Kinza Hagerup Oral History, 2020/05/27
Title (Dublin Core)
Kinza Hagerup Oral History, 2020/05/27
Recording Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Nicolette Paglioni
Kinza Hagerup
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Entertainment: Movies, Theater, etc.
Home & Family Life
Government Local
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Pandemic Pets
Black Voices
Performing Arts
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)
Nicolette Paglioni
Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)
Kinza Hagerup
Location (Omeka Classic)
United States of America
Format (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)
Duration (Omeka Classic)
abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)
Kinza Hagerup is a musician and music teacher in the Indianapolis area of Indiana. In this interview she talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has and hasn’t impacted her life. She covers topics about her personal life such as her hobbies and immune issues as well how her relationships with family and friends have changes. She also talks about how her professional life as a music teacher at a middle school and music director at her church.
Transcription (Omeka Classic)
Nicolette Paglioni 00:00
And we can jump right in. So today is, what is today, May 27, 2020. The time, where I am, is 11:01am. I'm in Cartersville, Georgia. Kinza, where do you live?
Kinza Hagerup 00:12
I'm in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:14
Okay, and can you, would you mind stating your full name for me? Just for the record?
Kinza Hagerup 00:19
Kinza Hagerup.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:20
Okay, cool. And how do you spell that just so I can trans, when we go to transcribe it?
Kinza Hagerup 00:25
Yeah, it's K-I-N-Z-A.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:28
Kinza Hagerup 00:28
And the last name: H-A-G-E-R-U-P.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:34
Okay, cool. Thank you.
Kinza Hagerup 00:35
I know I have, like, a really difficult name to spell so whenever I go anywhere, people are like, pardon. And I'm like, come on.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:36
Okay, so what do you usually do on a day to day basis? Are you employed? Unemployed? Are we hanging out? What hobbies? What are we doing?
Kinza Hagerup 00:43
I actually have three jobs. So I work. My main one is I'm an accompanist at Clark Pleasant Middle School in Greenwood, Indiana.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:04
Kinza Hagerup 01:05
That's what usually do. School starts at around 7:30, so from 7:30 to like 3-ish pm, and then I teach private piano lessons at a music academy in Fishers, Indiana.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:19
Kinza Hagerup 01:20
And so I have a studio of about 15 to 20 students [de]pending on how things are going. So I teach that in the evenings, usually Tuesday, Wednesdays or Thursdays. And then I also music direct at Smith Valley United Methodist Church, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:36
Kinza Hagerup 01:37
Nicolette Paglioni 01:38
That's so cool. I love, I've played piano since I was five, so that's amazing to me.
Kinza Hagerup 01:38
Oh, cool.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:39
Yeah, absolutely. I've, we had to get rid of our piano when we moved because it was too, like, big and we didn't have any space for it and I was so sad.
Kinza Hagerup 01:41
That's a bummer.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:44
I know. I know. But that's so awesome. So are you still like have the number of students that you've been teaching gone down since the since the whole?
Kinza Hagerup 02:00
Yeah, I've lost about, I've actually only lost three students.
Nicolette Paglioni 02:05
Oh, wow.
Kinza Hagerup 02:06
And one of those was, well, two of them are brothers and their dad had some, I think, job issues, security with the whole thing was like, that's understandable, they're going to try to come back in the fall.
Nicolette Paglioni 02:17
Kinza Hagerup 02:18
And then I had another student who he just, he's young and just didn't like to practice. So his mom was like, we should probably maybe this whole, I was like that's fine.
Nicolette Paglioni 02:26
Oh, man, I remember those days. I wouldn't, I like refused to practice. At some point, like, I would hide my music theory books, like, we had, I would hide them around the house and at some point, I threw mine away. Like, I just, I was like, I can not do music theory. I was a horrible student, I don't know how my teacher put up with me so I have so much respect for you right now. Um, okay, so when you first learned about the crisis, what were like your first initial thoughts and worries and what was it like when you first kind of heard about it?
Kinza Hagerup 03:04
I mean, like, I knew it was, especially like, with, like, all the news from China and stuff, and I was like, well, maybe there's a chance that it's gonna come to the US. And then it was like, hey, it's here in the US. And I'm like, well, maybe it's not gonna be that bad. Because, you know, we have better health care, and you don't generally shop at open air markets. So people, we don't have the overcrowding the usually happens. I mean, like, yes, we have cities, but still people are. And for a while, like before, everything got shut downs, like the beginning of March, there were like rumors that things were gonna happen, like with school and stuff, and like, my school, the week that we shut down, and basically everything after that shut down in Indiana too, was the week before we were supposed to go on spring break. So it was like, okay, we're gonna have a week we're gonna do like, elearning. Like, just temporarily, we'll have two weeks off for spring break, and then we're gonna reevaluate and come back and things will be fine. My lesson place had already warned us that we might have to go to a virtual lessons so they're like, hey, just so you know, this is gonna happen, like, make sure that you guys are setting up a Facetime, or whatever you want to use be able to do that. And my church job was like, also the same thing where it's like, we're not sure if we're gonna be able to do in person, like, people in services and stuff, like, just be prepared we might have to do some online services. And I'm like, okay, cool. Like, we'll just see what happens because nobody really knows what was going on. And then literally everythings shut down and I was like, cool, this is gonna be my life now.
Nicolette Paglioni 04:42
Right? It's like a new normal.
Kinza Hagerup 04:44
Yeah, and people, well, and it's like, at first it was like, "Okay, we're not going to go to school for all of April. We'll come back in May." Most likely, that was originally like, what the plan was for school and they're like, just kidding. We're gonna be off for the whole entire, like, the Indiana Department of Education was basically like no schools can be in session they gave us a 20 day waiver so that our school year ended like two weeks early because of that anyway, which was kind of nice. So, but it was just a weird, crazy, weird time. Like all my lessons have been windy, we've listened for basically almost two and a half months now, which has been weird new normal, but kind of cool at the same time. And then, for church, we've been doing livestreams of all of our services and whatnot. So, which, to some extent, makes my job a lot easier because I just have to play piano.
Nicolette Paglioni 05:38
Yeah. Yeah. So what what are those classes like now? Because I know I, my brother's girlfriend is also a teacher. And she's been really struggling to, like, make the transition to elearning. So what was that adjustment like and how is it, like, different now?
Kinza Hagerup 05:53
Yeah, so it's weird also, because like, so it's in middle school. And so my choir director that I work with, she had me at the beginning, she's like, can you just record a bunch of different warmups, count them off, send them to me so that kids can still be singing at home. But it's not like we can have them learn music, all their music was at school. And it's, especially at the middle school level, we can't just put together a virtual choir, like, that's just not possible, it's middle schoolers and it's a weird time vocally for everybody so we're just not going to put them through that awkwardness. And, so, a lot of what we did was, was music theory of, like, hey, these are your like, your note names, blah, blah, blah, working on, can you count and clap these rhythms. Were required for our school to like, do like some writing assignment. So let's research like, what's your favorite song from a movie, blah, blah, blah, like that type of thing. But it's, it's hard to not have that performance aspect of it. Since choir is so much, not necessarily a book learning thing, it's, choir is mostly based off of what your performances like, that's 90% of their grade basically, is like, can you learn your songs and show up to a concert and sing? But we didn't have that.
Nicolette Paglioni 07:12
Yeah. Oh, my gosh, I would be I was also in choir in middle school. And I would have been so heartbroken if we worked like all your all semester on, on songs, and then we couldn't perform them.
Kinza Hagerup 07:24
Oh, yeah. When we even had to, they canceled, what was it? Um, so our state like ISSMA contests like any in a school or whatever, for not just we were able to have soloensemble that was early in the year but like for our choir, portion of that for like our bigger groups and stuff, we, they canceled that we didn't get to do that, so we were supposed to be working on our music for our concert, which we have in the beginning of May, which is more like a pop fun music type thin, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 07:58
That's unfortunate.
Kinza Hagerup 08:00
Nicolette Paglioni 08:01
Yeah. I imagine that adjustment would have been really difficult, especially, I mean, especially for a performance class.
Kinza Hagerup 08:09
Oh, yeah, definitely. It's, it's way weird.
Nicolette Paglioni 08:12
And then, oh, go ahead.
Kinza Hagerup 08:13
Yeah, I don't know how like, I have some like elementary school music teacher friends. I'm like, What did you do?
Nicolette Paglioni 08:23
Right. Oh, man. Yeah, cuz I feel like, we always think about the core classes, I guess, in terms of like, book, like you said, like book learning, but I hadn't even considered like, all the extracurriculars.
Kinza Hagerup 08:36
Nicolette Paglioni 08:37
All the-
Kinza Hagerup 08:38
What do you do for gym? Or like, what do you do for a band? Or orchestra? Or things like that?
Nicolette Paglioni 08:44
Oh, man, I know, some, some schools were doing like, online, like virtual bands. And I was like, that is crazy. That would be so-
Kinza Hagerup 08:53
It iss o much work, though. I know that our band teachers, like they had the kids playing and like, they would just have the kids, because everybody has a Chromebook or school or one to one. So it's like, hey, record yourself playing this stuff, send it to us, we'll grade it like that type of thing. So but I feel like for, especially like for choir, because your instrument is literally your voice, and it's so much more personal, and because most of those kids are are not even comfortable singing on their own, that's why they're in choir so that they sing with a bunch of other people having them do that solo would have been like, I don't know if that's gonna work out.
Nicolette Paglioni 09:25
Yeah, oh, yeah. And, and then you said your, your services are live stream too cuz I'm Catholic, and all of our masses have been live streamed and it's been-
Kinza Hagerup 09:34
Nicolette Paglioni 09:35
-like kind of difficult. Have you found it kind of difficult? Like for your faith community? And like,
Kinza Hagerup 09:40
Um, it's been an adjustment for sure. I think the main thing is that, like, so the congregation that I play for is a lot of older people and so if they're not Facebook literate or, like, not computer savvy, because like, we put it on Facebook, but then we also upload it to like our website and stuff. It's like how are they supposed to be be able to get the message. So my pastor actually bought like an old school FM transmitter and hooked it up to like one of the mics. And so we been for the past like three or four weeks we've been doing, like make them sit in their cars in the parking lot, like don't get out of the car but if you want, you can listen to the service that way so that if you're don't have a Facebook and are not literate, then at least you can still listen, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 10:28
That is so cool. Wow, that is a really great way to get around that because I'm also thinking about like, we have the live stream, and then you can see the little number of people who are watching. And I always wonder like, because I'm the one in my household, I live with my parents, I'm the one who kind of is the techy person because I'm, you know, the young one, I guess. And so I've been putting it on our TV, like screen sharing to the TV and doing all this stuff. But for the people who don't have that, I think that's a great way to get around it. Oh, yeah, definitely. Super cool. Um, okay, so what issues, I guess, have concerned you the most about the pandemic? I mean, as a teacher, I would imagine, like, education, and students are one of the issues but also like, just in life, and I don't know, like personal life situations.
Kinza Hagerup 11:27
Yeah, I think that, um, well, at the beginning, I was kind of worried about like, jobs because like, I'm not like at my school, I'm, I'm not considered a certified staff because I don't have a teaching license. I'm just the accompanist, so like, I'm not like, yes, I do some teaching, and I help out when I can but I'm not like a teacher teacher in that aspect because if I teach piano lessons, but so like, at the beginning, I was like, am I gonna have a job? Are they gonna like, like, let us all go because we're not doing we're not, we're just gonna sit around for like, a month and a half and not have really anything to do and stuff and like, luckily, I have an amazing school corporation that just put everybody on corporate leave, so that everybody is still getting paid, regardless. So that was really, really nice. And then like, for my trips, job, I guess one of the things was that, like, um, if our church goes, we're still going to be tithing and like giving money to the church, because if they don't do that, then like, that's how I get paid. So luckily, that hasn't been an issue, especially because it's not like a lot of, I think, maybe like 20% people like give online, but most of the other, like people, the older ones, they just, they just write a check and give put it in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. We don't have that but a lot of them have been really good about mailing in their checks to the church still. So that's been really, really good. And then for lessons, I wasn't entirely sure how receptive my parents were going to be to doing online, because it's weird. It's not the same as me being there. Like, I understand that there's times when I'm like, I really wish I could literally just pick up your hand and move it because you're not doing it, right. So I was, I was wondering if our, parents were just going to be like, no, we're not going to do this but all my parents had been like, super, super cool about like, yes, let's do online lessons. And I've been trying to read up and like watch YouTube videos and stuff of like, how I can do a better job and like, what resources are available for me to be able to help my students to be able to still be learning and everything with all this happening and I, I guess the weird thing about all of this is that even though it's like not ideal, it's like I've had more kids that have been practicing and actually putting in the timebecause they have lessons going on everywhere else, so that's been kind of a nice thing.
