Claudia Wall Oral History, 2020/10/10
Title (Dublin Core)
Claudia Wall Oral History, 2020/10/10
An Interview With my Aunt About COVID-19
Description (Dublin Core)
An interview between Camden Bailey and their aunt, Claudia Wall, whom works as a care provider in an independent retirement community. Mrs. Wall who is in the senior demographic herself talks about providing care for elderly residents while living in a retirement community herself (however, the community she lives in is just for seniors 55+, the one she works for has nurses and staff around to help residents, where she lives does not).
Please note, due to the familiar nature between the two, Mrs. Wall will refer to Mrs. Bailey as "Larissa" or "Riss" at times (this is just Mrs. Bailey's middle name/a nickname for it).
Please note, due to the familiar nature between the two, Mrs. Wall will refer to Mrs. Bailey as "Larissa" or "Riss" at times (this is just Mrs. Bailey's middle name/a nickname for it).
Recording Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Camden Bailey
Claudia Wall
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Camden Bailey
Event Identifier (Dublin Core)
Partner (Dublin Core)
University of Cincinnati
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Public Health & Hospitals
Social Distance
Home & Family Life
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
retirement community
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Over 60
Mental Health
Pandemic Pets
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)
Camden Bailey
Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)
Claudia Wall
Location (Omeka Classic)
United States of America
Format (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)
Duration (Omeka Classic)
abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)
An interview between Camden Bailey and their aunt, Claudia Wall, whom works as a care provider in an independent retirement community. Mrs. Wall who is in the senior demographic herself talks about providing care for elderly residents while living in a retirement community herself (however, the community she lives in is just for seniors 55+, the one she works for has nurses and staff around to help residents, where she lives does not).
Please note, due to the familiar nature between the two, Mrs. Wall will refer to Mrs. Bailey as "Larissa" or "Riss" at times (this is just Mrs. Bailey's middle name/a nickname for it).
Please note, due to the familiar nature between the two, Mrs. Wall will refer to Mrs. Bailey as "Larissa" or "Riss" at times (this is just Mrs. Bailey's middle name/a nickname for it).
Transcription (Omeka Classic)
Camden Bailey 0:02
I am aware that it's going to be a black screen. Okay. Sorry, my recording software was like, “It's going to be a black screen.” Like, yes, I know. Okay. Um, so we are recording. My name is Camden Bailey. I am the interviewer. I'm here with Claudia Wall, who I am interviewing. The date is October 10, 2020. The time is 5:24 pm, Eastern time. We are located in eastern Cincinnati, Ohio. Claudia, I want you to briefly- I want to briefly review the informed consent and deed of gift document that you sign. This interview is for the COVID-19 Oral History Project, which is associate- which is associated with the Journal of the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive. That's the name of um, we're putting all this archival stuff. Um, the COVID-19 Oral History Project is a rapid response oral history focusing on archiving the living experiences of the COVID-19 epidemic. We have designed this project so that professional researchers and the broader public can create and upload their oral histories to our open access and open source database. The study will help us collect narratives and understandings about COVID-19 as well as help us better understand the impacts of the pandemic over time. The recordings, demographic information, and verbatim transcripts will be deposited into the Journal of the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive, and the Indiana University Library System for the use of researchers in the general public. Do you have any questions about this project or interview or anything about it that I can answer?
Claudia Wall 1:44
No, I understand what you're saying.
Camden Bailey 1:48
Just a little more about the consent stuff. Taking part in the study is voluntary; you may choose not to take part or you may leave at any time. Leaving the study will not result in penalty or loss of benefits to which you're entitled, which unfortunately is none. I'm not getting paid for it either. In fact, I'm paying to do this through my college tuition. [laughs] Hello Roxy. Um, your decision whether or not to participate in the study will not affect your current or future relations with Indiana University IUPUI or the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute for the University of Cincinnati through which we are running this project. Participating in this project means that your interview will be recorded in a digital video and or audio format and maybe check transcribed. The recordings and possible transcriptions of my interview, copies of any supplementary documents or additional photos that you wish to share, and the informed consent and deed of gift, which was that form we signed, um, may be deposited into the Journal the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive and the Indiana University Library System and will be available to both researchers and the general public. Your name and other means of identification will not be confidential. Do you have any questions?
Claudia Wall 3:05
No, I understand.
Camden Bailey 3:06
Okay. In addition to your signed document, would you please offer a verbal verbal confirmation that you understand and agree to these terms? I'm asking that you verbally confirm that you agreed to- that your interview will be made available under the following license. The Creative Commons Attribution non-material share alike 4.0, international CCBY and CA 4.0. To the COVID-19 oral history project, the Journal of the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive and the trustees of Indiana University acting through its agents employees or representatives has an unlimited right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, perform, broadcast, create derivative works from, and distribute the oral history materials in any manner or media now existing or here after developed and perpetuate throughout the world. I agree that the oral history materials may be used by the voices from the waterways and IU including its assigns and transferees for any purpose, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, publicity, or other promotional purposes. I agree that IU will have final editorial authority over the use of the oral history materials, and I waive my right to inspect or approve any future use of oral history materials. Moreover, I agree that the public has the right to use the material under the terms of fair use. U.S. Copyright Law Section 107 and the U.S. Copyright Law- U.S. Copyright Act. Finally, I want to ask for your verbal confirmation that you have agreed that your interviewee will be made- will be made available to the public immediately.
Claudia Wall 4:53
I agree to all of the above.
Camden Bailey 4:55
Okay. I know. That- that was a lot. Because that was such a pain in the butt to read the first time I did this. Okay, so now we're into the actual interview. So, um, this is some background questions, what is the date and time?
Claudia Wall 5:10
Today is October 10, 2020. And the time is 5:29 pm.
Camden Bailey 5:17
All right. What is your name? And what are the primary things you do on a day to day basis, for example, your job or just things you do for leisure, stuff like that.
Claudia Wall 5:28
My name is Claudia Wall. I work for a home health care company, and I'm a grandmother and a wife, family person. I, you know… you know, at work, I follow all the guidelines of the COVID guidelines. At home, you know, when I'm with family, I try to go along with all the COVID, you know, procedures that we, you know, for safety.
Camden Bailey 6:00
Okay. We'll get more into that later, too. So where do you live? And what is it like to live there?
Claudia Wall 6:09
Now, can you repeat that?
Camden Bailey 6:11
Where do you live? And what is it like to live there?
Claudia Wall 6:15
I live in Milford, Ohio in a retirement community. And it's for 55 and older. So um, we love it.
Camden Bailey 6:26
Okay. When you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it? How have your thoughts changed since then?
Claudia Wall 6:36
Well, first- at first, I think like everybody was in disbelief about what was going on. And then at times, when you hear the news and the numbers that we know, it's very serious. And uh, I do my part and make sure that you know, I'm helping keeping it under control.
