
Jo Ann Richey Oral History, 2021/02/07


Title (Dublin Core)

Jo Ann Richey Oral History, 2021/02/07

Description (Dublin Core)

This is an interview with Jo Ann Richey about her COVID-19 vaccination experience in January of 2021. She talks about how pandemic restrictions have affected her work and social life. She also speaks about where and how her vaccine was conducted. She includes personal insight into how she hopes the vaccines may change her life and society as whole in the future. Contributed by Clinton P. Roberts, HSE, for Arizona State University for the #RuralVoices and #VaccineStories collections

Recording Date (Dublin Core)


Creator (Dublin Core)

Clinton P. Roberts
Jo Ann Richey

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

oral history

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Public Health & Hospitals
English Social Distance
English Healthcare
English Business & Industry
English Emotion

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

mass vaccination
Embassy Suites
work from home
insurance company

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

rural voices
vaccine stories
over 60
oral history

Collection (Dublin Core)

Over 60
Vaccine Stories
Rural Voices

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Clinton P. Roberts

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Jo Ann Richey

Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

This is an interview with Jo Ann Richey about her COVID-19 vaccination experience in January of 2021. She talks about how pandemic restrictions have affected her work and social life. She also speaks about where and how her vaccine was conducted. She includes personal insight into how she hopes the vaccines may change her life and society as whole in the future. Contributed by Clinton P. Roberts, HSE, for Arizona State University for the #RuralVoices and #VaccineStories collections

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Clinton Roberts 0:01
This is Clinton Roberts and today I'm speaking with Jo Ann Richey. Today's date is February 7, 2021. I will be speaking with Jo Ann about her COVID-19 vaccination experience. Could you introduce yourself, where you live, your age, and occupation?

Jo Ann Richey 0:16
I'm Jo Ann Richey and I'm an insurance agent and have been for 47 years here in Blanchard, Oklahoma.

Clinton Roberts 0:23
Okay. Now you recently received a vaccine?

Jo Ann Richey 0:29

Clinton Roberts 0:29
You got a vaccination. How did you feel before getting the vaccine? What were your thoughts about vaccinations or this specific vaccination?

Jo Ann Richey 0:38
Well, I really don't like shots. So I really didn't want to go, but I felt I should.

Clinton Roberts 0:43
Yeah. Can you record the moment of your vaccine- vaccination? Like, tell me exactly kind of what it was like? What do you remember where you were and all that?

Jo Ann Richey 0:56
Okay. We did this at Norman, at the Embassy Suites hotel. And I was- we were- got there just about 10 minutes before time. We were taking in and it went real fast. And they had a very nice organized crew. Everything went good. I was very impressed. And sit down there and within five minutes, the lady came to gave me- give me my shot. And I barely felt her hand. It was so nice. I was shocked because I really hate shots. So it went real well. And we sat there for 15 minutes after that to see if anything happened to my physically. And then they let us go. So we were in and out within 30 minutes. It was wonderful.

Clinton Roberts 1:43
So the the actual location itself, you said it was at like an Embassy Suites. Do you know the name of the the people themselves? That did the vaccine?

Jo Ann Richey 1:55
CDC? Apparently.

Clinton Roberts 1:57
No, no, like the name of the the organization that was doing vaccines?

Jo Ann Richey 2:03
Oh, I guess this is it. I M M Y labs.

Clinton Roberts 2:07
Oh, yeah. I think they're I think they're pronounced IMMY labs.

Jo Ann Richey 2:10

Clinton Roberts 2:10
And I'm sure each of those letters stand for something.

Jo Ann Richey 2:12

Clinton Roberts 2:13
What was the location specifically like? Was it crowded? What kind of people were in lines? Were there much of a line?

Jo Ann Richey 2:21
There was a big line, but everything was well, everybody stayed in line six feet apart and mask on. And everything went well. I was really impressed. And it was a lot of people.

Clinton Roberts 2:34
So you mentioned before that, that you were an insurance agent, and that you'd lived in Blanchard? How old are you?

Jo Ann Richey 2:41
80 years old.

Clinton Roberts 2:43
What was the the age groups of the people that were in line? Were they similar to your age? Or were they primarily younger, or?

Jo Ann Richey 2:52
I looked around and I really felt like I was among the older ones, which probably took up like 50% of it. There was a lot of like, say 50 and up and I figured they were nurses or whatever. And but most of it was elderly people 65 and above.

Clinton Roberts 3:11
So would you say this is probably like an early phase of when they break down, like, who gets the vaccine?

Jo Ann Richey 3:19

Clinton Roberts 3:19
This was the earliest phase?

Jo Ann Richey 3:21
I think it would be.

Clinton Roberts 3:23
Okay. What vaccine did you get? Do you know? Like, what what was the company? Like the version?

Jo Ann Richey 3:31
It was Pfizer. P H F I S E R.

Clinton Roberts 3:34
Pfizer? Okay.

Jo Ann Richey 3:35
Yeah. P H I Z E R, pardon me.

Clinton Roberts 3:37
Yeah. Now was this just your first vaccine, right?

Jo Ann Richey 3:40
That was my first shot.

Clinton Roberts 3:42
Do you know, are you getting a second one?

Jo Ann Richey 3:46
Yes. February 17.

Clinton Roberts 3:48
Okay, so you've already pre-scheduled your second?

Jo Ann Richey 3:51

Clinton Roberts 3:52
Okay. How did you feel about getting your first vaccine shot? Like, say after it was over, like, how did you feel about it?

Jo Ann Richey 3:35
Well, I was very impressed with how everything went. And very, I felt good about taking it and I would encourage anyone to take it.

Clinton Roberts 4:15
How did you personally feel about the vaccine? As far as like, did it help with your mental state to know that you done that? Or did you still feel like you were worried about COVID-19?

Jo Ann Richey 4:31
Well, I think it made me feel a little more secure. And of course, I'm going to do all I can to stay away from people and, and be safe with myself.

Clinton Roberts 4:44
So why- Why did you personally get the vaccine?

Jo Ann Richey 4:48
Because my children encouraged it. [Jo Ann laughs] I'll tell you the truth. I wouldn't have went unless they had but they know more than I do.

Clinton Roberts 4:58
Well do you, do you feel relieved now that it's like you've got the first one over with and you kind of understand what the process is like.

Jo Ann Richey 5:05
Yes, I was greatly relieved. And that's very, very relieved.

Clinton Roberts 5:12
Okay, after getting your second vaccine shot at a future date, what do you hope will change in your daily life after that?

Jo Ann Richey 5:21
Well, I hope, I hope that everyone- this starts working, and we see a downturn in the deaths. And people will, will get out and get in the public again. That's my prayers.

Clinton Roberts 5:37
Are you hoping that it'll change your life, personally, differently? Like you'll be able to do different things than before?

Jo Ann Richey 5:45
I hope so. I'm praying it will because I certainly don't like staying and having my office in my house and staying home. I'm used to be an out so I certainly am looking forward to traveling and and i hope this all works. I'm praying.

Clinton Roberts 6:00
You mentioned you had your office in your home. Is that how you've been working, during this time? Have you been working from home?

Jo Ann Richey 6:09
Yes. We closed the office in March of '20. And I came home and so far this is working better than I thought it would, but I still like to be among the public like anybody would.

Clinton Roberts 6:24
Yeah. Okay. Well, thank you, Jo Ann. I appreciate all your information on this. This is Clinton Roberts graduate student and HSE for Arizona State University. This interview has been conducted for the Journal the Plague Year archive. Thank you.

Jo Ann Richey 6:39
Thank you

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This item was submitted on February 7, 2021 by Clinton P. Roberts using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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