Nicolette Paglioni 14:00
That's interesting. Yeah, I feel like they have more time to practice now. So they don't nearly
Kinza Hagerup 14:05
All their sports, and they don't have all the stuff that they're involved in and everything and they can't go anywhere because everybody has to stay home.
Nicolette Paglioni 14:13
Right? Oh, this makes me miss my piano like so much, just talking about it, oh my gosh. When you said like, pick up your hand and move it, I had like a whole just flashback to my teacher doing that exact thing to me so, that's really sweet. Oh my gosh, but um, tell me about, can I ask about your family and how this has been affecting your family and like day to day activity?
Kinza Hagerup 14:42
So I mean, I live by myself, but like my parents live up in Wisconsin.
Nicolette Paglioni 14:49
Kinza Hagerup 14:50
Um, and so, and they just, their shutdown was a lot longer than Indiana's and they had that whole entire Supreme Court thing where like, they basically were just like we're done doing this, so now everything in Wisconsin is basically open. Um, but before like, because I talked to my parents to check up on them to see if they're doing okay and stuff, and I especially for like, my dad is a very social person. Um, he just likes to be around people who likes to be able to like go out to dinner and stuff. And my older sister and her kids live there, and my other, my younger sister also lives near my parents also with, they just had their first child stuff. So I think for my parents, at least from what my mom told me, the hardest thing for my dad was not being able to go out to dinner. Like, oh, he's like, okay with like, getting takeout but he's like, it's just never as good as like actually being at the restaurant and I was like, I get that dad. So, and they're really, really active in their church so it was kind of it for them it was really hard to not be able to meet in person and do you online services, though they did like the way that their church was doing the online services and whatnot, and they appreciate that. But, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 16:02
It's just not it's like you're describing my parents, because my parents love to go out to eat and loved have people over and they, my mom even was like, I just miss having people in the house. Like, we always have somebody coming over. and now it's just been like, really quiet and especially with the they're, they're the kind of people who like talk after church for like an hour day.
Kinza Hagerup 16:25
Nicolette Paglioni 16:27
And they couldn't do that. They just went, I think we just opened up for public masses on Monday, and you had to have, you had to have like six feet, like very strict, and it was outside. And so it was really good but they spent, they were there for like three hours and mass is only ever one hour. And I was like, what were you doing that whole time? They were like, we saw people. It was really cute, so.
Kinza Hagerup 16:52
Nicolette Paglioni 16:54
Um, what have you What have you been doing for like recreation during COVID-19? Like, I know, a lot of people have been picking up hobbies and stuff and like learning.
Kinza Hagerup 17:03
I guess. So I love to cook. So the nice thing about this Quarantine is that I haven't been working like 50 to 60 hours a week. All my thoughts and stuff. So I'm like, hey, I can actually cook recipes that I've been like stacking up on like, one day, I'm gonna do this. So I've been doing a lot of cooking and I've been doing a lot of bake. I've been doing that bread thing like I was making bread out of that. So um, and just figuring out I've been, I've been using now that it's gotten like warmer, finally here in the past month, I've been using my grill and I've been grilling. I've been watching a lot of Netflix. I've been running and walking, I have a really good friend who she has an Alaskan Malamute, who is super just needs to be like taken out all the time, and like I dogsit for her all the time, she's two other dogs too. So she's like, Hey, if you ever want to come over and take my dog out for a run or a walk, be my guest and tire her out because. I was like, I will do that because now I actually exercise. And then I've also just been able to like actually play piano for enjoyment because it's not, I mean, like I went to like undergrad and grad school for all for piano and stuff, so like a lot of my life, up until this point has been like everything I do for piano has been like for this lesson or for this assignment or I have to learn these pieces for blah, blah, or my accompanying for this person and now it's like, oh, I don't have that I get to actually play for myself. So I've been picking up some pieces I've played, that, and like just getting them back under my fingers and stuff. So I was planning on doing some recitals later this year with some friends that I went to school with but obviously that's not probably going to happen for a while now so even though like I'm still like learning about music and figuring that stuff out, it's not as important, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 17:11
Right. That's awesome. I have so many questions. What are you cooking? What kind of bread? Are you baking? What are you watching on Netflix? Do you watch Daniel Thrasher on YouTube? Because he has the funniest sketches about piano. Oh my gosh, you would love it. It's Daniel Thrasher, Thrasher like the bird.
Kinza Hagerup 19:11
Nicolette Paglioni 19:13
R-A-S-H-E-R and he is so funny. I did not go to school for piano. I barely know the names of chords, but I can relate to like every single thing. That's so funny to me.
Kinza Hagerup 19:24
I'll have to look him up. This is hilarious.
Nicolette Paglioni 19:26
Absolutely. And he does like on almost all of his videos he does like discounts for different piano learning software. So, I know. Um, no, but what are you actually cooking and like what kind of bread do you bake?Bbecause I know a lot of people-
Kinza Hagerup 19:42
I've made. Okay, so I've done cinnamon rolls, I made babka. I have a sourdough starter that a friend gave me, so making sourdough bread. I made pretzels with my boyfriend and we made like a beer cheese sauce, to go like, to go with it. Um, what else have I been making? Um, some cooking a lot of oh, I tried making like those molten lava cakes, because I have like little ramekins that I use for crème brûlée normally, and that was a fail. So I got to figure that one out because it was not like it tasted good, but it just wasn't, it wasn't 100 times out there and I'm like, I can do this better. So, um, I've been actually been able to like eat breakfast. So I've been like making like omelets and doing like eggs are easy and like doing chorizo and other fun things like that. Um, I made mac and cheese because I found this thing what's called sodium citrate that it's kind of like a gastro, gastronomic, gastronomy thing. But like, if you add it to like, so if you like water and add in like the sodium citrate. You actually it actually makes whatever cheese you put in, it makes the cheese sauce, whatever you do, it makes it always smooth. Like there's no like weird curling or like none of that weird texture stuff, it's just always perfect. And so my brother in law who works at a restaurant he's when he told me about it I was like, I'm getting some Amazon's got this so we're gonna do this. Best thing ever. I was like, this is like the best thing I've bought all quarantine, seriously. So I've been doing, so I've been like experimenting with that because he also told me that to try making like mac and cheese buns, which I still have to do that still, so I'll probably a project especially because like now that it's summer grilling and stuff that'll be fun. I've been doing I don't know, I just like to experiment like with like, because grocery stores have also been like super like, do they actually have what I need, it's been a little bit more interesting in that aspect. But I've been trying to go out of my way to try to find those ingredients and to be able to just come up with like, also my own dishes because part of me I really like to be able to come up with a cookbook someday because of how much I cook. I've been drinking a lot of coffee. I have an espresso machine so I've been experimenting, making like lattes and macchiatos and all that fun stuff. So, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 22:14
The whole package, that's amazing. I like really can't cook. I, I can follow a recipe but like halfway through, I'll be like, you can't tell me what to do and I'll go rouge and it'll just fall apart, so that's so fascinating to me. What have you been watching on Netflix? Because I need some recommendations, but also.
Kinza Hagerup 22:36
Oh my gosh. I think I honestly at this point, I've been kind of like. Okay, so I finished watching Ozarks because like season three came out. For some reason I decided to like rewatch all of that 70 show. So I did that and that was kind of fun and nostalgic. And then I'm trying to think what else. They've come up with some actually like decent movies over this break, and so I've been watching a lot of the movies that they've been putting out. Some of the comedy specials that they've also had, I'm trying to be like what shows though. Oh, I just finished watching Medici which is all about like the Medici. And I love that type of stuff, so that was really, really fun because I've been following that one. I need to finish, there's something that I need to serve. The Last Kingdom they just came out with their season four I haven't started it yet.
Nicolette Paglioni 22:50
I heard that- Love that shows so-
Kinza Hagerup 23:32
Nicolette Paglioni 23:33
I do yes, absolutely. But what's funny is like I used to have lo-like my hair, like down here now, but I used to have it like really long and it's really good. And I used to wear it like the main character does, like in that house. Yes and so when when I saw him I was like he could literally be my brother like he just too much like me. And for a while I was like this is a little weird and then I cut my hair. And I'm gonna go back to it because it's like, I looked like a Viking prince. I was like, I can't. I'm gonna have to go get Medici because I like we have this theory, we'd like trace our ancestry, I'm, I'm half Italian.
Kinza Hagerup 24:00
That's so cool! Okay.
Nicolette Paglioni 24:18
We traced it back to like a branch of the Medici, like, Family.
Kinza Hagerup 24:21
Oh my gosh. because it's so like, I love how much the Medicis we're so involved with the arts and that resonates with me so much and the fact that you you get to see him meet like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci and like, like I'm like holy crap, like what? [UNINTELLIGABLE] all like the murder and plot and revenge and all that horrible stuff that they did anyway, but it's like, that's cool.
Nicolette Paglioni 24:49
We don't talk about that stuff.
Kinza Hagerup 24:50
It's fine, everythings fine.
Nicolette Paglioni 24:53
I've also been watching The Big Flower Fight, it's like a competitive gardening.
Kinza Hagerup 24:59
I saw that.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:01
It's so good, isn't it?
Kinza Hagerup 25:04
Oh, I have, I think I watched like, I think I've only watched like one episode of that one, but like I would when I saw it. I was like, that's interesting, that would be fascinating. I used to be obsessed with watching The Great British Baking show, because I just love all their accents and it just warms my heart so much.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:18
Kinza Hagerup 25:18
I really hope that they come up with new seasons for that, because-
Nicolette Paglioni 25:21
I've been like checking every day and they're always, they always disappoint me. The Big Flower Fight sort of fills that void.
Kinza Hagerup 25:28
Okay, I'll have to definitely then to start to watch that. And then I've been, so I have Hulu also, so I, I watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine, they just finished up their last.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:39
Don't tell me.
Kinza Hagerup 25:41
Um, and then I also started watching Zoe's Extraordinary Playlist.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:46
Really? how is that because I keep getting that recommended.
Kinza Hagerup 25:48
It's so adorable. And I don't usually like shows like that but it's just it, like it almost made me cry, like several times. Like that's just how cute it is and because like, it's literally all about how like she, so she like went in for an MRI. And something happened where the machine like malfunction and now she hears everybody like singing what she calls they're like heart songs. So the whole entire thing is people like singing at her mainly, like all these like super awesome songs, and it's just it's so and I'm like this is I have this mission real life was like this because this is just awesome. And I just finished the first season of that. They only have one so far, I'm assuming, I'm hoping that it would that received really well that they're gonna come out with more because I'm like this is the, I love this.
Nicolette Paglioni 26:33
I imagine.
Kinza Hagerup 26:34
And then I also have Amazon Prime so I've been watching, I've been rewatching House and then I watched, have you heard of the show Hunters?
Nicolette Paglioni 26:45
Kinza Hagerup 26:45
it's about like a group of random people that are hunting Nazis that are still living in America in like the 50s or 60s.
Nicolette Paglioni 26:56
Yes. That's-
Kinza Hagerup 26:57
Freaking, okay. It's, it's slightly terrifying but it's also because, I watched it and I'm like are there Nazis living in America? This is totally based on like, not true facts. But like, it's also like, holy crap. And it's, ah, it's so awesome, though. It's so cool.
Nicolette Paglioni 27:14
Oh, man, I, I feel like there would have been Nazis living in America in the 50s for sure. I feel like-
Kinza Hagerup 27:21
Nicolette Paglioni 27:22
Kinza Hagerup 27:22
Yeah and I know that, like, they hunted a bunch of them down and stuff but it's kind of like, these ones slipped through the cracks because America brought them in to be like, scientists and all these other things snd so they and I was like, did this really happen? Would America do that? I mean, it's America but I'm like, no, yeah, that happened because-
Nicolette Paglioni 27:39
I, I was talking to a friend and she was like, you know, we know, Nazis are always bad, Nazis are always bad, but they were really good scientists. And they were and we were like, Oh, how do you like? Yeah, that sounds really cool. I know. Um, oh, what's the show Man in the High Castle? Have you seen that?
Kinza Hagerup 27:58
I haven't yet. I need, that's on my list of things to watch, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 27:58
Gotta stick with it, I think, because it's about like if the Nazis won the war, and if like, Germany split the US and I think it's really, really interesting, especially for it because I'm a history, historian, history nerd. So it's like, just eat that up. What was I thinking, I had something else, Nazi hunting. I can't remember, I can't remember what I was thinking.
