five out of Mike podcast and week one today's a Friday and pretty much today was amazing. Just because we don't have school today because we have an Easter break. And today is family hangout day. I just finishing finish hanging out with my siblings and my family. Usually we have like siblings hanging out once a month or once or maybe once in like two or three weeks. But today was the day and it was really fun. My sister brought over pizza and drinks. And guess what I made, I literally made mini cheesecakes. And I made Banana Banana Bread, which those are two new things that I did just because I want to try something that was different. And I feel cheesecake was definitely really easy to make and banana bread too. And we definitely had a lot of banana that was rotten that needed to be used to be for banana bread. So, I did it. And I think I did an amazing job. Like I follow the recipe. And sometimes I usually struggle with like my recipes. But pretty much I doing really good. My baking and a lot of my sisters in them are really impressive. And I feel like I definitely have a lot of time to just bake and kind of, you know, just do my own thing because of the Coronavirus, which I'm really happy because I'm able to identify new hobbies that I like to do, which is baking, cooking, and you know, just kind of show who the real me is. But yeah, so I'm into that. And it was just fun. My mom, me and my siblings, we pretty much just did card games, we play rummy shampoo. I think and we also did close to so it was really fun. I just had an amazing day. And I love hanging out with my siblings, just because we're able to laugh and you know, just just be around with each other, which normally like my siblings, we have our own lives, we do our own thing. We have jobs, you have school, you know, so it was just, it was good just to spend time with my family. And that's what I really needed, you know, on a Friday night. So pretty much that it is what I just gonna say because I'm gonna go and do my own thing like watch YouTube or something because that's literally the only thing I do. I just start reading, which I shall start doing that, but I'll think about it. But yeah, so pretty much that is it for today podcast. I hope you guys enjoy. I know it's a little short, but that's my goal. I just wanted to make a short I just kind of want to, you know, just talk to you guys a little bit about what's going on my day. And how am I doing and today was amazing day. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 12:54
Hi, guys. So today is day six of week one living through the Coronavirus. We're literally halfway there of week one. So today is Saturday and pretty much what I did today. I pretty much woke up. I just went go hang out with my boyfriend. Yeah, I'm sorry, that was my mom interrupting. But yeah, so pretty much I just hang out with my boyfriend today just because we haven't seen each other in like two months because of the Coronavirus, which that's really long. And it's still been really good our relationship and really good. I'm healthy, he's healthy. And so we're both good. with it. It was really nice. I'm just because we're able to see each other and just spend some time together. Normally, it's usually like spending the whole day together. But we only spend about like three or four hours just because of how our parents are kind of strict. So but luckily, I'm really happy. And today we just pretty much we went to Satish to grab some food, and you know it was pick up food. So we pretty much been eating in my car throughout the whole time we've been hanging out. But yeah, so we just it's good, because you know, I like it just like a cute little date that we eat in my car. And we watched like a Netflix movie or just like on Disney plots, and which is really nice. But yeah, I think that's kind of like one of the best thing that I like, as a date. Like you're just spending quality time with your significant other. That's mostly like my favorite thing to do. But yeah, I think that's what I did today. And then we just pretty much went to downtown St. Paul are down and downtown Minneapolis to kind of walk around just to enjoy the weather. The weather was so amazing today, it was like 60 degrees was so high weren't a frickin sweater because it was gonna be so cold. But no, it was freakin hot. But the weather was really nice. There was a lot of people at the park with their dog and just dragging and stuff like that. People really do take advantage of the weather and enjoy the weather which it makes sense, you know, but if There's just so many people together, which, you know, it's just so dangerous as well to excuse me. But yeah, um, so I just didn't do much. And then I just came home and it's been more time with my family we watch. Me and my little brother are really into boys me world that is on Disney plus, and it just, it's so funny. It's so good. And me and my brother just watch that pretty much like every night. So that's kind of like our thing. And I just spend my own, you know, time coloring to because I'm really into coloring books and everything. So, I think a fun one, a coloring book in my house, and I just like started coloring it. So yeah, I just tried to keep myself really productive. But I think today was really a good day. I had an amazing time with my boyfriend and spending time with my brother and family. And yeah, so pretty much. I'm just gonna end it for today. And then I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome to the last day of week wine today's Sunday. And pretty much it definitely been a journey of my week one. It definitely shows that I've been really bored and trying to keep myself really productive and just trying to do a lot of things. But pretty much today is Sunday, and today is pretty much Sunday lazy day. That's what I call your Sunday cleaning day. And pretty much I am cleaning. I'm doing my laundry. Yep, so I'm just doing my laundry. I don't have class tomorrow, which Tomorrow is Monday, which I usually have class but we just have Easter break. So I don't have class on Monday and I just tried to work on my assignments and everything. But I just been really distracted by just watching Netflix or just watching like YouTube and stuff like that. Just because you know, I'm just so bored with everything. I know I'm sure to have. I know I'm kind of sad that I didn't bake today, which I should have because I still have a lot of bananas. Which I should still make Banana breads tonight. Maybe I should I should I should definitely make more banana bread tonight. But yeah, um, so I just been pretty productive and everything which is cleaning and you know, cutting cleaning my room trying to organize everything, try to arrange my room and everything but overall, everything is good and I personally feel good about myself. I definitely still feel really healthy and I'm super, super grateful that I am safe in that my family's safe that the people that I'm surrounded with and I love are safe and you know I'm just really grateful that I have a house and I have food and everything in my home. And I just hope that everyone out there is really safe with a Coronavirus and trying to keep you know try to be a social justice thing you know, but yeah, this is pretty much the end of week one. I hope you guys pretty much enjoy my whole little small podcast and everything. But yeah, this is pretty much that I have a week one OBS enjoy and I'll see you guys next week. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 18:03
Hi guys, welcome back to my podcast today is week two of loving through the Coronavirus. So today is Monday today's the 13th I believe and pretty much today I started Easter break tomorrow today's the last day of Easter break and pretty much what I did today I didn't do much I do some of my homework for my geo lab that is due tomorrow and I just want to go hang out with my boyfriend just because we literally only see each other once a month so yesterday I was free he was free to and we just went to go grab something to eat we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then we just ate and my car watching Wally we've been doing that a lot now we've just been like hanging out in my car and watching movie in my car while we eat. Which that's nice. And then I dropped me off home and the night came home and then I just finished doing some of my homework. I'm still in the process of doing my homework and I just even though I don't have stuff too I just want to get some of my stuff done instead of me like doing the day before or two days before our brother just do like a week before. So that's what I'm doing but overall I still feel really good yesterday. It kind of snow the weather was so Bipolar I felt like so a kind of snow and then the sun came out. It was just all over the place and that's what I really hate. But overall, today was really good. I had a great time spent time with my boyfriend and just you know, kind of doing my own thing and everything. I know I'm gonna probably bake again, but I don't know what I want to bake. I don't know if I'm gonna do something different or new and stuff like that. But yeah, today was a really good day. It was a really successful day. And I just want to check in with you guys about what I did today. Obviously, I didn't do much today, but hopefully I do more stuff tomorrow and I'll check in with you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast of week two. Today is Tuesday, April 14, and pretty much I just been trying to check in with you guys about what I have been doing with, you know, living through the Coronavirus and everything how I'm still feeling well, this morning I had my doctor appointment or my dermatologist appointment, which was based on my acne, I'm literally still breaking out. I don't know why. But I'm breaking out again and I still been struggling with acne. So, I decided to get back on accutane and I was on accutane before i this will be my second time using Accutane. But it would just be a longer period, which I would do it up to eight months before I did up to six month only. But my acne just got pretty bad and I'm just so sick of my acne, you know, like, it's just hard that like I'm so struggling with it even though I was on accutane before. So, it just a whole process. And I'm just struggling. I don't know if it's based on my hormones or stuff like that. But yeah, so I'm really excited to get back on it because Accutane dolphin really helped my skin to be clear. And I like it even though it was a long journey to have my skin really nice, but it's just that I just, I'm just so sick of my acne. So I rather just a fully, you know, be back on accutane to fully kind of get rid of my acne. So, I'm super excited. I usually have a month checkup. So a neck checkup would be in name. And I'm just super excited to see the whole process of my acne trying to be gone and everything. But parotia the whole day. I am just doing my homework. I have my some of my assignments that are due tomorrow. I have some readings to do I have some other assignments in my other classes that I have to do on Tuesday, odds are on Thursdays from Friday, so I'm just trying to like, catch up on that. But overall, I feel good. Today weather is definitely really cold. The sun is out but it still has a wind and it still feels like you know, December because there's still snow outside because there's snow on Sunday. But it's definitely really cold today. I'm just trying to stay safe by a being in dorm to go pick up my prescription of my Accutane later tonight. But overall, I still feel really good. I am definitely really healthy and everything. So yeah, I just want to check in with you guys. Even though my podcast is a little short. I just prefer to make a little short to kind of check in and see that I'm still alive. So but yeah, I will definitely check in with you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 23:10
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasha again. Today is Wednesday of week two living through the Coronavirus. So, pretty much I'm just checking in with you guys about how I'm feeling, you know, how I'm feeling how my classes are going, what's going on my day. So today, my I had a morning class, which was my GL class. And today was good just because we did a Kahoot to kind of prepare ourselves for our exam on Friday. And it was good just because it was a good, you know, refreshment of what's gonna be on the exam. And it was just good for me to actually kind of understand the materials. And then there's a study guy, which some of my, my classmate asked questions on the study guy and my professor, like were helping us with it. So, it was really good. And I had my history class, which that was good, too. My professor just talked about our next assignments that we're going to do at the end of the year, our project and what's going to be on a and then we talked about an assignment that we did, which was based on an documentary and we talked about how we feel about it. And I personally felt well, that documentary was really good. It was really interesting. And I personally really liked it. It was about how a lot of people back in the days had AIDS and a lot of people were protesting. The government weren't like supporting them, which there was a lack of support meant in the government. And there were just a lot of, you know, protesting that was going on. There was just a lot of thing that was happening documentary, which was good because, you know, it relates to how we have a pin pandemic right now and it just shows that like, it will take us a really long Time to not have the Coronavirus you know in a wild, but we just talked about that in my class. And my after that, it was pretty late and I went go pick up my medication at my pharmacy for my Accutane because I'm back on it for my acne, I'm super excited to clear my acne up to look beautiful again. So, I'm super excited about that. But after that, it was dinner, and my sister, which my sister, my, my brother in law, and my niece's came over to come eat dinner with us, and also my sisters that they will live with us. So it was just good to see everyone. It definitely was a big, noisy house today. And it was just hard for me to kind of focus on my homework, you know, but overall, it was good. And now currently, I finish my assignments that are due tomorrow for my music class. And I'm just working on. So, my other assignments are due like on Sunday, which I'm trying to get that done and do not try to study for my exam on Friday. But overall, I was good. The weather was really cold. I don't know, I just feel like even though it's 50 or 3030 degrees, I still feel like it's really cold. And I still struggle a lot with cold weather, because I hate cold weather. But overall, I feel good. I'm still very motivated. I'm definitely safe. And I'm really thankful that I'm so safe. And yeah, so that is pretty much that I have today. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. This is pusher watt. And this is week two of living through the Coronavirus. Today's a Thursday and pretty much I am just going to talk to you about what I did today, how I'm feeling and everything. So today I had my morning class of music. And my teacher just pretty much gave us a lecture about our assignments that are going to be coming up what we have to do. So it would just kind of like the general things of a lecture. And then I had my philosophy class met, which was my afternoon class. And we only meet once a week. So, we always meet on Thursdays. And it was good. We talked about the readings, he divided us into two different reading groups. And we just talked about the reading, which the reading was definitely really hard to kind of understand. And like even though my professor were like helping us, it was still really confusing, which I still have a hard time. And then pretty much I just had to study for my geo exam tomorrow, which is Friday. It's an open note exam. So we can use our study guy, and any other notes that she pretty much put on like her Google slides on her lecture and everything, which I am currently still working on right now just because I just need more time on my exam and just like all my study guide everything this because she was kind of a hard class for me and science, like not the best subject for me. But yeah, I'm just still working on my Jiahua study guide. And I just hope that my car will go well tomorrow. i She told us I was 40 questions. And wow, she was just 40 questions that it was an open note. And that if we need help or anything, she will always be on Zoom, which I was super helpful. But overall, I'm just kind of excited to kind of get over the exam and everything. So hopefully I will see how it goes. I pretty much just wanted to check in with you guys to pretty much just talk about what I did today, even though I didn't do much today. But I just kind of want to check in with you guys. So I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 29:20
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. I am push wagging. If you wanna know me, today is a Friday of week two loving thriller Coronavirus. And pretty much I'm just checking in about what I did today how I'm filming and everything. So, this morning I had an NGO exam, which was really good. It just definitely been a crazy morning and just because my niece's were over and we were babysitting them, and I was trying to take them as am which was really frustrating. But it was God it was an open no exam so I was able to use notes on my exam, which that's always really good. I'm still thankful for that. And then my and then my afternoon class ama history, which, technically, it's not really glad it's kind of like a meet one on one. And that's how we kind of get like our attend and points and everything. But pretty much I just talked to my professor about what I'm going to be talking about all my research paper that is due next Wednesday on the Zika virus, I was really kind of confused about what I'm going to write about. But now I have a better mindset of what I'm going to talk about, which I'm super excited. Just because the topic is really interesting, and I just, I'm really excited to find more research about it and just be more educated about it. But yeah, and after that, I just was just happy because you know, it's the weekend, or it's a Friday, and, you know, it's gonna be the weekend, which I could take some rest and everything. And pretty much after class, I just spend quality time with my family just because my sisters came over which we had a barbecue today, and we have hamburgers. And my sister boyfriend came over so he made some crawfish with that was really good. And then we barbecue some chicken wings and just some steak. So it was definitely a big feast for my big family. But it was really good. And we also watch today is like a thing where like a lot of Hmong artists Singers perform live on like their camera as like a live just to like, have a concert, which every year this year is kind of like, they usually have a concert. So instead of, you know, having a big concert, they decided to do like a lie where everyone just kind of sang their own songs, which was really good, because we were able to see like, really old singers and just, you know, their old songs and everything. So it was just, it was really fun. And I definitely spend a lot of quality time with my family just because you know, I love my family, and they're just really important to me. But yeah, I just really didn't do much. I definitely spend a lot of time with my family just because, you know, the freaking garden is starting to win and definitely there will not be no family time for sure. But also currently, I'm still working on my philosophy assignments that are due on Sunday, which I'm trying to get that done just because I'm not trying to do the day before the day off and I'm usually really good with that. But yeah, so overall, I just part of our spend time with my family and I just, you know, kind of just finished some of my homework and yeah, so yeah, I will definitely check in with you guys tomorrow by coatings. Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is week two of living through the Coronavirus today is a Saturday and pretty much I didn't really do much just because it's the weekend. Today is like 65 degrees. It was freaking amazing today and part of much of you guys don't know I do garden in the summer. My grandparents have farm so my mom and us like my family pretty much help all my grandparents farming. So, we like pretty much sell vegetables and flowers and stuff like that. So, it's definitely a lot of work. And today pretty much we went to the farm to start planting because you know it's it's April and we've kind of like start to plant vegetables in April and May. And then June and July. Yeah, June July and August are kind of like the season where we started to pick our vegetables and we started to sell them we're just really worried with the Coronavirus just because we're not sure if a lot of people are going to you know be coming to the farmers market to pretty much buy our products because if you know a lot of people don't then it's literally like we're wasting so much money. We're wasting so much products and everything starting to products produce Yeah, there we go. We're always in so many produce. And yeah, so we're just really worried but we're just trying to you know have like a pretty good mindset of everything. But term pretty much Today my family just went to the garden today and today we planted green beans. Green beans is usually kind of like the year that we start planting our vegetable first and April because it does take a really long time to kind of grow them out. And then after that we started like planting like flowers and other vegetables and stuff like that.
Pasuaha Yang 29:20
Um, but I'm gonna try to you know how my grandparents because they are really old and like, my mom and them are helping out, my parents are helping out too. So it's kind of like, I just feel bad if I don't help out. So. But yeah, that's what we did today. Literally, this will be dead all day today. And pretty much I just came home. And I'm super tired. But it was just really good to see my grandparents because we haven't seen them for a month. And like my mom, and my grandma, my mom and my grandparents, like talk about like, for us, like, we're just excited to like, you know, see them. And I was really excited to see them to see how they were doing and see how healthy they were, you know, but it's just, it's just so crazy that with Coronavirus and stuff, like you're not really able to see your loved ones. And that's like expecially, like, important to me, because I love my grandparents. And it's I know, we literally literally like see each other like once once a week or once in like two weeks or something. But now it's just really hard with, uh, you know, social desisting and everything and like, they are a lot older too. So it's just, it's very scary about like, the places that they go, Wow. Or just, you know, if they get sick, like, we're just scared and like, we're just trying to keep our distance with them. And everything we got today was just, you know, it was definitely a really hard day. But it was definitely a really good day just because, you know, I spent time with my family and my siblings and your to the people that I love. And it was just fun to just pretty much you know, be around them. But yeah, so that is what I did today. And I just want to check in with you guys. But what I did today, I know my podcast is a little boring, a little short. But that's what my goal is. Just to kind of make it simple and short, but also kind of trying to make it interesting of my day, which I feel like today was really productive. But tomorrow, I will definitely check it with you guys. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is a show, um, pretty much today's a Sunday and today is pretty much the last week of week two. And printers is crazy that I just been doing a lot of the podcasts for two weeks, and I'm getting really used to it. I don't know if you guys are liking it. But I feel like it's kind of interesting for me. Because just because I'm able to just like talk about, you know what I did today. And it's just good to kind of reflect on what I did. But yeah, so today is Sunday, and today is probably a lazy day and just kind of homework day. Even though I kind of finished my assignments for my philosophy class, I still have other stuff to do. I have my music. Assignments are due on Monday. And then I have my paper is due on Wednesday for my history. So, I just been trying to like catch up on my assignments with that. But today wasn't you know, really, it was pretty productive just because it's kind of like Sunday cleaning day two. So, me my brothers and my sisters, we had our own little jobs of cleaning like cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the living room, our rooms and like porch and stuff like that. So, we have our own little spots to clean. But it was definitely really productive. I'm so I'm currently still working on my homework, just because there's just a lot of things to do. And I'm just trying to keep track of them. Because I am still very motivated to do my assignments and to go to school or to literally go to be in my class every day. But yeah, overall, I'm just kind of excited with the whole podcast that you know, I kind of finished my podcast for two weeks. And I'm gonna keep continue doing my podcast is because I like get a bow like, I'm just really comfortable doing it. But yeah, so pretty much I'm gonna check in with you guys even though today is not really like a longer podcast that I usually gonna talk about what I did today, today, which was really productive about the things that I did in my house, and you know, I try to just stay inside my house even though the weather is super nice. I just don't want to be around people just because you know, I literally feel like I'm sick. I feel like my nose is super stuffy and I just don't feel the best. So, I definitely like just kind of want to keep my distance for my family a little bit and also from the people outside my house. But yeah, so that is what I did today, but overall today it's good. I feel good. I'm definitely really tired. I have been trying to like taking naps and everything but like my naps are like two or three hours with usually not now, but I try to take naps I'm trying to get a lot of rest done. and trying to stay healthy. But yeah, so I would pretty much that is kind of it of my week to have leafing through Coronavirus and tomorrow I will start my week three of loving through Coronavirus I guess do like my podcast. Please keep listening to it because I've read them super interesting. Keno bytes. Yeah, I'll see us tomorrow. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 40:30
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. So today is a Monday and today is pretty much week three of living through the Coronavirus. So, this morning I had my music class. And it went really good just because we talked about Hamilton, which that's such an amazing, amazing musical I kind of wish I went and see it, buy the tickets, which was so expensive. So, I just like never really had the chance to and I couldn't afford it. But my sisters went and they say that it was amazing. But yeah, so we're taught well, Hamilton, the the whole like, concept of it was the storyline. Everything is just so good. Even the music are really good. And, you know, Moran, Mariah Miranda, I think that's his name. He does such an amazing job of like creating Hamilton. And then I found my afternoon class. I didn't have an afternoon class, which it's a good thing because I was able to get some of like my assignments done. But I just definitely been babysitting my nieces too. So, I just been spending a lot of time with them. I've been baking with them. I've been just doing a lot of things with them. Taking them outside because the weather is so nice. But yeah, just trying to keep them like occupied. So, they can they take their naps and everything because they're just so hyper. But overall, I love them and everything. I just didn't really do much today just because I tried to catch up on my assignments, but also babysat. And, yeah, that's what I kind of did today. But overall, I'm feeling really good. Just because you know, the weather super nice. And then like, I feel like the weather kind of like relates to how I be feeling the day off just because like if it's sunny that I'm like super like excited. I'm just like happy. And then if it's like rainy or gloomy. Like, I get hella lazy and bored. And I just don't want to do anything, you know, but I think today was a really productive day. But yeah, I just didn't do much today, which I feel like I should have, but I just didn't really have the time to so yeah, but that is pretty much what I did today. And I hope you guys enjoy. And thank you guys so much for listening to my short podcast, but I hope you guys enjoy. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 52:19
But yeah, so I think that's kind of like my current Sauron. It's like my face, like how dry it is. My body is so dry. So, Accutane, I feel like I'm definitely breaking out more. But usually, like, with these medications, you're usually breaking the heck out and then like, you look beautiful after so I'm just waiting for that result. But yeah, so I just I would definitely keep you guys updated about my Accutane journey and everything, and how my face is and everything. But if you actually want to learn or like no more information about my podcast, just please let me know. Because I could definitely talk to you guys about it. But yeah, so pretty much that's what I did today, or this is pretty much how I'm feeling. I'll definitely talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 53:07
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Thursday of week three living through the Coronavirus and pretty much I felt like I didn't do much. I don't know I just I felt like every day I just don't do much. Literally all I do is I wake up for class I eat my lunch. My morning class usually. And then after that, it's literally like half of my day already. After that. I'm usually like cooking dinner or doing some kick a dinner or like taking a nap. And then after like my dinner ever eating dinner I usually just do my homework until like one o'clock or two o'clock in the morning. And that's literally how my journey is every freaking day. But you know, this is what a podcast is and I'm doing this you know, just because you know how we're living through the Coronavirus and everything but overall I feel pretty good I definitely benches very like irritated with my body legs just how I fail or just not the way that I want it to be like I don't know it just my size and everything is just kind of bothering me like it's not even based on like how skinny like I want to be it just I want to be healthy and it just like working out it's just not my thing and I wish it was but it's just not maybe just because like I just don't see the result right away and it just kind of annoys me and it's just like, what's the whole point working out? You know, like, I don't see any results but like, it's just really frustrating and like, you know, it's just my family definitely see my weight gain just because I like stress A lot sometimes I really do. I stressed a lot. And like, it's just, it's just hard and like, it's not like I don't get make fun of the way I look. But it just also kind of like in my insecurity of like, how I look. No. And it's also based on how like, I dress and everything, you know, like, I'm usually kind of into like baggy clothes or just clothes, I just doesn't just kind of show off my skin and everything just because of my way. And I definitely still feel really insecure about it. But it's just so hard to kind of like, you know, be at home and kind of like, you know, living through the Coronavirus and not being able to go out, and, you know, do stuff and it just kind of sucks because, you know, I'm just inside my house eating all day, you know, and just kind of laying around do my homework saying all day to you know, and it's just, it just hard. So, like, I think there's just kind of like, um, biggest concern that I'm having. But yeah, it's just, it's just really hard. And I just like, I don't know, if anyone struggle like me, because I'm definitely struggling. And I definitely, like don't know what to do. I'm still on the intimate diet, but that's the thing. Like, I've been on the internet for like two months, and I just don't see any frickin results. Or like, I don't know, if it's just helping, like, I don't know if how to do the into my day with me like working out or not, you know, but like, I see a lot of YouTubers where they do work out and they don't so like, I just personally like don't know, which is which. But But I just felt like, it definitely is just a lot of work. And I need to like stop telling myself that just because you know, I just need to find a way to stay motivated, is really hard. But largest is a number one concern that, that I'm really concerned about just my way in everything. But yeah, but today, I didn't really do much. I had my music class today am my morning class, which I was good.
