
Ballarat 9 26 June 2020 - Don't Necessarily Travel to the Regions!


Title (Dublin Core)

Ballarat 9 26 June 2020 - Don't Necessarily Travel to the Regions!

Description (Dublin Core)

I found the original article by Ben Groundwater extremely irritating and opposed to the balance of medical and state opinion. Just because the middle class are denied the opportunity currently to travel overseas does not mean they should be pounding off to regional centres which have largely been exempt from COVID-19.
Two letters published in the metropolitan press, one of which is mine.
This object consists of two letters published in the Melbourne Age on 26 June 2020 in response to a prominent travel writer's call for the urban traveller to visit regional Australia given the ban on international visits. I wrote the second of the letters.

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Type (Dublin Core)

This object consists of two letters published in the Melbourne Age on 26 June 2020 in response to a prominent travel writer's call for the urban traveller to visit regional Australia given the ban on international visits. I wrote the second of the letters.

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This item was submitted on June 26, 2020 by Richard Trembath using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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