Kinza Hagerup 28:26
Nicolette Paglioni 28:27
Um, okay, I have to get back to the, like, real questions. I've done two other oral history interviews, and I did not ask any of the questions that I had, that they gave us, because like, these are, so we're gonna, let's see. Um, so how have like people around you that you've seen been responding to the pandemic? I know, my friends have kind of gone through like a ups and downs and twists and turns.
Kinza Hagerup 28:56
I think, for the most part, I mean, okay, so I am more of an introvert. So for me, I was like, I could stay home, I'm so happy, I don't to talk to people? This is the greatest thing of my life. Like, you just gave an excuse for me to just not do. This awesome. Yeah um so for me, it's not so bad. I think the one I think the one time I realized like, holy crap this is actually happening is when I went to the grocery store, because I love to shopping. It's like a stress reliever, I love being able to pick my own food, blah, blah. And I went, and then I went to stores and I was like, everything's like gone. And I was like, what is going on here? I was like, this is not enjoyable for me, because now I'm just finding food to survive, not actually for my own pleasure of being able to make cool food. I was like, this is horrible. Um, and so that's, and I think the, my other thing is that I'm just like the, I guess the normalcy of just being able to even though I don't like talking to people being able to be out and about and have people around me, like going into a coffee shop and getting coffee and doing work or something like that. Like just little things like that. Um, so or just being able to have the option of like, hey, we're gonna go out to dinner or we're gonna get together with some friends and go to like a park or something like, things like that, which I guess now we technically can do so that's kind of cool. But I know that for like, the majority of my more extroverted friends, this has been a really, really hard time because unless they're like living with somebody else on like, I live by myself, I choose to do that. Because, yes, um, but it's like, unless you're living with somebody else's, like, who are they going to talk to you who they're going to hang out with? And I've been trying to, cuz I know, like, for my mental health and stuff, closing myself off that much is not necessarily the greatest thing. So I'm being like, hey, let's get together for Zoom calls, or let's do like Facebook Messenger chat. And like, we've been doing game nights, because some of my friends have like, Jackbox games. And so we've been able to, like, do those and like, play games together and have game nights and just hang out and talk. And it's actually weird, because now that I have more time, I'm talking to people I normally don't talk to, because they're so busy. It's like, all my friends are musicians. So we're like, all in the same boat and never like, we don't have anything so. So, which is it's been really, really nice. And I've gotten to like really reconnect with some friends I just haven't talked to you in like, a really long time unless I've been able to go see them, which like, that's not even an option right now. So it's like, that's kind of cool. Yeah, this is fun.
Nicolette Paglioni 31:31
Interesting how that happened. Like- -the less we are able to do, the more we wanna do it. And the more we're like willing to.
Kinza Hagerup 31:33
Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I'm definitely an introvert. So people have been asking me how my quarantines going and I'm like, amazing. Like, it's so good, I love it so much. I'm like saving so much money on gas. I get to be home with all my things, like.
Nicolette Paglioni 31:59
I don't have to, like feel bad when I flake on plans, because no one's-
Kinza Hagerup 32:03
Because there are no plans.
Nicolette Paglioni 32:06
Yay. It's been, I feel bad about how much fun I've been having. And I know, it's a good point to like, for my mental health as well, like, isolating that much can be like, kind of a little too much. So yeah. Jackbox ganes are a good idea because I have some of those games. I didn't even think about like how you could play with other people like.
Kinza Hagerup 32:26
Yeah, you just share, like, I don't have my, so like I'm in a my church, well it's not even actually my church, but it's a it's some of the to the other girls that live in this building, go to a church where they have a small group of like other girls that are like my age, snd so our small group has still been meeting for like our small group nights, but then occasionally during the week, we'll be like, hey, let's like watch a movie together and we'll, let's get hop on a Zoom call. And like, well, one of us will share screens or like, let's do a game night, and then we can all just still be hanging out and talking and stuff but playing games, so. that's
Nicolette Paglioni 32:57
awesome. Yeah, that's so cool. Um, let's see. Have you or like anybody, you know, actually gotten sick with the virus?
Kinza Hagerup 33:11
Nicolette Paglioni 33:13
Yeah, me neither
Kinza Hagerup 33:14
Which it's for me, it's like, I've seen things on Facebook of other people that I know that like they've had either family members or other friends of theirs and I'm like, I don't know any of these people.
Nicolette Paglioni 33:25
Right? Like, I know, like, I know a lot of people who say like, oh, I had something in February or January that felt like the virus but it wasn't the flu. And I was like, maybe that counts? But for the most part nobody that I've, even nobody that I've like talked to has known anyone yet. So that's interesting. Um, so how do you think the virus since we were talking about mental health just a second ago? How do you think the virus has been affecting people's like mental health?
Kinza Hagerup 33:57
Um, I think for some people, it's been very isolating. And if they are not able to, like go see a therapist or like do like the tele-therapy sessions and stuff, I'm like, I can see how that might be problematic. I like, everybody's different, everybody copes with it in different ways. So I guess however your coping mechanism, is whether that's a good thing or a or a bad thing, you just never know. So I think it's been very trying for a lot of people and maybe some people that normally wouldn't think like hey, maybe I might have like a mental health issue I should talk to somebody now that are in some maybe like maybe or definitely do because a lot of it's been you have to be a lot alone a lot more with your thoughts I feel like.
Nicolette Paglioni 34:47
Yeah, yeah, and you kind of have to come to terms with your own limitations in terms of like living on, if you're living on your own or if you're-
Kinza Hagerup 34:55
Nicolette Paglioni 34:56
Cuz that's, that was my thing when I, I'm in grad school right now living with my I was with my parents while I finish up my degree. And when I was living on my own, it was a lot like, oh, I have to, like, do everything. And so for somebody with mental illness, like me, doing, like trying to figure out how to do everything, and still stay sane, can be a difficult balance. And now you're at home all the time and you have to do everything all the time. And it's, so I can imagine that would be, like really difficult, especially for artsy people. I feel like artsy people especially.
Kinza Hagerup 35:34
Oh, yeah, definitely. Why, but I know also, like, a lot of my friends, like, see therapists and stuff and they've still been able to do their therapy sessions, like over the telehealth stuff, which has been really, really helpful for them and stuff. But yeah, I think, nd like, I see a therapist, like every two weeks and stuff and so the the thing that like I've talked about is that like, I feel like, because nobody knows what is going on, like, literally, nobody knows what's going to happen and that slightly kills me inside. Because I'm like, why don't you know, you need to know we need to have plans. Like, why are there no plans?
Nicolette Paglioni 36:06
Kinza Hagerup 36:07
Like, I can't really plan anything, because I don't know what's going to happen. In the future. It's like before I was like, Oh, I'm going to be doing this stuff because this is what normally happens and now it's like, I don't know what's going to happen.
Nicolette Paglioni 36:19
No, for sure, that I feel like, I was talking to somebody else and they were talking about like a failure of leadership in that regard. Like, even the leaders don't know what's going to happen or what's going on. So how do you think like Indiana leadership, but also like, national leadership, as a whole have been responding to the crisis?
Kinza Hagerup 36:39
I think Indiana has actually been doing pretty, pretty good. Um, like, we had like our state shutdown where everything was shut down. But then basically, once our state home order got lifted, they left it more up to the counties. So I live in Johnson County in Greenwood. So that, so when our stay at home order got lifted, we had a little bit more freedom, whereas in Marion County, which is where Indianapolis actually is, and like all the surrounding cities that are in there, they actually extended there's two more weeks because like it's a city people are living closer together and stuff. Um, and then the area that I actually teach in, which is up in Fishers, they organize their own like safety, like Health Safety Department, which I thought was super, super cool, and basically came up with like, their whole, like, their own plan of like, what they're going to do to be able to help that county, which was like, that's actually not a bad idea, but like more counties, I feel like, should be doing that, like, I don't think it's possible for, especially like for rural area areas might not be as necessary. But I was like, that's actually a really, really smart idea to go ahead and do that. So, um, so it's so like, now in Indiana, it's like, we have like, you can go to get your hair cut, like I went to the dentist this morning. Like a lot of safety measures that are in place, yes, but um, and now we have you can go to a restaurant in dining only at 50% capacity, but then also Larson's have opened up a lot more outdoor seating, which has been really, really nice. So which I haven't really gone to anywhere yet, because I'm still like, not about to do that quite yet. And I know like my lesson place that I teach, the academy where I teach at, they are going to be opening, if people want to do in person lessons, starting June 1, but they've also left it up to us, the teachers, as to whether or not we're going to open based off of what our parents want. So I've been like contacting my parents been like, hey, if I opened up like, which I'm probably not going to open up until maybe like later in June anyway, I'm like, would you want to do in-person lessons? Or would you rather continue doing online lessons? So that I can figure it out if I'm gonna be maybe one day I'll come in and then the other days, I'll just stay at home and do my virtual lessons? Or how how is that gonna look and stuff? Because I know that some parents have been laid back and been like, we're like, yes, like we would like to do in person lessons, I feel like my son or daughter would do better. But then I've also had a parent who is she's like, I work in the ICU so we're gonna keep doing online. I was like, God bless you. And yes, yes, that is good. So um, it's just, I mean, like, I guess, nationally, I mean, I think Trump's an idiot. So like, I don't even think that he knows what he's talking about. But at the same time, literally, nobody knows what's going to happen. So the fact that yes, he's spouting stuff and it doesn't make sense but nobody else really knows what's gonna happen anyway so I'm like. I'm like, it is what it is at this point. I mean, why I have to take it day by day, week by week, there's nothing else. Unless there's literally somebody that knows what the future is going to hold. I'd love to talk to that person, but.
Nicolette Paglioni 40:09
And I feel like most of what he's saying is pretty par for the course for him anyway, so it's not much more insane.
Kinza Hagerup 40:16
What else would you expect? Like?
Nicolette Paglioni 40:18
Yeah, people are like, still shocked by the things that he said. And I'm like,
Kinza Hagerup 40:22
Nicolette Paglioni 40:24
That's, an oral historian supposed to be neutral but I'm like, yeah, why would you be shocked?
Kinza Hagerup 40:31
It just doesn't make sense. Like, it's not even like you have to be a smart person, to be, or like having a degree to be able to understand that what he said literally made no sense.
Nicolette Paglioni 40:42
Truly, at some point, I'm pretty sure he like, suggested we inject people with disinfectant.
Kinza Hagerup 40:48
I did see that somewhere and I was like.
Nicolette Paglioni 40:51
I watched that clip, because like, that can't be true, and I watched it. And all the scientists like behind him were like looking at each other and I was like, oh.
Kinza Hagerup 41:03
That's so funny.
Nicolette Paglioni 41:04
How do you feel about the reopening because I know down here, we've been reopening and I know I've been keeping an eye on Twitter, which I never used to do, nd everybody on Twitter is like really upset about the reopening in different states. How do you feel about it?
Kinza Hagerup 41:19
I think it's a good thing in the sense that like, businesses do need to open. Um, like, I understand how devastating like a lot of this has been for some people that have literally, like just lost their jobs. And I, I feel like if we are going to reopen, it's not like you have to go out and do things, like you do things at your own risk, I mean, just even, like, on a day to day basis, you do things that could potentially, like, ruin your life. So I'm like, I'm, like, I personally, I'm fine with everything opening up, like I went to the dentist, I'm probably going to be making a hair appointment sometime in the next like, two to three weeks. Um, so and when I go to the grocery store, I do wear a mask, like I did do that, um, but it's, I don't know, like, it's to each their own. Like, if you are going to go out then you need to, then you all know the risk, we all know, it's all everywhere. So if you can't really be mad, then if you do get it.
Nicolette Paglioni 42:25
Kinza Hagerup 42:26
I know that places of business are trying to do their best to sanitize and make sure that everybody's practicing like safe practices. Like even when I went to the dentist today, it was like waiting your car until like, they come out and get you like had to get my temperature screened, hand sanitizer everywhere. And like, even like the the way that the office was now set up with like all the, they have like all that, those big plastic things so that like around like the receptionist area and everything and they're limiting how many people were are in there. And it's like, it's insane, it's a good insane because you're trying to keep people safe and especially being going to the dentist and being like a hygienist or dentist is like one of the highest ways that you can contract it and my friend, Mackenzie, is one of the hygenist that works there and so she's been like, yes, like all the safety things have been kind of annoying, because they were shut down for like, month and a half, two months. But she's like, but she first she was she was like, I'm just glad I have my job back and I'm able to make money because she had to go on unemployment for like, two months there, so, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 43:38
Yeah, that's the thing is I got, I got like, a little upset at the people on Twitter because they were mad at other people, like, going to work and I was like, but we need jobs.