Pasuaha Yang 57:06
We pretty much talked about Hamilton again, about like your next assignment that is due on Monday. And then after that I had my afternoon class, which was philosophy. And in that class, we just promoted talks about the reading, which I really like it because philosophy, like philosophy readings are hella hard. And like, it is even though like my professor talk about where I tried to explain, like, I still don't understand or like, it is really hard for me to understand sometimes with philosophy books, you know, like, it could be both ways. Like it'd be, you know, it's just, it's just a lot of things, but philosophy needs depth and really hard to understand it. And it's just not me like my classroom. My classmates are like, are like struggling with the readings because they're so hard to understand and link. Some of the readings are like, what, 100 years ago and like, it's just so dumb, but like, there's definitely a meaning to it or something like that. But yeah, I just haven't been really like been productive. I didn't go out today I stay inside the house. Pretty much because I feel it today was really cloudy. Or maybe I just I just felt cloudy today. I don't know. But yeah, so pretty much. This is the end of my podcast, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Friday living through the Coronavirus, week three. And pretty much. I feel like today was pretty much a relaxed day, just because I didn't have my morning class, which was my deal. But we only meet once a week, so I don't have it. And then today, it was my history class from an afternoon class and it's not really a class. It's just kind of like a check in. And that's how we get like our attendance points and everything. I personally didn't meet with my professor just because I literally forgot about it. And I emailed my professor about it too. So I just would just do I would just meet with her on a different time and everything. But yeah, I'm so and then after that. I just pretty much just worked on my assignments. I had an assignment that was due that I was going to be due on Sunday for philosophy and it was like a writing to learn assignment and I just wanted to get that done just because I knew I'm going to be busy tomorrow and just on Sunday, because it's garden season. And we garden during this time so I'm usually at the farm I'm gardening or like, just doing a lot of stuff and I'm trying to, you know, be one of myself and everything, which is pretty good. I feel like I don't really have a lot of things to do. So, for an assignment that's due on Monday, which that is a presentation for my music class, which is a group presentation, if I say that before, but yeah, so I just kind of like, trying to do my part a little bit. No one haven't really started on it, which it's okay, because it's not due until Monday. And so, people still have tomorrow and Sunday to do it. But yeah, um, so it's pretty good today. Yeah. My sister's and pretty much everyone came over just to hang out today's Friday, so it usually kind of hang out Friday day. And today, we may steam row, which it was super good. And, yeah, it was just like kind of spending time with family day and today. Also, they have like, Hmong live performance on YouTube, or I think goes on Facebook, too. And it's really like Hmong singers. Pretty much it's kind of common just like saying, their songs and everything. So, which is pretty good, because during this time, there's usually a lot of like Hmong artists that have concerts, but with their Coronavirus, there's just, you know, it's not able to happen. So, they're just doing it like, through camera or not through like zoom or like kind of online, which is pretty interesting and fun, because we go just watch at home and enjoy the song and everything. So that's what we did today. But yeah, today was just a really chill day. The weather was super nice. Oh my god. It was supposed to rain today, but the weather bad. So Bipolars, though, you know, it just you never know when it's gonna rain. And remember, it's gonna be sunny, you know? But yeah, so that's what I promised did today. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:01:56
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. If you guys don't know me, I'm pushable hiking. Today is a Saturday of week three living through the Coronavirus. Um, today, it's the weekend. It's a Saturday and I'm super heavy. That's a freaking weekend just because I just felt like I just need a break from like my assignments or just kind of a break from everything. But I just don't have the weekend off because it's garden season, as I mentioned 1000 times in my whole podcast. And I'm gonna keep reminding it is because that is what I'm doing literally on the weekend, or that's what I'm doing today. But yeah, I just kind of like a lot of work, but it's good because like, there's a lot of us like I have a lot of siblings where we're able to help out at the garden and stuff like that. So, it's really good and we're able to help my grandparents because my grandparents farm, my mom and my dad will help them a lot. So we just try to make an effort in it or just, you know, like, they're getting a lot of older so, you know, we're just trying to help them and everything but we're definitely really scared. Just because, you know, like during the Coronavirus, like, you know, during I think the Coronavirus gonna go up to like August or throughout the whole summer. And it's kind of an issue because, you know, like a lot of people is afraid of the Coronavirus. So, it's kind of like, who was going to come to the farmers market to come by our produce, you know, so we're just really worried about that. But I think now we're just kind of worrying about what's happening now. Like, trying to get all our produce, like growing and stuff like that. But you know, it's just, it's definitely a lot of work. And we're just trying our best to, you know, stay positive and everything, but it's definitely really hard for us. Because, you know, that's usually our income throughout the whole summer. And you definitely do make a lot like my grandparents definitely make a lot of my grandparents, they don't work during the wintertime. So, their income is definitely from the garden. And we definitely make a lot of money from it. Because if you think about it last summer, technically four months, because it's April, May, June, July, August, okay, so technically like five months, it kind of go up through October, so it's kind of like seven or eight months. But throughout that you pretty much like in a day when you sell you make about like $1,000 which that's pretty good. Um, they're just kind of like, pretty good. But yeah, so you kind of like make $1,000 Or like about that every time you sell at the farmers market. And it's really good money because, you know, like, without the seven months you make embolic to $100,000 or like $300,000 You know, so it's, it's really good and it's a really good income just because, you know, my grandparents save a lot of money. And my family save a lot of money too. We help out a lot. So, you know, it definitely does pay off but it just definitely helps out of work. I pretty much just at the firm, pretty much have my grandparents and everything. I just haven't been really do any of my homework just because you know it's Saturday and I'm just trying to spend time with my family and you know, enjoy the weather and the weather was Sol's so beautiful today. So it was really good. But I just follow with a Coronavirus. I've just been super moody, like my Bible, everything and just kind of killing me like I'm just so moody. I don't know why I don't November period. I don't know. I'm just so moody. And I'm just like, so like irritated every little things. Maybe there's just like an issue with me that like, I need to work on myself. I don't know. But it's just kind of that. But overall, I felt good. I'm just really happy that you know, maybe next week and that we're literally halfway done with school. And I'm super excited because I'm so excited for school to be done. I just did the whole freaking summer to just garden and just do my own thing, you know. But I'm also nervous because I don't know how I'm going to find a job in the summer because of my internship managers job literally like it's done in May, literally on the day when like, I'm done with school on so I just don't really know what my backup plan is. And I'm not going to worry until May so yeah, but overall, I'm doing really good, you know, staying healthy and being pretty productive. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:06:36
Hi, guys. Welcome back to week three of loving to the Coronavirus. Today's is Sunday, and today is the last day of week three. Pretty much. I've been doing my podcast for three weeks now. And I feel like they've been pretty good. I've been kind of improving on you know, what I'm doing a day. And I felt like I'm pretty like even though it's kind of the same thing. It's really repetitive. I'm still trying to like cooperate with like, what I'm doing stuff like that the other day. And I'm definitely like still trying to keep myself really, really busy. But today is a Sunday. And pretty much I'm just working on my what is on my music presentation, which is the group presentation. And it's due tomorrow on Monday, which we're presenting tomorrow. And we're doing a presentation based on Hamilton which is really good. Just because it's such a such a good musical. And I definitely talked about this one on my podcast. But it's just so good. And I'm really happy that my professor put me in the group, or like in like, what section that I'm doing just because you know, it's divided by like the songs of Hamilton and I'm really happy that she put me in the song that I want just because it's it's just, it definitely has a really good and strong meaning throughout the throughout like the Hamilton musical. And it definitely like is known for like a scene of it and the two songs that she the professor wanted us to like really talked about is helpless and satisfied. And those two songs are saying by the main woman wishes Hamilton wife, and then Tomlinson wife sister those things satisfied, if that makes sense. Okay, let me say this again. So helpless. The song helpless is singing by Hamilton wife. And then satisfied is saying by Hamilton wife, sister. So, it's really good. I personally like it. And it just it definitely has like such a good strong, you know, meaning through the Hamilton musical, but if y'all haven't heard it, please go watch it. Or just please listen to it because it's just so good. I personally love it. And yes, I definitely talk about Hamilton a lot, but it's just such a good musical and I just regretted that it's difficult. Because it's so good. It's so good. But yeah, to pretty much I'm just working on that update on my aquitine My face is Hello dry. Like always. My lip is so disgusting. Like, it's so dry, like every like two minutes. My lip is like frozen like it that's how dry it is like it's like so crusty. And I like literally put your chopsticks or like a certain, like special chapstick that my dermatologist gave me like a gift from drugstore and like I don't know if it's working, but my lips are filled the same. I'm gonna have my lips like this for a whole eight months and like I just don't know what to do because you know, the whole aim on is literally throughout like my first semester of college, my first semester of my junior year in college, so I don't know how that's gonna work. But definitely my acne like, it's definitely breaking out. Like, I'm definitely breaking out a lie again. But that's kind of how advertising works. It's like if you start eating it and then you start beginning to break out because it's like, trying to get used to your body and everything and then after being on like, it's hella good, like, it makes your face so pretty and everything. So, I'm just really waiting on that because I just need, you know, me to look pretty and everything because I'm so tired happy acne. But also the annoying and annoying but the like, fantastic thing that happened today.
Pasuaha Yang 01:10:44
I like spoiled myself today. Because you know, why not. And I haven't like Barney thing for like a couple of two or three months now just because I've been really like saving my money. But today I just have to because I'm running out on my face wash. And my favorite brand is from fresh. It's definitely kind of an a pricey product or brand. But I personally love it just because it's like super light organic and everything. But I love it. And you know Sephora is having so far as having like their discount and everything. So it's just super nice because you know, it just depends on like, what VIP rules you are on the VIP route because I spent so much money on Sephora, and I regret it to this day. But you know, I love makeup and I love skincare products and everything. But personally, I bought a lot of skincare just because I want my face to like, definitely clear out and just kind of like have less pores and everything on my face. But I definitely like need to get sunscreen, which I didn't get it. I don't know why, but I forgot to get sunscreen. And I don't really know any good products for sunscreen. My face is hella sensitive now it's just for the sun because of aquitine like literally like my face just I don't even know my face is so dry and like I you set up Phil as my moisturizer and I get in a works because my face is so dry. By like it definitely makes my face super oily, which I think that's the whole point, I think, but it's just a lot of work for trying to be pretty in everything. Yeah, so it's just I'm super happy that I kind of spurred myself on getting those products and everything and I'm super excited for it to come in. You know, I like when Sephora has this discount because it definitely makes a huge, huge difference, you know? But yeah, overall, I'm doing really good. I'm still working on my presentation. And I feel like my classmate or like the people in my group are currently still working on it too, because I see them. But yeah, they're still working on it. And we're definitely gonna get this done by tonight. So I'm super excited just to get it done and just present my presentation tomorrow. But yeah, so that is it for today. Um, I wish I talked more about fun things but my life which is not fun right now, and I wish it was. But yeah, so I definitely see you guys tomorrow for week four. I will live in through my living through Coronavirus, and tomorrow's a new gun. So that means it's a new me period. But I will see you tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:13:32
Hi guys, welcome back to my podcast. This is push award and today is a Monday Oh loving through the Coronavirus week four. So today's a Monday and pretty much I just got done with my class, my music class, which was early in the morning, and we pretty much had our presentation on Hamilton, which went really well. We just different. We definitely had different type of songs that we were looking into and everything. So, it was just, it was good. But I also felt like my professor was very kind of like very precise on what she wanted. Because when we presented she pretty much just kind of went over of the things that she wanted through our through our slides. And which some of us like, didn't do a so hopefully like she doesn't like duck off points or kind of like, you know, just fail us with it, but I doubt it. And she pretty much has talked about how we were done having class, like having zoom, just because I just felt like she was kind of frustrated that like a lot of you know, a lot of people didn't show up for class and you know, just your attendance I heard her attendance was really important to her So people didn't really show up. And I felt like a lot of people didn't really participate in the class Sue, so she was really very frustrated. Because he was more open to like, it feels like she was waste her time. Just, you know, talking to us, you know, if we're not gonna, like, do the work or listen, so my music professor just pretty much ended our, our class, like our zoom meetings, but we definitely still have like other assignments and everything, which I feel like it's really good just because now like, I have more time to do my homework and kind of like, you know, take my time and everything, instead of like, falling, like I'm always rushed. So it's, it's really good. But yeah, but I also like, kind of wish that we kind of meet once a week, just so she could kind of go over like, this schedule, or like, what's gonna, like, come up and everything. And just because, you know, it's always a good refreshment of like, what Simon's going, or like, she could talk more in depth about diamonds. But she says that we could always email her or always have like, Zoom meetings and stuff, which an issue is she doesn't have office hour and a memorial to so she like cancelled that out. I think she kind of noticed that a lot of students, they didn't really use the office hour, so she kind of canceled that out. So pretty much she just like literally is done with us. And yeah, so. But yeah, she was a really good professor. And I liked her class. Her class was really fun, and just super interesting. But yeah, and I didn't have my philosophy class afternoon, just because we we usually meet once a week. So, it's usually on a Thursday. So pretty much I didn't really do that much stuff. my niece's came over, and I just babysat them. And then pretty much we just like hung out. And then literally, it was just time for dinner. And pretty much I also had to study my exam too, because I had an exam on Tuesday. And he was okay. I just my studying. I don't know, I had a study guide. So, I don't know if it was kind of like, hard for me. But I felt like it was really hard for me to find like, which definition goes with what modules or which PowerPoint that he did. But hopefully, I do really good tomorrow on my exam just because you know, I just need to pass his class and I just want to pass through my all my classes. But yeah, I just want to check in with you guys and pretty much to do as well. A little bit of my day. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Peshawar. This is week, four loving through the Coronavirus. And today is a Tuesday. So, I published just finished taking my philosophy exam. I don't know I feel pretty okay, so an exam, it was multiple choice. It was it was 30 questions, and it was multiple choice. And today was 31. But it was 30 multiple choices. And then the number 31 was our writing, I say which that was worth a lot of points, which that was worth like 20 points. So, it was pretty okay.
Pasuaha Yang 01:18:30
I'm kind of happy that we had our nodes with us or it kind of had our sleep guide because it literally was based on the definition of our study guide and everything. I felt like I do too horrible on it on with the multiple choice, I got a 21 or a 23 and the essay is worth 20 points. So that's just worth 20 points and then the exam is out of 50 So you know hopefully I get about like an 18 or like a 19 on it. So I get like around in the 40 range, but I feel like I'm usually pretty good at the essay just because as it was kind of easy for me to like talk about. So hopefully I do really good. I can't wait to like kind of like see my results and everything. But yeah, so today's a Tuesday but I didn't really do much. I didn't really do anything for my internship and usually I'm supposed to but I just been very like slacking off and I just like want to finish like school and like, you know, not worry about my internship but my coworker also text me about how they are extending like working at home until May when I'm done working with them and may and like may have like kind of like the last day of like school so like It's kind of like, it's kind of hard to kind of, like interact with them or kind of like do something just like a celebration of goodbye, you know, because I've been working with them for like a year and like a couple months. So it's just, it's just sad because like, I definitely learned a lot of things for my internship. And I'm definitely like majoring in Human Resource which My internship was a human on my major US heart, my major is Human resource. And my internship is also based in human resource department. So I definitely learned a lot from them. And also, like, you know, what, human resource generalists also do a lie, which is usually a lot of like employees or, you know, talking to coworkers about issues and like payroll and stuff like that. So, it's definitely a really like challenging job but I definitely had such a good co workers and a boss just because like there was just so friendly and they walk with me, walk old, walk cold, welcomed me a lot. I can't speak today. But yeah, so they were just really nice to me and everything, but it just sad that like, we're not going to really see each other before I kind of like, you know, go off to St. Thomas or go off to St. Kate's, you know, but I think after the Coronavirus that we probably would do something like a meet up, hang out. And then yeah, but yeah, so overall, I don't know. I'm just relaxing and everything. But yeah, I just didn't really do much. I technically, like cheated on my internet die. Like I haven't been really like doing it. I know, I just been slacking the fuck off. But I just been like craving for some food at midnight, because I stay up at midnight to like, do my homework and everything. So it's just really hard. But you know, I'm just still trying to look good in the summer trying to work on everything. But yeah, so I'm just pretty good. I'm trying to stay positive and everything you know. Well, yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:23:05
The weather been really nice to us. So, I just like been really enjoying the weather and everything. But this morning, I had my geol class and it was really good. We learned about earthquakes. So that was really interesting. I kind of wish her lecture was just a little shorter. But it kind of makes sense for her to have a lecture throughout the whole class because we only meet with her once a week. So it makes sense. But I just felt like she just like kind of, you know, put everything in in like slides. And it's just really hard for me to like kind of concentrate on everything or just sitting in class for like an hour and everything and just listening to her for her lecture. But I think the topic was really interesting. It was about earthquakes. So that was really interesting. And also, she just talked about what our next assignment that is pretty much do. And on Friday, we I have a mind geo paper. What took a group paper that is due on Friday. And yeah, I feel pretty okay with him. The questions are really simple to kind of answers. So, I'm hoping that you know, we kind of get full points but usually we haven't been really getting full points. It's out of 10 planes by we only we've been getting like a seventh and eighth on it. So it's very challenging and she's definitely really like precise in what she wants on the rough draft and everything. And I'm happy that's rough draft because towards the end of school year kind of like toward towards our final. We had like a final paper and like so she pretty much just like write on it or just like tell us to kind of change some of our like, sentences or our whole section. Since she like, she pretty much give us feedback, which is really good. But yeah, I don't really have anything do that much on Thursday or anything. Yeah, so it's a very pretty much relaxing week, which I'm super happy about. Just because I felt like last week, which is though, like much I like a lot of assignments. I was doing Sunday from philosophy and forum GL and stuff like that. So, I just felt like, now it's kind of the week to kind of relax, but I just can't because like, there's so much assignment that I kind of want to get done, or I want to do like, ahead of time and everything. But yeah, and my afternoon class, I had my history class, which was good, just because we pretty much went over our assignments that are coming up. And yeah, it was a good class. And he was very interesting about our next assignment, so it was really good. And the weather, the weather was really, really nice today. It was about like, what like, I don't know, 60 degrees in the summer and out. I feel like Sunrise. I really can't take the weather. Like the Minnesota weather sometimes in the summer just because it's so hot. But I rather take you know, summer weather than winter weather, so I can't complain about it. But it also I'm a summer baby too. So, I'm just excited. But it just sucks because hopefully the Coronavirus doesn't go go up to my birthday. So, let's just see what pretty much overall I'm doing really good. I'm still trying to stay motivated and everything. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:26:47
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is pushable Hi Yang, loving through the corona virus a week for today, it's pretty much a Thursday, and I pretty much didn't have a morning class because my music professor just pretty much cancel on our class throughout the whole with pretty much throughout like the end of the school years. It's a which is couple like, which is kind of like in four weeks. So she just wanted to cancel her class and everything. But we definitely still have assignments, everything to do. So it was really good. I kind of like, you know, didn't like really have to wake up early or anything for it. So it was really good. But I had my afternoon class. And it was good. It was my philosophy class. And we talked about race, which it was I think he was probably one of like the best topic that we ever talked about, just because race is such like a common concern as of today. Or it's where a lot of people talk about race as a today, but it was guide he like show us like different type of pictures and we like how to enter identify, like, what race you're wise, and they keep pretty much like toe was like the background of like, oh, this person is mix, or this person is black, but his parents are white like or it's also kind of like he gave us like different type of scenario of like, okay, if a black person I don't really remember much, but like a black person grew up knowing about his black heritage, but he ignore his black heritage and B start becoming white. Like, what does that make him and we pretty much have like a debate of like, No, he is still black. Because, you know, he pretty much like because his heritage is African American. And you know, like he is literally trying to be someone else instead of his culture. So yeah, it was like a lot to it. But it was very interesting, interesting topic. And yeah, I like I think I like the topic a lot. I just felt like it's a very kind of, like, easy topic, maybe throughout the semester, or throughout this whole semester. Because I feel like throughout the semester in his class, it was definitely very challenging, based on his reading and everything, but I think with this topic of race, he was very interest interesting. And it just shows that you know, like, we as of today so kind of struggle of like identifying arrays of pupil and it's just shows that you know, like, there's more to a and it's based on how you like grew up or are you know where your ancestor was from and everything but it was a very interesting discussion today. And my professor, he still went over like our next assignments and everything, which was good. I just had a writing to learn assignment that's due on Sunday, so I'm trying to get that done by Friday and everything Um, so yeah, but pretty much the weather was really nice today and my niece's came over. And I feel like my nieces definitely come over a lot just because we're their babysitter because we're at home. And it was nice because I spend time with my sister and we went, go grab some tea cup, some boba tea, and we just put them on to like talk about school and life. And yeah, so we just spend some SR time. And my sister also bought some like cute swimsuit for my nieces. So it was really nice. It was super cute and everything. But yeah, I felt good. I definitely don't feel very tired. And I just woke up from my nap today. So, I just trying to like be awake and everything for my now. But overall, today was really good. And today per month is a day where it's almost the weekend. So I'm super, super, super excited. Ish. But maybe this weekend, I'll probably have to go to the garden. But I still don't know. And I hope I don't because I just wanted to like just relax, but I doubt it. So. But yeah, I will check in with you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is push show. Hi, gang. This is pretty much a week for love into the Coronavirus. And today is a Friday.
