


Title (Dublin Core)

Gia Reyes Oral History, 2020/05/26

Description (Dublin Core)


Recording Date (Dublin Core)

May 26, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Gia Reyes

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Biography
English Education--K12
English Home & Family Life
English Health & Wellness

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

mental health

Collection (Dublin Core)

Mental Health

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Gia Reyes

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)


Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Gia Reyes is a sophomore in high school and interviews themselves. Gia initially describes how they thought that COVID would only impact China and not come to America. Next they describe how COVID coming to the US changed their day to day by having to attend high school virtually. Gia then brings up that their biggest challenge during the pandemic has been their lack of motivation to do school in the virtual environment. Gia then answers a question regarding how their family gets news and states that they do not believe in the news and try not to be influenced by the media. This is also reflected in the following questions that ask about what their local governments are doing as they are not able to answer news related questions. Gia ends the interview by relaying how the US needs to be more proactive and prepared for future pandemics.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Question 00:01
Hello it is currently 11:21am on May 26, my name is Julie Reyes, and I'm a sophomore at Pasadena High School and I live in Pasadena, California. Um, the first question is when you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it? How have your thoughts changed since then?

Answer 00:23
My first thoughts about COVID were that it wasn't going to affect me that much. And that it was just this disease that was happening, spreading all throughout China, and I didn't really think it was gonna come to America. But that changed, obviously, and that changed my thoughts by making me more, I mean, I we're inside all the time, that's all changed. Um, I don't have a job. So it hasn't really affected my employment. Um, COVID-19 affected me and my family's day to day activities. Both of my parents are essential workers. So the only change really has been me staying home for school and my brother who's four has been going to daycare still, because my parents both work.

Question 01:22
How has COVID 19 outbreak affected how you associate and communicate with friends and family in what ways?

Answer 01:30
I definitely haven't seen as many people as I used to. So that's affected my relationships. And I don't know I don't really. I'm still visiting my grandparents so I still get to see them. And I'm get to see a couple of friends, so. It really has just affected my friends and family by like me not being able to see them, I guess.

Question 02:04
What have been the biggest challenge that you have faced during the COVID 19 outbreak?

Answer 02:08
The biggest challenges I face is definitely my motivation and the lack of it, and how and like actually, like doing school is like really hard to find the motivation to do school. So that is definitely been a huge challenge for me. And a lot of other kids I know as well.

Question 02:35
What have you and your family and friends done for recreation during COVID-19?

Answer 02:41
Um, we go on a lot of walks, a lot of walks, and we're outside a lot more I feel like which is super cool. I have been really just staying home and there's not I mean, we like barbecue a lot more also, we just spend I spend a lot more time with like my mom and dad and brother now than I did before. So that's changed a lot too.

Question 03:18
how has the COVID 19 outbreak affected your community?

Answer 03:22
Um, my community, the only big thing that it's affected, well, it's affected obviously like the stores and surrounding people around me and like, being able to get groceries and going to school that's all been affected. So I don't go to school anymore. I do online school and we're not going back for the rest of the year, obviously. But ya, another thing is like just going to the store and like wearing masks, everyone's wearing masks, so.

Question 04:04
How are people and around you responding to the COVID 19 pandemic?

Answer 04:09
A lot of people in my age group are kind of just taking as a joke. And like, brushing it off, I guess you could say. But I know that a lot of older people are being very cautious of going outside and like washing their hands wearing masks gloves. So yeah.

Question 04:37
Have you seen people around me change their opinions day to day activities or relationships in response to the pandemic?

Answer 04:43
Absolutely. I see people, there's people not working now. There's people working more. There's a lot of just change that's happened. I don't know so much about opinions. Nobody's really, nobody's opinions have changed so much as to their day to day activities, that has definitely changed. None of my friends are going to school. A lot of their parents actually have been laid off or are not working right now. So, yeah.

Question 05:26
Self isolation and flattening the curve have been two key ideas that have emerged during the pandemic, have you, your family, friends, and community responded to the request of self isolation and flattening the curve?

