Cultural Insights: Interviews in the Creative Sector #20 … Samantha Hyde, Salvation Army
Title (Dublin Core)
Cultural Insights: Interviews in the Creative Sector #20 … Samantha Hyde, Salvation Army
Samantha Hyde Oral History, 2020/04/17
Description (Dublin Core)
In response to COVID-19, the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science launched the mini-series, "Cultural Insights: Interviews in the Creative Sector," to highlight colleagues and professionals working in the same or similar field of museum professionals.
Samantha Hyde, Director of Community Relations , Salvation Army
Recording Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Tory Schendel Cox
Samantha Hyde
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Erin Craft
Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Museums & Libraries
NGOs (non-profits)
Food & Drink
Social Distance
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Salvation Army
National Guard
Collection (Dublin Core)
Cultural Insights: Interviews in the Creative Sector
Collecting Institution (Bibliographic Ontology)
The Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science
Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)
Tory Schendel Cox
Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)
Samantha Hyde
Location (Omeka Classic)
Lucas Oil Stadium
500 S Capitol Ave
United States of America
Format (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)
Duration (Omeka Classic)
abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)
SUMMARY - In response to COVID-19, the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science launched the mini-series, "Cultural Insights: Interviews in the Creative Sector," to highlight colleagues and professionals working in the same or similar field of museum professionals.
Transcription (Omeka Classic)
Tory Schendel Cox 00:01
Hi, my name is Tory Schendel Cox I'm the Virginia administrator, curator of art at the Evansville museum and today's telecasts of cultural insights, we have something special to show you. So, my friend Steve Burke is partnering with the Salvation Army. And they are live at Lucas Oil Stadium packing food for Hoosiers in need. And so, Steve is going to give us some live footage of Samantha Hyde, who is the Director of Community Relations, at the Salvation Army. So, Steve, I'm going to hit it over to you.
Samantha Hyde 00:30
Hi, I'm Sam Hyde with the Salvation Army and we are here at Lucas Oil Stadium. The home of the Indianapolis Colts packing 10,000 food boxes today. We have a lot of work ahead of us. But we've got these fantastic, fantastic (inaudible) National Guardsmen here. We also have volunteers from Midwest Food Bank who provided the food for this. And also, from William’s comfort air, we've got great volunteers coming together even Lucas Oil staff making this happen. Every one of these food boxes is designed to have enough food in it to help a family of four eat for four to five days. And during this covid 19 crisis, we know that getting food is really challenging, not only can you knock it out to the stores because of social distancing guidelines, but also you know, these families oftentimes we have people who have been laid off because they're in the service industry and, and they don't have the money right now to go to the grocery store and feed their family. That's what these boxes are for 10,000 boxes, we're guessing about half of them will end up in Central Indiana and the other half dispersed throughout the state. We have salvation army units all across Indiana and they're all asking for food for their food pantries. They've moved to a drive thru food pantry system. So, people drive up in their cars, they pop open the trunk, we put a box of food in they close it. We're, we're following all the social distancing guidelines, and they're getting the food that they need. So, we're trying to get as many packs here today. We're hoping to get around four to 5,000 pack today. We'll be back at it next week. On Monday, the first of these boxes will go out and start, start getting to those pantries. So next week, the food that is in these boxes will be out on the table for future families.
Tory Schendel Cox 02:12
Well, Samantha that’s a great work that you guys are doing. We love to follow up and thank you so much for what you're doing. Steve, thank you for taking this LIVE SHOT for us. And this is the Evansville museum of art history and science accordion. Thank you all for your time.
Hi, my name is Tory Schendel Cox I'm the Virginia administrator, curator of art at the Evansville museum and today's telecasts of cultural insights, we have something special to show you. So, my friend Steve Burke is partnering with the Salvation Army. And they are live at Lucas Oil Stadium packing food for Hoosiers in need. And so, Steve is going to give us some live footage of Samantha Hyde, who is the Director of Community Relations, at the Salvation Army. So, Steve, I'm going to hit it over to you.
Samantha Hyde 00:30
Hi, I'm Sam Hyde with the Salvation Army and we are here at Lucas Oil Stadium. The home of the Indianapolis Colts packing 10,000 food boxes today. We have a lot of work ahead of us. But we've got these fantastic, fantastic (inaudible) National Guardsmen here. We also have volunteers from Midwest Food Bank who provided the food for this. And also, from William’s comfort air, we've got great volunteers coming together even Lucas Oil staff making this happen. Every one of these food boxes is designed to have enough food in it to help a family of four eat for four to five days. And during this covid 19 crisis, we know that getting food is really challenging, not only can you knock it out to the stores because of social distancing guidelines, but also you know, these families oftentimes we have people who have been laid off because they're in the service industry and, and they don't have the money right now to go to the grocery store and feed their family. That's what these boxes are for 10,000 boxes, we're guessing about half of them will end up in Central Indiana and the other half dispersed throughout the state. We have salvation army units all across Indiana and they're all asking for food for their food pantries. They've moved to a drive thru food pantry system. So, people drive up in their cars, they pop open the trunk, we put a box of food in they close it. We're, we're following all the social distancing guidelines, and they're getting the food that they need. So, we're trying to get as many packs here today. We're hoping to get around four to 5,000 pack today. We'll be back at it next week. On Monday, the first of these boxes will go out and start, start getting to those pantries. So next week, the food that is in these boxes will be out on the table for future families.
Tory Schendel Cox 02:12
Well, Samantha that’s a great work that you guys are doing. We love to follow up and thank you so much for what you're doing. Steve, thank you for taking this LIVE SHOT for us. And this is the Evansville museum of art history and science accordion. Thank you all for your time.
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