Pasuaha Yang 01:31:27
Thank God, it's a Friday, just because I just been so tired. You're so exhausted pretty much. But this morning, no, this morning, I just pretty much didn't have class today. Usually I have my history class and an afternoon where my professor was kind of like she told us on Wednesday that we didn't really need to like, kind of do like a one on one meeting on Friday, because like a check in thing on Friday, just because she wanted to have like a one on one meeting with other students about our re about our research essay. So it was pretty good. And I already met with her. And pretty much she just my professor gave me feedback on my essay and what I should change or how I should make it better. But I am going to try to make it better and everything but it is so hard. It just so hard to like try to be motivated everything during this like time and like, and also the school is almost done too. So I'm just like, try my best to stay motivated and everything. But yeah, and I had my god quiz this morning. It usually opens up at 11. Every Friday, and I did it and it was great because it was based on volcanoes. No, sorry, not for Kinos oh my god, earthquakes. I'm literally talking about the next week assignment, which is based on what Kinos but yeah, so it was good. I pretty much what else I did, oh, also I went go hang out with my boyfriend today just because I didn't really have class today. So it was kind of a good time for us just to hang out. And usually Fridays are kind of the day for us to hang out. Just because on the weekends, I'm not really able to hang out because I'm usually at the garden and I'm usually farming and everything. So, parents are to help my boo today and it was fine. I fully I was really productive just because like we went go eat at Chipotle and we like when we grab tea cup and everything. And then we mark we went back to my boyfriend plate and I literally just was grinding all my homework like I was getting like my god homework done. And my philosophy homework done, which those assignments are not due until Sunday, but I just don't have the time to do on the weekend. So, Fridays are kind of like the day for when you don't get my homework done. And I personally didn't want to like come back home and do it until like one or two o'clock in the morning. So I was very productive. And usually like before, like I'm never productive just because like, I don't know, like it's just it's just weird. So, but I feel like I was I was definitely really productive today. And it was good. I definitely got my assignment done. And I'm super happy that I got you know, two assignment done that I don't have to worry about. But I still am working on another assignment in my history class and I'm working on an assignment that is due on Sunday. And I'm just trying to get it done just because I don't want to do it on Saturday because I'm going to come home from the garden to be you know, just tired and everything. But yeah, um, so pretty much I just been really productive. I made banana bread this morning and like it just didn't turn out the way I One I'm so irritated just because like, I'm usually pretty good at baking, you know, like, I know how to follow directions of how to bake. But I just didn't like, I don't know, just the texture of it. And I felt like I put too much banana. I'd put too much banana in like my bread. And like, it just wasn't like really ready. And like it when I taste it. It was like very rubbery. Like it just wasn't ready. So, I threw that away and like, and literally, like, I'm trying to make some tomorrow so I could bring it to the garden. But I don't know how I feel because, you know, like, I have to get up early in the morning to do it. But I felt today was a very productive day. And you know, like, it was just, it was just good day. And I'm really happy that I'm able to like get out my house and do stuff. So yeah, but I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:35:53
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Saturday of living through the Coronavirus of week four. So pretty much gets wiped where I went to I went to the garden. I just felt like y'all probably know my schedule every weekend, just because I go to the garden too often now. And I think the good thing is also like, I'm willing to help out a lot now just because I'm able to drive. Because I feel like before, like I wasn't able to because I didn't drive and like I would have to wait on my siblings like my sisters and them to like get off from work. And like, go to the garden. But now it's more of a kind of like I have my own car and like I could kind of go whenever and stuff like that. So pretty much it was good. My auntie my two Auntie came to the garden, which they usually do, but it's just always fun to have, you know, like my relative or just always fun to see, like, you know, my family members just because of the Coronavirus, and like we haven't seen each other for like, such a long time. But you know, I think the garden is such a good place for us to kind of like hang out or me just because, you know, like, we are kind of separated from each other. Like, if you think about it, like we're definitely like doing stuff, but we're definitely very separated from each other. Which it's very good. And like my grandparents are definitely like, you know, old and they're very cautious about this virus too. And like they wear face masks and like, you know, the cover up and everything you know, so I think everyone is very, you know, cautious about the virus and being very safe with them. But yeah, it was really good. It was freakin freakin oh my god, it was so hot today. It was like 70 degrees today. And it was just so freaking hot. Like, I look so stupid wearing my shorts. No, not sure I wear my long hands. And like, it was like a long sweatpants. And it was so freakin high. Like, I'm happy that you know, it's hot. But it's also like, I can't enjoy it because I'm doing hard work. Che you know, like, it's so annoying. And I feel like I get so frustrated about it just because like, during summertime, like I don't go to the lake or I don't go to the beach. I don't go anywhere besides going to the garden, you know, like it just hard or like, you know, like our excuse of like getting out of you know, gardening for like a day is the state there and I'm pissed that you know, I'm gonna be really mad at the State Fair is closed this year, because the state fair approach has saved my life of not going to the garden that one day. But yeah, so it's just very frustrating. But hopefully, you know, the State Fair doesn't close. And there is a definitely a lot of rumors about people like saying the stiffer is going to be closing by say for like me and like an announcement on Facebook saying like, No, we're not close. For further notice. Like, please look at our state fair like website because anything else, it's all falls, which you know, it makes sense. But overall, you know, I'm doing really good. I'm just really happy that I spend time with my family and just my siblings because usually like I never do and I'm just very very thankful to like have such like a big family because you know, like having such a small family I just wouldn't be as happy as I am with my big family you know, but overall it was good. I'm pinched home from the garden and I just woke up from my nap and I'm eating a popsicle right now because I deserve this ice cream I work my ass off with my school and I work my ass off what the garden so I deserve this popsicle and no judgment here. So, girl, you could do whatever and eat whatever you want. But yeah, pretty much I'm gonna have to head off to bed just because I'm super tired and I'm super sore. But yeah, see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:39:48
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is push show Hi gang, and this is week for a living through the chrome route Coronavirus. And pretty much today is the last day of week four, actually, today is a Sunday and pretty much it's kind of crazy that I just been doing this podcast for like, four weeks now and I feel like I've been getting really comfortable with it or just getting you know, very used to it and I felt like you know, if I stopped doing this, like I'm gonna keep wanting to do it more so maybe I should start YouTube a YouTube channel where I should like vlog or like, you know, start a channel or something and because I'm so down for it, I'm just like so down to like talk, because I love to talk. So, you know, I'm just so down for and everything but pretty much I didn't go to the garden today just because it's a Sunday and Sunday they're usually kind of like lazy day. So, I pretty much just watch Korean drama All frickin day. I'm still am just because, you know, like, I deserve to relax my ass off. And I prefer to turn all my assignments in already on Sunday. So, I don't really have anything to worry about, which is really good. But yeah, I just take one and watch my Korean drama and just like cry, you know, or just like you know, be like so like, in love with the movie or in love with like the main guy because you know, the main guys are usually pretty cool. Pretty, pretty cute and Korean drama. If you don't know what Kdrama is Kailyn Kdrama is Korean TV show. But it's usually called Kdrama because Korean shows are very dramatic. And it's just it's just good. Like the producers and everything are usually pretty good and pretty creative of coming up like with a new storyline everything. My favorite favorite freaking TV show or a Kdrama is crashed Randy on you. If you haven't seen it, please go watch it. It's on Netflix. And the best thing is there's so many Korean Kdrama there's so many like Kdrama shows on Netflix, which that's like the amazing thing because you know, you don't have to watch it online Vicki which that's like an Asian app or like an Asian like TV show where you could you know, watch all your like shows and everything, but it's literally on Netflix and it's amazing because I feel like a lot of like, you know, I just feel like a lot of like, shells and everything are just pretty good on Netflix. But that's one of my favorite it's just so good. I mean guys so hot and it just everything just so good. I just can't even tell you about it because like it just so good. I just give this freakin 10,000 rate because it just felt amazing and like I literally cried the last two episodes and I just wish that didn't end and everything like it just breaks my heart that it's like it's done another not shooting anymore, but it's just it's very devastating for me. Yeah, so that's pretty much what I did on Sunday. But yeah, I'm just not really doing anything I'm just really trying to do my self-care on also update on my acne. I am so freakin dry like I just I just can't I just can't like I can't wear makeup because my face is okay key or like my skin is so dry that you can see like you know the dryness aroma pimples are like where it's dry. And it's so annoying just because like I am waiting for like my Sephora items to come in the mail. So I feel like use my face products and everything. But it's just so frustrating because you know, all the shipping and everything are kind of delayed in everything. But it's very frustrating and I'm so irritated and like I just been very trying to like avoid makeup or like kind of like having makeup on my face because I just don't want to put makeup on my face in my face was super super sensitive. So yeah, I just like been trying to avoid makeup but you know sometimes I kind of want to go outside looking Hello like ugly with no makeup. You know, like I want to look a little decent but I can't because my face is still ashy. It's so frustrating. Trying to be beautiful and so far it's really like trying to be cute and everything and like you know, it's just fucking frustrating and like, gives you those prompts with a girl they're like look good every day they'll wake up because that is not me. But yeah, I'm so promised I'm gonna be done talking just because I'm gonna go back to my Kdrama and just pretty much watch my drama until I go to bed. So, but yeah, I'll definitely see you guys tomorrow and tomorrow will be a new different week. So, I'm super excited to see what I'm doing and everything on Monday, but I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 01:44:47
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Monday of week five. So pretty much I did not have my any class today which it was amazing. Yeah, pretty much I just like lay around throughout the whole day. My nieces and my sister came over. So, we pretty much baked. And we pretty much bake some cookies and everything. And it was just really fun. I would just like spending time with like my nieces. And you know, for my sister before she like goes to labor and everything. But the weather was really nice. I also hang out with my boo too, so it was really fun. We like promotion too much, because leashes pretty much the same and go eat Chick fil A, and they hang out in my car just to like watch movie, and then I dropped them off at home. And yeah, that was kind of it. But today, it was pretty much like pretty chill day. And I felt like it's really good. Just because, you know, like, we're almost done with school, we literally have two more weeks, and I'm super excited. And I'm just like, I'm just so happy. You know. Um, so pretty much yeah, I just, I feel really good about just being done. And I'm just happy that like, you know, with our Coronavirus, everyone's all safe and everything and like, you know, we just, we had zoom, like we had online class for a couple of months, like I think three months, two months or something. But it's just been really, really productive and everything. Last Friday, I think was like kind of like the due day of the pass and fail class because we have that. So, I did it for two of my classes. And I don't know, I don't know how I really feel about it now, just because like, for me, like I'm always really productive, or I was turning stuff in or I always really try my work and I'm just afraid that like, you know, like, if I do put some effort into my pass and fail, you know, like classes, my two classes that I put, like, I might get a good grade. And I felt like it just hunted me down. Because you know, like, I do put a lot of work into my, you know, assignments and everything or essays and stuff like that. So, I just felt like, I'd be really sad if I did have a really good grade and I kept them as pass and fail. But you know, like you just never know and everything but like it just like the two classes like it be going up and down. You know, like, it's just, it's so annoying. Like, he doesn't stay in like once by like, you know, it just goes up and down. And he's just really annoying. So let's just I'm just excited to see like my final results for like my grades and stuff like that. So yeah, but overall, everything's going good. I'm just pretty much been watching a lot of Kdrama and I'm usually you know, really good up to it. Until like my dates and everything, but I'm really waiting for like, new episodes and everything to come out. But yeah, I just don't have a lot of stuff to talk about just because today's like the lazy day for me. And I just didn't do much. But yeah, I hopefully I do a lot more things tomorrow. But I doubt it. So, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:44:47
Guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is pushable living through the Coronavirus Today is Tuesday of week five. And pretty much today is Cinco Demayo the cool part is two years ago it was my prom. And it's just so crazy than had been like two years ago and everything like just funny because I can see like through like my snapchat of like, the memories and like of what days and stuff like that. And yeah, but today's to go to my home. As I said before, and obviously you know, me and my family are cooking some tacos today. My nieces and my sisters are coming over to also bake some Asian food I Asian desserts and stuff something like that. I'm baking banana bread today. But is that a banana bread? I'm doing Banana Cupcakes, mini cupcakes. I just find that like sometimes my banana bread just doesn't turn out good when I'm baked them like in like the loaf of bread or whatever. But I'm just going to try them out in like mini cupcakes form just because like you know, I just have never really tried it and I don't know if anybody had had like have mini ones but they're just super easy like super easy just to eat it and one by in everything which I really like. So I've been like you know trialing different type of baking and stuff like that. But yeah, so today is pretty much you know, a pretty crazy day I feel like I just been cooking a lot like I baked this morning and then I'm starting to cook dinner and everything like tacos and stuff like that. We like marinated the beef. All we have in beef, shrimp and fish for our dish. And then my sister have bought us some top, some like taco sauce last week or she went to like the Mexican store to buy them on Mexican restaurants. And she bought them. We had them since last week. So we're just going to finish any of that today. And then we made some guacamole and I literally make the best guacamole. I felt like it's just so easy to make, it's still healthy. It's like you can eat it as not like, as an appetizer or like a lunch. You know, it is super easy. And it's super, like accessible because you could always put in your fridge and eat it. You know, like, it's just, it's always so nice. But yeah, so just a lot of family hangout day and I felt like I'm really happy that I have that just because, you know, like, I sister in Hawaii, she doesn't have that. And like, she kind of really regrets like, you know, living Hawaii just because like it just, it's hard for her and everything. But she is definitely coming home in June to you know, come see us, but I don't know how my mom would feel about it. Because you know, with the quarantine everything and like, on the airplane, you're able to get more quarantine and stuff on the airplane. But I don't know. I don't know. But yeah, overall, I'm feeling really good and everything. I'm very happy. I'm just in a positive and like good environment right now. But yeah, I'm Autodesk tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:51:23
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is a show I gain a living through the Coronavirus a week five. So pretty much today is a Wednesday. And what I did, I had my morning class was was my geo class, it was really interesting just because we learn about volcanoes and how they prevented erupt. And it was really nice. And we also did a lab together, which was really helpful. Because if we wouldn't have done it together as like a group, then we would have done it in separate small groups with our classmates. And we've been doing the weekends. But she gave us participation points, just being in class and just actually doing the work, even though we like went over the answers and everything together. But it was really helpful. And then after that I had my afternoon class, it was my history class, it was guide, we pretty much just went over our next assignment that was due on the weekend of part of like our Part Two essay. Which it was really interesting, which I like it just because we were able to connect and use like historical evidence that happened throughout the years, the mine essay was based on how one woman is going to be the hierarchy, we're not going to happen in poverty, and there's going to be no violence or no discrimination. So I compared it with woman suffrage. And then I could care compare with the Great Depression as what is oh as poverty just because in the Great Depression, and President Roosevelt pretty much invented food stamp. And food stamp was a huge thing that pretty much help the Great Depression. And it's still a current solution that we use today. So it was really interesting. And then for discrimination or violence I use just lynching and how it's like, was like a violence back in the day and how it's still like a modern lynching as of today of how it's torwards how, like a lot of targets are usually towards African Americans. So I kind of relieved them. And I, I like it because it was able for me to talk about the issue and how I couldn't resolve it in my own world, which was really nice.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
And then after my class today, I pretty much just relax. I just didn't really do too much stuff. Just because I didn't really have odd assignments that were due on the weekdays. I had a lot of summers or during the weekend. So I'm not even really planning to try to do anything today. I'm gonna try to do it tomorrow, just because it's a Thursday and I just kind of want to relax today. But my niece's are over and they are crazy. But overall, I just wish I was pretty productive. But I'm not. And I'm happy that we still have two more weeks of school live. I'm so happy. Next week is pretty much our last week of school, which is super, super exciting. tomorrow bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. I am Pasha Yang and does it is a week five living through their carnal virus today is a Thursday, pretty much. I didn't do much this morning because I didn't have my I didn't have a morning class. Usually I have a morning class on Thursday for music, but my professor just pretty much kind of counterclockwise or the whole semester. So, I don't have a morning class, I had an afternoon class. And it was my philosophy class, we pretty much just talked about our next exam, that is in two weeks, and it's based on a project. So, it's really, really nice. Just because I have like two options to pick what project I want to do and everything. So, I'm super excited. And I'm gonna do like an art project. So, I'm super excited to like draw and paint and that's kind of like, my specialty of like, myself calm and everything. But yeah, I am just excited to pretty much be done with school because school it's done is in two weeks. And yes, I think throughout the whole podcast, I'm gonna be talking about me being down with school and two weeks just because I'm super excited, and everything. But I just didn't do much today. Today. It was really nice. Oh, I did go to Como Park to walk around with my sisters and everything. So it was fun. There was definitely a lot of people. So, it was a lot, but overall it was still really fun. But I wish I did more stuff today, but I didn't and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is push a hard game and pretty much today is a Friday of loving through Coronavirus. Week five. The amazing part was I didn't have class today or damn class this morning and my evening class. So pretty much today was sibling hangout day and we just pretty much walked Michelle Obama new documentary that is on Netflix, which is which is called becoming just like her book. I haven't read her book, which I really want to just because you know, it's Michelle Obama and she's a she's a badass. But the documentary was really good. It just mostly talked about her journey of just kind of like the reason why she wrote the book and everything but it was just really good. I liked it and it was just really good. But I just loved hanging out with my family just because we do so much things together. We pretty much connect everything you together. Just like based on what we're watching or what we're doing like we're always able to pretty much be happy together and just you know spend a lot of time together during this Coronavirus K with so I am just very, very thankful. But yeah, so that is what I did today and it's the weekend. I'm super excited. I definitely deserve a break from everything. So pretty much yeah, so I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasuaha Yanglive into the Coronavirus of week five today is the Saturday I'm so happy that I didn't go to the garden today just because usually we usually go to the garden every weekend and I just we just didn't go today just because there just wasn't things for us to plan and it was gonna rain which it did rain today but today was just really nice. And today we pretty much went me and my siblings went to my sister place to just hang out pretty much we tried hickory hot chicken it's on University and Dale. My rate on that will be a six out of 10 just because I feel like it's it's more of like a dry season seasoning and chicken if he has like dry season seasonings but I personally not really a big fan of it and I feel like it was definitely like super salty and like I don't know like it just didn't really taste right and I felt like it had to taste right with ranch and they had like other specialties of sauce and everything but I just had to go with a ranch just because originally and you know everything goes good with ranch you know when it comes to chicken wings and everything. But I also heard that their whole Joe potato chips are really good and we got that too and we got like fries and it wasn't good at all. Just because like I felt like they when they made the fries in the hotel like potato fries. They like made it really hot and then they just put it like right in into like, the tray and like they just close it so, and like, you know, with a heat and everything like it, like started to make it like really mushy and everything, which I personally didn't like and you know, I like my fries super crunchy, or you know, like it's just, it was just so bad and like, yeah, it was pretty pricey to like I bought it and it was like about $54 for like 18 pieces of chicken wings, and to Santa fries and a whole job. Potato Fries. Which I thought that's pretty expensive. Yeah, but it was okay. I don't think I would ever really go back for their chicken. My brother-in-law did say that their ribs are really good, like their pork ribs or whatever. Really good. So, I think I might get that next time. But it was just, it was a chicken wing. That just wasn't my favorite. But a lot of reviews hit the chicken was really good. So yeah, I had a two little minute talk about it. But overall, it was fun. We just pretty much just stayed over my sister house until like, it was gonna dark. And currently I'm home. I'm just chilling and just like trying to, you know, like, I'm just trying to relax and everything. I am watching carnival mind right now with my little brother. And we pretty much are starting from season one, which that's from like, you know, that's a lot of season because it's about like, what 15 Season 16 seasons. So, we're gonna probably binge watch that. Half of it tonight. Maybe tomorrow, too. But yeah, and tomorrow is Mother's Day. So, I'm super, super excited, just you know, hanging out with my mom. But the disappointing part is my mom worth. So, we're gonna hang out with her on Monday as like a Hangout day. But I think tomorrow or just, I'm just going to clean because we need a deep deep cleaning on my house. But yeah, overall, I feel really good. So, they're motivated by school and everything. But I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. And today is a Sunday and today is pretty much the last week living through the Coronavirus of week five. And pretty much sent me that and we have one more week until one more week that I'm done with my podcast and everything. I am so thankful that a lot of people are just some of you guys who listen to my podcast, even though it's really really short. I just wanted to make it very short, just because you know, like you're probably doing something and you probably do with somebody like driving a car, or something. And I just wanted a really easy two minute podcast like a song. But today's Mother's Day, and I am very, very, very thankful for my mom, she pretty much have done everything for me, she pretty much provide everything for me. She just supported me in a lie. And she was just always there. She pretty much doesn't tell me that she loves me, but the way that she like the way that she show it to me by like, providing me food on the table working her ass off, you know, always wanting me to have things or just always wanted me just to like, you know, for me like not to be, you know, very, like, not having things. So, I just felt like overall like, even though I came my mom like a hard time, probably in her life, like throughout high school and everything, you know, I'm just so very thankful that she is my mom, and she raised me to be such a fucking awesome woman as I am today. She taught me you know, as a young age to be very independent education was a huge number. We're all of you know, just being as an independent woman and having an education, having career and having money. And I definitely learn what she's learning and just because of the struggle that she had been going through and everything, but I think it's just very sad that I'm not able to spend time with her today because she does work. So, it's very hard and sometimes, you know, I just wish that my mom could just not work and just like spend time with us and she probably will like that too. But it's just so very, it's just really hard. And I understand that, you know, she's gone through a lot of you know, with a Coronavirus, too so it's it's a lot of work and like you know, I just understand but I think it's it's definitely still really hard for my mom to like take a break and everything and I just wish that had the time today to pretty much spend time with her. But tomorrow will be a fun day just because we were celebrating Mother's Day was there tomorrow, because she gets off work early tomorrow. So that's why we're pretty much doing it tomorrow. So that was today but pretty much today. I was really productive. I made what did I make? I make cheese cake I mean many cheese cake cake today, if that makes sense, I made them really small. And this is like my second time making them. But pretty much it's, it's pretty easy to make just I didn't realize how easy it was, but it's really, really easy. And it's just very, very easy to eat just because they're in small little containers. So, you have like one big bite. And you know, like, for me, I'm not a sweet tooth. So, I could just have one bite, and I'm pretty much done for the day. But a lot of my sisters and brothers like any of them, and so they probably eat like two or three times in one sitting. But I am definitely into making today is just promotion last week of week five. So that means that I have one more week of my podcast. And that means that you know, I'm always told in school and overall, I am still very proud of myself and everything. Oh my god, I forgot to tell you guys, but my cap and gown came in today. Were human yesterday, but we're gonna podcast that but I just pretty much got them. And it's so freakin amazing that, you know, I worked my fucking ass off for the whole two years IDFC. And it made me really strong, it made me it just shows that I am very passionate in my work and image in my education and how education is very, very important to me. And I'm just, you know, working my ass off to get my BA you know, as human resource. That's what I want to major in. But I'm just very, very proud of myself. And I'm just proud that I have family and siblings and everybody to support me and love me. And even though like I'm going through this Coronavirus, and everything like I am still very motivated, motivated of everything I do with my cap and gown i got the student Student Honor metal, which that's really, really nice.