Camden Bailey 6:56
Okay. What issues have most concerned you about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Claudia Wall 7:05
What it can happen- what can happen to you. And especially with us being, you know, senior citizens.
Camden Bailey 7:11
Claudia Wall 7:12
We’re most, you know, susceptible. That's what they were saying at least in the beginning. Now, I guess anybody can get it. But you know, just worried about our health.
Camden Bailey 7:22
Okay. So, the next section of questions has to do with employment. Has COVID-19 affected your job? And if it has, in what ways?
Claudia Wall 7:32
Yes, it has as far as the care that we give in our procedure. And we've been mainly working under, you know, lockdown.
Camden Bailey 7:44
Claudia Wall 7:44
Outside people aren't to come in so that people that I take care of. Usually the only people they see are the workers, you know, because family members aren't allowed into the facilities, you know, because of the COVID-19 now.
Camden Bailey 8:00
Claudia Wall 8:00
So, our role has changed as far as companionship for people that we're taking care of.
Camden Bailey 8:06
Has COVID-19 changed your employment status and in what ways?
Claudia Wall 8:15
No. Because I was working before.
Camden Bailey 8:17
Yeah, 'cause you- 'cause you work in, um, like a retirement community, right? Or is it a retirement home?
Claudia Wall 8:26
It is an independent living, you know, retirement community.
Camden Bailey 8:31
Okay. Um, what concerns do you have about the effects of COVID-19 on your employment and the economy more broadly?
Claudia Wall 8:43
Now, what? I didn't quite understand that.
Camden Bailey 8:45
So, the first part of the question is, what concerns do you have about the effects of Coronavirus on your employment?
Claudia Wall 8:55
Okay. I really, you know, our- my job is pretty secure. I don't have any worries about being laid off because they need me even more so right now.
Camden Bailey 9:10
And what concerns you have about Coronavirus on the economy more broadly?
Claudia Wall 9:18
Oh… More receptive to people losing their job and small businesses, you know, go out of business. You know, a lot of people have been affected by it and worry about that.
Camden Bailey 9:33
Mhm. Um, has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the employment of people you know?
Claudia Wall 9:43
No. Most of the people I know are still working, but there is several people that I do know that have been laid off due to the virus.
Camden Bailey 9:52
Like me. [Laughter]
Claudia Wall 9:54
Yeah, but you're one of them that I know.
Camden Bailey 9:57
Claudia Wall 9:58
Thus far, you know, people that have their jobs are considered essential. So, they are still working. Now, my- my daughter and my son are both working from home.
Camden Bailey 10:08
Claudia Wall 10:09
They are both continue to work. But um, most of their work is done from home, 99% of their work is being done at home.
Camden Bailey 10:18
Yeah. Okay, so the next few questions are going to deal with family and household. Um, so how has COVID-19 affected you and/or your family's day to day activities?
Claudia Wall 10:31
Well, we, uh, we kind of changed the routine. For example, Tim, I don't- that’s my husband, I don't know if I should, you know say it, but you know who it is.
Camden Bailey 10:44
Claudia Wall 10:465
He's been doing the grocery shopping and goes early in the morning because there aren't as many people, and we don't go out. You know, if we go anywhere, I do take my dog for a walk in the park. It's a big park where we could be, you know, we're not around a lot of people. We don't do any any activities that are, you know, where there's a lot of gathering.
Camden Bailey 11:08
Okay. How are you managing day to day activities in your household?
Claudia Wall 11:14
Um, that's the same since I don't have any small children. I'm living in a retirement community. As far as our, you know, everyday routine is pretty much still the same.
Camden Bailey 11:29
Okay. Has the COVID-19 outbreak affected how you associate and communi- communicate with friends and family?
Claudia Wall 11:39
Well, just, we're living in a world of texting. [Laughs] You know we all still text and uh-
Camden Bailey 11:46
Claudia Wall 11:46
We don't have any family get togethers or going out to dinner. You, for example, how we would like to get together from time to time and go out to eat. We don't get to do any of that right now. So yeah, as far as being able to get to see each other. We're not able to do that. But we are able to communicate by phone.
Camden Bailey 12:08
I know you used to go over to Michelle, your- your daughter Michelle's house and watch your granddaughter, Summer. Are you not doing that anymore? Just because Michelle's working from home now or?
Claudia Wall 12:27
Right? Well-
Camden Bailey 12:27
Claudia Wall 12:29
She's gotten older and you know, my granddaughter's older now. So, she [unintelligible]. But now the reason is because my daughter is working from home, you know, she has an office set up there now, so. They don't need me there as I was before.
Camden Bailey 12:46
Okay. What have been the biggest challenges you have faced during the Coronavirus outbreak?
Claudia Wall 12:58
With me working with the elderly, even though it's independent living. I deal with a lot of mild dementia cases that stay with us until they have to move on to a nursing home.
Camden Bailey 13:110
Claudia Wall 13:10
And they cannot comprehend what is really going on, a lot of them. That they don't understand the need for the mask and the social distancing, and you know, that. And so… you know, I don't want to make them sound like a child, but it's almost you know, like when you're telling that, you know, a small child, you know, no, you can't do that. That's gonna hurt you. Find that make some of them that are getting in bad shape understand that they can't, you know, get right into my space, and talk to them because they're hard of hearing. So, they're- that is more- there is more with that at work and I am at home, we all understand what's going on.
Camden Bailey 13:54
Yeah. So, you would say they're not handling the sudden- the sudden change very well just because they have a harder time comprehending?
Claudia Wall 14:04
Right. With the dementia, just you know, being elderly. And I take care of people- te average age of people that I take care of, well, I'd say my youngest client is 68. They go all the way up to 101. And now this is independent living that I'm taking care of. And I say the majority of them are 90 plus years old. And, so yeah, they’re- a lot of them until like you said, their age they're not going to worry about it and there might be others with, um, you know, mild dementia or just being forgetful, you know. Having to explain to them over and over again why their [unintelligible] and why their families can't come in to see, and so, yeah, they do. It is very hard on them. Yet, there's some of them that fully understand what's going on, and those are much easier to deal with. But the ones that just don't understand it's really hard for them.
Camden Bailey 15:04
Right. So, what have you, your family and friends done for recreation during COVID-19? This can include, you know, if you guys are watching TV, or like you said earlier going to the park and walking the dog, stuff like that.
Claudia Wall 15:19
Yeah. I'd say my thing would be walking the dog. My husband's thing would be more watching TV. Of course, now with no new shows on, you know, that's kind of hard now.