Kinza Hagerup 43:52
We need Mmm. It's just, I don't know, it's just a weird thing. Like, we're, you know, the people that are gonna go out and do things like it's at their own risk. Like, if you don't, you don't have to choose to go out, you can still stay at home, it's perfectly fine. But it's also like, some people don't have that privilege to be able to just be able to work from home and stay at home and be able to order takeout. Like everybody, has some people really truly do have to work.
Nicolette Paglioni 44:22
Yeah, yeah, I was really I, because I work at a graduate research assistant at GSU, Georgia State University, and so it's contingent upon being a student. And so when we will shut down and I work in the archive, like physically there, they were like, well, we can't keep you like we can't like you're not technically you're not a student now like class is out. And you're and we can't come in so it doesn't make sense to keep paying you but you don't get unemployment. And so I was like, well, now I'm just out of a job for the whole summer. Luckily, I found a job as a nanny. But it was just like. Yeah, but it was really for a minute there it was like, I have no choice, I have to find something. So I really resonate with a lot of people who are in that situation. I'm knitting for this, the directors of a summer camp in North Carolina, so I'm gonna go spend the summer at a, at a summer camp, which will be, oh, that's so fun. But they have like, all these things for the pandemic and I'm really excited to see what they have because just everything I do, I'm like, oh, this would be so good for the archive. I'm like, gonna go and take like, not pictures of children, but like pictures of testing-
Kinza Hagerup 45:39
Nicolette Paglioni 45:39
-and like, and things like that. So, um, let's see. Um, I guess I would like to know, how do you think this pandemic sort of compares to other big events in your life? Like, I feel like we've lived like one crisis after another is how it feels, but.
Kinza Hagerup 46:05
I don't. I mean, I feel like this is like the biggest event ever.
Nicolette Paglioni 46:09
Kinza Hagerup 46:10
Okay, so I was born in '92. And so I like, I like, remember and know, I like, remember, like, 9/11. And I remember, to some extent, like the housing crisis that happened, and like, what was that, like? 20, 2000-
Nicolette Paglioni 46:26
Kinza Hagerup 46:27
Eight and stuff. So like, I remember that. Um, I'm trying to, and like all like the wars, like in Iraq, and everything and all that fun stuff, like, but I don't think there's really anything that really truly compares to what this, what this is because, like, yes, in 9/11, like, planes got shut down, nobody was able to fly anywhere but we were still able to go and do things. Housing crisis, a lot of people lost their jobs. A lot of people like, like housing prices, like dropped significantly. But a lot of that was based off of like what industry you worked in. So the housing industry that sucked. And that's like, a lot of people have been getting laid off, fired from their jobs, because they they literally can't open and their bosses have no choice, hey don't want to do that, this is literally like, we don't have any other options.
Nicolette Paglioni 47:24
Right, that title. And I feel like it's a lot more like across all industries.
Kinza Hagerup 47:29
Oh, yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Like even so like, I'm, I consider myself, I work, like I'm in the music industry. That's like what I do. But like my boyfriend is an engineer and like even his job, he has been cut to only working half days because the company that he works for and where he's at right now, they make a lot of things for like Ford and Boeing. And so it's like, they're not doing anything right now. So he's not doing anything, right. So I mean, like, and yeah, like, he's engineer, so he's salaried, e gets still gets paid mad amounts of money, so he's fine. But like, it's like, it's like still, like, even in that, it's like, holy crap. Like-
Nicolette Paglioni 48:12
Kinza Hagerup 48:12
- you, you're only working half days because there's nothing else for you to do the rest of the day.
Nicolette Paglioni 48:16
Kinza Hagerup 48:17
And even you do go to work, your literally just sitting around, usually drawing sketches of stuff that you can't make, so it doesn't matter.
Nicolette Paglioni 48:24
Right. Oh, man, my brother's an engineer so he's been, I don't know, I don't remember actually whether he worked. He's a PhD student snd he was a nuclear engineer for a while, I think he was working with a reactor. And I don't remember whether I think they laid him, I think that he was furloughed. But, yeah, it's been really interesting to see how the different industries interact and what's been declared essential and non essential it's really. Reading an article today about, that my friends sent me because all my friends were museum nerds, and it was the Museum Does Not Exist and it was about how all these like super, like, well endowed, private institutions have been laying off a lot of their non essential workers and yet, they have like billions of dollars in funding. And it's like, why not, you know, pay for people. Like it doesn't make any sense to hold that for collections that no one can see, you know.
Kinza Hagerup 49:23
Nicolette Paglioni 49:24
Like a lot of, a lot of museums use those, that money to buy or like loan different collections. I'm like, why would, don't need that anymore, no one's coming like it's it was it was really interesting. It's been really interesting to see how like archivists and museum people, in my field have been impacted and interacting with it. So I think it's interesting just across different industries through like, music and how you're using, like platforms to still keep, keep in touch and keep busy. So, so how do you imagine, we talked about like how difficult it is to plan the future, but what do you imagine the future looks like? Like, what do you think your life will be like in a year? Or, you know, what do you hope your life is like in a year?
Kinza Hagerup 50:13
I mean, I honestly don't know at this point because like, like our school year is finished. So as of two weeks ago, when I got an email from our superintendent, like, we're still scheduled to go back to school June or July 31 as normal. So but that's all pending, if we do have this second wave of outbreaks, or like, what's going to happen, because like, my thing is that like, so my middle school I work at is one of the biggest in Indiana. Um, so we're, our I think we're, depending, gnna have probably col-close to 1000, and that might change, new sixth graders into our building. And our building is already like, we're super, super full. We literally have been trying to just find classrooms just to teach kids in like, or just being able to find closets and turn them into offices for people. So I'm like, and middle schoolers are not the greatest with hygiene or like not touching each other or anything. Like I yell at them anyway because I'm like stop touching each other, stop touching my face. No, I don't want to, you know, and like middle, I'm like schools like it's like one of those places where it's like germs spread super, super quickly and yes, to like some extent, I feel like my immune system is super, super good because of that, but I'm like, if, if there was an outbreak that happened at school, like, what is that gonna look like? Like, you can't, you can't, we can't social distance in our building. I mean, even like our choirs, we usually have 50 to 60 kids. We have six choirs that meet like all throughout the day. It's like, how do you social distance that? How do you get kids not to breathe, but we sing, so like, air comes out? So I'm like, I honestly don't know. I know, like my church, we're going we're going to try to start doing in-person services, like in the middle of June sometime. And like lessons will open up, we'll see what, I'm gonna have to see what's going to happen with that. But I think my biggest thing is that I'm like, I, I don't think anything that's gonna go really back to normal until there is a vaccine, or there's some way to treat it a little bit better than what we're doing.
Nicolette Paglioni 52:41
Kinza Hagerup 52:42
We knows how to do that and, and vaccines take at least a year to be able, to come about it's like and then to be able to mass produce it so that people can actually get it. It's just going to be a waiting game. I'm not, I'm not entirely sure like, that's, that's okay and I'm not saying that, like, that's going to be the best for everybody, it's gonna suck for a lot of people but I don't understand how we can do anything else at this point.
Nicolette Paglioni 53:09
Right? Yeah, it's really hard to tell, I'm not sure how I feel about that question because it's like, there is no, like, it doesn't feel much. Like we can answer it in any, in any context, in any sense in any regard. So what do you think, I guess my last question, what do you think has shocked you the most about the crisis? Like, I don't know what we were expecting, but I feel like I, there are a lot of things that surprise me about like how people reacted and how it's been unfolding.
Kinza Hagerup 53:41
I think the thing that surprised me the most is people that like were just so upset, that they couldn't like go out and do things or that they had to put on a mask. I'm like, really, like really? Like really, really, really? Like, are you really going to be that ignorant and stupid? Like I saw, what was it so um, so like, Wisconsin had that whole ordeal where like, their Supreme Court was like, up turn, whatever the governor, the governor said about closing everything down because people were just so fed up with it. And so I, I was on Instagram, and I totally forgot, I follow this one girl, and she was and it was like, literally the day the night after, like they released like up did, up did the, the stay at home order. So you could like go out and stuff and she was like at the bar, it's like fuck COVID, and I was like, I really hope you do get COVID because that's just stupid and ignorant. I was just like, and I'm like, I'm pretty sure you're also a nurse. So really, really, really. Um, so I was just like, and I'm like, to some extent for me like I'm not like people are like, how do you feel about it because I'm technically somewhat immunocompromised, I have MS, and the medication that I'm on is an infusion treatment and it literally wipes out my immune system. So I like like, literally just I have like, I wiped out all my B cells, I still have like my T cells, but like I literally only have like half an immune system right now. So to some extent, I should be like, super, super worried, but I'm like, I was talking to my therapist [UNINTELLIGABLE] I'm like, I'm like, I really don't care because like, at this point, I'm like, for the most part, like, I'm pretty healthy like, I take vitamins, like I eat decently, well, not this quarantine, though but, you know, whatever, it's quarantine. But like, I've been exercising, like, I've been trying to do all this stuff. And I'm like, the the thing is that, like, if I get it, I get it. Like, there's nothing I can do about that. Yes, I want people to be safe and have safe practices and I don't want people coming around me that are sick. But I'm like, at this point, it's like if you're going to also I'm like if you're going to be stupid about it and make poor choices, then maybe you should get it to realize how bad it is.
Nicolette Paglioni 55:49
Right? I know, there was like a tweet going around that was super popular that was like, if you hate wearing a mask, imagine how much worse a ventilator would be.
Kinza Hagerup 55:57
Nicolette Paglioni 55:59
Ooh, well, that's interesting. How was your experience of the pandemic? Because I didn't even think they don't have any of those questions about whether, we don't even think to ask whether you're immunocompromised that I'll talk to the director about adding that. What's your experience been like, with the, like health compromise.
Kinza Hagerup 56:17
Um, it's just been like, so I just, like I go out when I'm like, when I need to go out. I wear a mask, like I use hand sanitizer, wash my hands all the time anyway. Um, but like, I always do that stuff anyway, because I work in a middle school with middle schoolers and they're always passing around mono or bronchitis or things like that and I'm like, don't want to be catching any of that. So and I know that like, I got sick earlier this year, like year, like in January with like, some respiratory thing and I just know that like, my body just takes, yeah, hopefully it wasn't that, I sick for like two weeks, it was fine. But it was like one of the things where I was where I was like, it just took my body longer to get over it because of that so normally, when I get sick, it's like, maybe I'm sick for like a week, but I was only sick for two weeks. So I was like, my body just can't handle that so I'm like, if I do get COVID I'm probably just gonna be out for like, a month and at this point, so. But um, I know that like, so my next infusion is supposed to be in August, I had one in February before all this happened, thank goodness.
Nicolette Paglioni 56:43
Right. Yeah, really.
Kinza Hagerup 57:28
Some people have been having to put their, those off. And even now, like, I've gotten emails that like, hey, you come in for your infusion like you have to wear a mask the whole entire time. We sanitize everything like just to be safe and be clean and stuff, which is fine. But like my infusions like four to five hours, that's four to five hours of me wearing a mask, which, not like I don't like wearing it but it's one of things where it's like those annoying to breathe in and after like just being in the grocery store for like, 15-20 minutes.
Nicolette Paglioni 57:55
Yeah, yeah.
Kinza Hagerup 57:57
I'm like, so I don't know what's going to happen in August with that, with like if I'm going to be able to do it, I'm assuming so, but also practicing, like, social distancing in the doctor's office that I go to, the office right now issuper, super small. So I'm like, maybe I might have to wait. I don't know. We're gonna have to see, so. But, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 58:19
Yeah. Yeah, I feel like it's, I mean, from the people that I've talked to, like, there's a lady down the street who's immunocompromised and she's like, yeah, this is just like my every day clean, like, I just, this is all the time and so now it's just everybody's living it and kind of leveling everything up. Now you have a taste of my life and how it is every day. That's interesting. Um, well, those are all the questions I had, is there anything you'd like to add or anything you'd like to ask me about like the project or?
Kinza Hagerup 58:56
No. No.
Nicolette Paglioni 58:58
All right. Well, thank you so much. I'm going to upload this to the archive, I told people, I would tell the other people that I would transcribe them before I uploaded, and it's, there, each of those interviews is like two hours long, and I was like, I don't think I'm gonna be able to transcribe. So I'm just going to upload it first. And have like other people transcribe it. It's way easier to do it with like more people working on it. So I can email you a copy of the recording. And I think that's it. I do you, did you send me your informed consent form.
Kinza Hagerup 59:32
No, I'll do that right now, though.
Nicolette Paglioni 59:34
No worries. Just, as long as I like get it at some point. It'll be, I have to have it with the upload to the archive but so no worries. Thank you so so much for taking the time, I really appreciate it.
