
Bailey DeMoss Oral History, 2020/10/05


Title (Dublin Core)

Bailey DeMoss Oral History, 2020/10/05

Description (Dublin Core)

The content of the Oral History project is to record peoples experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. What that does is it helps researchers and others understand different peoples experiences other than their own. This helps them come up with information and statistics to go along with their research of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Recording Date (Dublin Core)


Creator (Dublin Core)

Bailey DeMoss
Noah Densel

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

University of Cincinnati

Type (Dublin Core)

audio interview

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--Universities
English Home & Family Life
English Government Local

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

University of Cincinnati

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)


Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Noah Densel

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Bailey DeMoss

Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

The content of the Oral History project is to record peoples experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. What that does is it helps researchers and others understand different peoples experiences other than their own. This helps them come up with information and statistics to go along with their research of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Transcription provide by w/ 2nd Pass for accuracy by Clinton P. Roberts HSE ASU.

Noah Densel 0:00
What is your name and what are the primary things you like to do on a day to day basis? For example, your job, extracurricular activities.

Bailey DeMoss 0:07
My name is Bailey DeMoss. The things I like to do on a day to day basis include schoolwork, household chores, and attend classes.

Noah Densel 0:15
Where do you live? And what's it like to live there?

Bailey DeMoss 0:17
I live in Delaware, Ohio, but I'm currently a student at the University of Dayton. Dayton is similar to where I grew up, which has made adjusting easier than expected.

Noah Densel 0:27
When you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it? How have your thoughts changed since then?

Bailey DeMoss 0:33
When I first heard about it, I thought it was going to be similar to the flu and expected it would be over in a few months. And then I realized that it was more than the flu and it has changed how we live our daily lives.

Noah Densel 0:46
What issues have concerned you most about the COVID-19 pandemic?

Bailey DeMoss 0:51
The lack of consistency throughout the US and the beliefs of our citizens?

Noah Densel 0:57
Here are some basic questions about your employment. Has COVID-19 affected your job and what ways?

Bailey DeMoss 1:03
I was unable to secure an internship during the summer of 2020 due to the pandemic.

Noah Densel 1:10
What concerns do you have about the effects of COVID-19 on your employment in the economy more broadly?

Bailey DeMoss 1:15
As a college student, it hasn't affected my career employment. However, I have no doubt that our economy will be back and booming as soon as the virus allows.

Noah Densel 1:25
Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the employment of people you know and what ways?

Bailey DeMoss 1:30
Yes. As a business owner, my father did not receive a paycheck for many months as he used his paycheck to pay his employees.

Noah Densel 1:37
Here's some family and household questions. How has the COVID-19 affected you and or your family's day-to-day activities?

Bailey DeMoss 1:47
COVID-19 has made it so that my family and I are unable to see many of our loved ones. And it has also affected the ways in which we work and attend school.

Noah Densel 1:57
In what ways- Sorry. What have been the biggest challenges that you have faced during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Bailey DeMoss 2:04
I think one of the biggest challenges I've experienced is attempting to adjust to online classes and doing so away from campus.

Noah Densel 2:12
What have you, your family, and friends done for recreation- recreation during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Bailey DeMoss 2:21
My family and I have spent our time playing board games and hang around our pool outside our home.

Noah Densel 2:29
Here's some community questions as well. How are people around you responding to COVID-19 pandemic?

Bailey DeMoss 2:35
The people around me have slowly become frustrated with the current situation.

Noah Densel 2:40
Have you seen people around you change their opinions day-to-day activities or relationships in response to the pandemic?

Bailey DeMoss 2:46
Yes, I've seen people go from scared to very frustrated.

Noah Densel 2:51
Has COVID-19 changed your relationship with family, friends, and community? In what ways?

Bailey DeMoss 2:56
Yes, because- Yes, it has changed my relationship with my friends and family because it has began to get political.

Noah Densel 3:04
Some health questions. Have you or anybody you gotten sick during the COVID-19 outbreak? What was your experience in response to the sickness?

Bailey DeMoss 3:12
Yes, some of my loved ones had been sick, but are not experiencing anything more than common cold symptoms?

Noah Densel 3:19
In what ways do you think that COVID-19 is affecting people's mental or physical health?

Bailey DeMoss 3:25
I think Americans have become very lazy, therefore hindering their physical and mental health.

Noah Densel 3:32
Have you been- your prime- What has been your primary source of news during the pandemic?

Bailey DeMoss 3:38
Press conferences from both the President and governor?

Noah Densel 3:42
Have your news sources changed during the course of the pandemic?

Bailey DeMoss 3:45
No, they have not

Noah Densel 3:48
Here are some government questions. Have the leaders and government officials in the community responded to the outbreak?

Bailey DeMoss 3:57
They've been very cautious and done everything in the community's best interest.

Noah Densel 4:02
Do you have any thoughts on how local state or federal leaders are responding due to the crisis differently?

Bailey DeMoss 4:07
I feel as though the COVID-19 crisis has become political when making decisions. However, I feel that people are making the best decisions that they can during this time.

Noah Densel 4:18
Now for your future. Have you- Has your experience transformed how you think of your family, friends, and community?

Bailey DeMoss 4:27
No. I feel like this is a test and not feeling different towards each other?

Noah Densel 4:35
How does the pandemic compare to other big events that have happened in your lifetime?

Bailey DeMoss 4:40
There is nothing that has happened in my lifetime that I can compare to this pandemic.

Noah Densel 4:45
What do you hope your life is like in a year?

Bailey DeMoss 4:49
I hope we have adjusted to a new normal while being as close to an old- the old normal as possible. And I hope to be able to attend sporting events and class without a mask and social distancing.

Noah Densel 5:00
Thank you Bailey.

Bailey DeMoss 5:00
Thank you.

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