Camden Bailey 15:32
Claudia Wall 15:32
I think everybody's yard probably look prettier than it's ever looked in a lot of years. You see of people have really, you know, put time into working in their yard and stuff. Which that's great, you know. The yard looks very nice. But as far as my family, I think, you know, it's about the same thing, you know, on their computers. I know, Summer, which is my granddaughter, she's got into making these, um, crafty with the rest of my family, my niece, me and you. We always- we call her you know, she's a little you with [unintelligible]. And she's been making the little bracelets. You take the strings and you make bracelets and all that kind of stuff. She's completely painted her room, her whole, you know. She's been doing things like that, crafty things. And I think you know, just that, you know, people just whatever hobby they can have that doesn't you know, where you're not involved in a group gathering.
Camden Bailey 16:46
Claudia Wall 16:46
Reading. I love to read now I can [unintelligible]. I like that regard.
Camden Bailey 16:53
Um, so the next few questions about community. Um. So the first one is, how has the COVID-19 outbreak affected your community? This community can be where you live, like I know, you said, You live in like a retirement community, your church, your job, blah, blah, whatever- whatever you define it as.
Claudia Wall 17:15
I'm here in the retirement community I live in, we're all pretty good, which I don't know if it's so much due to COVID. But we all kind of, you know. You've seen where I live. So, we can all kind of be in our yard and talk to each other and still have our distance, you know, "Hi, how you doing today? Everything okay with you?" And just kind of checking on each other, make sure everyone is doing okay. And um, as far as work goes, we all have our masks on at all times. And um, we stand- everywhere where I work there's, you know, there's spots, that, you know, they kind of remind you how far you should stand apart to help the elderly.
Camden Bailey 17:57
Claudia Wall 17:58
They [unintelligible] when we're talking. And now we're in the office, um, our boss has put up the plexiglass in front of all the office girls desks, so that we can come in there and talk to them and, you know, being without having to shout clear across the room because they have the big thing over them. And our bosses also she has- we wear them on a daily basis. We wear the mask and our gloves and have hand sanitizer on us at all times. But if we like, where someone is feeling ill, we do have the shield with that special mask. What am I- what's the- I can't, the mask that, you know, the mask that’s…
Camden Bailey 18:43
Is it- it's like the- the band that goes around your head and has like a plastic.
Claudia Wall 18:48
Yeah, it's got that [unintelligible]
Camden Bailey 18:51
I think I think it's just called a face shield, so…
Claudia Wall 18:54
We have the face shield- you have a mask underneath that. And plus, we have the gown if we have someone that is ill, to make sure that you know we're not being you know, to protect us
Camden Bailey 19:08
Alrighty, so um pretty sure you've pretty much already answered this one. But how are people around you responding to the Coronavirus pandemic?
Claudia Wall 19:21
Well, like the people that I take care of?
Camden Bailey 19:25
I mean, it's just however you want to define it; if you just want to talk about your neighbors or if you want to talk about people at work or family. I mean, it's- it's honestly up to your your interpretation.
Claudia Wall 19:39
Yeah. Well, I think like you said, I'm pretty well. Neighbors doing a lot of work doing a lot of work in our yard, you know, tinkering around in our yard. And family, you know, we don't- like I said, we don't have the get together with each other. We don't even- our family always gets together at Christmas time and that's still up in the air, you know, what are we going to do about that, you know? Yeah, just reading and watching TV and the computer and your phone. Oh, and there’s one thing I want to mention is that as at work, there’s one thing, you know, are because we have a lot of people that have very sound minds. So, their minds are very sharp. And I noticed when all this started, a few weeks after it started, all of a sudden, you started a seeing, they look like clocks in everybody's room. They can- they can do FaceTime on these things. They're like a-
Camden Bailey 20:40
Oh, that's cool.
Claudia Wall 20:41
-digital clock. The families were bringing them in, but then the family can Facetime on it, and it's really something like a tablet. And I'm not, you know, quite sure what- what they're called. And then a few family members, they get 'em the tablets, iPads, whatever.
Camden Bailey 20:59
Claudia Wall 21:00
So, they can visit with them like that.
Camden Bailey 21:05
I think, um, 'cause I know Shivaun was looking at one of those for us. I think it's like a Google nest home or something. We have the little, you know, like the Alexa or whatever, like, you can go like, “Hey, Alexa, do whatever, right?” We have the Google version of it. So, you go like, “Hello, Google.” I'm not gonna say hey, because she'll, she'll awaken. [Laughs] Um, but like, but yeah, when they have like, they make like screen versions of this, I didn't know you can FaceTime and stuff on that. That's cool.
Claudia Wall 21:44
Yeah, whatever these are. Yeah, I'd say there's about 10 to 15 of my residents that I- maybe someone told somebody maybe they put out, I don't know, I'm not privy to where they all got the information. Another thing of- my one building, they all, I have three different buildings I worked in on the property there, and the building I work in, which is my primary building, you know, a special building to try to keep it where we weren't all, you know, going back and forth. Everybody's [unintelligible] as much as possible. But mine- everybody has patio doors, so they are allowing family members once the weather started getting nicer, they could bring a couple lawn chairs and sit at the people's patio doors, like six feet back where the people could sit inside their room at their door and open up their, you know, the main storm door so or whatever you call it and visit with each other.
Camden Bailey 22:43
Well that's nice.
Claudia Wall 22:44
And they all [unintelligible]. So that's nice.
Camden Bailey 22:46
Yeah. So, have you seen any people around you change their opinions, or relationships or even their day to day activities in response to the pandemic?
Claudia Wall 23:00
Oh, absolutely, opinions. I think when this all first started, I think people- it was much easier, and I'm not talking about just elderly. I'm talking about, people were more, you know, well, maybe at the very beginning, people were kind of doubtful and thought this was going to blow over in a couple of weeks. And then as it went on, people started taking it serious that you know, we're doing what they were supposed to do. But now the more summer had went on, I think people say, you know, that they're done with it. [Laughs} They're over it. That's a- that- they're saying the same thing, I'm over it. I don't want to hear about it. And you know, and of course, now we see what happened now, all of our numbers are going back up. And all of that work of getting better. But yes, I definitely have seen opinions go back and forth on this. And um, I think they said- now I don't know they think personally that there's been a lot more they said the rise on domestic violence and child neglect and everything now. I've heard that but I don't know anything personally.
Camden Bailey 24:09
So self-isolation and flattening the curve are two ideas that have emerged during the pandemic. How have you family, friends, and your community have responded to requests to self-isolate and flatten the curve?
Claudia Wall 24:25
Uh, well, like I said, it went back and forth in the beginning people didn't pay attention. People got serious but now I don't think they're doing how they should, and I think people are really, you know, starting to loosen up.
Camden Bailey 24:41
Has Coronavirus changed your relationship of family friends in your community?