Kinza Hagerup 59:47
No problem.
Nicolette Paglioni 59:48
All right. Well, I'll see you later. Thank you so much. Have a great rest of your day.
Kinza Hagerup 59:52
Thanks, you too. Bye-bye.
Nicolette Paglioni 59:53
And we can jump right in. So today is, what is today, May 27, 2020. The time, where I am, is 11:01am. I'm in Cartersville, Georgia. Kinza, where do you live?
Kinza Hagerup 00:12
I'm in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:14
Okay, and can you, would you mind stating your full name for me? Just for the record?
Kinza Hagerup 00:19
Kinza Hagerup.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:20
Okay, cool. And how do you spell that just so I can trans, when we go to transcribe it?
Kinza Hagerup 00:25
Yeah, it's K-I-N-Z-A.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:28
Kinza Hagerup 00:28
And the last name: H-A-G-E-R-U-P.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:34
Okay, cool. Thank you.
Kinza Hagerup 00:35
I know I have, like, a really difficult name to spell so whenever I go anywhere, people are like, pardon. And I'm like, come on.
Nicolette Paglioni 00:36
Okay, so what do you usually do on a day to day basis? Are you employed? Unemployed? Are we hanging out? What hobbies? What are we doing?
Kinza Hagerup 00:43
I actually have three jobs. So I work. My main one is I'm an accompanist at Clark Pleasant Middle School in Greenwood, Indiana.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:04
Kinza Hagerup 01:05
That's what usually do. School starts at around 7:30, so from 7:30 to like 3-ish pm, and then I teach private piano lessons at a music academy in Fishers, Indiana.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:19
Kinza Hagerup 01:20
And so I have a studio of about 15 to 20 students [de]pending on how things are going. So I teach that in the evenings, usually Tuesday, Wednesdays or Thursdays. And then I also music direct at Smith Valley United Methodist Church, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:36
Kinza Hagerup 01:37
Nicolette Paglioni 01:38
That's so cool. I love, I've played piano since I was five, so that's amazing to me.
Kinza Hagerup 01:38
Oh, cool.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:39
Yeah, absolutely. I've, we had to get rid of our piano when we moved because it was too, like, big and we didn't have any space for it and I was so sad.
Kinza Hagerup 01:41
That's a bummer.
Nicolette Paglioni 01:44
I know. I know. But that's so awesome. So are you still like have the number of students that you've been teaching gone down since the since the whole?
Kinza Hagerup 02:00
Yeah, I've lost about, I've actually only lost three students.
Nicolette Paglioni 02:05
Oh, wow.
Kinza Hagerup 02:06
And one of those was, well, two of them are brothers and their dad had some, I think, job issues, security with the whole thing was like, that's understandable, they're going to try to come back in the fall.
Nicolette Paglioni 02:17
Kinza Hagerup 02:18
And then I had another student who he just, he's young and just didn't like to practice. So his mom was like, we should probably maybe this whole, I was like that's fine.
Nicolette Paglioni 02:26
Oh, man, I remember those days. I wouldn't, I like refused to practice. At some point, like, I would hide my music theory books, like, we had, I would hide them around the house and at some point, I threw mine away. Like, I just, I was like, I can not do music theory. I was a horrible student, I don't know how my teacher put up with me so I have so much respect for you right now. Um, okay, so when you first learned about the crisis, what were like your first initial thoughts and worries and what was it like when you first kind of heard about it?
Kinza Hagerup 03:04
I mean, like, I knew it was, especially like, with, like, all the news from China and stuff, and I was like, well, maybe there's a chance that it's gonna come to the US. And then it was like, hey, it's here in the US. And I'm like, well, maybe it's not gonna be that bad. Because, you know, we have better health care, and you don't generally shop at open air markets. So people, we don't have the overcrowding the usually happens. I mean, like, yes, we have cities, but still people are. And for a while, like before, everything got shut downs, like the beginning of March, there were like rumors that things were gonna happen, like with school and stuff, and like, my school, the week that we shut down, and basically everything after that shut down in Indiana too, was the week before we were supposed to go on spring break. So it was like, okay, we're gonna have a week we're gonna do like, elearning. Like, just temporarily, we'll have two weeks off for spring break, and then we're gonna reevaluate and come back and things will be fine. My lesson place had already warned us that we might have to go to a virtual lessons so they're like, hey, just so you know, this is gonna happen, like, make sure that you guys are setting up a Facetime, or whatever you want to use be able to do that. And my church job was like, also the same thing where it's like, we're not sure if we're gonna be able to do in person, like, people in services and stuff, like, just be prepared we might have to do some online services. And I'm like, okay, cool. Like, we'll just see what happens because nobody really knows what was going on. And then literally everythings shut down and I was like, cool, this is gonna be my life now.
Nicolette Paglioni 04:42
Right? It's like a new normal.
Kinza Hagerup 04:44
Yeah, and people, well, and it's like, at first it was like, "Okay, we're not going to go to school for all of April. We'll come back in May." Most likely, that was originally like, what the plan was for school and they're like, just kidding. We're gonna be off for the whole entire, like, the Indiana Department of Education was basically like no schools can be in session they gave us a 20 day waiver so that our school year ended like two weeks early because of that anyway, which was kind of nice. So, but it was just a weird, crazy, weird time. Like all my lessons have been windy, we've listened for basically almost two and a half months now, which has been weird new normal, but kind of cool at the same time. And then, for church, we've been doing livestreams of all of our services and whatnot. So, which, to some extent, makes my job a lot easier because I just have to play piano.
Nicolette Paglioni 05:38
Yeah. Yeah. So what what are those classes like now? Because I know I, my brother's girlfriend is also a teacher. And she's been really struggling to, like, make the transition to elearning. So what was that adjustment like and how is it, like, different now?
Kinza Hagerup 05:53
Yeah, so it's weird also, because like, so it's in middle school. And so my choir director that I work with, she had me at the beginning, she's like, can you just record a bunch of different warmups, count them off, send them to me so that kids can still be singing at home. But it's not like we can have them learn music, all their music was at school. And it's, especially at the middle school level, we can't just put together a virtual choir, like, that's just not possible, it's middle schoolers and it's a weird time vocally for everybody so we're just not going to put them through that awkwardness. And, so, a lot of what we did was, was music theory of, like, hey, these are your like, your note names, blah, blah, blah, working on, can you count and clap these rhythms. Were required for our school to like, do like some writing assignment. So let's research like, what's your favorite song from a movie, blah, blah, blah, like that type of thing. But it's, it's hard to not have that performance aspect of it. Since choir is so much, not necessarily a book learning thing, it's, choir is mostly based off of what your performances like, that's 90% of their grade basically, is like, can you learn your songs and show up to a concert and sing? But we didn't have that.
Nicolette Paglioni 07:12
Yeah. Oh, my gosh, I would be I was also in choir in middle school. And I would have been so heartbroken if we worked like all your all semester on, on songs, and then we couldn't perform them.
Kinza Hagerup 07:24
Oh, yeah. When we even had to, they canceled, what was it? Um, so our state like ISSMA contests like any in a school or whatever, for not just we were able to have soloensemble that was early in the year but like for our choir, portion of that for like our bigger groups and stuff, we, they canceled that we didn't get to do that, so we were supposed to be working on our music for our concert, which we have in the beginning of May, which is more like a pop fun music type thin, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 07:58
That's unfortunate.
Kinza Hagerup 08:00
Nicolette Paglioni 08:01
Yeah. I imagine that adjustment would have been really difficult, especially, I mean, especially for a performance class.
Kinza Hagerup 08:09
Oh, yeah, definitely. It's, it's way weird.
Nicolette Paglioni 08:12
And then, oh, go ahead.
Kinza Hagerup 08:13
Yeah, I don't know how like, I have some like elementary school music teacher friends. I'm like, What did you do?
Nicolette Paglioni 08:23
Right. Oh, man. Yeah, cuz I feel like, we always think about the core classes, I guess, in terms of like, book, like you said, like book learning, but I hadn't even considered like, all the extracurriculars.
Kinza Hagerup 08:36
Nicolette Paglioni 08:37
All the-
Kinza Hagerup 08:38
What do you do for gym? Or like, what do you do for a band? Or orchestra? Or things like that?
Nicolette Paglioni 08:44
Oh, man, I know, some, some schools were doing like, online, like virtual bands. And I was like, that is crazy. That would be so-
Kinza Hagerup 08:53
It iss o much work, though. I know that our band teachers, like they had the kids playing and like, they would just have the kids, because everybody has a Chromebook or school or one to one. So it's like, hey, record yourself playing this stuff, send it to us, we'll grade it like that type of thing. So but I feel like for, especially like for choir, because your instrument is literally your voice, and it's so much more personal, and because most of those kids are are not even comfortable singing on their own, that's why they're in choir so that they sing with a bunch of other people having them do that solo would have been like, I don't know if that's gonna work out.
Nicolette Paglioni 09:25
Yeah, oh, yeah. And, and then you said your, your services are live stream too cuz I'm Catholic, and all of our masses have been live streamed and it's been-
Kinza Hagerup 09:34
Nicolette Paglioni 09:35
-like kind of difficult. Have you found it kind of difficult? Like for your faith community? And like,
Kinza Hagerup 09:40
Um, it's been an adjustment for sure. I think the main thing is that, like, so the congregation that I play for is a lot of older people and so if they're not Facebook literate or, like, not computer savvy, because like, we put it on Facebook, but then we also upload it to like our website and stuff. It's like how are they supposed to be be able to get the message. So my pastor actually bought like an old school FM transmitter and hooked it up to like one of the mics. And so we been for the past like three or four weeks we've been doing, like make them sit in their cars in the parking lot, like don't get out of the car but if you want, you can listen to the service that way so that if you're don't have a Facebook and are not literate, then at least you can still listen, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 10:28
That is so cool. Wow, that is a really great way to get around that because I'm also thinking about like, we have the live stream, and then you can see the little number of people who are watching. And I always wonder like, because I'm the one in my household, I live with my parents, I'm the one who kind of is the techy person because I'm, you know, the young one, I guess. And so I've been putting it on our TV, like screen sharing to the TV and doing all this stuff. But for the people who don't have that, I think that's a great way to get around it. Oh, yeah, definitely. Super cool. Um, okay, so what issues, I guess, have concerned you the most about the pandemic? I mean, as a teacher, I would imagine, like, education, and students are one of the issues but also like, just in life, and I don't know, like personal life situations.
Kinza Hagerup 11:27
Yeah, I think that, um, well, at the beginning, I was kind of worried about like, jobs because like, I'm not like at my school, I'm, I'm not considered a certified staff because I don't have a teaching license. I'm just the accompanist, so like, I'm not like, yes, I do some teaching, and I help out when I can but I'm not like a teacher teacher in that aspect because if I teach piano lessons, but so like, at the beginning, I was like, am I gonna have a job? Are they gonna like, like, let us all go because we're not doing we're not, we're just gonna sit around for like, a month and a half and not have really anything to do and stuff and like, luckily, I have an amazing school corporation that just put everybody on corporate leave, so that everybody is still getting paid, regardless. So that was really, really nice. And then like, for my trips, job, I guess one of the things was that, like, um, if our church goes, we're still going to be tithing and like giving money to the church, because if they don't do that, then like, that's how I get paid. So luckily, that hasn't been an issue, especially because it's not like a lot of, I think, maybe like 20% people like give online, but most of the other, like people, the older ones, they just, they just write a check and give put it in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. We don't have that but a lot of them have been really good about mailing in their checks to the church still. So that's been really, really good. And then for lessons, I wasn't entirely sure how receptive my parents were going to be to doing online, because it's weird. It's not the same as me being there. Like, I understand that there's times when I'm like, I really wish I could literally just pick up your hand and move it because you're not doing it, right. So I was, I was wondering if our, parents were just going to be like, no, we're not going to do this but all my parents had been like, super, super cool about like, yes, let's do online lessons. And I've been trying to read up and like watch YouTube videos and stuff of like, how I can do a better job and like, what resources are available for me to be able to help my students to be able to still be learning and everything with all this happening and I, I guess the weird thing about all of this is that even though it's like not ideal, it's like I've had more kids that have been practicing and actually putting in the timebecause they have lessons going on everywhere else, so that's been kind of a nice thing.
Nicolette Paglioni 14:00
That's interesting. Yeah, I feel like they have more time to practice now. So they don't nearly
Kinza Hagerup 14:05
All their sports, and they don't have all the stuff that they're involved in and everything and they can't go anywhere because everybody has to stay home.