Pasuaha Yang 02:06:52
And also I got the capping the cap yard or whatever that you know, goes on your cap or whatever. I got that too. And I'm just it just shows that I worked so hard and that I'm just I'm just so proud of myself. And just everything that I do like, I'm just going to reflect on how DFC have definitely really, really changed me and really change the way that I take my education really seriously. I still don't know where I want to go after my DFC journey, but I know that I would definitely continue on to my schools and everything. But overall, I'm just so proud of myself. And I'm so thankful that I'm working so hard and everything. But yeah, so today is definitely a wonderful day. I definitely do like deep cleaning and just I'm just so proud of myself and just I'm so proud of my mom. So, it's kind of like two loads of things. I'm proud of myself am proud of my mom. But overall I'm just very very happy and I'm in a good mood today. So yeah, so that's pretty much what I did today and hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 02:08:08
Hi guys, welcome back to my podcast. So today is we six a loving you to Coronavirus today is a Monday and I'm sad to say that this week is pretty much my last week of doing my podcast. It definitely been an amazing amazing journey and just pretty much just a way for me to be myself and just pretty much how I'm dealing with the Coronavirus you know, during this time, but as of today, I didn't have any class today. So, I just promoted Chelm and I know that like I have assignments and like project that is due the coming up week, like next week. And but still like it just I just I'm just so lazy like I just don't want to do anything. But today it was an amazing day just because today is pretty much a hang out for my for my mom because we didn't celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday because my mom was really busy of working. So we celebrated today and it was amazing just because my brother in law and my sister came over and they pretty much cook pho which you know, it's like an Asian dish or the Asian soup and reporters have that for dinner which is really good and it is always good just to hang out with like my siblings, my family and personally like I love hanging out with my sibling and just because you know it's just I grew up with them and we just always have such a good time like even though there's so many of us in a house together you know, but it's just an amazing time. But yet that is what I pretty much did. I didn't do much i I just pretty much had a food coma and I slept there the whole day and I just woke up like permanents go. So, yeah, so that's what I'm doing. But I'm super excited that this week is pretty much like the last week of pretty much like school. So it's pretty crazy next week is like kind of like my final week. But I have like assignments and stuff that are due like on the weekend as final so I'm trying my best just trying to get like a lot of my stuff done. But yeah, so that's what I pretty much do today. And I wish I did more, but I just definitely spend more time with my family today. So yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:12:53
But yeah, so I don't know what to do. So, I don't know, I just I think I would definitely need to talk to my boss and my co worker about him. But everything's going good. Everything's going good at home. I pretty much has been eating leftover food from yesterday. So, I've been eating fun and everything. But yeah, I just pretty much been sitting in my living room just watching Criminal Minds and just pretty much being lazy. And today's a lazy day because I just don't have any assignments that are kind of due until like, Wednesday, and every Wednesday until like Friday. Like I don't have stuff due until Friday. So I'm going to try to work it up on Wednesday, pretty much but yeah, that is pretty much it for today. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:13:39
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasuaha Yang and part of my show today is a Wednesday a loving to the Coronavirus week fix. So, pretty much I still didn't do anything. I'm trying. I'm trying but I just I don't know, I think it just kind of like I'm done with school next week or like I'm just kind of getting closer to be diamond school that just don't want to do anything. I think that's pretty much how every student is feeling right now. But yeah, I just don't really have a lot of things to do until Friday but I'm so currently working on an assignment that is not due until next Monday. So, I'm trying to get like all the easiest stuff done pretty much. But the good news is I am having like a one-on-one meeting with my professors for music and philosophy just because I for the final product for the final like for our final for those classes. We are having like projects and I just kind of want to brainstorm with them about my project. So, I'm really excited. I have a meeting tomorrow. I 10 with my music professor and then tomorrow. I have a Omar philosophy. So, I'm just gonna ask him tomorrow about what I should do and kind of like, hopefully he like helps me with what I should talk about or what I should do for my project. But I know that for both of my project, I want it to be paint, like, I want to paint and I want to draw. So I know that I want to do that, you know, but pretty much yeah, I just felt okay with everything. I'm just really happy that we're almost done at school and everything, but I just haven't been really productive. I like been like, looking through my canvas and everything. But I'm just I'm not touching any of those assignments until like, the day before, or like, I just I don't know, like I I'm still currently thinking about what I want to do right now. But yeah, so yeah, I pretty much didn't really have a lot of stuff today. I did have my geo class this morning. But it was like an hour or so like, I feel like it was like an hour, or like it was like 45 minutes, where it's just kind of talked about what our next assignment are like. Pretty much. Yeah, it's not even like a big of a deal. I don't know. Yeah, but overall, I feel good. So I was here tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:16:19
Hey, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasha Yang. Today is a Thursday of week six live into the Coronavirus. So pretty much today, I pretty much had my meeting this morning. So it was really good. My professors just me my music professor just went over about what I'm gonna do with my creative expression number four, which that's really good. And then I also talked to my philosophy professor about my assignment or my project too. And I'm really excited to work them to work on them. I definitely had to go to Michael's to get some Canvas so I can start painting them and everything. Which some of the, which the assignments are not really due until like Sunday, and upcoming next Tuesday. So, I definitely saw how time and everything to work on it. So, I'm really happy about it.
Pasuaha Yang 02:17:20
But yeah, so overall, oh, the fun part was I did my graduation photo shoot today, my sister took them because our dean or from our DFC wanted them graduation photos to be in the slideshow, I think, in the come commencements Oh, in the Commencement photo, or like slideshow, or whatever. So I took some, and it was really nice. I even like, had to edit it to I don't know, when it goes to my photos, like it has to look good. So I have to edit. You know, I just have to edit the filter or I have to edit how my face is looking or Yeah, but overall, it was really nice. I we went our option was Como Park area or University of St. Thomas, which we went to St. Thomas, just because the background is kind of pretty, like all the buildings and you know, just in that area is really pretty. So we took pictures there and it was really, really nice. So yeah, like we just, it was really good. And it was fun. But yeah, my Afula to good. The girl fit me so it was really nice by I'm kind of excited to see like the commencement video to see how everything is I don't know if they want to do like byte our code words, or just buy like our last name and stuff, but I think it's going to be byte code words, which that's kind of tacky. But yeah, overall, it was good. I didn't really do much. And currently I'm still working on my history. paper that is due tomorrow. So, I'm just trying to like revise it and just kind of trying to make it better and it's worth 250 points. It's worth fucking a lot. But yeah, I'm trying my best to revise and everything but overall, I think it'd be okay. But yeah, so I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:17:20
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is pusher wagging. So today is pretty much a Friday of week six loving through the Coronavirus. We're almost done. Let's go on. I'm so happy that today is Friday just because next week. Next week is a much more exciting week and I'm super super, super excited about it. But pretty much everything it's okay. I feel like I don't know. I just felt like I'll be okay in everything. But this morning, I had my meeting with my deal. Class, we probably just like talked about our was with a geo class, we had to write like a paper of our minerals. And we just pretty much talked about, like, we had like a five or 10 minutes presentation about our manuals and just kind of talking to the classroom. And literally, that's what we did. And then she just pretty much did a Kahoot. That was really nice. But yeah, so it was nice. I'm just trying to catch up on some of my assignments that are pretty much due on the weekend. Oh, and also, I finished my assignment that was due today to from a history class. It was really good. But yeah, job. So, I do. I'm just trying to get all my time started, because I think I'm gonna go to the Guardian on Saturday and Sunday. So pretty much. Yeah, that is why I'm currently working on there. So, some of the stuff that I still have to do. So, I'm not too I don't know, I don't think it's gonna be too hard, or anything, but I think I will be okay about it. But overall, I'm good and everything. And yeah, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:21:08
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasuaha Hi, gang. And this is week six. So today is a Saturday. And pretty much I didn't do a lot of things. I just went to the garden this morning. And a which is really, really nice because my aunties like my undies, and my cousin, like came and help. So, it was really, really nice. And it was just, you know, a lot of quality and times, today, we pretty much was doing cucumbers and flowers, like just planting them. And it wasn't like a lot of work. Because there was like, a lot of us like there was like 12 or 11 of us. So, you know, it was just really good. Because there would be like 14 trays of cucumbers that we have to do. And with those trays, there's about like 70 of them that are planted in the trays. So then, you know what the process of having so many of us, it's a lot faster. And yeah, so it was we were able to like come home early today. So, it was really nice. And I just had a really good time. What do you know, I'm just spending time with my families and everything. But yeah, and like I just came home today. And I just worked on my music assignment because I have like, kind of like my final assignment that is due tomorrow and Sunday, and I'm just trying to get it done. I'm in the process of finishing it. Actually, I just have to upload it on to like a discussion post of what I'm doing for my creative expression. And then yeah, but it's just like the process of like, take, it just takes so long that I just, I hate it. But overall, I'm just really excited, because next week is fine. Oh, and that means that we're done with school. So, I am really, really happy in everything. Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:21:08
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is pretty much the last day of me doing my podcast, and today's a Sunday. So it's my last day. And it's just crazy to see that I'm done with my podcast. And that means that I'm done with school next week, because I have finals next week. And it just crazy to see that, you know, with the whole process of me being DFC for my two years, it had definitely made me grow and be stronger as an individual. And with that, I'm super excited to continue on to my education, you know, getting my BA and then you know, maybe getting my master's degrees and everything. Like, it just shows me that I'm very motivated, and my education and that I always want to achieve, you know better things for myself. And you know, with me continuing on to my education that is my one main goal is to get my BA and I'm really close to getting it just because I have another two more years and it's going to be the fast two years of my life. I'm still currently don't know where like what school I want to transfer to, but with my St. Thomas tuition or financial aid package, it's really nice. I'm paying only 1000 more than my financial aid IDFC which is still pretty good because I'm not living on campus, and if I did, I probably would have to it probably would be a lot more money but I'm living at home. And I'm just happy about it, which is because you know I live so close to the school and you know, like I'm comfortable living at home. I'm coming comfortable doing, you know, my assignments at the library and then come home and rise and you know, like, I'm okay with it, but it's just that, you know, I'm just really nervous of how hard the course is going to be for like, Glade because I am doing human resource as my major. And with the major, there's a lot of, you know, financing that is involved, or like statistics, and, you know, communication and stuff like that, but I felt like, you know, I could do it and I'm just really proud of myself that I'm able to be here as I am with a support of DFT. So thank you for, you know, for the school and just giving me another challenge of you know, another chance of give me the giving me this opportunity to achieve my goals and for me just to be you know, successful again. But today, it's a Sunday and it's hella raining. I'm kind of happy that it's raining just because the past few week it been, it just been very high. And it just been very, like muggy and everything which I don't really like. So just having like, you know, a rainy day and a gloomy day and everything. It's really nice, even though like I'm not sleeping in today, I do have some assignments that are due next Tuesday for my philosophy class. And I'm going to start on that today just because I'm trying to get it done today, or at least tomorrow. And overall, I'm just really excited just to be done with school and everything but I'm just staying at home do my assignments. You know, try to catch up on some movies or dramas that I need to watch and everything but overall I'm just really happy about everything and yeah, and yeah, pretty much I am done doing podcast as of today. And I hope you guys really like enjoy the whole journey of me. Just the whole process of living through the Coronavirus and everything I just felt like with this Coronavirus is such like a huge impact on ourselves that we you know are living through this pandemic and how we are still like you know, fighting for a life with like jobs and our incomes and with our education like it just shows that we still have motivated motivation, even through like we are going through the Coronavirus that which shows that I'm able to do it and I'm just super excited to be done with school and just kind of move on with my journey after DFC but yeah, overall I hope you guys really enjoyed with throughout my whole podcast and hopefully I'll see you guys next time. Bye guys.
Hi guys, welcome back to my first day of doing my podcast. Pretty much I'm starting off this week by doing my podcast on living through Coronavirus. And this is week one, pretty much. I'm just going to be talking to you guys about what I'm doing today and how I'm feeling with a Coronavirus. So today I had a music clause by music class and my professor just pretty much gave us a little lecture. And she also just talked about what our next assignment was going on. Also, my classmate had presentations that they were doing to which it was really good. It's really good information, our music and then I didn't have my philosophy class just because we only meet once a week and we usually meet on Thursdays so I just put a bunch catch up on my assignments and today was really cloudy. So, I just personally just stay home and just kind of like catch up on my assignments because I felt like I was kind of behind, but pretty much I'm feeling really good with his Coronavirus and definitely a little not overwhelmed or anything. I'm still trying to balance owl on heavy online class and trying to get my assignments in on time. But personally, I feel good. I'm being pretty productive. I'm definitely like really into like baking so I just been baking like macarons and trying to get that right. I'm trying to find other recipes for me to bake. But yes, I'm definitely being really motivated in school and my education. Even if the Coronavirus is still going on. I'm not failing. I'm not, you know, lacking or anything. I'm still really motivated. So pretty much that's what I did today. Nothing exciting. It's super freakin boring. But I just wanted to you know, talk to you guys about what I'm doing in a day or just how what's going on with the Coronavirus? So yeah, but I will definitely meet or I definitely talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:13
Hi, guys. So, this is day two, today is a Tuesday. And I just been pretty much in bed. I don't have class today. And today's usually like my internship day, but I just didn't even do any work for my internship just because I had my philosophy exam and my philosophy is due tomorrow, Wednesday, which my professor gave us the assignment ad on Monday, but I didn't really look at it on Monday. I just did it today. And it's taken me for a really really long time. I like it because it's a take home exam so we're able to use our notes and just our reading for it. And definitely I really thought that this was gonna be like super easy and everything but no, it's definitely super hard. I'm really struggling and I'm still struggling as a right now. But yeah, I'm just trying to finish everything up. And then I also have some assignments that are due for my other classes too. So, I'm trying to catch up with that. But yeah, I'm not really doing anything. I just, you know, been filling. Still really good about myself with Coronavirus. I definitely haven't been outside because the weather just sucks like it has been super cold and cloudy. And also like I've been babysitting my nieces to everyday you my little brother is I'm kind of helping him. And it's definitely a little hard because they're so loud. And like, it's hard for me to concentrate while I'm while I'm trying to do my exam, you know? But yeah, I'm sorry if this like podcast is not the way as you guys might want. But I just felt like podcasts might be a lot easier instead of a video. Or like my blog, you know, stuff like that. But I think a podcast is really cool. And I'm really into podcasts. I love listening to podcasts, too. And this is kind of like a new thing for me. But yeah, so pretty much super boring day. I hope Tomorrow's a better day. But pretty much I just want to check in with you guys about what I'm doing and everything. But yeah, I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 04:21
Hi guys. Welcome back to day three a week one today's a Wednesday. And pretty much this morning I had my geo class and it was God it was pretty much just a lecture like she was due. She pretty much told us that we have an exam after Easter break and I'm happy because we do have Easter break this week. So, we don't have school on Friday Monday. So, I could just relax on the weekend and everything. But there is definitely like a labs for us to do and those are due next week also too, so I felt like I had to get them done. On by my professor definitely talked about what's going to be on the exam and she does have our study guide which I'm really happy because I feel like study guide definitely really helps me to study and know what's going to be on the test. But yeah, I'm just excited and also she say that it's going to be an open note exam as well too. So, it's really nice because you know, I'm just really thankful that professors are really like you know, just being really nice towards you know, so I'm just really grateful that's happening but yeah, I'm super excited just to kind of be over her class for GL are just kind of finished with exam I'm you know, all for studying and everything. And then also we also have my history class where my afternoon class which was history and be pretty much just talked about, our next assignment was going to be do our research paper and stuff like that. So, I'm just really excited to kind of be done with this semester because I'm just kind of look looking forward to, you know, half the summer but I'm just worried because, you know, with a Coronavirus, go through the whole summer and everything, but I'm doing really good. I'm definitely still staying really healthy. I'm on the intimate die as well. And I've looked that's kind of the best thing with a Coronavirus that's happening to me because I wake up I could you know, I have class, I don't really have to worry about me eating compared to when I go to school where I'm always really hungry. But now I'm able to like, you know, not eat as an early time and you know, eat more like a later, you know, lunch or something like that. But I'm definitely into a really good I'm staying healthy. I didn't go outside today, because it was so cold. So, like, stay inside. But yeah, and pretty much I'm sorry, this podcast is really boring. I definitely try to make it short, just because I don't want a whole long podcast about me doing nothing, which really I doing nothing. But yeah, that is what I'm did today. And I will catch you guys up tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast today is day four. And pretty much. Today's technically the my last day of class before Easter break, because tomorrow on Friday, we don't have class and I'm super, super excited, just because I deserve a break. But this morning, I had my music class, my music lives. And today was good. We talked about our next assignment that we're going to be doing which is based on Hamilton, Hamilton such such a good story or such a good musical theater performance. I personally didn't see it. But my sister did. And they paid a lot of money for it. But I didn't. The musical is just so good. The you know, just, I wish I'd gone and see it. But the tickets are so expensive. Also, I'm just super excited to talk about it. Because she minds President Joe Biden is in two different groups. And I'm in the group that I want it to be in the first place, which we're focusing on two songs, which is based on satisfied and helpless, which those two music are amazing. If you guys haven't heard him, you should definitely hear it because it's so good. That's what I'm really excited about for my music class or the next assignments.