Claudia Wall 24:47
Not me personally, no. I think, you know, I think with my work because we're always you know more cautious with working with the elderly and anything that's going around that we're always taking precautions. And then with family, we're also busy with our own personal lives we all know we're all just a phone call away so like i said we are don't get to get together to go out have lunch and things like that.
Camden Bailey 25:16
Right. Um okay so this next section is question about health. Obviously, because I know you work in the healthcare field like, and I know you know this, most likely don't feel like you have to go into detail about stuff that can get you in trouble because of HIPAA laws so.
Claudia Wall 25:34
Camden Bailey 25:35
So obviously just answer what you feel is appropriate if you don't want to that's fine, we can skip it. Um.
Claudia Wall 25:43
I'm aware of what I’m allowed to, you know, speak about, and not speak about.
Camden Bailey 25:47
Right. I- I figured I- 'cause you're smart, so you've been around the block a time or two.
Claudia Wall 25:55
A time or two anyway.
Camden Bailey 25:57
So, the first question is have you or anybody you know gotten sick during the Coronavirus outbreak?
Claudia Wall 26:04
With COVID-19?
Camden Bailey 26:07
It doesn't specify.
Claudia Wall 26:08
Okay, well we've had- of all the people that we've had that we have there on our property and three buildings there's… around 500 plus people that live there, and we have three cases because they do reporting, and one lady was already with family members and they did not bring her back. And the other two that tested positive, but they were asymptomatic and they were stuck. They had to be quarantined for you know I think they usually take 14 days they made them do a month, so. But then they were they were okay. I haven't dealt with anybody that has become sick you know like what you're hearing on the news and stuff.
Camden Bailey 27:03
Okay. Well that's good. Um, in what ways do you think Coronavirus is affecting people's mental and/or physical health?
Claudia Wall 27:15
Oh, I think it has taken a major effect on their mental health the ones that are that are mildly confused and then the ones that even if they're not confused that they depended on families for companionship and stuff. I think a lot of people you know I don't want to say depression, but you know it's down in the dumps that they haven't been able to go to the birthday party for you know the get togethers and stuff that they look forward to.
Camden Bailey 27:47
Right yeah. I know um, 'cause yeah it's really interesting because this was the main reason why I wanted to interview is because I know you have a different perspective because you work in a retirement community and live in a retirement community. Um about how this is affecting older folks versus like Shivaun and I all of our friends are 30 and younger [Laughs]
Claudia Wall 28:12
Right, right.
Camden Bailey 28:15
Okay. [Male voice in background "What's going on?"] [Laughter]. Hi Tim. [Laughs]. So, the next set of question is just on information, um. So, what are- what have been your primary sources of news during the pandemic?
Claudia Wall 28:34
Um, the tv, and then of course my phone updates that you know I have one of the newer phones so I get that. And then of course at work we have our newsletters that have anything that's going around there on that on the property. And like I said we had the three cases that was immediately, in fact our boss texted us to tell us. You know we're not- we're not even given the names of the people personally involved with their care and then we were told-
Camden Bailey 29:12
Um- oh sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off
Claudia Wall 29:17
No, you're fine.
Camden Bailey 29:19
Um okay, so the next question is what do you think are important issues that the media, so like the TV news, may- may or may not be covering?
Claudia Wall 29:31
Um, [laughter] well, you know, I know my opinion about the media. I think they they blow everything up and make it worse sometimes. I think we need to be informed, but I think that the media should not give their personal opinion they should give the facts.
Camden Bailey 29:54
Claudia Wall 29:56
Instead of their personal opinion.
Camden Bailey 29:57
No, that's- that's, hey. That's totally- that's a valid way to look at it. So, um, so the next set of question is about government. You're welcome, like, I said, just answer however you want, you can be as political as you want. There's- there's no right or wrong answers. So, um, the first question is, how do you think? How have municipal leaders and government officials in your community responded to the outbreak?
Claudia Wall 30:27
Well, I think Governor Dewine has done a very good job. And, you know, reporting and given the facts, and that's what you hear is the facts, not personal opinion. I want people, you know. And so, I think, for the state of Ohio, you know, we've been lucky with that.
Camden Bailey 30:49
Claudia Wall 30:51
And my thoughts, be a- with my boss being an RN, she's able to give back to, you know, without opinions, she can actually, you know, give facts, so that helps.
Camden Bailey 31:03
Okay. Do you have any thoughts on how local, state, or federal leaders are responding to the crisis differently?
Claudia Wall 31:13
[Laughs] Well, yeah, you're getting into what everybody wants to beat everybody up.
Camden Bailey 31:19
Like I said, you can answer this however you feel is best, or if you don't want to, that's fine. We can skip it.
Claudia Wall 31:27
Well, I guess go right back to what I was saying. I don't like seeing it become a three ring circus where basis, you know, you know, throwing stones at each other. I'd rather work together no matter, the fact they're, you know, Democrat, Republican, whatever they may be, I want to work together for the good of the country. And I don't see that going on.
Camden Bailey 31:50
Alright, so we're on the last section of questions. There's only five left. Um, but these ones are about the future. Um, so… Um, well, you've pretty much answered that one. So, I'm not gonna answer- I'm not gonna have you answer that one again. Um.
Claudia Wall 32:09
Camden Bailey 32:10
So how does this pandemic compare to other big events that have happened in your lifetime?
Claudia Wall 32:18
When I say this is [unintelligible], you know, one of the worst things that happened to us as far as you know, things like getting back to normal. Now, when I growing up in the south, and they had been going around, like chickenpox and stuff like that, they encourage you to get it and just get it over and done with and now we're, you know, running in fear from the COVID-19. Because it's very unknowing, none of us really know. Even, you know, the experts don't know,
Camden Bailey 32:48
Like, think about like, I- so the way Shivaun and I like interpreted like big events, let's think of stuff like 9/11, or like, you know, when MLK was assassinated, stuff like that, um, that, like, were big events that happened, since you've been alive that like you can remember, like, how do you how do you think this compares to that?
Claudia Wall 33:12
Well, this actually shut our country down, you know, this COVID- 19 did. 9/11 and president being assassinated did not shut the country down. People didn't lose jobs. I would say, you know, COVID-19 has been different, personally. Yeah.
Camden Bailey 33:36
Claudia Wall 33:38
Me, personally, more, you know, watching, you know, everybody shut down.
Camden Bailey 33:44
So, these questions are a little bit more on the lighter note. Um, what can you imagine your life being like, in a year?
Claudia Wall 33:55
Well, I hope that we've all put our masks on balloons and let them fly away, you know. [Laughs] Put them in a fire ring and burn them or let them fly up away up to the moon, one of the two. You know, like I said, as far as me with my personal job, I'm not affected because you know, the need is there. And so, hopefully, [unintelligible] there people will be able to have their families in and things will be completely different than a year from now.