Nicolette Paglioni 14:13
Right? Oh, this makes me miss my piano like so much, just talking about it, oh my gosh. When you said like, pick up your hand and move it, I had like a whole just flashback to my teacher doing that exact thing to me so, that's really sweet. Oh my gosh, but um, tell me about, can I ask about your family and how this has been affecting your family and like day to day activity?
Kinza Hagerup 14:42
So I mean, I live by myself, but like my parents live up in Wisconsin.
Nicolette Paglioni 14:49
Kinza Hagerup 14:50
Um, and so, and they just, their shutdown was a lot longer than Indiana's and they had that whole entire Supreme Court thing where like, they basically were just like we're done doing this, so now everything in Wisconsin is basically open. Um, but before like, because I talked to my parents to check up on them to see if they're doing okay and stuff, and I especially for like, my dad is a very social person. Um, he just likes to be around people who likes to be able to like go out to dinner and stuff. And my older sister and her kids live there, and my other, my younger sister also lives near my parents also with, they just had their first child stuff. So I think for my parents, at least from what my mom told me, the hardest thing for my dad was not being able to go out to dinner. Like, oh, he's like, okay with like, getting takeout but he's like, it's just never as good as like actually being at the restaurant and I was like, I get that dad. So, and they're really, really active in their church so it was kind of it for them it was really hard to not be able to meet in person and do you online services, though they did like the way that their church was doing the online services and whatnot, and they appreciate that. But, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 16:02
It's just not it's like you're describing my parents, because my parents love to go out to eat and loved have people over and they, my mom even was like, I just miss having people in the house. Like, we always have somebody coming over. and now it's just been like, really quiet and especially with the they're, they're the kind of people who like talk after church for like an hour day.
Kinza Hagerup 16:25
Nicolette Paglioni 16:27
And they couldn't do that. They just went, I think we just opened up for public masses on Monday, and you had to have, you had to have like six feet, like very strict, and it was outside. And so it was really good but they spent, they were there for like three hours and mass is only ever one hour. And I was like, what were you doing that whole time? They were like, we saw people. It was really cute, so.
Kinza Hagerup 16:52
Nicolette Paglioni 16:54
Um, what have you What have you been doing for like recreation during COVID-19? Like, I know, a lot of people have been picking up hobbies and stuff and like learning.
Kinza Hagerup 17:03
I guess. So I love to cook. So the nice thing about this Quarantine is that I haven't been working like 50 to 60 hours a week. All my thoughts and stuff. So I'm like, hey, I can actually cook recipes that I've been like stacking up on like, one day, I'm gonna do this. So I've been doing a lot of cooking and I've been doing a lot of bake. I've been doing that bread thing like I was making bread out of that. So um, and just figuring out I've been, I've been using now that it's gotten like warmer, finally here in the past month, I've been using my grill and I've been grilling. I've been watching a lot of Netflix. I've been running and walking, I have a really good friend who she has an Alaskan Malamute, who is super just needs to be like taken out all the time, and like I dogsit for her all the time, she's two other dogs too. So she's like, Hey, if you ever want to come over and take my dog out for a run or a walk, be my guest and tire her out because. I was like, I will do that because now I actually exercise. And then I've also just been able to like actually play piano for enjoyment because it's not, I mean, like I went to like undergrad and grad school for all for piano and stuff, so like a lot of my life, up until this point has been like everything I do for piano has been like for this lesson or for this assignment or I have to learn these pieces for blah, blah, or my accompanying for this person and now it's like, oh, I don't have that I get to actually play for myself. So I've been picking up some pieces I've played, that, and like just getting them back under my fingers and stuff. So I was planning on doing some recitals later this year with some friends that I went to school with but obviously that's not probably going to happen for a while now so even though like I'm still like learning about music and figuring that stuff out, it's not as important, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 17:11
Right. That's awesome. I have so many questions. What are you cooking? What kind of bread? Are you baking? What are you watching on Netflix? Do you watch Daniel Thrasher on YouTube? Because he has the funniest sketches about piano. Oh my gosh, you would love it. It's Daniel Thrasher, Thrasher like the bird.
Kinza Hagerup 19:11
Nicolette Paglioni 19:13
R-A-S-H-E-R and he is so funny. I did not go to school for piano. I barely know the names of chords, but I can relate to like every single thing. That's so funny to me.
Kinza Hagerup 19:24
I'll have to look him up. This is hilarious.
Nicolette Paglioni 19:26
Absolutely. And he does like on almost all of his videos he does like discounts for different piano learning software. So, I know. Um, no, but what are you actually cooking and like what kind of bread do you bake?Bbecause I know a lot of people-
Kinza Hagerup 19:42
I've made. Okay, so I've done cinnamon rolls, I made babka. I have a sourdough starter that a friend gave me, so making sourdough bread. I made pretzels with my boyfriend and we made like a beer cheese sauce, to go like, to go with it. Um, what else have I been making? Um, some cooking a lot of oh, I tried making like those molten lava cakes, because I have like little ramekins that I use for crème brûlée normally, and that was a fail. So I got to figure that one out because it was not like it tasted good, but it just wasn't, it wasn't 100 times out there and I'm like, I can do this better. So, um, I've been actually been able to like eat breakfast. So I've been like making like omelets and doing like eggs are easy and like doing chorizo and other fun things like that. Um, I made mac and cheese because I found this thing what's called sodium citrate that it's kind of like a gastro, gastronomic, gastronomy thing. But like, if you add it to like, so if you like water and add in like the sodium citrate. You actually it actually makes whatever cheese you put in, it makes the cheese sauce, whatever you do, it makes it always smooth. Like there's no like weird curling or like none of that weird texture stuff, it's just always perfect. And so my brother in law who works at a restaurant he's when he told me about it I was like, I'm getting some Amazon's got this so we're gonna do this. Best thing ever. I was like, this is like the best thing I've bought all quarantine, seriously. So I've been doing, so I've been like experimenting with that because he also told me that to try making like mac and cheese buns, which I still have to do that still, so I'll probably a project especially because like now that it's summer grilling and stuff that'll be fun. I've been doing I don't know, I just like to experiment like with like, because grocery stores have also been like super like, do they actually have what I need, it's been a little bit more interesting in that aspect. But I've been trying to go out of my way to try to find those ingredients and to be able to just come up with like, also my own dishes because part of me I really like to be able to come up with a cookbook someday because of how much I cook. I've been drinking a lot of coffee. I have an espresso machine so I've been experimenting, making like lattes and macchiatos and all that fun stuff. So, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 22:14
The whole package, that's amazing. I like really can't cook. I, I can follow a recipe but like halfway through, I'll be like, you can't tell me what to do and I'll go rouge and it'll just fall apart, so that's so fascinating to me. What have you been watching on Netflix? Because I need some recommendations, but also.
Kinza Hagerup 22:36
Oh my gosh. I think I honestly at this point, I've been kind of like. Okay, so I finished watching Ozarks because like season three came out. For some reason I decided to like rewatch all of that 70 show. So I did that and that was kind of fun and nostalgic. And then I'm trying to think what else. They've come up with some actually like decent movies over this break, and so I've been watching a lot of the movies that they've been putting out. Some of the comedy specials that they've also had, I'm trying to be like what shows though. Oh, I just finished watching Medici which is all about like the Medici. And I love that type of stuff, so that was really, really fun because I've been following that one. I need to finish, there's something that I need to serve. The Last Kingdom they just came out with their season four I haven't started it yet.
Nicolette Paglioni 22:50
I heard that- Love that shows so-
Kinza Hagerup 23:32
Nicolette Paglioni 23:33
I do yes, absolutely. But what's funny is like I used to have lo-like my hair, like down here now, but I used to have it like really long and it's really good. And I used to wear it like the main character does, like in that house. Yes and so when when I saw him I was like he could literally be my brother like he just too much like me. And for a while I was like this is a little weird and then I cut my hair. And I'm gonna go back to it because it's like, I looked like a Viking prince. I was like, I can't. I'm gonna have to go get Medici because I like we have this theory, we'd like trace our ancestry, I'm, I'm half Italian.
Kinza Hagerup 24:00
That's so cool! Okay.
Nicolette Paglioni 24:18
We traced it back to like a branch of the Medici, like, Family.
Kinza Hagerup 24:21
Oh my gosh. because it's so like, I love how much the Medicis we're so involved with the arts and that resonates with me so much and the fact that you you get to see him meet like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci and like, like I'm like holy crap, like what? [UNINTELLIGABLE] all like the murder and plot and revenge and all that horrible stuff that they did anyway, but it's like, that's cool.
Nicolette Paglioni 24:49
We don't talk about that stuff.
Kinza Hagerup 24:50
It's fine, everythings fine.
Nicolette Paglioni 24:53
I've also been watching The Big Flower Fight, it's like a competitive gardening.
Kinza Hagerup 24:59
I saw that.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:01
It's so good, isn't it?
Kinza Hagerup 25:04
Oh, I have, I think I watched like, I think I've only watched like one episode of that one, but like I would when I saw it. I was like, that's interesting, that would be fascinating. I used to be obsessed with watching The Great British Baking show, because I just love all their accents and it just warms my heart so much.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:18
Kinza Hagerup 25:18
I really hope that they come up with new seasons for that, because-
Nicolette Paglioni 25:21
I've been like checking every day and they're always, they always disappoint me. The Big Flower Fight sort of fills that void.
Kinza Hagerup 25:28
Okay, I'll have to definitely then to start to watch that. And then I've been, so I have Hulu also, so I, I watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine, they just finished up their last.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:39
Don't tell me.
Kinza Hagerup 25:41
Um, and then I also started watching Zoe's Extraordinary Playlist.
Nicolette Paglioni 25:46
Really? how is that because I keep getting that recommended.
Kinza Hagerup 25:48
It's so adorable. And I don't usually like shows like that but it's just it, like it almost made me cry, like several times. Like that's just how cute it is and because like, it's literally all about how like she, so she like went in for an MRI. And something happened where the machine like malfunction and now she hears everybody like singing what she calls they're like heart songs. So the whole entire thing is people like singing at her mainly, like all these like super awesome songs, and it's just it's so and I'm like this is I have this mission real life was like this because this is just awesome. And I just finished the first season of that. They only have one so far, I'm assuming, I'm hoping that it would that received really well that they're gonna come out with more because I'm like this is the, I love this.
Nicolette Paglioni 26:33
I imagine.
Kinza Hagerup 26:34
And then I also have Amazon Prime so I've been watching, I've been rewatching House and then I watched, have you heard of the show Hunters?
Nicolette Paglioni 26:45
Kinza Hagerup 26:45
it's about like a group of random people that are hunting Nazis that are still living in America in like the 50s or 60s.
Nicolette Paglioni 26:56
Yes. That's-
Kinza Hagerup 26:57
Freaking, okay. It's, it's slightly terrifying but it's also because, I watched it and I'm like are there Nazis living in America? This is totally based on like, not true facts. But like, it's also like, holy crap. And it's, ah, it's so awesome, though. It's so cool.
Nicolette Paglioni 27:14
Oh, man, I, I feel like there would have been Nazis living in America in the 50s for sure. I feel like-
Kinza Hagerup 27:21
Nicolette Paglioni 27:22
Kinza Hagerup 27:22
Yeah and I know that, like, they hunted a bunch of them down and stuff but it's kind of like, these ones slipped through the cracks because America brought them in to be like, scientists and all these other things snd so they and I was like, did this really happen? Would America do that? I mean, it's America but I'm like, no, yeah, that happened because-
Nicolette Paglioni 27:39
I, I was talking to a friend and she was like, you know, we know, Nazis are always bad, Nazis are always bad, but they were really good scientists. And they were and we were like, Oh, how do you like? Yeah, that sounds really cool. I know. Um, oh, what's the show Man in the High Castle? Have you seen that?
Kinza Hagerup 27:58
I haven't yet. I need, that's on my list of things to watch, so.
Nicolette Paglioni 27:58
Gotta stick with it, I think, because it's about like if the Nazis won the war, and if like, Germany split the US and I think it's really, really interesting, especially for it because I'm a history, historian, history nerd. So it's like, just eat that up. What was I thinking, I had something else, Nazi hunting. I can't remember, I can't remember what I was thinking.
Kinza Hagerup 28:26
Nicolette Paglioni 28:27
Um, okay, I have to get back to the, like, real questions. I've done two other oral history interviews, and I did not ask any of the questions that I had, that they gave us, because like, these are, so we're gonna, let's see. Um, so how have like people around you that you've seen been responding to the pandemic? I know, my friends have kind of gone through like a ups and downs and twists and turns.