Answer 05:38
We've definitely been isolating a lot more, we still see people because my parents are not super severe, I guess, are extreme when it comes to like staying in the house with only our family because I think that they understand that my mental health is widely dependent on my friends and people who surround me, so they've been very open to the idea of seeing friends and visiting them and yeah.

Question 06:16
Has COVID-19 changed your relationship with family, friends and community and in what ways?

Answer 06:20
I am a lot closer with my parents right now than I have been in a really long time, actually. And my so I've had a friend, Madison, for a very long time. She's been a very dear friend of mine for a very long time. But um, I've been seeing her a lot more, we actually are staying at each other's houses. She's like one of the only friends that I'm like, seeing on a normal basis. So I've gotten a lot closer with her. Also, I've just been reaching out to a lot more people and trying my best to see how others are doing and reaching out and making sure that they're okay.

Question 07:04
Have you or anybody you know, gotten sick during the COVID 19 outbreak? What was your experience to responding to the sickness?

Answer 07:11
So me personally, I have not been affected by the COVID 19 outbreak, but I did get sick during like the beginning of the self isolation period. So I got hand, foot, and mouth disease, which I had when I was younger, so it didn't really affect me that much. I still got sick and stuff, but not like the hives and like that stuff. So and nobody I, I know has gone COVID. So no.

Question 07:46
In what ways do you think that COVID-19 is affecting people's mental and or physical health?

Answer 07:51
A lot more people are active I feel like physically. I've just I know from like, my friends and stuff that they are working out more and you know, I think that it goes the opposite way for mental health though as in a lot of people are, like, becoming more depressed and more, just a lot of stress put around school and stuff. So a lot of people have anxiety. And I know that it's really hard for like some of the kids who one of my best friends actually cannot go outside or see anyone really. So she's been having a really rough time and dealing with that and trying to stay positive.

Question 08:39
What has been your primary source of news during the pandemic?

Answer 08:42
So my parents and I don't watch the news. We don't believe in the news. So the news hasn't been really a prime source. Where as I guess, the media, but we try not to look at the media so much because we really don't know what's real or not and it's hard to take information from them and believe it.

Answer 09:09
Have your news sources change during the course of a pandemic?

Answer 09:11
No, we don't really look at the media that often. I guess I'm the one that is really the the looker for the issues. I guess me and my dad have, my dad has been listening to quite a lot of podcasts about it and like listening to the radio and stuff. And that's been a big news source for our family.

Question 09:12
What do you think are important issues that the media may, may is or is not covering?

Answer 09:47
I definitely think that the media isn't covering the wide, wide, wide, wide amount of Healthcare, not healthcare health people that are working, I don't know what to call them. Health, doctors and such are just, they're not a lot of people are like on Tik Tok or like Instagram, are like posting videos about how there's not enough medicine and there's not enough workers. And I feel like the media isn't really doing a good job of like, making that known, I guess, and a lot of people are criticizing those workers and stuff, and like, really have no idea what's going on. And I think it's not really fair to them.

Question 10:44
How have municipal leaders and government officials in your community respond to the outbreak?

Answer 10:51
I don't really know the answer to that question. I guess, just closing schools and stuff.

Question 10:59
Do you have any thoughts on how local state or federal leaders are responding to the crisis differently?

Answer 11:09
Wow, I'm so Trump, the President, our President was saying that fishbowl cleaner was, like helping, like it could have been a cure, and like a bunch of people were drinking it and stuff and like, what are you doing just like, educate yourself and don't tell people to do things that you know, might kill them? You know?

Question 11:36
Has your experience transformed how you think about your family, friends and community in what ways?

Answer 11:42
I've just been trying to be more sensitive to people's feelings, I guess, too, and more open to like, talking about feelings in general and like, just doing my best to be there for both my parents and help them as much as possible. Yeah, that's it.

Question 12:05
Knowing what you know, what do you think the individuals, communities, or governments need to keep in mind for the future?

Answer 12:11
I definitely think we need to have a plan for another health pandemic in the future, and how we're going to be more proactive about it. Instead of us being unprepared and not ready or not knowing what's going on, and if we don't know what's going on in the future to try and be more proactive about proactive about, like figuring out what's going on. Yeah, that's it. Thank you.

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