Camden Bailey 34:29
Okay, and here is the very last question. We're at the end, um, is knowing what you know, now, what do you think individuals, communities, or governments need to keep in mind for the future?
Claudia Wall 34:45
Um, well, when they see another country, having a, you know, when it started in China, we should of all paid attention, much more attention instead of thinking it was going to stay over there, that’s what we needed to do. When we- we needed. When we had the chance to avoid it, avoid it. Without going- getting all political about it, but…
Camden Bailey 35:10
Hey, like I said, I mean, however you want to answer these questions. That's…
Claudia Wall 35:14
Right. Yeah, that would be my opinion that we need, you know, to take things serious when there's, you know, pandemic like they had over there, and we just thought it would stay over there.
Camden Bailey 35:28
Mhm. Okay.
Claudia Wall 35:30
And it obviously did not.
Camden Bailey 35:32
Well, that was the last question. So, we are done.
Claudia Wall 35:36
Okay, well did I- am I still being recorded?
[audio stops]
I am aware that it's going to be a black screen. Okay. Sorry, my recording software was like, “It's going to be a black screen.” Like, yes, I know. Okay. Um, so we are recording. My name is Camden Bailey. I am the interviewer. I'm here with Claudia Wall, who I am interviewing. The date is October 10, 2020. The time is 5:24 pm, Eastern time. We are located in eastern Cincinnati, Ohio. Claudia, I want you to briefly- I want to briefly review the informed consent and deed of gift document that you sign. This interview is for the COVID-19 Oral History Project, which is associate- which is associated with the Journal of the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive. That's the name of um, we're putting all this archival stuff. Um, the COVID-19 Oral History Project is a rapid response oral history focusing on archiving the living experiences of the COVID-19 epidemic. We have designed this project so that professional researchers and the broader public can create and upload their oral histories to our open access and open source database. The study will help us collect narratives and understandings about COVID-19 as well as help us better understand the impacts of the pandemic over time. The recordings, demographic information, and verbatim transcripts will be deposited into the Journal of the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive, and the Indiana University Library System for the use of researchers in the general public. Do you have any questions about this project or interview or anything about it that I can answer?
Claudia Wall 1:44
No, I understand what you're saying.
Camden Bailey 1:48
Just a little more about the consent stuff. Taking part in the study is voluntary; you may choose not to take part or you may leave at any time. Leaving the study will not result in penalty or loss of benefits to which you're entitled, which unfortunately is none. I'm not getting paid for it either. In fact, I'm paying to do this through my college tuition. [laughs] Hello Roxy. Um, your decision whether or not to participate in the study will not affect your current or future relations with Indiana University IUPUI or the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute for the University of Cincinnati through which we are running this project. Participating in this project means that your interview will be recorded in a digital video and or audio format and maybe check transcribed. The recordings and possible transcriptions of my interview, copies of any supplementary documents or additional photos that you wish to share, and the informed consent and deed of gift, which was that form we signed, um, may be deposited into the Journal the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive and the Indiana University Library System and will be available to both researchers and the general public. Your name and other means of identification will not be confidential. Do you have any questions?
Claudia Wall 3:05
No, I understand.
Camden Bailey 3:06
Okay. In addition to your signed document, would you please offer a verbal verbal confirmation that you understand and agree to these terms? I'm asking that you verbally confirm that you agreed to- that your interview will be made available under the following license. The Creative Commons Attribution non-material share alike 4.0, international CCBY and CA 4.0. To the COVID-19 oral history project, the Journal of the Plague Year: a COVID-19 Archive and the trustees of Indiana University acting through its agents employees or representatives has an unlimited right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, perform, broadcast, create derivative works from, and distribute the oral history materials in any manner or media now existing or here after developed and perpetuate throughout the world. I agree that the oral history materials may be used by the voices from the waterways and IU including its assigns and transferees for any purpose, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, publicity, or other promotional purposes. I agree that IU will have final editorial authority over the use of the oral history materials, and I waive my right to inspect or approve any future use of oral history materials. Moreover, I agree that the public has the right to use the material under the terms of fair use. U.S. Copyright Law Section 107 and the U.S. Copyright Law- U.S. Copyright Act. Finally, I want to ask for your verbal confirmation that you have agreed that your interviewee will be made- will be made available to the public immediately.
Claudia Wall 4:53
I agree to all of the above.
Camden Bailey 4:55
Okay. I know. That- that was a lot. Because that was such a pain in the butt to read the first time I did this. Okay, so now we're into the actual interview. So, um, this is some background questions, what is the date and time?
Claudia Wall 5:10
Today is October 10, 2020. And the time is 5:29 pm.
Camden Bailey 5:17
All right. What is your name? And what are the primary things you do on a day to day basis, for example, your job or just things you do for leisure, stuff like that.
Claudia Wall 5:28
My name is Claudia Wall. I work for a home health care company, and I'm a grandmother and a wife, family person. I, you know… you know, at work, I follow all the guidelines of the COVID guidelines. At home, you know, when I'm with family, I try to go along with all the COVID, you know, procedures that we, you know, for safety.
Camden Bailey 6:00
Okay. We'll get more into that later, too. So where do you live? And what is it like to live there?
Claudia Wall 6:09
Now, can you repeat that?
Camden Bailey 6:11
Where do you live? And what is it like to live there?
Claudia Wall 6:15
I live in Milford, Ohio in a retirement community. And it's for 55 and older. So um, we love it.
Camden Bailey 6:26
Okay. When you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it? How have your thoughts changed since then?
Claudia Wall 6:36
Well, first- at first, I think like everybody was in disbelief about what was going on. And then at times, when you hear the news and the numbers that we know, it's very serious. And uh, I do my part and make sure that you know, I'm helping keeping it under control.
Camden Bailey 6:56
Okay. What issues have most concerned you about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Claudia Wall 7:05
What it can happen- what can happen to you. And especially with us being, you know, senior citizens.
Camden Bailey 7:11
Claudia Wall 7:12
We’re most, you know, susceptible. That's what they were saying at least in the beginning. Now, I guess anybody can get it. But you know, just worried about our health.
Camden Bailey 7:22
Okay. So, the next section of questions has to do with employment. Has COVID-19 affected your job? And if it has, in what ways?
Claudia Wall 7:32
Yes, it has as far as the care that we give in our procedure. And we've been mainly working under, you know, lockdown.
Camden Bailey 7:44
Claudia Wall 7:44
Outside people aren't to come in so that people that I take care of. Usually the only people they see are the workers, you know, because family members aren't allowed into the facilities, you know, because of the COVID-19 now.
Camden Bailey 8:00
Claudia Wall 8:00
So, our role has changed as far as companionship for people that we're taking care of.
