
Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Julian Adorney

Title (Dublin Core)

Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Julian Adorney

Description (Dublin Core)

A virtual exhibition by the Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science
Honestly, Coronavirus hasn't affected me too strongly. Part of that's situational: I work in online marketing so I still have a job, the office is just empty every day. Part of that's mental: I've been dealing with intense anxiety for the last 6 months or so, which means that every day has felt like a pandemic or crisis. As a result, I've gotten pretty consistently good at facing down my fears and overcoming them every day. So, when an actual pandemic hit, I just shrug and do the responsible thing (social quarantining, not buying 300 toilet paper rolls) with a minimum of fear, because in my head it doesn't feel all that different from day-to-day living. And I don't mean this to sound down about myself. My point is the opposite: it's been fascinating to see how my mental landscape has served as a training gym to prepare me for tough situations.

Date (Dublin Core)

April 17, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Julian Adorney
Evansville Museum

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Erin Craft

Type (Dublin Core)

online exhibition

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Social Distance
English Museums & Libraries
English Health & Wellness
English Emotion

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

mental health

Collection (Dublin Core)

Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus

Collecting Institution (Bibliographic Ontology)

Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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