Kinza Hagerup 28:56
I think, for the most part, I mean, okay, so I am more of an introvert. So for me, I was like, I could stay home, I'm so happy, I don't to talk to people? This is the greatest thing of my life. Like, you just gave an excuse for me to just not do. This awesome. Yeah um so for me, it's not so bad. I think the one I think the one time I realized like, holy crap this is actually happening is when I went to the grocery store, because I love to shopping. It's like a stress reliever, I love being able to pick my own food, blah, blah. And I went, and then I went to stores and I was like, everything's like gone. And I was like, what is going on here? I was like, this is not enjoyable for me, because now I'm just finding food to survive, not actually for my own pleasure of being able to make cool food. I was like, this is horrible. Um, and so that's, and I think the, my other thing is that I'm just like the, I guess the normalcy of just being able to even though I don't like talking to people being able to be out and about and have people around me, like going into a coffee shop and getting coffee and doing work or something like that. Like just little things like that. Um, so or just being able to have the option of like, hey, we're gonna go out to dinner or we're gonna get together with some friends and go to like a park or something like, things like that, which I guess now we technically can do so that's kind of cool. But I know that for like, the majority of my more extroverted friends, this has been a really, really hard time because unless they're like living with somebody else on like, I live by myself, I choose to do that. Because, yes, um, but it's like, unless you're living with somebody else's, like, who are they going to talk to you who they're going to hang out with? And I've been trying to, cuz I know, like, for my mental health and stuff, closing myself off that much is not necessarily the greatest thing. So I'm being like, hey, let's get together for Zoom calls, or let's do like Facebook Messenger chat. And like, we've been doing game nights, because some of my friends have like, Jackbox games. And so we've been able to, like, do those and like, play games together and have game nights and just hang out and talk. And it's actually weird, because now that I have more time, I'm talking to people I normally don't talk to, because they're so busy. It's like, all my friends are musicians. So we're like, all in the same boat and never like, we don't have anything so. So, which is it's been really, really nice. And I've gotten to like really reconnect with some friends I just haven't talked to you in like, a really long time unless I've been able to go see them, which like, that's not even an option right now. So it's like, that's kind of cool. Yeah, this is fun.
Nicolette Paglioni 31:31
Interesting how that happened. Like- -the less we are able to do, the more we wanna do it. And the more we're like willing to.
Kinza Hagerup 31:33
Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I'm definitely an introvert. So people have been asking me how my quarantines going and I'm like, amazing. Like, it's so good, I love it so much. I'm like saving so much money on gas. I get to be home with all my things, like.
Nicolette Paglioni 31:59
I don't have to, like feel bad when I flake on plans, because no one's-
Kinza Hagerup 32:03
Because there are no plans.
Nicolette Paglioni 32:06
Yay. It's been, I feel bad about how much fun I've been having. And I know, it's a good point to like, for my mental health as well, like, isolating that much can be like, kind of a little too much. So yeah. Jackbox ganes are a good idea because I have some of those games. I didn't even think about like how you could play with other people like.
Kinza Hagerup 32:26
Yeah, you just share, like, I don't have my, so like I'm in a my church, well it's not even actually my church, but it's a it's some of the to the other girls that live in this building, go to a church where they have a small group of like other girls that are like my age, snd so our small group has still been meeting for like our small group nights, but then occasionally during the week, we'll be like, hey, let's like watch a movie together and we'll, let's get hop on a Zoom call. And like, well, one of us will share screens or like, let's do a game night, and then we can all just still be hanging out and talking and stuff but playing games, so. that's
Nicolette Paglioni 32:57
awesome. Yeah, that's so cool. Um, let's see. Have you or like anybody, you know, actually gotten sick with the virus?
Kinza Hagerup 33:11
Nicolette Paglioni 33:13
Yeah, me neither
Kinza Hagerup 33:14
Which it's for me, it's like, I've seen things on Facebook of other people that I know that like they've had either family members or other friends of theirs and I'm like, I don't know any of these people.
Nicolette Paglioni 33:25
Right? Like, I know, like, I know a lot of people who say like, oh, I had something in February or January that felt like the virus but it wasn't the flu. And I was like, maybe that counts? But for the most part nobody that I've, even nobody that I've like talked to has known anyone yet. So that's interesting. Um, so how do you think the virus since we were talking about mental health just a second ago? How do you think the virus has been affecting people's like mental health?
Kinza Hagerup 33:57
Um, I think for some people, it's been very isolating. And if they are not able to, like go see a therapist or like do like the tele-therapy sessions and stuff, I'm like, I can see how that might be problematic. I like, everybody's different, everybody copes with it in different ways. So I guess however your coping mechanism, is whether that's a good thing or a or a bad thing, you just never know. So I think it's been very trying for a lot of people and maybe some people that normally wouldn't think like hey, maybe I might have like a mental health issue I should talk to somebody now that are in some maybe like maybe or definitely do because a lot of it's been you have to be a lot alone a lot more with your thoughts I feel like.
Nicolette Paglioni 34:47
Yeah, yeah, and you kind of have to come to terms with your own limitations in terms of like living on, if you're living on your own or if you're-
Kinza Hagerup 34:55
Nicolette Paglioni 34:56
Cuz that's, that was my thing when I, I'm in grad school right now living with my I was with my parents while I finish up my degree. And when I was living on my own, it was a lot like, oh, I have to, like, do everything. And so for somebody with mental illness, like me, doing, like trying to figure out how to do everything, and still stay sane, can be a difficult balance. And now you're at home all the time and you have to do everything all the time. And it's, so I can imagine that would be, like really difficult, especially for artsy people. I feel like artsy people especially.
Kinza Hagerup 35:34
Oh, yeah, definitely. Why, but I know also, like, a lot of my friends, like, see therapists and stuff and they've still been able to do their therapy sessions, like over the telehealth stuff, which has been really, really helpful for them and stuff. But yeah, I think, nd like, I see a therapist, like every two weeks and stuff and so the the thing that like I've talked about is that like, I feel like, because nobody knows what is going on, like, literally, nobody knows what's going to happen and that slightly kills me inside. Because I'm like, why don't you know, you need to know we need to have plans. Like, why are there no plans?
Nicolette Paglioni 36:06
Kinza Hagerup 36:07
Like, I can't really plan anything, because I don't know what's going to happen. In the future. It's like before I was like, Oh, I'm going to be doing this stuff because this is what normally happens and now it's like, I don't know what's going to happen.
Nicolette Paglioni 36:19
No, for sure, that I feel like, I was talking to somebody else and they were talking about like a failure of leadership in that regard. Like, even the leaders don't know what's going to happen or what's going on. So how do you think like Indiana leadership, but also like, national leadership, as a whole have been responding to the crisis?
Kinza Hagerup 36:39
I think Indiana has actually been doing pretty, pretty good. Um, like, we had like our state shutdown where everything was shut down. But then basically, once our state home order got lifted, they left it more up to the counties. So I live in Johnson County in Greenwood. So that, so when our stay at home order got lifted, we had a little bit more freedom, whereas in Marion County, which is where Indianapolis actually is, and like all the surrounding cities that are in there, they actually extended there's two more weeks because like it's a city people are living closer together and stuff. Um, and then the area that I actually teach in, which is up in Fishers, they organize their own like safety, like Health Safety Department, which I thought was super, super cool, and basically came up with like, their whole, like, their own plan of like, what they're going to do to be able to help that county, which was like, that's actually not a bad idea, but like more counties, I feel like, should be doing that, like, I don't think it's possible for, especially like for rural area areas might not be as necessary. But I was like, that's actually a really, really smart idea to go ahead and do that. So, um, so it's so like, now in Indiana, it's like, we have like, you can go to get your hair cut, like I went to the dentist this morning. Like a lot of safety measures that are in place, yes, but um, and now we have you can go to a restaurant in dining only at 50% capacity, but then also Larson's have opened up a lot more outdoor seating, which has been really, really nice. So which I haven't really gone to anywhere yet, because I'm still like, not about to do that quite yet. And I know like my lesson place that I teach, the academy where I teach at, they are going to be opening, if people want to do in person lessons, starting June 1, but they've also left it up to us, the teachers, as to whether or not we're going to open based off of what our parents want. So I've been like contacting my parents been like, hey, if I opened up like, which I'm probably not going to open up until maybe like later in June anyway, I'm like, would you want to do in-person lessons? Or would you rather continue doing online lessons? So that I can figure it out if I'm gonna be maybe one day I'll come in and then the other days, I'll just stay at home and do my virtual lessons? Or how how is that gonna look and stuff? Because I know that some parents have been laid back and been like, we're like, yes, like we would like to do in person lessons, I feel like my son or daughter would do better. But then I've also had a parent who is she's like, I work in the ICU so we're gonna keep doing online. I was like, God bless you. And yes, yes, that is good. So um, it's just, I mean, like, I guess, nationally, I mean, I think Trump's an idiot. So like, I don't even think that he knows what he's talking about. But at the same time, literally, nobody knows what's going to happen. So the fact that yes, he's spouting stuff and it doesn't make sense but nobody else really knows what's gonna happen anyway so I'm like. I'm like, it is what it is at this point. I mean, why I have to take it day by day, week by week, there's nothing else. Unless there's literally somebody that knows what the future is going to hold. I'd love to talk to that person, but.
Nicolette Paglioni 40:09
And I feel like most of what he's saying is pretty par for the course for him anyway, so it's not much more insane.
Kinza Hagerup 40:16
What else would you expect? Like?
Nicolette Paglioni 40:18
Yeah, people are like, still shocked by the things that he said. And I'm like,
Kinza Hagerup 40:22
Nicolette Paglioni 40:24
That's, an oral historian supposed to be neutral but I'm like, yeah, why would you be shocked?
Kinza Hagerup 40:31
It just doesn't make sense. Like, it's not even like you have to be a smart person, to be, or like having a degree to be able to understand that what he said literally made no sense.
Nicolette Paglioni 40:42
Truly, at some point, I'm pretty sure he like, suggested we inject people with disinfectant.
Kinza Hagerup 40:48
I did see that somewhere and I was like.
Nicolette Paglioni 40:51
I watched that clip, because like, that can't be true, and I watched it. And all the scientists like behind him were like looking at each other and I was like, oh.
Kinza Hagerup 41:03
That's so funny.
Nicolette Paglioni 41:04
How do you feel about the reopening because I know down here, we've been reopening and I know I've been keeping an eye on Twitter, which I never used to do, nd everybody on Twitter is like really upset about the reopening in different states. How do you feel about it?
Kinza Hagerup 41:19
I think it's a good thing in the sense that like, businesses do need to open. Um, like, I understand how devastating like a lot of this has been for some people that have literally, like just lost their jobs. And I, I feel like if we are going to reopen, it's not like you have to go out and do things, like you do things at your own risk, I mean, just even, like, on a day to day basis, you do things that could potentially, like, ruin your life. So I'm like, I'm, like, I personally, I'm fine with everything opening up, like I went to the dentist, I'm probably going to be making a hair appointment sometime in the next like, two to three weeks. Um, so and when I go to the grocery store, I do wear a mask, like I did do that, um, but it's, I don't know, like, it's to each their own. Like, if you are going to go out then you need to, then you all know the risk, we all know, it's all everywhere. So if you can't really be mad, then if you do get it.
Nicolette Paglioni 42:25
Kinza Hagerup 42:26
I know that places of business are trying to do their best to sanitize and make sure that everybody's practicing like safe practices. Like even when I went to the dentist today, it was like waiting your car until like, they come out and get you like had to get my temperature screened, hand sanitizer everywhere. And like, even like the the way that the office was now set up with like all the, they have like all that, those big plastic things so that like around like the receptionist area and everything and they're limiting how many people were are in there. And it's like, it's insane, it's a good insane because you're trying to keep people safe and especially being going to the dentist and being like a hygienist or dentist is like one of the highest ways that you can contract it and my friend, Mackenzie, is one of the hygenist that works there and so she's been like, yes, like all the safety things have been kind of annoying, because they were shut down for like, month and a half, two months. But she's like, but she first she was she was like, I'm just glad I have my job back and I'm able to make money because she had to go on unemployment for like, two months there, so, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 43:38
Yeah, that's the thing is I got, I got like, a little upset at the people on Twitter because they were mad at other people, like, going to work and I was like, but we need jobs.
Kinza Hagerup 43:52
We need Mmm. It's just, I don't know, it's just a weird thing. Like, we're, you know, the people that are gonna go out and do things like it's at their own risk. Like, if you don't, you don't have to choose to go out, you can still stay at home, it's perfectly fine. But it's also like, some people don't have that privilege to be able to just be able to work from home and stay at home and be able to order takeout. Like everybody, has some people really truly do have to work.