Pasuaha Yang 08:33
But yeah, and then my afternoon class, I had my philosophy, which we just pretty much talked about the exam that we had, I pretty much have a professor that was a little hard just because I wish we did the activity or the section that we were doing in the exam, I wish that we actually just did more of it. Because I had a hard time. And it was just hard for me to kind of, you know, do it by I think he understand what I was going through and a lot of students on sham what they were struggling to. And it was definitely hard. A lot of students thought that it would just take less than two hours, but it literally took the whole day or you know, two whole days to do it. Which you know, I just shows that, you know, philosophy is definitely not an easy class. It's definitely challenging. Just the readings and everything are really hard. But yeah, I'm so happy that today's Thursday night. I don't have class today. So pretty much what I'm gonna be doing tonight. I'm just gonna be you know, do my self-care. I'm gonna put a face mask on. I'm gonna watch a Netflix movie or something or I'm gonna watch Grey's Anatomy because the episode come out today, which I'm super excited about. So, you know, I could just watch my new shows. I'm definitely starting new shows too, just to kind of keep me occupied in everything. But yeah, definitely just want to check in with you guys. And I will definitely see you guys tomorrow or talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 10:07
Hi guys. So today is day five out of Mike podcast and week one today's a Friday and pretty much today was amazing. Just because we don't have school today because we have an Easter break. And today is family hangout day. I just finishing finish hanging out with my siblings and my family. Usually we have like siblings hanging out once a month or once or maybe once in like two or three weeks. But today was the day and it was really fun. My sister brought over pizza and drinks. And guess what I made, I literally made mini cheesecakes. And I made Banana Banana Bread, which those are two new things that I did just because I want to try something that was different. And I feel cheesecake was definitely really easy to make and banana bread too. And we definitely had a lot of banana that was rotten that needed to be used to be for banana bread. So, I did it. And I think I did an amazing job. Like I follow the recipe. And sometimes I usually struggle with like my recipes. But pretty much I doing really good. My baking and a lot of my sisters in them are really impressive. And I feel like I definitely have a lot of time to just bake and kind of, you know, just do my own thing because of the Coronavirus, which I'm really happy because I'm able to identify new hobbies that I like to do, which is baking, cooking, and you know, just kind of show who the real me is. But yeah, so I'm into that. And it was just fun. My mom, me and my siblings, we pretty much just did card games, we play rummy shampoo. I think and we also did close to so it was really fun. I just had an amazing day. And I love hanging out with my siblings, just because we're able to laugh and you know, just just be around with each other, which normally like my siblings, we have our own lives, we do our own thing. We have jobs, you have school, you know, so it was just, it was good just to spend time with my family. And that's what I really needed, you know, on a Friday night. So pretty much that it is what I just gonna say because I'm gonna go and do my own thing like watch YouTube or something because that's literally the only thing I do. I just start reading, which I shall start doing that, but I'll think about it. But yeah, so pretty much that is it for today podcast. I hope you guys enjoy. I know it's a little short, but that's my goal. I just wanted to make a short I just kind of want to, you know, just talk to you guys a little bit about what's going on my day. And how am I doing and today was amazing day. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 12:54
Hi, guys. So today is day six of week one living through the Coronavirus. We're literally halfway there of week one. So today is Saturday and pretty much what I did today. I pretty much woke up. I just went go hang out with my boyfriend. Yeah, I'm sorry, that was my mom interrupting. But yeah, so pretty much I just hang out with my boyfriend today just because we haven't seen each other in like two months because of the Coronavirus, which that's really long. And it's still been really good our relationship and really good. I'm healthy, he's healthy. And so we're both good. with it. It was really nice. I'm just because we're able to see each other and just spend some time together. Normally, it's usually like spending the whole day together. But we only spend about like three or four hours just because of how our parents are kind of strict. So but luckily, I'm really happy. And today we just pretty much we went to Satish to grab some food, and you know it was pick up food. So we pretty much been eating in my car throughout the whole time we've been hanging out. But yeah, so we just it's good, because you know, I like it just like a cute little date that we eat in my car. And we watched like a Netflix movie or just like on Disney plots, and which is really nice. But yeah, I think that's kind of like one of the best thing that I like, as a date. Like you're just spending quality time with your significant other. That's mostly like my favorite thing to do. But yeah, I think that's what I did today. And then we just pretty much went to downtown St. Paul are down and downtown Minneapolis to kind of walk around just to enjoy the weather. The weather was so amazing today, it was like 60 degrees was so high weren't a frickin sweater because it was gonna be so cold. But no, it was freakin hot. But the weather was really nice. There was a lot of people at the park with their dog and just dragging and stuff like that. People really do take advantage of the weather and enjoy the weather which it makes sense, you know, but if There's just so many people together, which, you know, it's just so dangerous as well to excuse me. But yeah, um, so I just didn't do much. And then I just came home and it's been more time with my family we watch. Me and my little brother are really into boys me world that is on Disney plus, and it just, it's so funny. It's so good. And me and my brother just watch that pretty much like every night. So that's kind of like our thing. And I just spend my own, you know, time coloring to because I'm really into coloring books and everything. So, I think a fun one, a coloring book in my house, and I just like started coloring it. So yeah, I just tried to keep myself really productive. But I think today was really a good day. I had an amazing time with my boyfriend and spending time with my brother and family. And yeah, so pretty much. I'm just gonna end it for today. And then I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome to the last day of week wine today's Sunday. And pretty much it definitely been a journey of my week one. It definitely shows that I've been really bored and trying to keep myself really productive and just trying to do a lot of things. But pretty much today is Sunday, and today is pretty much Sunday lazy day. That's what I call your Sunday cleaning day. And pretty much I am cleaning. I'm doing my laundry. Yep, so I'm just doing my laundry. I don't have class tomorrow, which Tomorrow is Monday, which I usually have class but we just have Easter break. So I don't have class on Monday and I just tried to work on my assignments and everything. But I just been really distracted by just watching Netflix or just watching like YouTube and stuff like that. Just because you know, I'm just so bored with everything. I know I'm sure to have. I know I'm kind of sad that I didn't bake today, which I should have because I still have a lot of bananas. Which I should still make Banana breads tonight. Maybe I should I should I should definitely make more banana bread tonight. But yeah, um, so I just been pretty productive and everything which is cleaning and you know, cutting cleaning my room trying to organize everything, try to arrange my room and everything but overall, everything is good and I personally feel good about myself. I definitely still feel really healthy and I'm super, super grateful that I am safe in that my family's safe that the people that I'm surrounded with and I love are safe and you know I'm just really grateful that I have a house and I have food and everything in my home. And I just hope that everyone out there is really safe with a Coronavirus and trying to keep you know try to be a social justice thing you know, but yeah, this is pretty much the end of week one. I hope you guys pretty much enjoy my whole little small podcast and everything. But yeah, this is pretty much that I have a week one OBS enjoy and I'll see you guys next week. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 18:03
Hi guys, welcome back to my podcast today is week two of loving through the Coronavirus. So today is Monday today's the 13th I believe and pretty much today I started Easter break tomorrow today's the last day of Easter break and pretty much what I did today I didn't do much I do some of my homework for my geo lab that is due tomorrow and I just want to go hang out with my boyfriend just because we literally only see each other once a month so yesterday I was free he was free to and we just went to go grab something to eat we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then we just ate and my car watching Wally we've been doing that a lot now we've just been like hanging out in my car and watching movie in my car while we eat. Which that's nice. And then I dropped me off home and the night came home and then I just finished doing some of my homework. I'm still in the process of doing my homework and I just even though I don't have stuff too I just want to get some of my stuff done instead of me like doing the day before or two days before our brother just do like a week before. So that's what I'm doing but overall I still feel really good yesterday. It kind of snow the weather was so Bipolar I felt like so a kind of snow and then the sun came out. It was just all over the place and that's what I really hate. But overall, today was really good. I had a great time spent time with my boyfriend and just you know, kind of doing my own thing and everything. I know I'm gonna probably bake again, but I don't know what I want to bake. I don't know if I'm gonna do something different or new and stuff like that. But yeah, today was a really good day. It was a really successful day. And I just want to check in with you guys about what I did today. Obviously, I didn't do much today, but hopefully I do more stuff tomorrow and I'll check in with you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast of week two. Today is Tuesday, April 14, and pretty much I just been trying to check in with you guys about what I have been doing with, you know, living through the Coronavirus and everything how I'm still feeling well, this morning I had my doctor appointment or my dermatologist appointment, which was based on my acne, I'm literally still breaking out. I don't know why. But I'm breaking out again and I still been struggling with acne. So, I decided to get back on accutane and I was on accutane before i this will be my second time using Accutane. But it would just be a longer period, which I would do it up to eight months before I did up to six month only. But my acne just got pretty bad and I'm just so sick of my acne, you know, like, it's just hard that like I'm so struggling with it even though I was on accutane before. So, it just a whole process. And I'm just struggling. I don't know if it's based on my hormones or stuff like that. But yeah, so I'm really excited to get back on it because Accutane dolphin really helped my skin to be clear. And I like it even though it was a long journey to have my skin really nice, but it's just that I just, I'm just so sick of my acne. So I rather just a fully, you know, be back on accutane to fully kind of get rid of my acne. So, I'm super excited. I usually have a month checkup. So a neck checkup would be in name. And I'm just super excited to see the whole process of my acne trying to be gone and everything. But parotia the whole day. I am just doing my homework. I have my some of my assignments that are due tomorrow. I have some readings to do I have some other assignments in my other classes that I have to do on Tuesday, odds are on Thursdays from Friday, so I'm just trying to like, catch up on that. But overall, I feel good. Today weather is definitely really cold. The sun is out but it still has a wind and it still feels like you know, December because there's still snow outside because there's snow on Sunday. But it's definitely really cold today. I'm just trying to stay safe by a being in dorm to go pick up my prescription of my Accutane later tonight. But overall, I still feel really good. I am definitely really healthy and everything. So yeah, I just want to check in with you guys. Even though my podcast is a little short. I just prefer to make a little short to kind of check in and see that I'm still alive. So but yeah, I will definitely check in with you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 23:10
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasha again. Today is Wednesday of week two living through the Coronavirus. So, pretty much I'm just checking in with you guys about how I'm feeling, you know, how I'm feeling how my classes are going, what's going on my day. So today, my I had a morning class, which was my GL class. And today was good just because we did a Kahoot to kind of prepare ourselves for our exam on Friday. And it was good just because it was a good, you know, refreshment of what's gonna be on the exam. And it was just good for me to actually kind of understand the materials. And then there's a study guy, which some of my, my classmate asked questions on the study guy and my professor, like were helping us with it. So, it was really good. And I had my history class, which that was good, too. My professor just talked about our next assignments that we're going to do at the end of the year, our project and what's going to be on a and then we talked about an assignment that we did, which was based on an documentary and we talked about how we feel about it. And I personally felt well, that documentary was really good. It was really interesting. And I personally really liked it. It was about how a lot of people back in the days had AIDS and a lot of people were protesting. The government weren't like supporting them, which there was a lack of support meant in the government. And there were just a lot of, you know, protesting that was going on. There was just a lot of thing that was happening documentary, which was good because, you know, it relates to how we have a pin pandemic right now and it just shows that like, it will take us a really long Time to not have the Coronavirus you know in a wild, but we just talked about that in my class. And my after that, it was pretty late and I went go pick up my medication at my pharmacy for my Accutane because I'm back on it for my acne, I'm super excited to clear my acne up to look beautiful again. So, I'm super excited about that. But after that, it was dinner, and my sister, which my sister, my, my brother in law, and my niece's came over to come eat dinner with us, and also my sisters that they will live with us. So it was just good to see everyone. It definitely was a big, noisy house today. And it was just hard for me to kind of focus on my homework, you know, but overall, it was good. And now currently, I finish my assignments that are due tomorrow for my music class. And I'm just working on. So, my other assignments are due like on Sunday, which I'm trying to get that done and do not try to study for my exam on Friday. But overall, I was good. The weather was really cold. I don't know, I just feel like even though it's 50 or 3030 degrees, I still feel like it's really cold. And I still struggle a lot with cold weather, because I hate cold weather. But overall, I feel good. I'm still very motivated. I'm definitely safe. And I'm really thankful that I'm so safe. And yeah, so that is pretty much that I have today. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. This is pusher watt. And this is week two of living through the Coronavirus. Today's a Thursday and pretty much I am just going to talk to you about what I did today, how I'm feeling and everything. So today I had my morning class of music. And my teacher just pretty much gave us a lecture about our assignments that are going to be coming up what we have to do. So it would just kind of like the general things of a lecture. And then I had my philosophy class met, which was my afternoon class. And we only meet once a week. So, we always meet on Thursdays. And it was good. We talked about the readings, he divided us into two different reading groups. And we just talked about the reading, which the reading was definitely really hard to kind of understand. And like even though my professor were like helping us, it was still really confusing, which I still have a hard time. And then pretty much I just had to study for my geo exam tomorrow, which is Friday. It's an open note exam. So we can use our study guy, and any other notes that she pretty much put on like her Google slides on her lecture and everything, which I am currently still working on right now just because I just need more time on my exam and just like all my study guide everything this because she was kind of a hard class for me and science, like not the best subject for me. But yeah, I'm just still working on my Jiahua study guide. And I just hope that my car will go well tomorrow. i She told us I was 40 questions. And wow, she was just 40 questions that it was an open note. And that if we need help or anything, she will always be on Zoom, which I was super helpful. But overall, I'm just kind of excited to kind of get over the exam and everything. So hopefully I will see how it goes. I pretty much just wanted to check in with you guys to pretty much just talk about what I did today, even though I didn't do much today. But I just kind of want to check in with you guys. So I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 29:20
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. I am push wagging. If you wanna know me, today is a Friday of week two loving thriller Coronavirus. And pretty much I'm just checking in about what I did today how I'm filming and everything. So, this morning I had an NGO exam, which was really good. It just definitely been a crazy morning and just because my niece's were over and we were babysitting them, and I was trying to take them as am which was really frustrating. But it was God it was an open no exam so I was able to use notes on my exam, which that's always really good. I'm still thankful for that. And then my and then my afternoon class ama history, which, technically, it's not really glad it's kind of like a meet one on one. And that's how we kind of get like our attend and points and everything. But pretty much I just talked to my professor about what I'm going to be talking about all my research paper that is due next Wednesday on the Zika virus, I was really kind of confused about what I'm going to write about. But now I have a better mindset of what I'm going to talk about, which I'm super excited. Just because the topic is really interesting, and I just, I'm really excited to find more research about it and just be more educated about it. But yeah, and after that, I just was just happy because you know, it's the weekend, or it's a Friday, and, you know, it's gonna be the weekend, which I could take some rest and everything. And pretty much after class, I just spend quality time with my family just because my sisters came over which we had a barbecue today, and we have hamburgers. And my sister boyfriend came over so he made some crawfish with that was really good. And then we barbecue some chicken wings and just some steak. So it was definitely a big feast for my big family. But it was really good. And we also watch today is like a thing where like a lot of Hmong artists Singers perform live on like their camera as like a live just to like, have a concert, which every year this year is kind of like, they usually have a concert. So instead of, you know, having a big concert, they decided to do like a lie where everyone just kind of sang their own songs, which was really good, because we were able to see like, really old singers and just, you know, their old songs and everything. So it was just, it was really fun. And I definitely spend a lot of quality time with my family just because you know, I love my family, and they're just really important to me. But yeah, I just really didn't do much. I definitely spend a lot of time with my family just because, you know, the freaking garden is starting to win and definitely there will not be no family time for sure. But also currently, I'm still working on my philosophy assignments that are due on Sunday, which I'm trying to get that done just because I'm not trying to do the day before the day off and I'm usually really good with that. But yeah, so overall, I just part of our spend time with my family and I just, you know, kind of just finished some of my homework and yeah, so yeah, I will definitely check in with you guys tomorrow by coatings. Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is week two of living through the Coronavirus today is a Saturday and pretty much I didn't really do much just because it's the weekend. Today is like 65 degrees. It was freaking amazing today and part of much of you guys don't know I do garden in the summer. My grandparents have farm so my mom and us like my family pretty much help all my grandparents farming. So, we like pretty much sell vegetables and flowers and stuff like that. So, it's definitely a lot of work. And today pretty much we went to the farm to start planting because you know it's it's April and we've kind of like start to plant vegetables in April and May. And then June and July. Yeah, June July and August are kind of like the season where we started to pick our vegetables and we started to sell them we're just really worried with the Coronavirus just because we're not sure if a lot of people are going to you know be coming to the farmers market to pretty much buy our products because if you know a lot of people don't then it's literally like we're wasting so much money. We're wasting so much products and everything starting to products produce Yeah, there we go. We're always in so many produce. And yeah, so we're just really worried but we're just trying to you know have like a pretty good mindset of everything. But term pretty much Today my family just went to the garden today and today we planted green beans. Green beans is usually kind of like the year that we start planting our vegetable first and April because it does take a really long time to kind of grow them out. And then after that we started like planting like flowers and other vegetables and stuff like that.