Camden Bailey 8:06
Has COVID-19 changed your employment status and in what ways?
Claudia Wall 8:15
No. Because I was working before.
Camden Bailey 8:17
Yeah, 'cause you- 'cause you work in, um, like a retirement community, right? Or is it a retirement home?
Claudia Wall 8:26
It is an independent living, you know, retirement community.
Camden Bailey 8:31
Okay. Um, what concerns do you have about the effects of COVID-19 on your employment and the economy more broadly?
Claudia Wall 8:43
Now, what? I didn't quite understand that.
Camden Bailey 8:45
So, the first part of the question is, what concerns do you have about the effects of Coronavirus on your employment?
Claudia Wall 8:55
Okay. I really, you know, our- my job is pretty secure. I don't have any worries about being laid off because they need me even more so right now.
Camden Bailey 9:10
And what concerns you have about Coronavirus on the economy more broadly?
Claudia Wall 9:18
Oh… More receptive to people losing their job and small businesses, you know, go out of business. You know, a lot of people have been affected by it and worry about that.
Camden Bailey 9:33
Mhm. Um, has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the employment of people you know?
Claudia Wall 9:43
No. Most of the people I know are still working, but there is several people that I do know that have been laid off due to the virus.
Camden Bailey 9:52
Like me. [Laughter]
Claudia Wall 9:54
Yeah, but you're one of them that I know.
Camden Bailey 9:57
Claudia Wall 9:58
Thus far, you know, people that have their jobs are considered essential. So, they are still working. Now, my- my daughter and my son are both working from home.
Camden Bailey 10:08
Claudia Wall 10:09
They are both continue to work. But um, most of their work is done from home, 99% of their work is being done at home.
Camden Bailey 10:18
Yeah. Okay, so the next few questions are going to deal with family and household. Um, so how has COVID-19 affected you and/or your family's day to day activities?
Claudia Wall 10:31
Well, we, uh, we kind of changed the routine. For example, Tim, I don't- that’s my husband, I don't know if I should, you know say it, but you know who it is.
Camden Bailey 10:44
Claudia Wall 10:465
He's been doing the grocery shopping and goes early in the morning because there aren't as many people, and we don't go out. You know, if we go anywhere, I do take my dog for a walk in the park. It's a big park where we could be, you know, we're not around a lot of people. We don't do any any activities that are, you know, where there's a lot of gathering.
Camden Bailey 11:08
Okay. How are you managing day to day activities in your household?
Claudia Wall 11:14
Um, that's the same since I don't have any small children. I'm living in a retirement community. As far as our, you know, everyday routine is pretty much still the same.
Camden Bailey 11:29
Okay. Has the COVID-19 outbreak affected how you associate and communi- communicate with friends and family?
Claudia Wall 11:39
Well, just, we're living in a world of texting. [Laughs] You know we all still text and uh-
Camden Bailey 11:46
Claudia Wall 11:46
We don't have any family get togethers or going out to dinner. You, for example, how we would like to get together from time to time and go out to eat. We don't get to do any of that right now. So yeah, as far as being able to get to see each other. We're not able to do that. But we are able to communicate by phone.
Camden Bailey 12:08
I know you used to go over to Michelle, your- your daughter Michelle's house and watch your granddaughter, Summer. Are you not doing that anymore? Just because Michelle's working from home now or?
Claudia Wall 12:27
Right? Well-
Camden Bailey 12:27
Claudia Wall 12:29
She's gotten older and you know, my granddaughter's older now. So, she [unintelligible]. But now the reason is because my daughter is working from home, you know, she has an office set up there now, so. They don't need me there as I was before.
Camden Bailey 12:46
Okay. What have been the biggest challenges you have faced during the Coronavirus outbreak?
Claudia Wall 12:58
With me working with the elderly, even though it's independent living. I deal with a lot of mild dementia cases that stay with us until they have to move on to a nursing home.
Camden Bailey 13:110
Claudia Wall 13:10
And they cannot comprehend what is really going on, a lot of them. That they don't understand the need for the mask and the social distancing, and you know, that. And so… you know, I don't want to make them sound like a child, but it's almost you know, like when you're telling that, you know, a small child, you know, no, you can't do that. That's gonna hurt you. Find that make some of them that are getting in bad shape understand that they can't, you know, get right into my space, and talk to them because they're hard of hearing. So, they're- that is more- there is more with that at work and I am at home, we all understand what's going on.
Camden Bailey 13:54
Yeah. So, you would say they're not handling the sudden- the sudden change very well just because they have a harder time comprehending?
Claudia Wall 14:04
Right. With the dementia, just you know, being elderly. And I take care of people- te average age of people that I take care of, well, I'd say my youngest client is 68. They go all the way up to 101. And now this is independent living that I'm taking care of. And I say the majority of them are 90 plus years old. And, so yeah, they’re- a lot of them until like you said, their age they're not going to worry about it and there might be others with, um, you know, mild dementia or just being forgetful, you know. Having to explain to them over and over again why their [unintelligible] and why their families can't come in to see, and so, yeah, they do. It is very hard on them. Yet, there's some of them that fully understand what's going on, and those are much easier to deal with. But the ones that just don't understand it's really hard for them.
Camden Bailey 15:04
Right. So, what have you, your family and friends done for recreation during COVID-19? This can include, you know, if you guys are watching TV, or like you said earlier going to the park and walking the dog, stuff like that.
Claudia Wall 15:19
Yeah. I'd say my thing would be walking the dog. My husband's thing would be more watching TV. Of course, now with no new shows on, you know, that's kind of hard now.
Camden Bailey 15:32
Claudia Wall 15:32
I think everybody's yard probably look prettier than it's ever looked in a lot of years. You see of people have really, you know, put time into working in their yard and stuff. Which that's great, you know. The yard looks very nice. But as far as my family, I think, you know, it's about the same thing, you know, on their computers. I know, Summer, which is my granddaughter, she's got into making these, um, crafty with the rest of my family, my niece, me and you. We always- we call her you know, she's a little you with [unintelligible]. And she's been making the little bracelets. You take the strings and you make bracelets and all that kind of stuff. She's completely painted her room, her whole, you know. She's been doing things like that, crafty things. And I think you know, just that, you know, people just whatever hobby they can have that doesn't you know, where you're not involved in a group gathering.
Camden Bailey 16:46
Claudia Wall 16:46
Reading. I love to read now I can [unintelligible]. I like that regard.
Camden Bailey 16:53
Um, so the next few questions about community. Um. So the first one is, how has the COVID-19 outbreak affected your community? This community can be where you live, like I know, you said, You live in like a retirement community, your church, your job, blah, blah, whatever- whatever you define it as.
