
Assignment instructions for PSC 401D The State


Title (Dublin Core)

Assignment instructions for PSC 401D The State

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DISCLAIMER: This item may have been submitted in response to a school assignment. See Linked Data.
DISCLAIMER: This item may have been submitted in response to a school assignment. See Linked Data.

Description (Dublin Core)

Participating in Public History

Hi, Rebels. Thank you for your hard work on your final paper. Your discussions of federalism and COVID-19 should not go to waste. I'm working with a project involved in chronicling people's experiences and the like during the time of coronavirus. We are living history. We must keep and curate information from all walks of life (rather than just the elite). Therefore, we are going to include your work in a growing archive of living history.

Here is a news story that introduces and explains the archive:

Upload your final paper to this website. You can do this anonymously, if desired.

A breakdown of the submission form follows:

Contribution: Story
Upload file: Your final paper in PDF form
Title: This is NOT the title of your paper. The requested title is a descriptive term for fellow researchers looking for information. Pretend you are scrolling through pages of random data and looking for your work. Create a title for the archive that would help with that. Examples could include "Student Paper on Federalism and Coronavirus" or "Academic analysis of federalism and coronavirus" or "Examining the impact of coronavirus and federalism."
Author: You. (If there is more than one author, you have two choices of the order to list people. The first is by order of effort (or seniority), and the second is alphabetical. Most of the time, academic collaborations have a primary author/editor/master kitten herder/principal investigator, and this person is listed first, then things go alphabetical. Do not use et al. for this project – list all authors. Most of you should have only one author.)
Date created: 05/15/2020
Story text: The cut and pasted version of your pdf, which you uploaded above.
Geolocation: UNLV or your zip code
Name: Your name (Include even if you want to be anonymous)
Email: An email the researchers of the project can contact you at if you have questions
What else: THIS IS IMPORTANT. (1) Include hashtags here. Make sure they include #unlv #psc401D #mlphelps #coursework #federalism and then keep going. Do you mention the name of a politician? #therenamehere A location? #nevada #lasvegas
(2) If you would prefer your entry to be anonymous, include that information here. (Remember to remove your name from your paper, too.) (3) Any other comments you think would help a librarian curate your materials.

After uploading, take a snapshot or screenshot of your confirmation page and upload it to Canvas for extra credit.

I also encourage you to upload all of your notes, the journal entries I asked you to keep, pictures of abandoned places, or any other materials you have that may be of interest to future historians. Each item should be in a separate entry (unless they are linked.) I ask you to include the tag #mlphelps on anything you upload, even not course-related. Again, this part is optional. Still, you did so much work. You might as well put it somewhere for future use. Explore and have fun! Tell your friends to upload stuff! This is academia in action!


The University of Nevada, Las Vegas #unlv
Political Science 401D, The State #psc401D
A University of Nevada, Las Vegas professor's extra credit instructions for their course.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 16, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Martha Lizabeth Phelps

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Martha Lizabeth Phelps

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Government Federal
Government State

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Text (Omeka Classic)

Participating in Public History

Hi, Rebels. Thank you for your hard work on your final paper. Your discussions of federalism and COVID-19 should not go to waste. I'm working with a project involved in chronicling people's experiences and the like during the time of coronavirus. We are living history. We must keep and curate information from all walks of life (rather than just the elite). Therefore, we are going to include your work in a growing archive of living history.

Here is a news story that introduces and explains the archive:

Upload your final paper to this website. You can do this anonymously, if desired.

A breakdown of the submission form follows:

Contribution: Story
Upload file: Your final paper in PDF form
Title: This is NOT the title of your paper. The requested title is a descriptive term for fellow researchers looking for information. Pretend you are scrolling through pages of random data and looking for your work. Create a title for the archive that would help with that. Examples could include "Student Paper on Federalism and Coronavirus" or "Academic analysis of federalism and coronavirus" or "Examining the impact of coronavirus and federalism."
Author: You. (If there is more than one author, you have two choices of the order to list people. The first is by order of effort (or seniority), and the second is alphabetical. Most of the time, academic collaborations have a primary author/editor/master kitten herder/principal investigator, and this person is listed first, then things go alphabetical. Do not use et al. for this project – list all authors. Most of you should have only one author.)
Date created: 05/15/2020
Story text: The cut and pasted version of your pdf, which you uploaded above.
Geolocation: UNLV or your zip code
Name: Your name (Include even if you want to be anonymous)
Email: An email the researchers of the project can contact you at if you have questions
What else: THIS IS IMPORTANT. (1) Include hashtags here. Make sure they include #unlv #psc401D #mlphelps #coursework #federalism and then keep going. Do you mention the name of a politician? #therenamehere A location? #nevada #lasvegas
(2) If you would prefer your entry to be anonymous, include that information here. (Remember to remove your name from your paper, too.) (3) Any other comments you think would help a librarian curate your materials.

After uploading, take a snapshot or screenshot of your confirmation page and upload it to Canvas for extra credit.

I also encourage you to upload all of your notes, the journal entries I asked you to keep, pictures of abandoned places, or any other materials you have that may be of interest to future historians. Each item should be in a separate entry (unless they are linked.) I ask you to include the tag #mlphelps on anything you upload, even not course-related. Again, this part is optional. Still, you did so much work. You might as well put it somewhere for future use. Explore and have fun! Tell your friends to upload stuff! This is academia in action!


Original Format (Omeka Classic)

Assignment instructions

Accrual Method (Dublin Core)


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