Pasuaha Yang 29:20
Um, but I'm gonna try to you know how my grandparents because they are really old and like, my mom and them are helping out, my parents are helping out too. So it's kind of like, I just feel bad if I don't help out. So. But yeah, that's what we did today. Literally, this will be dead all day today. And pretty much I just came home. And I'm super tired. But it was just really good to see my grandparents because we haven't seen them for a month. And like my mom, and my grandma, my mom and my grandparents, like talk about like, for us, like, we're just excited to like, you know, see them. And I was really excited to see them to see how they were doing and see how healthy they were, you know, but it's just, it's just so crazy that with Coronavirus and stuff, like you're not really able to see your loved ones. And that's like expecially, like, important to me, because I love my grandparents. And it's I know, we literally literally like see each other like once once a week or once in like two weeks or something. But now it's just really hard with, uh, you know, social desisting and everything and like, they are a lot older too. So it's just, it's very scary about like, the places that they go, Wow. Or just, you know, if they get sick, like, we're just scared and like, we're just trying to keep our distance with them. And everything we got today was just, you know, it was definitely a really hard day. But it was definitely a really good day just because, you know, I spent time with my family and my siblings and your to the people that I love. And it was just fun to just pretty much you know, be around them. But yeah, so that is what I did today. And I just want to check in with you guys. But what I did today, I know my podcast is a little boring, a little short. But that's what my goal is. Just to kind of make it simple and short, but also kind of trying to make it interesting of my day, which I feel like today was really productive. But tomorrow, I will definitely check it with you guys. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is a show, um, pretty much today's a Sunday and today is pretty much the last week of week two. And printers is crazy that I just been doing a lot of the podcasts for two weeks, and I'm getting really used to it. I don't know if you guys are liking it. But I feel like it's kind of interesting for me. Because just because I'm able to just like talk about, you know what I did today. And it's just good to kind of reflect on what I did. But yeah, so today is Sunday, and today is probably a lazy day and just kind of homework day. Even though I kind of finished my assignments for my philosophy class, I still have other stuff to do. I have my music. Assignments are due on Monday. And then I have my paper is due on Wednesday for my history. So, I just been trying to like catch up on my assignments with that. But today wasn't you know, really, it was pretty productive just because it's kind of like Sunday cleaning day two. So, me my brothers and my sisters, we had our own little jobs of cleaning like cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the living room, our rooms and like porch and stuff like that. So, we have our own little spots to clean. But it was definitely really productive. I'm so I'm currently still working on my homework, just because there's just a lot of things to do. And I'm just trying to keep track of them. Because I am still very motivated to do my assignments and to go to school or to literally go to be in my class every day. But yeah, overall, I'm just kind of excited with the whole podcast that you know, I kind of finished my podcast for two weeks. And I'm gonna keep continue doing my podcast is because I like get a bow like, I'm just really comfortable doing it. But yeah, so pretty much I'm gonna check in with you guys even though today is not really like a longer podcast that I usually gonna talk about what I did today, today, which was really productive about the things that I did in my house, and you know, I try to just stay inside my house even though the weather is super nice. I just don't want to be around people just because you know, I literally feel like I'm sick. I feel like my nose is super stuffy and I just don't feel the best. So, I definitely like just kind of want to keep my distance for my family a little bit and also from the people outside my house. But yeah, so that is what I did today, but overall today it's good. I feel good. I'm definitely really tired. I have been trying to like taking naps and everything but like my naps are like two or three hours with usually not now, but I try to take naps I'm trying to get a lot of rest done. and trying to stay healthy. But yeah, so I would pretty much that is kind of it of my week to have leafing through Coronavirus and tomorrow I will start my week three of loving through Coronavirus I guess do like my podcast. Please keep listening to it because I've read them super interesting. Keno bytes. Yeah, I'll see us tomorrow. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 40:30
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. So today is a Monday and today is pretty much week three of living through the Coronavirus. So, this morning I had my music class. And it went really good just because we talked about Hamilton, which that's such an amazing, amazing musical I kind of wish I went and see it, buy the tickets, which was so expensive. So, I just like never really had the chance to and I couldn't afford it. But my sisters went and they say that it was amazing. But yeah, so we're taught well, Hamilton, the the whole like, concept of it was the storyline. Everything is just so good. Even the music are really good. And, you know, Moran, Mariah Miranda, I think that's his name. He does such an amazing job of like creating Hamilton. And then I found my afternoon class. I didn't have an afternoon class, which it's a good thing because I was able to get some of like my assignments done. But I just definitely been babysitting my nieces too. So, I just been spending a lot of time with them. I've been baking with them. I've been just doing a lot of things with them. Taking them outside because the weather is so nice. But yeah, just trying to keep them like occupied. So, they can they take their naps and everything because they're just so hyper. But overall, I love them and everything. I just didn't really do much today just because I tried to catch up on my assignments, but also babysat. And, yeah, that's what I kind of did today. But overall, I'm feeling really good. Just because you know, the weather super nice. And then like, I feel like the weather kind of like relates to how I be feeling the day off just because like if it's sunny that I'm like super like excited. I'm just like happy. And then if it's like rainy or gloomy. Like, I get hella lazy and bored. And I just don't want to do anything, you know, but I think today was a really productive day. But yeah, I just didn't do much today, which I feel like I should have, but I just didn't really have the time to so yeah, but that is pretty much what I did today. And I hope you guys enjoy. And thank you guys so much for listening to my short podcast, but I hope you guys enjoy. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 52:19
But yeah, so I think that's kind of like my current Sauron. It's like my face, like how dry it is. My body is so dry. So, Accutane, I feel like I'm definitely breaking out more. But usually, like, with these medications, you're usually breaking the heck out and then like, you look beautiful after so I'm just waiting for that result. But yeah, so I just I would definitely keep you guys updated about my Accutane journey and everything, and how my face is and everything. But if you actually want to learn or like no more information about my podcast, just please let me know. Because I could definitely talk to you guys about it. But yeah, so pretty much that's what I did today, or this is pretty much how I'm feeling. I'll definitely talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 53:07
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Thursday of week three living through the Coronavirus and pretty much I felt like I didn't do much. I don't know I just I felt like every day I just don't do much. Literally all I do is I wake up for class I eat my lunch. My morning class usually. And then after that, it's literally like half of my day already. After that. I'm usually like cooking dinner or doing some kick a dinner or like taking a nap. And then after like my dinner ever eating dinner I usually just do my homework until like one o'clock or two o'clock in the morning. And that's literally how my journey is every freaking day. But you know, this is what a podcast is and I'm doing this you know, just because you know how we're living through the Coronavirus and everything but overall I feel pretty good I definitely benches very like irritated with my body legs just how I fail or just not the way that I want it to be like I don't know it just my size and everything is just kind of bothering me like it's not even based on like how skinny like I want to be it just I want to be healthy and it just like working out it's just not my thing and I wish it was but it's just not maybe just because like I just don't see the result right away and it just kind of annoys me and it's just like, what's the whole point working out? You know, like, I don't see any results but like, it's just really frustrating and like, you know, it's just my family definitely see my weight gain just because I like stress A lot sometimes I really do. I stressed a lot. And like, it's just, it's just hard and like, it's not like I don't get make fun of the way I look. But it just also kind of like in my insecurity of like, how I look. No. And it's also based on how like, I dress and everything, you know, like, I'm usually kind of into like baggy clothes or just clothes, I just doesn't just kind of show off my skin and everything just because of my way. And I definitely still feel really insecure about it. But it's just so hard to kind of like, you know, be at home and kind of like, you know, living through the Coronavirus and not being able to go out, and, you know, do stuff and it just kind of sucks because, you know, I'm just inside my house eating all day, you know, and just kind of laying around do my homework saying all day to you know, and it's just, it just hard. So, like, I think there's just kind of like, um, biggest concern that I'm having. But yeah, it's just, it's just really hard. And I just like, I don't know, if anyone struggle like me, because I'm definitely struggling. And I definitely, like don't know what to do. I'm still on the intimate diet, but that's the thing. Like, I've been on the internet for like two months, and I just don't see any frickin results. Or like, I don't know, if it's just helping, like, I don't know if how to do the into my day with me like working out or not, you know, but like, I see a lot of YouTubers where they do work out and they don't so like, I just personally like don't know, which is which. But But I just felt like, it definitely is just a lot of work. And I need to like stop telling myself that just because you know, I just need to find a way to stay motivated, is really hard. But largest is a number one concern that, that I'm really concerned about just my way in everything. But yeah, but today, I didn't really do much. I had my music class today am my morning class, which I was good.
Pasuaha Yang 57:06
We pretty much talked about Hamilton again, about like your next assignment that is due on Monday. And then after that I had my afternoon class, which was philosophy. And in that class, we just promoted talks about the reading, which I really like it because philosophy, like philosophy readings are hella hard. And like, it is even though like my professor talk about where I tried to explain, like, I still don't understand or like, it is really hard for me to understand sometimes with philosophy books, you know, like, it could be both ways. Like it'd be, you know, it's just, it's just a lot of things, but philosophy needs depth and really hard to understand it. And it's just not me like my classroom. My classmates are like, are like struggling with the readings because they're so hard to understand and link. Some of the readings are like, what, 100 years ago and like, it's just so dumb, but like, there's definitely a meaning to it or something like that. But yeah, I just haven't been really like been productive. I didn't go out today I stay inside the house. Pretty much because I feel it today was really cloudy. Or maybe I just I just felt cloudy today. I don't know. But yeah, so pretty much. This is the end of my podcast, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Friday living through the Coronavirus, week three. And pretty much. I feel like today was pretty much a relaxed day, just because I didn't have my morning class, which was my deal. But we only meet once a week, so I don't have it. And then today, it was my history class from an afternoon class and it's not really a class. It's just kind of like a check in. And that's how we get like our attendance points and everything. I personally didn't meet with my professor just because I literally forgot about it. And I emailed my professor about it too. So I just would just do I would just meet with her on a different time and everything. But yeah, I'm so and then after that. I just pretty much just worked on my assignments. I had an assignment that was due that I was going to be due on Sunday for philosophy and it was like a writing to learn assignment and I just wanted to get that done just because I knew I'm going to be busy tomorrow and just on Sunday, because it's garden season. And we garden during this time so I'm usually at the farm I'm gardening or like, just doing a lot of stuff and I'm trying to, you know, be one of myself and everything, which is pretty good. I feel like I don't really have a lot of things to do. So, for an assignment that's due on Monday, which that is a presentation for my music class, which is a group presentation, if I say that before, but yeah, so I just kind of like, trying to do my part a little bit. No one haven't really started on it, which it's okay, because it's not due until Monday. And so, people still have tomorrow and Sunday to do it. But yeah, um, so it's pretty good today. Yeah. My sister's and pretty much everyone came over just to hang out today's Friday, so it usually kind of hang out Friday day. And today, we may steam row, which it was super good. And, yeah, it was just like kind of spending time with family day and today. Also, they have like, Hmong live performance on YouTube, or I think goes on Facebook, too. And it's really like Hmong singers. Pretty much it's kind of common just like saying, their songs and everything. So, which is pretty good, because during this time, there's usually a lot of like Hmong artists that have concerts, but with their Coronavirus, there's just, you know, it's not able to happen. So, they're just doing it like, through camera or not through like zoom or like kind of online, which is pretty interesting and fun, because we go just watch at home and enjoy the song and everything. So that's what we did today. But yeah, today was just a really chill day. The weather was super nice. Oh my god. It was supposed to rain today, but the weather bad. So Bipolars, though, you know, it just you never know when it's gonna rain. And remember, it's gonna be sunny, you know? But yeah, so that's what I promised did today. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:01:56
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. If you guys don't know me, I'm pushable hiking. Today is a Saturday of week three living through the Coronavirus. Um, today, it's the weekend. It's a Saturday and I'm super heavy. That's a freaking weekend just because I just felt like I just need a break from like my assignments or just kind of a break from everything. But I just don't have the weekend off because it's garden season, as I mentioned 1000 times in my whole podcast. And I'm gonna keep reminding it is because that is what I'm doing literally on the weekend, or that's what I'm doing today. But yeah, I just kind of like a lot of work, but it's good because like, there's a lot of us like I have a lot of siblings where we're able to help out at the garden and stuff like that. So, it's really good and we're able to help my grandparents because my grandparents farm, my mom and my dad will help them a lot. So we just try to make an effort in it or just, you know, like, they're getting a lot of older so, you know, we're just trying to help them and everything but we're definitely really scared. Just because, you know, like during the Coronavirus, like, you know, during I think the Coronavirus gonna go up to like August or throughout the whole summer. And it's kind of an issue because, you know, like a lot of people is afraid of the Coronavirus. So, it's kind of like, who was going to come to the farmers market to come by our produce, you know, so we're just really worried about that. But I think now we're just kind of worrying about what's happening now. Like, trying to get all our produce, like growing and stuff like that. But you know, it's just, it's definitely a lot of work. And we're just trying our best to, you know, stay positive and everything, but it's definitely really hard for us. Because, you know, that's usually our income throughout the whole summer. And you definitely do make a lot like my grandparents definitely make a lot of my grandparents, they don't work during the wintertime. So, their income is definitely from the garden. And we definitely make a lot of money from it. Because if you think about it last summer, technically four months, because it's April, May, June, July, August, okay, so technically like five months, it kind of go up through October, so it's kind of like seven or eight months. But throughout that you pretty much like in a day when you sell you make about like $1,000 which that's pretty good. Um, they're just kind of like, pretty good. But yeah, so you kind of like make $1,000 Or like about that every time you sell at the farmers market. And it's really good money because, you know, like, without the seven months you make embolic to $100,000 or like $300,000 You know, so it's, it's really good and it's a really good income just because, you know, my grandparents save a lot of money. And my family save a lot of money too. We help out a lot. So, you know, it definitely does pay off but it just definitely helps out of work. I pretty much just at the firm, pretty much have my grandparents and everything. I just haven't been really do any of my homework just because you know it's Saturday and I'm just trying to spend time with my family and you know, enjoy the weather and the weather was Sol's so beautiful today. So it was really good. But I just follow with a Coronavirus. I've just been super moody, like my Bible, everything and just kind of killing me like I'm just so moody. I don't know why I don't November period. I don't know. I'm just so moody. And I'm just like, so like irritated every little things. Maybe there's just like an issue with me that like, I need to work on myself. I don't know. But it's just kind of that. But overall, I felt good. I'm just really happy that you know, maybe next week and that we're literally halfway done with school. And I'm super excited because I'm so excited for school to be done. I just did the whole freaking summer to just garden and just do my own thing, you know. But I'm also nervous because I don't know how I'm going to find a job in the summer because of my internship managers job literally like it's done in May, literally on the day when like, I'm done with school on so I just don't really know what my backup plan is. And I'm not going to worry until May so yeah, but overall, I'm doing really good, you know, staying healthy and being pretty productive. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:06:36
Hi, guys. Welcome back to week three of loving to the Coronavirus. Today's is Sunday, and today is the last day of week three. Pretty much. I've been doing my podcast for three weeks now. And I feel like they've been pretty good. I've been kind of improving on you know, what I'm doing a day. And I felt like I'm pretty like even though it's kind of the same thing. It's really repetitive. I'm still trying to like cooperate with like, what I'm doing stuff like that the other day. And I'm definitely like still trying to keep myself really, really busy. But today is a Sunday. And pretty much I'm just working on my what is on my music presentation, which is the group presentation. And it's due tomorrow on Monday, which we're presenting tomorrow. And we're doing a presentation based on Hamilton which is really good. Just because it's such a such a good musical. And I definitely talked about this one on my podcast. But it's just so good. And I'm really happy that my professor put me in the group, or like in like, what section that I'm doing just because you know, it's divided by like the songs of Hamilton and I'm really happy that she put me in the song that I want just because it's it's just, it definitely has a really good and strong meaning throughout the throughout like the Hamilton musical. And it definitely like is known for like a scene of it and the two songs that she the professor wanted us to like really talked about is helpless and satisfied. And those two songs are saying by the main woman wishes Hamilton wife, and then Tomlinson wife sister those things satisfied, if that makes sense. Okay, let me say this again. So helpless. The song helpless is singing by Hamilton wife. And then satisfied is saying by Hamilton wife, sister. So, it's really good. I personally like it. And it just it definitely has like such a good strong, you know, meaning through the Hamilton musical, but if y'all haven't heard it, please go watch it. Or just please listen to it because it's just so good. I personally love it. And yes, I definitely talk about Hamilton a lot, but it's just such a good musical and I just regretted that it's difficult. Because it's so good. It's so good. But yeah, to pretty much I'm just working on that update on my aquitine My face is Hello dry. Like always. My lip is so disgusting. Like, it's so dry, like every like two minutes. My lip is like frozen like it that's how dry it is like it's like so crusty. And I like literally put your chopsticks or like a certain, like special chapstick that my dermatologist gave me like a gift from drugstore and like I don't know if it's working, but my lips are filled the same. I'm gonna have my lips like this for a whole eight months and like I just don't know what to do because you know, the whole aim on is literally throughout like my first semester of college, my first semester of my junior year in college, so I don't know how that's gonna work. But definitely my acne like, it's definitely breaking out. Like, I'm definitely breaking out a lie again. But that's kind of how advertising works. It's like if you start eating it and then you start beginning to break out because it's like, trying to get used to your body and everything and then after being on like, it's hella good, like, it makes your face so pretty and everything. So, I'm just really waiting on that because I just need, you know, me to look pretty and everything because I'm so tired happy acne. But also the annoying and annoying but the like, fantastic thing that happened today.
Pasuaha Yang 01:10:44
I like spoiled myself today. Because you know, why not. And I haven't like Barney thing for like a couple of two or three months now just because I've been really like saving my money. But today I just have to because I'm running out on my face wash. And my favorite brand is from fresh. It's definitely kind of an a pricey product or brand. But I personally love it just because it's like super light organic and everything. But I love it. And you know Sephora is having so far as having like their discount and everything. So it's just super nice because you know, it just depends on like, what VIP rules you are on the VIP route because I spent so much money on Sephora, and I regret it to this day. But you know, I love makeup and I love skincare products and everything. But personally, I bought a lot of skincare just because I want my face to like, definitely clear out and just kind of like have less pores and everything on my face. But I definitely like need to get sunscreen, which I didn't get it. I don't know why, but I forgot to get sunscreen. And I don't really know any good products for sunscreen. My face is hella sensitive now it's just for the sun because of aquitine like literally like my face just I don't even know my face is so dry and like I you set up Phil as my moisturizer and I get in a works because my face is so dry. By like it definitely makes my face super oily, which I think that's the whole point, I think, but it's just a lot of work for trying to be pretty in everything. Yeah, so it's just I'm super happy that I kind of spurred myself on getting those products and everything and I'm super excited for it to come in. You know, I like when Sephora has this discount because it definitely makes a huge, huge difference, you know? But yeah, overall, I'm doing really good. I'm still working on my presentation. And I feel like my classmate or like the people in my group are currently still working on it too, because I see them. But yeah, they're still working on it. And we're definitely gonna get this done by tonight. So I'm super excited just to get it done and just present my presentation tomorrow. But yeah, so that is it for today. Um, I wish I talked more about fun things but my life which is not fun right now, and I wish it was. But yeah, so I definitely see you guys tomorrow for week four. I will live in through my living through Coronavirus, and tomorrow's a new gun. So that means it's a new me period. But I will see you tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:13:32
Hi guys, welcome back to my podcast. This is push award and today is a Monday Oh loving through the Coronavirus week four. So today's a Monday and pretty much I just got done with my class, my music class, which was early in the morning, and we pretty much had our presentation on Hamilton, which went really well. We just different. We definitely had different type of songs that we were looking into and everything. So, it was just, it was good. But I also felt like my professor was very kind of like very precise on what she wanted. Because when we presented she pretty much just kind of went over of the things that she wanted through our through our slides. And which some of us like, didn't do a so hopefully like she doesn't like duck off points or kind of like, you know, just fail us with it, but I doubt it. And she pretty much has talked about how we were done having class, like having zoom, just because I just felt like she was kind of frustrated that like a lot of you know, a lot of people didn't show up for class and you know, just your attendance I heard her attendance was really important to her So people didn't really show up. And I felt like a lot of people didn't really participate in the class Sue, so she was really very frustrated. Because he was more open to like, it feels like she was waste her time. Just, you know, talking to us, you know, if we're not gonna, like, do the work or listen, so my music professor just pretty much ended our, our class, like our zoom meetings, but we definitely still have like other assignments and everything, which I feel like it's really good just because now like, I have more time to do my homework and kind of like, you know, take my time and everything, instead of like, falling, like I'm always rushed. So it's, it's really good. But yeah, but I also like, kind of wish that we kind of meet once a week, just so she could kind of go over like, this schedule, or like, what's gonna, like, come up and everything. And just because, you know, it's always a good refreshment of like, what Simon's going, or like, she could talk more in depth about diamonds. But she says that we could always email her or always have like, Zoom meetings and stuff, which an issue is she doesn't have office hour and a memorial to so she like cancelled that out. I think she kind of noticed that a lot of students, they didn't really use the office hour, so she kind of canceled that out. So pretty much she just like literally is done with us. And yeah, so. But yeah, she was a really good professor. And I liked her class. Her class was really fun, and just super interesting. But yeah, and I didn't have my philosophy class afternoon, just because we we usually meet once a week. So, it's usually on a Thursday. So pretty much I didn't really do that much stuff. my niece's came over, and I just babysat them. And then pretty much we just like hung out. And then literally, it was just time for dinner. And pretty much I also had to study my exam too, because I had an exam on Tuesday. And he was okay. I just my studying. I don't know, I had a study guide. So, I don't know if it was kind of like, hard for me. But I felt like it was really hard for me to find like, which definition goes with what modules or which PowerPoint that he did. But hopefully, I do really good tomorrow on my exam just because you know, I just need to pass his class and I just want to pass through my all my classes. But yeah, I just want to check in with you guys and pretty much to do as well. A little bit of my day. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Peshawar. This is week, four loving through the Coronavirus. And today is a Tuesday. So, I published just finished taking my philosophy exam. I don't know I feel pretty okay, so an exam, it was multiple choice. It was it was 30 questions, and it was multiple choice. And today was 31. But it was 30 multiple choices. And then the number 31 was our writing, I say which that was worth a lot of points, which that was worth like 20 points. So, it was pretty okay.