Nicolette Paglioni 44:22
Yeah, yeah, I was really I, because I work at a graduate research assistant at GSU, Georgia State University, and so it's contingent upon being a student. And so when we will shut down and I work in the archive, like physically there, they were like, well, we can't keep you like we can't like you're not technically you're not a student now like class is out. And you're and we can't come in so it doesn't make sense to keep paying you but you don't get unemployment. And so I was like, well, now I'm just out of a job for the whole summer. Luckily, I found a job as a nanny. But it was just like. Yeah, but it was really for a minute there it was like, I have no choice, I have to find something. So I really resonate with a lot of people who are in that situation. I'm knitting for this, the directors of a summer camp in North Carolina, so I'm gonna go spend the summer at a, at a summer camp, which will be, oh, that's so fun. But they have like, all these things for the pandemic and I'm really excited to see what they have because just everything I do, I'm like, oh, this would be so good for the archive. I'm like, gonna go and take like, not pictures of children, but like pictures of testing-
Kinza Hagerup 45:39
Nicolette Paglioni 45:39
-and like, and things like that. So, um, let's see. Um, I guess I would like to know, how do you think this pandemic sort of compares to other big events in your life? Like, I feel like we've lived like one crisis after another is how it feels, but.
Kinza Hagerup 46:05
I don't. I mean, I feel like this is like the biggest event ever.
Nicolette Paglioni 46:09
Kinza Hagerup 46:10
Okay, so I was born in '92. And so I like, I like, remember and know, I like, remember, like, 9/11. And I remember, to some extent, like the housing crisis that happened, and like, what was that, like? 20, 2000-
Nicolette Paglioni 46:26
Kinza Hagerup 46:27
Eight and stuff. So like, I remember that. Um, I'm trying to, and like all like the wars, like in Iraq, and everything and all that fun stuff, like, but I don't think there's really anything that really truly compares to what this, what this is because, like, yes, in 9/11, like, planes got shut down, nobody was able to fly anywhere but we were still able to go and do things. Housing crisis, a lot of people lost their jobs. A lot of people like, like housing prices, like dropped significantly. But a lot of that was based off of like what industry you worked in. So the housing industry that sucked. And that's like, a lot of people have been getting laid off, fired from their jobs, because they they literally can't open and their bosses have no choice, hey don't want to do that, this is literally like, we don't have any other options.
Nicolette Paglioni 47:24
Right, that title. And I feel like it's a lot more like across all industries.
Kinza Hagerup 47:29
Oh, yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Like even so like, I'm, I consider myself, I work, like I'm in the music industry. That's like what I do. But like my boyfriend is an engineer and like even his job, he has been cut to only working half days because the company that he works for and where he's at right now, they make a lot of things for like Ford and Boeing. And so it's like, they're not doing anything right now. So he's not doing anything, right. So I mean, like, and yeah, like, he's engineer, so he's salaried, e gets still gets paid mad amounts of money, so he's fine. But like, it's like, it's like still, like, even in that, it's like, holy crap. Like-
Nicolette Paglioni 48:12
Kinza Hagerup 48:12
- you, you're only working half days because there's nothing else for you to do the rest of the day.
Nicolette Paglioni 48:16
Kinza Hagerup 48:17
And even you do go to work, your literally just sitting around, usually drawing sketches of stuff that you can't make, so it doesn't matter.
Nicolette Paglioni 48:24
Right. Oh, man, my brother's an engineer so he's been, I don't know, I don't remember actually whether he worked. He's a PhD student snd he was a nuclear engineer for a while, I think he was working with a reactor. And I don't remember whether I think they laid him, I think that he was furloughed. But, yeah, it's been really interesting to see how the different industries interact and what's been declared essential and non essential it's really. Reading an article today about, that my friends sent me because all my friends were museum nerds, and it was the Museum Does Not Exist and it was about how all these like super, like, well endowed, private institutions have been laying off a lot of their non essential workers and yet, they have like billions of dollars in funding. And it's like, why not, you know, pay for people. Like it doesn't make any sense to hold that for collections that no one can see, you know.
Kinza Hagerup 49:23
Nicolette Paglioni 49:24
Like a lot of, a lot of museums use those, that money to buy or like loan different collections. I'm like, why would, don't need that anymore, no one's coming like it's it was it was really interesting. It's been really interesting to see how like archivists and museum people, in my field have been impacted and interacting with it. So I think it's interesting just across different industries through like, music and how you're using, like platforms to still keep, keep in touch and keep busy. So, so how do you imagine, we talked about like how difficult it is to plan the future, but what do you imagine the future looks like? Like, what do you think your life will be like in a year? Or, you know, what do you hope your life is like in a year?
Kinza Hagerup 50:13
I mean, I honestly don't know at this point because like, like our school year is finished. So as of two weeks ago, when I got an email from our superintendent, like, we're still scheduled to go back to school June or July 31 as normal. So but that's all pending, if we do have this second wave of outbreaks, or like, what's going to happen, because like, my thing is that like, so my middle school I work at is one of the biggest in Indiana. Um, so we're, our I think we're, depending, gnna have probably col-close to 1000, and that might change, new sixth graders into our building. And our building is already like, we're super, super full. We literally have been trying to just find classrooms just to teach kids in like, or just being able to find closets and turn them into offices for people. So I'm like, and middle schoolers are not the greatest with hygiene or like not touching each other or anything. Like I yell at them anyway because I'm like stop touching each other, stop touching my face. No, I don't want to, you know, and like middle, I'm like schools like it's like one of those places where it's like germs spread super, super quickly and yes, to like some extent, I feel like my immune system is super, super good because of that, but I'm like, if, if there was an outbreak that happened at school, like, what is that gonna look like? Like, you can't, you can't, we can't social distance in our building. I mean, even like our choirs, we usually have 50 to 60 kids. We have six choirs that meet like all throughout the day. It's like, how do you social distance that? How do you get kids not to breathe, but we sing, so like, air comes out? So I'm like, I honestly don't know. I know, like my church, we're going we're going to try to start doing in-person services, like in the middle of June sometime. And like lessons will open up, we'll see what, I'm gonna have to see what's going to happen with that. But I think my biggest thing is that I'm like, I, I don't think anything that's gonna go really back to normal until there is a vaccine, or there's some way to treat it a little bit better than what we're doing.
Nicolette Paglioni 52:41
Kinza Hagerup 52:42
We knows how to do that and, and vaccines take at least a year to be able, to come about it's like and then to be able to mass produce it so that people can actually get it. It's just going to be a waiting game. I'm not, I'm not entirely sure like, that's, that's okay and I'm not saying that, like, that's going to be the best for everybody, it's gonna suck for a lot of people but I don't understand how we can do anything else at this point.
Nicolette Paglioni 53:09
Right? Yeah, it's really hard to tell, I'm not sure how I feel about that question because it's like, there is no, like, it doesn't feel much. Like we can answer it in any, in any context, in any sense in any regard. So what do you think, I guess my last question, what do you think has shocked you the most about the crisis? Like, I don't know what we were expecting, but I feel like I, there are a lot of things that surprise me about like how people reacted and how it's been unfolding.
Kinza Hagerup 53:41
I think the thing that surprised me the most is people that like were just so upset, that they couldn't like go out and do things or that they had to put on a mask. I'm like, really, like really? Like really, really, really? Like, are you really going to be that ignorant and stupid? Like I saw, what was it so um, so like, Wisconsin had that whole ordeal where like, their Supreme Court was like, up turn, whatever the governor, the governor said about closing everything down because people were just so fed up with it. And so I, I was on Instagram, and I totally forgot, I follow this one girl, and she was and it was like, literally the day the night after, like they released like up did, up did the, the stay at home order. So you could like go out and stuff and she was like at the bar, it's like fuck COVID, and I was like, I really hope you do get COVID because that's just stupid and ignorant. I was just like, and I'm like, I'm pretty sure you're also a nurse. So really, really, really. Um, so I was just like, and I'm like, to some extent for me like I'm not like people are like, how do you feel about it because I'm technically somewhat immunocompromised, I have MS, and the medication that I'm on is an infusion treatment and it literally wipes out my immune system. So I like like, literally just I have like, I wiped out all my B cells, I still have like my T cells, but like I literally only have like half an immune system right now. So to some extent, I should be like, super, super worried, but I'm like, I was talking to my therapist [UNINTELLIGABLE] I'm like, I'm like, I really don't care because like, at this point, I'm like, for the most part, like, I'm pretty healthy like, I take vitamins, like I eat decently, well, not this quarantine, though but, you know, whatever, it's quarantine. But like, I've been exercising, like, I've been trying to do all this stuff. And I'm like, the the thing is that, like, if I get it, I get it. Like, there's nothing I can do about that. Yes, I want people to be safe and have safe practices and I don't want people coming around me that are sick. But I'm like, at this point, it's like if you're going to also I'm like if you're going to be stupid about it and make poor choices, then maybe you should get it to realize how bad it is.
Nicolette Paglioni 55:49
Right? I know, there was like a tweet going around that was super popular that was like, if you hate wearing a mask, imagine how much worse a ventilator would be.
Kinza Hagerup 55:57
Nicolette Paglioni 55:59
Ooh, well, that's interesting. How was your experience of the pandemic? Because I didn't even think they don't have any of those questions about whether, we don't even think to ask whether you're immunocompromised that I'll talk to the director about adding that. What's your experience been like, with the, like health compromise.
Kinza Hagerup 56:17
Um, it's just been like, so I just, like I go out when I'm like, when I need to go out. I wear a mask, like I use hand sanitizer, wash my hands all the time anyway. Um, but like, I always do that stuff anyway, because I work in a middle school with middle schoolers and they're always passing around mono or bronchitis or things like that and I'm like, don't want to be catching any of that. So and I know that like, I got sick earlier this year, like year, like in January with like, some respiratory thing and I just know that like, my body just takes, yeah, hopefully it wasn't that, I sick for like two weeks, it was fine. But it was like one of the things where I was where I was like, it just took my body longer to get over it because of that so normally, when I get sick, it's like, maybe I'm sick for like a week, but I was only sick for two weeks. So I was like, my body just can't handle that so I'm like, if I do get COVID I'm probably just gonna be out for like, a month and at this point, so. But um, I know that like, so my next infusion is supposed to be in August, I had one in February before all this happened, thank goodness.
Nicolette Paglioni 56:43
Right. Yeah, really.
Kinza Hagerup 57:28
Some people have been having to put their, those off. And even now, like, I've gotten emails that like, hey, you come in for your infusion like you have to wear a mask the whole entire time. We sanitize everything like just to be safe and be clean and stuff, which is fine. But like my infusions like four to five hours, that's four to five hours of me wearing a mask, which, not like I don't like wearing it but it's one of things where it's like those annoying to breathe in and after like just being in the grocery store for like, 15-20 minutes.
Nicolette Paglioni 57:55
Yeah, yeah.
Kinza Hagerup 57:57
I'm like, so I don't know what's going to happen in August with that, with like if I'm going to be able to do it, I'm assuming so, but also practicing, like, social distancing in the doctor's office that I go to, the office right now issuper, super small. So I'm like, maybe I might have to wait. I don't know. We're gonna have to see, so. But, yeah.
Nicolette Paglioni 58:19
Yeah. Yeah, I feel like it's, I mean, from the people that I've talked to, like, there's a lady down the street who's immunocompromised and she's like, yeah, this is just like my every day clean, like, I just, this is all the time and so now it's just everybody's living it and kind of leveling everything up. Now you have a taste of my life and how it is every day. That's interesting. Um, well, those are all the questions I had, is there anything you'd like to add or anything you'd like to ask me about like the project or?
Kinza Hagerup 58:56
No. No.
Nicolette Paglioni 58:58
All right. Well, thank you so much. I'm going to upload this to the archive, I told people, I would tell the other people that I would transcribe them before I uploaded, and it's, there, each of those interviews is like two hours long, and I was like, I don't think I'm gonna be able to transcribe. So I'm just going to upload it first. And have like other people transcribe it. It's way easier to do it with like more people working on it. So I can email you a copy of the recording. And I think that's it. I do you, did you send me your informed consent form.
Kinza Hagerup 59:32
No, I'll do that right now, though.
Nicolette Paglioni 59:34
No worries. Just, as long as I like get it at some point. It'll be, I have to have it with the upload to the archive but so no worries. Thank you so so much for taking the time, I really appreciate it.
Kinza Hagerup 59:47
No problem.
Nicolette Paglioni 59:48
All right. Well, I'll see you later. Thank you so much. Have a great rest of your day.
Kinza Hagerup 59:52
Thanks, you too. Bye-bye.
Nicolette Paglioni 59:53
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