Claudia Wall 17:15
I'm here in the retirement community I live in, we're all pretty good, which I don't know if it's so much due to COVID. But we all kind of, you know. You've seen where I live. So, we can all kind of be in our yard and talk to each other and still have our distance, you know, "Hi, how you doing today? Everything okay with you?" And just kind of checking on each other, make sure everyone is doing okay. And um, as far as work goes, we all have our masks on at all times. And um, we stand- everywhere where I work there's, you know, there's spots, that, you know, they kind of remind you how far you should stand apart to help the elderly.
Camden Bailey 17:57
Claudia Wall 17:58
They [unintelligible] when we're talking. And now we're in the office, um, our boss has put up the plexiglass in front of all the office girls desks, so that we can come in there and talk to them and, you know, being without having to shout clear across the room because they have the big thing over them. And our bosses also she has- we wear them on a daily basis. We wear the mask and our gloves and have hand sanitizer on us at all times. But if we like, where someone is feeling ill, we do have the shield with that special mask. What am I- what's the- I can't, the mask that, you know, the mask that’s…
Camden Bailey 18:43
Is it- it's like the- the band that goes around your head and has like a plastic.
Claudia Wall 18:48
Yeah, it's got that [unintelligible]
Camden Bailey 18:51
I think I think it's just called a face shield, so…
Claudia Wall 18:54
We have the face shield- you have a mask underneath that. And plus, we have the gown if we have someone that is ill, to make sure that you know we're not being you know, to protect us
Camden Bailey 19:08
Alrighty, so um pretty sure you've pretty much already answered this one. But how are people around you responding to the Coronavirus pandemic?
Claudia Wall 19:21
Well, like the people that I take care of?
Camden Bailey 19:25
I mean, it's just however you want to define it; if you just want to talk about your neighbors or if you want to talk about people at work or family. I mean, it's- it's honestly up to your your interpretation.
Claudia Wall 19:39
Yeah. Well, I think like you said, I'm pretty well. Neighbors doing a lot of work doing a lot of work in our yard, you know, tinkering around in our yard. And family, you know, we don't- like I said, we don't have the get together with each other. We don't even- our family always gets together at Christmas time and that's still up in the air, you know, what are we going to do about that, you know? Yeah, just reading and watching TV and the computer and your phone. Oh, and there’s one thing I want to mention is that as at work, there’s one thing, you know, are because we have a lot of people that have very sound minds. So, their minds are very sharp. And I noticed when all this started, a few weeks after it started, all of a sudden, you started a seeing, they look like clocks in everybody's room. They can- they can do FaceTime on these things. They're like a-
Camden Bailey 20:40
Oh, that's cool.
Claudia Wall 20:41
-digital clock. The families were bringing them in, but then the family can Facetime on it, and it's really something like a tablet. And I'm not, you know, quite sure what- what they're called. And then a few family members, they get 'em the tablets, iPads, whatever.
Camden Bailey 20:59
Claudia Wall 21:00
So, they can visit with them like that.
Camden Bailey 21:05
I think, um, 'cause I know Shivaun was looking at one of those for us. I think it's like a Google nest home or something. We have the little, you know, like the Alexa or whatever, like, you can go like, “Hey, Alexa, do whatever, right?” We have the Google version of it. So, you go like, “Hello, Google.” I'm not gonna say hey, because she'll, she'll awaken. [Laughs] Um, but like, but yeah, when they have like, they make like screen versions of this, I didn't know you can FaceTime and stuff on that. That's cool.
Claudia Wall 21:44
Yeah, whatever these are. Yeah, I'd say there's about 10 to 15 of my residents that I- maybe someone told somebody maybe they put out, I don't know, I'm not privy to where they all got the information. Another thing of- my one building, they all, I have three different buildings I worked in on the property there, and the building I work in, which is my primary building, you know, a special building to try to keep it where we weren't all, you know, going back and forth. Everybody's [unintelligible] as much as possible. But mine- everybody has patio doors, so they are allowing family members once the weather started getting nicer, they could bring a couple lawn chairs and sit at the people's patio doors, like six feet back where the people could sit inside their room at their door and open up their, you know, the main storm door so or whatever you call it and visit with each other.
Camden Bailey 22:43
Well that's nice.
Claudia Wall 22:44
And they all [unintelligible]. So that's nice.
Camden Bailey 22:46
Yeah. So, have you seen any people around you change their opinions, or relationships or even their day to day activities in response to the pandemic?
Claudia Wall 23:00
Oh, absolutely, opinions. I think when this all first started, I think people- it was much easier, and I'm not talking about just elderly. I'm talking about, people were more, you know, well, maybe at the very beginning, people were kind of doubtful and thought this was going to blow over in a couple of weeks. And then as it went on, people started taking it serious that you know, we're doing what they were supposed to do. But now the more summer had went on, I think people say, you know, that they're done with it. [Laughs} They're over it. That's a- that- they're saying the same thing, I'm over it. I don't want to hear about it. And you know, and of course, now we see what happened now, all of our numbers are going back up. And all of that work of getting better. But yes, I definitely have seen opinions go back and forth on this. And um, I think they said- now I don't know they think personally that there's been a lot more they said the rise on domestic violence and child neglect and everything now. I've heard that but I don't know anything personally.
Camden Bailey 24:09
So self-isolation and flattening the curve are two ideas that have emerged during the pandemic. How have you family, friends, and your community have responded to requests to self-isolate and flatten the curve?
Claudia Wall 24:25
Uh, well, like I said, it went back and forth in the beginning people didn't pay attention. People got serious but now I don't think they're doing how they should, and I think people are really, you know, starting to loosen up.
Camden Bailey 24:41
Has Coronavirus changed your relationship of family friends in your community?
Claudia Wall 24:47
Not me personally, no. I think, you know, I think with my work because we're always you know more cautious with working with the elderly and anything that's going around that we're always taking precautions. And then with family, we're also busy with our own personal lives we all know we're all just a phone call away so like i said we are don't get to get together to go out have lunch and things like that.
Camden Bailey 25:16
Right. Um okay so this next section is question about health. Obviously, because I know you work in the healthcare field like, and I know you know this, most likely don't feel like you have to go into detail about stuff that can get you in trouble because of HIPAA laws so.
Claudia Wall 25:34
Camden Bailey 25:35
So obviously just answer what you feel is appropriate if you don't want to that's fine, we can skip it. Um.
Claudia Wall 25:43
I'm aware of what I’m allowed to, you know, speak about, and not speak about.
Camden Bailey 25:47
Right. I- I figured I- 'cause you're smart, so you've been around the block a time or two.
Claudia Wall 25:55
A time or two anyway.
Camden Bailey 25:57
So, the first question is have you or anybody you know gotten sick during the Coronavirus outbreak?