Pasuaha Yang 01:18:30
I'm kind of happy that we had our nodes with us or it kind of had our sleep guide because it literally was based on the definition of our study guide and everything. I felt like I do too horrible on it on with the multiple choice, I got a 21 or a 23 and the essay is worth 20 points. So that's just worth 20 points and then the exam is out of 50 So you know hopefully I get about like an 18 or like a 19 on it. So I get like around in the 40 range, but I feel like I'm usually pretty good at the essay just because as it was kind of easy for me to like talk about. So hopefully I do really good. I can't wait to like kind of like see my results and everything. But yeah, so today's a Tuesday but I didn't really do much. I didn't really do anything for my internship and usually I'm supposed to but I just been very like slacking off and I just like want to finish like school and like, you know, not worry about my internship but my coworker also text me about how they are extending like working at home until May when I'm done working with them and may and like may have like kind of like the last day of like school so like It's kind of like, it's kind of hard to kind of, like interact with them or kind of like do something just like a celebration of goodbye, you know, because I've been working with them for like a year and like a couple months. So it's just, it's just sad because like, I definitely learned a lot of things for my internship. And I'm definitely like majoring in Human Resource which My internship was a human on my major US heart, my major is Human resource. And my internship is also based in human resource department. So I definitely learned a lot from them. And also, like, you know, what, human resource generalists also do a lie, which is usually a lot of like employees or, you know, talking to coworkers about issues and like payroll and stuff like that. So, it's definitely a really like challenging job but I definitely had such a good co workers and a boss just because like there was just so friendly and they walk with me, walk old, walk cold, welcomed me a lot. I can't speak today. But yeah, so they were just really nice to me and everything, but it just sad that like, we're not going to really see each other before I kind of like, you know, go off to St. Thomas or go off to St. Kate's, you know, but I think after the Coronavirus that we probably would do something like a meet up, hang out. And then yeah, but yeah, so overall, I don't know. I'm just relaxing and everything. But yeah, I just didn't really do much. I technically, like cheated on my internet die. Like I haven't been really like doing it. I know, I just been slacking the fuck off. But I just been like craving for some food at midnight, because I stay up at midnight to like, do my homework and everything. So it's just really hard. But you know, I'm just still trying to look good in the summer trying to work on everything. But yeah, so I'm just pretty good. I'm trying to stay positive and everything you know. Well, yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:23:05
The weather been really nice to us. So, I just like been really enjoying the weather and everything. But this morning, I had my geol class and it was really good. We learned about earthquakes. So that was really interesting. I kind of wish her lecture was just a little shorter. But it kind of makes sense for her to have a lecture throughout the whole class because we only meet with her once a week. So it makes sense. But I just felt like she just like kind of, you know, put everything in in like slides. And it's just really hard for me to like kind of concentrate on everything or just sitting in class for like an hour and everything and just listening to her for her lecture. But I think the topic was really interesting. It was about earthquakes. So that was really interesting. And also, she just talked about what our next assignment that is pretty much do. And on Friday, we I have a mind geo paper. What took a group paper that is due on Friday. And yeah, I feel pretty okay with him. The questions are really simple to kind of answers. So, I'm hoping that you know, we kind of get full points but usually we haven't been really getting full points. It's out of 10 planes by we only we've been getting like a seventh and eighth on it. So it's very challenging and she's definitely really like precise in what she wants on the rough draft and everything. And I'm happy that's rough draft because towards the end of school year kind of like toward towards our final. We had like a final paper and like so she pretty much just like write on it or just like tell us to kind of change some of our like, sentences or our whole section. Since she like, she pretty much give us feedback, which is really good. But yeah, I don't really have anything do that much on Thursday or anything. Yeah, so it's a very pretty much relaxing week, which I'm super happy about. Just because I felt like last week, which is though, like much I like a lot of assignments. I was doing Sunday from philosophy and forum GL and stuff like that. So, I just felt like, now it's kind of the week to kind of relax, but I just can't because like, there's so much assignment that I kind of want to get done, or I want to do like, ahead of time and everything. But yeah, and my afternoon class, I had my history class, which was good, just because we pretty much went over our assignments that are coming up. And yeah, it was a good class. And he was very interesting about our next assignment, so it was really good. And the weather, the weather was really, really nice today. It was about like, what like, I don't know, 60 degrees in the summer and out. I feel like Sunrise. I really can't take the weather. Like the Minnesota weather sometimes in the summer just because it's so hot. But I rather take you know, summer weather than winter weather, so I can't complain about it. But it also I'm a summer baby too. So, I'm just excited. But it just sucks because hopefully the Coronavirus doesn't go go up to my birthday. So, let's just see what pretty much overall I'm doing really good. I'm still trying to stay motivated and everything. But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:26:47
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is pushable Hi Yang, loving through the corona virus a week for today, it's pretty much a Thursday, and I pretty much didn't have a morning class because my music professor just pretty much cancel on our class throughout the whole with pretty much throughout like the end of the school years. It's a which is couple like, which is kind of like in four weeks. So she just wanted to cancel her class and everything. But we definitely still have assignments, everything to do. So it was really good. I kind of like, you know, didn't like really have to wake up early or anything for it. So it was really good. But I had my afternoon class. And it was good. It was my philosophy class. And we talked about race, which it was I think he was probably one of like the best topic that we ever talked about, just because race is such like a common concern as of today. Or it's where a lot of people talk about race as a today, but it was guide he like show us like different type of pictures and we like how to enter identify, like, what race you're wise, and they keep pretty much like toe was like the background of like, oh, this person is mix, or this person is black, but his parents are white like or it's also kind of like he gave us like different type of scenario of like, okay, if a black person I don't really remember much, but like a black person grew up knowing about his black heritage, but he ignore his black heritage and B start becoming white. Like, what does that make him and we pretty much have like a debate of like, No, he is still black. Because, you know, he pretty much like because his heritage is African American. And you know, like he is literally trying to be someone else instead of his culture. So yeah, it was like a lot to it. But it was very interesting, interesting topic. And yeah, I like I think I like the topic a lot. I just felt like it's a very kind of, like, easy topic, maybe throughout the semester, or throughout this whole semester. Because I feel like throughout the semester in his class, it was definitely very challenging, based on his reading and everything, but I think with this topic of race, he was very interest interesting. And it just shows that you know, like, we as of today so kind of struggle of like identifying arrays of pupil and it's just shows that you know, like, there's more to a and it's based on how you like grew up or are you know where your ancestor was from and everything but it was a very interesting discussion today. And my professor, he still went over like our next assignments and everything, which was good. I just had a writing to learn assignment that's due on Sunday, so I'm trying to get that done by Friday and everything Um, so yeah, but pretty much the weather was really nice today and my niece's came over. And I feel like my nieces definitely come over a lot just because we're their babysitter because we're at home. And it was nice because I spend time with my sister and we went, go grab some tea cup, some boba tea, and we just put them on to like talk about school and life. And yeah, so we just spend some SR time. And my sister also bought some like cute swimsuit for my nieces. So it was really nice. It was super cute and everything. But yeah, I felt good. I definitely don't feel very tired. And I just woke up from my nap today. So, I just trying to like be awake and everything for my now. But overall, today was really good. And today per month is a day where it's almost the weekend. So I'm super, super, super excited. Ish. But maybe this weekend, I'll probably have to go to the garden. But I still don't know. And I hope I don't because I just wanted to like just relax, but I doubt it. So. But yeah, I will check in with you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys. Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is push show. Hi, gang. This is pretty much a week for love into the Coronavirus. And today is a Friday.
Pasuaha Yang 01:31:27
Thank God, it's a Friday, just because I just been so tired. You're so exhausted pretty much. But this morning, no, this morning, I just pretty much didn't have class today. Usually I have my history class and an afternoon where my professor was kind of like she told us on Wednesday that we didn't really need to like, kind of do like a one on one meeting on Friday, because like a check in thing on Friday, just because she wanted to have like a one on one meeting with other students about our re about our research essay. So it was pretty good. And I already met with her. And pretty much she just my professor gave me feedback on my essay and what I should change or how I should make it better. But I am going to try to make it better and everything but it is so hard. It just so hard to like try to be motivated everything during this like time and like, and also the school is almost done too. So I'm just like, try my best to stay motivated and everything. But yeah, and I had my god quiz this morning. It usually opens up at 11. Every Friday, and I did it and it was great because it was based on volcanoes. No, sorry, not for Kinos oh my god, earthquakes. I'm literally talking about the next week assignment, which is based on what Kinos but yeah, so it was good. I pretty much what else I did, oh, also I went go hang out with my boyfriend today just because I didn't really have class today. So it was kind of a good time for us just to hang out. And usually Fridays are kind of the day for us to hang out. Just because on the weekends, I'm not really able to hang out because I'm usually at the garden and I'm usually farming and everything. So, parents are to help my boo today and it was fine. I fully I was really productive just because like we went go eat at Chipotle and we like when we grab tea cup and everything. And then we mark we went back to my boyfriend plate and I literally just was grinding all my homework like I was getting like my god homework done. And my philosophy homework done, which those assignments are not due until Sunday, but I just don't have the time to do on the weekend. So, Fridays are kind of like the day for when you don't get my homework done. And I personally didn't want to like come back home and do it until like one or two o'clock in the morning. So I was very productive. And usually like before, like I'm never productive just because like, I don't know, like it's just it's just weird. So, but I feel like I was I was definitely really productive today. And it was good. I definitely got my assignment done. And I'm super happy that I got you know, two assignment done that I don't have to worry about. But I still am working on another assignment in my history class and I'm working on an assignment that is due on Sunday. And I'm just trying to get it done just because I don't want to do it on Saturday because I'm going to come home from the garden to be you know, just tired and everything. But yeah, um, so pretty much I just been really productive. I made banana bread this morning and like it just didn't turn out the way I One I'm so irritated just because like, I'm usually pretty good at baking, you know, like, I know how to follow directions of how to bake. But I just didn't like, I don't know, just the texture of it. And I felt like I put too much banana. I'd put too much banana in like my bread. And like, it just wasn't like really ready. And like it when I taste it. It was like very rubbery. Like it just wasn't ready. So, I threw that away and like, and literally, like, I'm trying to make some tomorrow so I could bring it to the garden. But I don't know how I feel because, you know, like, I have to get up early in the morning to do it. But I felt today was a very productive day. And you know, like, it was just, it was just good day. And I'm really happy that I'm able to like get out my house and do stuff. So yeah, but I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:35:53
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Saturday of living through the Coronavirus of week four. So pretty much gets wiped where I went to I went to the garden. I just felt like y'all probably know my schedule every weekend, just because I go to the garden too often now. And I think the good thing is also like, I'm willing to help out a lot now just because I'm able to drive. Because I feel like before, like I wasn't able to because I didn't drive and like I would have to wait on my siblings like my sisters and them to like get off from work. And like, go to the garden. But now it's more of a kind of like I have my own car and like I could kind of go whenever and stuff like that. So pretty much it was good. My auntie my two Auntie came to the garden, which they usually do, but it's just always fun to have, you know, like my relative or just always fun to see, like, you know, my family members just because of the Coronavirus, and like we haven't seen each other for like, such a long time. But you know, I think the garden is such a good place for us to kind of like hang out or me just because, you know, like, we are kind of separated from each other. Like, if you think about it, like we're definitely like doing stuff, but we're definitely very separated from each other. Which it's very good. And like my grandparents are definitely like, you know, old and they're very cautious about this virus too. And like they wear face masks and like, you know, the cover up and everything you know, so I think everyone is very, you know, cautious about the virus and being very safe with them. But yeah, it was really good. It was freakin freakin oh my god, it was so hot today. It was like 70 degrees today. And it was just so freaking hot. Like, I look so stupid wearing my shorts. No, not sure I wear my long hands. And like, it was like a long sweatpants. And it was so freakin high. Like, I'm happy that you know, it's hot. But it's also like, I can't enjoy it because I'm doing hard work. Che you know, like, it's so annoying. And I feel like I get so frustrated about it just because like, during summertime, like I don't go to the lake or I don't go to the beach. I don't go anywhere besides going to the garden, you know, like it just hard or like, you know, like our excuse of like getting out of you know, gardening for like a day is the state there and I'm pissed that you know, I'm gonna be really mad at the State Fair is closed this year, because the state fair approach has saved my life of not going to the garden that one day. But yeah, so it's just very frustrating. But hopefully, you know, the State Fair doesn't close. And there is a definitely a lot of rumors about people like saying the stiffer is going to be closing by say for like me and like an announcement on Facebook saying like, No, we're not close. For further notice. Like, please look at our state fair like website because anything else, it's all falls, which you know, it makes sense. But overall, you know, I'm doing really good. I'm just really happy that I spend time with my family and just my siblings because usually like I never do and I'm just very very thankful to like have such like a big family because you know, like having such a small family I just wouldn't be as happy as I am with my big family you know, but overall it was good. I'm pinched home from the garden and I just woke up from my nap and I'm eating a popsicle right now because I deserve this ice cream I work my ass off with my school and I work my ass off what the garden so I deserve this popsicle and no judgment here. So, girl, you could do whatever and eat whatever you want. But yeah, pretty much I'm gonna have to head off to bed just because I'm super tired and I'm super sore. But yeah, see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:39:48
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is push show Hi gang, and this is week for a living through the chrome route Coronavirus. And pretty much today is the last day of week four, actually, today is a Sunday and pretty much it's kind of crazy that I just been doing this podcast for like, four weeks now and I feel like I've been getting really comfortable with it or just getting you know, very used to it and I felt like you know, if I stopped doing this, like I'm gonna keep wanting to do it more so maybe I should start YouTube a YouTube channel where I should like vlog or like, you know, start a channel or something and because I'm so down for it, I'm just like so down to like talk, because I love to talk. So, you know, I'm just so down for and everything but pretty much I didn't go to the garden today just because it's a Sunday and Sunday they're usually kind of like lazy day. So, I pretty much just watch Korean drama All frickin day. I'm still am just because, you know, like, I deserve to relax my ass off. And I prefer to turn all my assignments in already on Sunday. So, I don't really have anything to worry about, which is really good. But yeah, I just take one and watch my Korean drama and just like cry, you know, or just like you know, be like so like, in love with the movie or in love with like the main guy because you know, the main guys are usually pretty cool. Pretty, pretty cute and Korean drama. If you don't know what Kdrama is Kailyn Kdrama is Korean TV show. But it's usually called Kdrama because Korean shows are very dramatic. And it's just it's just good. Like the producers and everything are usually pretty good and pretty creative of coming up like with a new storyline everything. My favorite favorite freaking TV show or a Kdrama is crashed Randy on you. If you haven't seen it, please go watch it. It's on Netflix. And the best thing is there's so many Korean Kdrama there's so many like Kdrama shows on Netflix, which that's like the amazing thing because you know, you don't have to watch it online Vicki which that's like an Asian app or like an Asian like TV show where you could you know, watch all your like shows and everything, but it's literally on Netflix and it's amazing because I feel like a lot of like, you know, I just feel like a lot of like, shells and everything are just pretty good on Netflix. But that's one of my favorite it's just so good. I mean guys so hot and it just everything just so good. I just can't even tell you about it because like it just so good. I just give this freakin 10,000 rate because it just felt amazing and like I literally cried the last two episodes and I just wish that didn't end and everything like it just breaks my heart that it's like it's done another not shooting anymore, but it's just it's very devastating for me. Yeah, so that's pretty much what I did on Sunday. But yeah, I'm just not really doing anything I'm just really trying to do my self-care on also update on my acne. I am so freakin dry like I just I just can't I just can't like I can't wear makeup because my face is okay key or like my skin is so dry that you can see like you know the dryness aroma pimples are like where it's dry. And it's so annoying just because like I am waiting for like my Sephora items to come in the mail. So I feel like use my face products and everything. But it's just so frustrating because you know, all the shipping and everything are kind of delayed in everything. But it's very frustrating and I'm so irritated and like I just been very trying to like avoid makeup or like kind of like having makeup on my face because I just don't want to put makeup on my face in my face was super super sensitive. So yeah, I just like been trying to avoid makeup but you know sometimes I kind of want to go outside looking Hello like ugly with no makeup. You know, like I want to look a little decent but I can't because my face is still ashy. It's so frustrating. Trying to be beautiful and so far it's really like trying to be cute and everything and like you know, it's just fucking frustrating and like, gives you those prompts with a girl they're like look good every day they'll wake up because that is not me. But yeah, I'm so promised I'm gonna be done talking just because I'm gonna go back to my Kdrama and just pretty much watch my drama until I go to bed. So, but yeah, I'll definitely see you guys tomorrow and tomorrow will be a new different week. So, I'm super excited to see what I'm doing and everything on Monday, but I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 01:44:47
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. Today is a Monday of week five. So pretty much I did not have my any class today which it was amazing. Yeah, pretty much I just like lay around throughout the whole day. My nieces and my sister came over. So, we pretty much baked. And we pretty much bake some cookies and everything. And it was just really fun. I would just like spending time with like my nieces. And you know, for my sister before she like goes to labor and everything. But the weather was really nice. I also hang out with my boo too, so it was really fun. We like promotion too much, because leashes pretty much the same and go eat Chick fil A, and they hang out in my car just to like watch movie, and then I dropped them off at home. And yeah, that was kind of it. But today, it was pretty much like pretty chill day. And I felt like it's really good. Just because, you know, like, we're almost done with school, we literally have two more weeks, and I'm super excited. And I'm just like, I'm just so happy. You know. Um, so pretty much yeah, I just, I feel really good about just being done. And I'm just happy that like, you know, with our Coronavirus, everyone's all safe and everything and like, you know, we just, we had zoom, like we had online class for a couple of months, like I think three months, two months or something. But it's just been really, really productive and everything. Last Friday, I think was like kind of like the due day of the pass and fail class because we have that. So, I did it for two of my classes. And I don't know, I don't know how I really feel about it now, just because like, for me, like I'm always really productive, or I was turning stuff in or I always really try my work and I'm just afraid that like, you know, like, if I do put some effort into my pass and fail, you know, like classes, my two classes that I put, like, I might get a good grade. And I felt like it just hunted me down. Because you know, like, I do put a lot of work into my, you know, assignments and everything or essays and stuff like that. So, I just felt like, I'd be really sad if I did have a really good grade and I kept them as pass and fail. But you know, like you just never know and everything but like it just like the two classes like it be going up and down. You know, like, it's just, it's so annoying. Like, he doesn't stay in like once by like, you know, it just goes up and down. And he's just really annoying. So let's just I'm just excited to see like my final results for like my grades and stuff like that. So yeah, but overall, everything's going good. I'm just pretty much been watching a lot of Kdrama and I'm usually you know, really good up to it. Until like my dates and everything, but I'm really waiting for like, new episodes and everything to come out. But yeah, I just don't have a lot of stuff to talk about just because today's like the lazy day for me. And I just didn't do much. But yeah, I hopefully I do a lot more things tomorrow. But I doubt it. So, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:44:47
Guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is pushable living through the Coronavirus Today is Tuesday of week five. And pretty much today is Cinco Demayo the cool part is two years ago it was my prom. And it's just so crazy than had been like two years ago and everything like just funny because I can see like through like my snapchat of like, the memories and like of what days and stuff like that. And yeah, but today's to go to my home. As I said before, and obviously you know, me and my family are cooking some tacos today. My nieces and my sisters are coming over to also bake some Asian food I Asian desserts and stuff something like that. I'm baking banana bread today. But is that a banana bread? I'm doing Banana Cupcakes, mini cupcakes. I just find that like sometimes my banana bread just doesn't turn out good when I'm baked them like in like the loaf of bread or whatever. But I'm just going to try them out in like mini cupcakes form just because like you know, I just have never really tried it and I don't know if anybody had had like have mini ones but they're just super easy like super easy just to eat it and one by in everything which I really like. So I've been like you know trialing different type of baking and stuff like that. But yeah, so today is pretty much you know, a pretty crazy day I feel like I just been cooking a lot like I baked this morning and then I'm starting to cook dinner and everything like tacos and stuff like that. We like marinated the beef. All we have in beef, shrimp and fish for our dish. And then my sister have bought us some top, some like taco sauce last week or she went to like the Mexican store to buy them on Mexican restaurants. And she bought them. We had them since last week. So we're just going to finish any of that today. And then we made some guacamole and I literally make the best guacamole. I felt like it's just so easy to make, it's still healthy. It's like you can eat it as not like, as an appetizer or like a lunch. You know, it is super easy. And it's super, like accessible because you could always put in your fridge and eat it. You know, like, it's just, it's always so nice. But yeah, so just a lot of family hangout day and I felt like I'm really happy that I have that just because, you know, like, I sister in Hawaii, she doesn't have that. And like, she kind of really regrets like, you know, living Hawaii just because like it just, it's hard for her and everything. But she is definitely coming home in June to you know, come see us, but I don't know how my mom would feel about it. Because you know, with the quarantine everything and like, on the airplane, you're able to get more quarantine and stuff on the airplane. But I don't know. I don't know. But yeah, overall, I'm feeling really good and everything. I'm very happy. I'm just in a positive and like good environment right now. But yeah, I'm Autodesk tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:51:23