Claudia Wall 26:04
With COVID-19?
Camden Bailey 26:07
It doesn't specify.
Claudia Wall 26:08
Okay, well we've had- of all the people that we've had that we have there on our property and three buildings there's… around 500 plus people that live there, and we have three cases because they do reporting, and one lady was already with family members and they did not bring her back. And the other two that tested positive, but they were asymptomatic and they were stuck. They had to be quarantined for you know I think they usually take 14 days they made them do a month, so. But then they were they were okay. I haven't dealt with anybody that has become sick you know like what you're hearing on the news and stuff.
Camden Bailey 27:03
Okay. Well that's good. Um, in what ways do you think Coronavirus is affecting people's mental and/or physical health?
Claudia Wall 27:15
Oh, I think it has taken a major effect on their mental health the ones that are that are mildly confused and then the ones that even if they're not confused that they depended on families for companionship and stuff. I think a lot of people you know I don't want to say depression, but you know it's down in the dumps that they haven't been able to go to the birthday party for you know the get togethers and stuff that they look forward to.
Camden Bailey 27:47
Right yeah. I know um, 'cause yeah it's really interesting because this was the main reason why I wanted to interview is because I know you have a different perspective because you work in a retirement community and live in a retirement community. Um about how this is affecting older folks versus like Shivaun and I all of our friends are 30 and younger [Laughs]
Claudia Wall 28:12
Right, right.
Camden Bailey 28:15
Okay. [Male voice in background "What's going on?"] [Laughter]. Hi Tim. [Laughs]. So, the next set of question is just on information, um. So, what are- what have been your primary sources of news during the pandemic?
Claudia Wall 28:34
Um, the tv, and then of course my phone updates that you know I have one of the newer phones so I get that. And then of course at work we have our newsletters that have anything that's going around there on that on the property. And like I said we had the three cases that was immediately, in fact our boss texted us to tell us. You know we're not- we're not even given the names of the people personally involved with their care and then we were told-
Camden Bailey 29:12
Um- oh sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off
Claudia Wall 29:17
No, you're fine.
Camden Bailey 29:19
Um okay, so the next question is what do you think are important issues that the media, so like the TV news, may- may or may not be covering?
Claudia Wall 29:31
Um, [laughter] well, you know, I know my opinion about the media. I think they they blow everything up and make it worse sometimes. I think we need to be informed, but I think that the media should not give their personal opinion they should give the facts.
Camden Bailey 29:54
Claudia Wall 29:56
Instead of their personal opinion.
Camden Bailey 29:57
No, that's- that's, hey. That's totally- that's a valid way to look at it. So, um, so the next set of question is about government. You're welcome, like, I said, just answer however you want, you can be as political as you want. There's- there's no right or wrong answers. So, um, the first question is, how do you think? How have municipal leaders and government officials in your community responded to the outbreak?
Claudia Wall 30:27
Well, I think Governor Dewine has done a very good job. And, you know, reporting and given the facts, and that's what you hear is the facts, not personal opinion. I want people, you know. And so, I think, for the state of Ohio, you know, we've been lucky with that.
Camden Bailey 30:49
Claudia Wall 30:51
And my thoughts, be a- with my boss being an RN, she's able to give back to, you know, without opinions, she can actually, you know, give facts, so that helps.
Camden Bailey 31:03
Okay. Do you have any thoughts on how local, state, or federal leaders are responding to the crisis differently?
Claudia Wall 31:13
[Laughs] Well, yeah, you're getting into what everybody wants to beat everybody up.
Camden Bailey 31:19
Like I said, you can answer this however you feel is best, or if you don't want to, that's fine. We can skip it.
Claudia Wall 31:27
Well, I guess go right back to what I was saying. I don't like seeing it become a three ring circus where basis, you know, you know, throwing stones at each other. I'd rather work together no matter, the fact they're, you know, Democrat, Republican, whatever they may be, I want to work together for the good of the country. And I don't see that going on.
Camden Bailey 31:50
Alright, so we're on the last section of questions. There's only five left. Um, but these ones are about the future. Um, so… Um, well, you've pretty much answered that one. So, I'm not gonna answer- I'm not gonna have you answer that one again. Um.
Claudia Wall 32:09
Camden Bailey 32:10
So how does this pandemic compare to other big events that have happened in your lifetime?
Claudia Wall 32:18
When I say this is [unintelligible], you know, one of the worst things that happened to us as far as you know, things like getting back to normal. Now, when I growing up in the south, and they had been going around, like chickenpox and stuff like that, they encourage you to get it and just get it over and done with and now we're, you know, running in fear from the COVID-19. Because it's very unknowing, none of us really know. Even, you know, the experts don't know,
Camden Bailey 32:48
Like, think about like, I- so the way Shivaun and I like interpreted like big events, let's think of stuff like 9/11, or like, you know, when MLK was assassinated, stuff like that, um, that, like, were big events that happened, since you've been alive that like you can remember, like, how do you how do you think this compares to that?
Claudia Wall 33:12
Well, this actually shut our country down, you know, this COVID- 19 did. 9/11 and president being assassinated did not shut the country down. People didn't lose jobs. I would say, you know, COVID-19 has been different, personally. Yeah.
Camden Bailey 33:36
Claudia Wall 33:38
Me, personally, more, you know, watching, you know, everybody shut down.
Camden Bailey 33:44
So, these questions are a little bit more on the lighter note. Um, what can you imagine your life being like, in a year?
Claudia Wall 33:55
Well, I hope that we've all put our masks on balloons and let them fly away, you know. [Laughs] Put them in a fire ring and burn them or let them fly up away up to the moon, one of the two. You know, like I said, as far as me with my personal job, I'm not affected because you know, the need is there. And so, hopefully, [unintelligible] there people will be able to have their families in and things will be completely different than a year from now.
Camden Bailey 34:29
Okay, and here is the very last question. We're at the end, um, is knowing what you know, now, what do you think individuals, communities, or governments need to keep in mind for the future?
Claudia Wall 34:45
Um, well, when they see another country, having a, you know, when it started in China, we should of all paid attention, much more attention instead of thinking it was going to stay over there, that’s what we needed to do. When we- we needed. When we had the chance to avoid it, avoid it. Without going- getting all political about it, but…
Camden Bailey 35:10
Hey, like I said, I mean, however you want to answer these questions. That's…
Claudia Wall 35:14
Right. Yeah, that would be my opinion that we need, you know, to take things serious when there's, you know, pandemic like they had over there, and we just thought it would stay over there.
Camden Bailey 35:28
Mhm. Okay.
Claudia Wall 35:30
And it obviously did not.
Camden Bailey 35:32
Well, that was the last question. So, we are done.
Claudia Wall 35:36
Okay, well did I- am I still being recorded?
[audio stops]
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