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is a show I gain a living through the Coronavirus a week five. So pretty much today is a Wednesday. And what I did, I had my morning class was was my geo class, it was really interesting just because we learn about volcanoes and how they prevented erupt. And it was really nice. And we also did a lab together, which was really helpful. Because if we wouldn't have done it together as like a group, then we would have done it in separate small groups with our classmates. And we've been doing the weekends. But she gave us participation points, just being in class and just actually doing the work, even though we like went over the answers and everything together. But it was really helpful. And then after that I had my afternoon class, it was my history class, it was guide, we pretty much just went over our next assignment that was due on the weekend of part of like our Part Two essay. Which it was really interesting, which I like it just because we were able to connect and use like historical evidence that happened throughout the years, the mine essay was based on how one woman is going to be the hierarchy, we're not going to happen in poverty, and there's going to be no violence or no discrimination. So I compared it with woman suffrage. And then I could care compare with the Great Depression as what is oh as poverty just because in the Great Depression, and President Roosevelt pretty much invented food stamp. And food stamp was a huge thing that pretty much help the Great Depression. And it's still a current solution that we use today. So it was really interesting. And then for discrimination or violence I use just lynching and how it's like, was like a violence back in the day and how it's still like a modern lynching as of today of how it's torwards how, like a lot of targets are usually towards African Americans. So I kind of relieved them. And I, I like it because it was able for me to talk about the issue and how I couldn't resolve it in my own world, which was really nice.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
And then after my class today, I pretty much just relax. I just didn't really do too much stuff. Just because I didn't really have odd assignments that were due on the weekdays. I had a lot of summers or during the weekend. So I'm not even really planning to try to do anything today. I'm gonna try to do it tomorrow, just because it's a Thursday and I just kind of want to relax today. But my niece's are over and they are crazy. But overall, I just wish I was pretty productive. But I'm not. And I'm happy that we still have two more weeks of school live. I'm so happy. Next week is pretty much our last week of school, which is super, super exciting. tomorrow bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. I am Pasha Yang and does it is a week five living through their carnal virus today is a Thursday, pretty much. I didn't do much this morning because I didn't have my I didn't have a morning class. Usually I have a morning class on Thursday for music, but my professor just pretty much kind of counterclockwise or the whole semester. So, I don't have a morning class, I had an afternoon class. And it was my philosophy class, we pretty much just talked about our next exam, that is in two weeks, and it's based on a project. So, it's really, really nice. Just because I have like two options to pick what project I want to do and everything. So, I'm super excited. And I'm gonna do like an art project. So, I'm super excited to like draw and paint and that's kind of like, my specialty of like, myself calm and everything. But yeah, I am just excited to pretty much be done with school because school it's done is in two weeks. And yes, I think throughout the whole podcast, I'm gonna be talking about me being down with school and two weeks just because I'm super excited, and everything. But I just didn't do much today. Today. It was really nice. Oh, I did go to Como Park to walk around with my sisters and everything. So it was fun. There was definitely a lot of people. So, it was a lot, but overall it was still really fun. But I wish I did more stuff today, but I didn't and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is push a hard game and pretty much today is a Friday of loving through Coronavirus. Week five. The amazing part was I didn't have class today or damn class this morning and my evening class. So pretty much today was sibling hangout day and we just pretty much walked Michelle Obama new documentary that is on Netflix, which is which is called becoming just like her book. I haven't read her book, which I really want to just because you know, it's Michelle Obama and she's a she's a badass. But the documentary was really good. It just mostly talked about her journey of just kind of like the reason why she wrote the book and everything but it was just really good. I liked it and it was just really good. But I just loved hanging out with my family just because we do so much things together. We pretty much connect everything you together. Just like based on what we're watching or what we're doing like we're always able to pretty much be happy together and just you know spend a lot of time together during this Coronavirus K with so I am just very, very thankful. But yeah, so that is what I did today and it's the weekend. I'm super excited. I definitely deserve a break from everything. So pretty much yeah, so I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasuaha Yanglive into the Coronavirus of week five today is the Saturday I'm so happy that I didn't go to the garden today just because usually we usually go to the garden every weekend and I just we just didn't go today just because there just wasn't things for us to plan and it was gonna rain which it did rain today but today was just really nice. And today we pretty much went me and my siblings went to my sister place to just hang out pretty much we tried hickory hot chicken it's on University and Dale. My rate on that will be a six out of 10 just because I feel like it's it's more of like a dry season seasoning and chicken if he has like dry season seasonings but I personally not really a big fan of it and I feel like it was definitely like super salty and like I don't know like it just didn't really taste right and I felt like it had to taste right with ranch and they had like other specialties of sauce and everything but I just had to go with a ranch just because originally and you know everything goes good with ranch you know when it comes to chicken wings and everything. But I also heard that their whole Joe potato chips are really good and we got that too and we got like fries and it wasn't good at all. Just because like I felt like they when they made the fries in the hotel like potato fries. They like made it really hot and then they just put it like right in into like, the tray and like they just close it so, and like, you know, with a heat and everything like it, like started to make it like really mushy and everything, which I personally didn't like and you know, I like my fries super crunchy, or you know, like it's just, it was just so bad and like, yeah, it was pretty pricey to like I bought it and it was like about $54 for like 18 pieces of chicken wings, and to Santa fries and a whole job. Potato Fries. Which I thought that's pretty expensive. Yeah, but it was okay. I don't think I would ever really go back for their chicken. My brother-in-law did say that their ribs are really good, like their pork ribs or whatever. Really good. So, I think I might get that next time. But it was just, it was a chicken wing. That just wasn't my favorite. But a lot of reviews hit the chicken was really good. So yeah, I had a two little minute talk about it. But overall, it was fun. We just pretty much just stayed over my sister house until like, it was gonna dark. And currently I'm home. I'm just chilling and just like trying to, you know, like, I'm just trying to relax and everything. I am watching carnival mind right now with my little brother. And we pretty much are starting from season one, which that's from like, you know, that's a lot of season because it's about like, what 15 Season 16 seasons. So, we're gonna probably binge watch that. Half of it tonight. Maybe tomorrow, too. But yeah, and tomorrow is Mother's Day. So, I'm super, super excited, just you know, hanging out with my mom. But the disappointing part is my mom worth. So, we're gonna hang out with her on Monday as like a Hangout day. But I think tomorrow or just, I'm just going to clean because we need a deep deep cleaning on my house. But yeah, overall, I feel really good. So, they're motivated by school and everything. But I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 01:54:01
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. And today is a Sunday and today is pretty much the last week living through the Coronavirus of week five. And pretty much sent me that and we have one more week until one more week that I'm done with my podcast and everything. I am so thankful that a lot of people are just some of you guys who listen to my podcast, even though it's really really short. I just wanted to make it very short, just because you know, like you're probably doing something and you probably do with somebody like driving a car, or something. And I just wanted a really easy two minute podcast like a song. But today's Mother's Day, and I am very, very, very thankful for my mom, she pretty much have done everything for me, she pretty much provide everything for me. She just supported me in a lie. And she was just always there. She pretty much doesn't tell me that she loves me, but the way that she like the way that she show it to me by like, providing me food on the table working her ass off, you know, always wanting me to have things or just always wanted me just to like, you know, for me like not to be, you know, very, like, not having things. So, I just felt like overall like, even though I came my mom like a hard time, probably in her life, like throughout high school and everything, you know, I'm just so very thankful that she is my mom, and she raised me to be such a fucking awesome woman as I am today. She taught me you know, as a young age to be very independent education was a huge number. We're all of you know, just being as an independent woman and having an education, having career and having money. And I definitely learn what she's learning and just because of the struggle that she had been going through and everything, but I think it's just very sad that I'm not able to spend time with her today because she does work. So, it's very hard and sometimes, you know, I just wish that my mom could just not work and just like spend time with us and she probably will like that too. But it's just so very, it's just really hard. And I understand that, you know, she's gone through a lot of you know, with a Coronavirus, too so it's it's a lot of work and like you know, I just understand but I think it's it's definitely still really hard for my mom to like take a break and everything and I just wish that had the time today to pretty much spend time with her. But tomorrow will be a fun day just because we were celebrating Mother's Day was there tomorrow, because she gets off work early tomorrow. So that's why we're pretty much doing it tomorrow. So that was today but pretty much today. I was really productive. I made what did I make? I make cheese cake I mean many cheese cake cake today, if that makes sense, I made them really small. And this is like my second time making them. But pretty much it's, it's pretty easy to make just I didn't realize how easy it was, but it's really, really easy. And it's just very, very easy to eat just because they're in small little containers. So, you have like one big bite. And you know, like, for me, I'm not a sweet tooth. So, I could just have one bite, and I'm pretty much done for the day. But a lot of my sisters and brothers like any of them, and so they probably eat like two or three times in one sitting. But I am definitely into making today is just promotion last week of week five. So that means that I have one more week of my podcast. And that means that you know, I'm always told in school and overall, I am still very proud of myself and everything. Oh my god, I forgot to tell you guys, but my cap and gown came in today. Were human yesterday, but we're gonna podcast that but I just pretty much got them. And it's so freakin amazing that, you know, I worked my fucking ass off for the whole two years IDFC. And it made me really strong, it made me it just shows that I am very passionate in my work and image in my education and how education is very, very important to me. And I'm just, you know, working my ass off to get my BA you know, as human resource. That's what I want to major in. But I'm just very, very proud of myself. And I'm just proud that I have family and siblings and everybody to support me and love me. And even though like I'm going through this Coronavirus, and everything like I am still very motivated, motivated of everything I do with my cap and gown i got the student Student Honor metal, which that's really, really nice.
Pasuaha Yang 02:06:52
And also I got the capping the cap yard or whatever that you know, goes on your cap or whatever. I got that too. And I'm just it just shows that I worked so hard and that I'm just I'm just so proud of myself. And just everything that I do like, I'm just going to reflect on how DFC have definitely really, really changed me and really change the way that I take my education really seriously. I still don't know where I want to go after my DFC journey, but I know that I would definitely continue on to my schools and everything. But overall, I'm just so proud of myself. And I'm so thankful that I'm working so hard and everything. But yeah, so today is definitely a wonderful day. I definitely do like deep cleaning and just I'm just so proud of myself and just I'm so proud of my mom. So, it's kind of like two loads of things. I'm proud of myself am proud of my mom. But overall I'm just very very happy and I'm in a good mood today. So yeah, so that's pretty much what I did today and hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys
Pasuaha Yang 02:08:08
Hi guys, welcome back to my podcast. So today is we six a loving you to Coronavirus today is a Monday and I'm sad to say that this week is pretty much my last week of doing my podcast. It definitely been an amazing amazing journey and just pretty much just a way for me to be myself and just pretty much how I'm dealing with the Coronavirus you know, during this time, but as of today, I didn't have any class today. So, I just promoted Chelm and I know that like I have assignments and like project that is due the coming up week, like next week. And but still like it just I just I'm just so lazy like I just don't want to do anything. But today it was an amazing day just because today is pretty much a hang out for my for my mom because we didn't celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday because my mom was really busy of working. So we celebrated today and it was amazing just because my brother in law and my sister came over and they pretty much cook pho which you know, it's like an Asian dish or the Asian soup and reporters have that for dinner which is really good and it is always good just to hang out with like my siblings, my family and personally like I love hanging out with my sibling and just because you know it's just I grew up with them and we just always have such a good time like even though there's so many of us in a house together you know, but it's just an amazing time. But yet that is what I pretty much did. I didn't do much i I just pretty much had a food coma and I slept there the whole day and I just woke up like permanents go. So, yeah, so that's what I'm doing. But I'm super excited that this week is pretty much like the last week of pretty much like school. So it's pretty crazy next week is like kind of like my final week. But I have like assignments and stuff that are due like on the weekend as final so I'm trying my best just trying to get like a lot of my stuff done. But yeah, so that's what I pretty much do today. And I wish I did more, but I just definitely spend more time with my family today. So yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:12:53
But yeah, so I don't know what to do. So, I don't know, I just I think I would definitely need to talk to my boss and my co worker about him. But everything's going good. Everything's going good at home. I pretty much has been eating leftover food from yesterday. So, I've been eating fun and everything. But yeah, I just pretty much been sitting in my living room just watching Criminal Minds and just pretty much being lazy. And today's a lazy day because I just don't have any assignments that are kind of due until like, Wednesday, and every Wednesday until like Friday. Like I don't have stuff due until Friday. So I'm going to try to work it up on Wednesday, pretty much but yeah, that is pretty much it for today. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:13:39
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasuaha Yang and part of my show today is a Wednesday a loving to the Coronavirus week fix. So, pretty much I still didn't do anything. I'm trying. I'm trying but I just I don't know, I think it just kind of like I'm done with school next week or like I'm just kind of getting closer to be diamond school that just don't want to do anything. I think that's pretty much how every student is feeling right now. But yeah, I just don't really have a lot of things to do until Friday but I'm so currently working on an assignment that is not due until next Monday. So, I'm trying to get like all the easiest stuff done pretty much. But the good news is I am having like a one-on-one meeting with my professors for music and philosophy just because I for the final product for the final like for our final for those classes. We are having like projects and I just kind of want to brainstorm with them about my project. So, I'm really excited. I have a meeting tomorrow. I 10 with my music professor and then tomorrow. I have a Omar philosophy. So, I'm just gonna ask him tomorrow about what I should do and kind of like, hopefully he like helps me with what I should talk about or what I should do for my project. But I know that for both of my project, I want it to be paint, like, I want to paint and I want to draw. So I know that I want to do that, you know, but pretty much yeah, I just felt okay with everything. I'm just really happy that we're almost done at school and everything, but I just haven't been really productive. I like been like, looking through my canvas and everything. But I'm just I'm not touching any of those assignments until like, the day before, or like, I just I don't know, like I I'm still currently thinking about what I want to do right now. But yeah, so yeah, I pretty much didn't really have a lot of stuff today. I did have my geo class this morning. But it was like an hour or so like, I feel like it was like an hour, or like it was like 45 minutes, where it's just kind of talked about what our next assignment are like. Pretty much. Yeah, it's not even like a big of a deal. I don't know. Yeah, but overall, I feel good. So I was here tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:16:19
Hey, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasha Yang. Today is a Thursday of week six live into the Coronavirus. So pretty much today, I pretty much had my meeting this morning. So it was really good. My professors just me my music professor just went over about what I'm gonna do with my creative expression number four, which that's really good. And then I also talked to my philosophy professor about my assignment or my project too. And I'm really excited to work them to work on them. I definitely had to go to Michael's to get some Canvas so I can start painting them and everything. Which some of the, which the assignments are not really due until like Sunday, and upcoming next Tuesday. So, I definitely saw how time and everything to work on it. So, I'm really happy about it.
Pasuaha Yang 02:17:20
But yeah, so overall, oh, the fun part was I did my graduation photo shoot today, my sister took them because our dean or from our DFC wanted them graduation photos to be in the slideshow, I think, in the come commencements Oh, in the Commencement photo, or like slideshow, or whatever. So I took some, and it was really nice. I even like, had to edit it to I don't know, when it goes to my photos, like it has to look good. So I have to edit. You know, I just have to edit the filter or I have to edit how my face is looking or Yeah, but overall, it was really nice. I we went our option was Como Park area or University of St. Thomas, which we went to St. Thomas, just because the background is kind of pretty, like all the buildings and you know, just in that area is really pretty. So we took pictures there and it was really, really nice. So yeah, like we just, it was really good. And it was fun. But yeah, my Afula to good. The girl fit me so it was really nice by I'm kind of excited to see like the commencement video to see how everything is I don't know if they want to do like byte our code words, or just buy like our last name and stuff, but I think it's going to be byte code words, which that's kind of tacky. But yeah, overall, it was good. I didn't really do much. And currently I'm still working on my history. paper that is due tomorrow. So, I'm just trying to like revise it and just kind of trying to make it better and it's worth 250 points. It's worth fucking a lot. But yeah, I'm trying my best to revise and everything but overall, I think it'd be okay. But yeah, so I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:17:20
Hi guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is pusher wagging. So today is pretty much a Friday of week six loving through the Coronavirus. We're almost done. Let's go on. I'm so happy that today is Friday just because next week. Next week is a much more exciting week and I'm super super, super excited about it. But pretty much everything it's okay. I feel like I don't know. I just felt like I'll be okay in everything. But this morning, I had my meeting with my deal. Class, we probably just like talked about our was with a geo class, we had to write like a paper of our minerals. And we just pretty much talked about, like, we had like a five or 10 minutes presentation about our manuals and just kind of talking to the classroom. And literally, that's what we did. And then she just pretty much did a Kahoot. That was really nice. But yeah, so it was nice. I'm just trying to catch up on some of my assignments that are pretty much due on the weekend. Oh, and also, I finished my assignment that was due today to from a history class. It was really good. But yeah, job. So, I do. I'm just trying to get all my time started, because I think I'm gonna go to the Guardian on Saturday and Sunday. So pretty much. Yeah, that is why I'm currently working on there. So, some of the stuff that I still have to do. So, I'm not too I don't know, I don't think it's gonna be too hard, or anything, but I think I will be okay about it. But overall, I'm good and everything. And yeah, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:21:08
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. This is Pasuaha Hi, gang. And this is week six. So today is a Saturday. And pretty much I didn't do a lot of things. I just went to the garden this morning. And a which is really, really nice because my aunties like my undies, and my cousin, like came and help. So, it was really, really nice. And it was just, you know, a lot of quality and times, today, we pretty much was doing cucumbers and flowers, like just planting them. And it wasn't like a lot of work. Because there was like, a lot of us like there was like 12 or 11 of us. So, you know, it was just really good. Because there would be like 14 trays of cucumbers that we have to do. And with those trays, there's about like 70 of them that are planted in the trays. So then, you know what the process of having so many of us, it's a lot faster. And yeah, so it was we were able to like come home early today. So, it was really nice. And I just had a really good time. What do you know, I'm just spending time with my families and everything. But yeah, and like I just came home today. And I just worked on my music assignment because I have like, kind of like my final assignment that is due tomorrow and Sunday, and I'm just trying to get it done. I'm in the process of finishing it. Actually, I just have to upload it on to like a discussion post of what I'm doing for my creative expression. And then yeah, but it's just like the process of like, take, it just takes so long that I just, I hate it. But overall, I'm just really excited, because next week is fine. Oh, and that means that we're done with school. So, I am really, really happy in everything. Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, guys.
Pasuaha Yang 02:21:08
Hi, guys. Welcome back to my podcast. Today is pretty much the last day of me doing my podcast, and today's a Sunday. So it's my last day. And it's just crazy to see that I'm done with my podcast. And that means that I'm done with school next week, because I have finals next week. And it just crazy to see that, you know, with the whole process of me being DFC for my two years, it had definitely made me grow and be stronger as an individual. And with that, I'm super excited to continue on to my education, you know, getting my BA and then you know, maybe getting my master's degrees and everything. Like, it just shows me that I'm very motivated, and my education and that I always want to achieve, you know better things for myself. And you know, with me continuing on to my education that is my one main goal is to get my BA and I'm really close to getting it just because I have another two more years and it's going to be the fast two years of my life. I'm still currently don't know where like what school I want to transfer to, but with my St. Thomas tuition or financial aid package, it's really nice. I'm paying only 1000 more than my financial aid IDFC which is still pretty good because I'm not living on campus, and if I did, I probably would have to it probably would be a lot more money but I'm living at home. And I'm just happy about it, which is because you know I live so close to the school and you know, like I'm comfortable living at home. I'm coming comfortable doing, you know, my assignments at the library and then come home and rise and you know, like, I'm okay with it, but it's just that, you know, I'm just really nervous of how hard the course is going to be for like, Glade because I am doing human resource as my major. And with the major, there's a lot of, you know, financing that is involved, or like statistics, and, you know, communication and stuff like that, but I felt like, you know, I could do it and I'm just really proud of myself that I'm able to be here as I am with a support of DFT. So thank you for, you know, for the school and just giving me another challenge of you know, another chance of give me the giving me this opportunity to achieve my goals and for me just to be you know, successful again. But today, it's a Sunday and it's hella raining. I'm kind of happy that it's raining just because the past few week it been, it just been very high. And it just been very, like muggy and everything which I don't really like. So just having like, you know, a rainy day and a gloomy day and everything. It's really nice, even though like I'm not sleeping in today, I do have some assignments that are due next Tuesday for my philosophy class. And I'm going to start on that today just because I'm trying to get it done today, or at least tomorrow. And overall, I'm just really excited just to be done with school and everything but I'm just staying at home do my assignments. You know, try to catch up on some movies or dramas that I need to watch and everything but overall I'm just really happy about everything and yeah, and yeah, pretty much I am done doing podcast as of today. And I hope you guys really like enjoy the whole journey of me. Just the whole process of living through the Coronavirus and everything I just felt like with this Coronavirus is such like a huge impact on ourselves that we you know are living through this pandemic and how we are still like you know, fighting for a life with like jobs and our incomes and with our education like it just shows that we still have motivated motivation, even through like we are going through the Coronavirus that which shows that I'm able to do it and I'm just super excited to be done with school and just kind of move on with my journey after DFC but yeah, overall I hope you guys really enjoyed with throughout my whole podcast and hopefully I'll see you guys next time. Bye guys.
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