Instagram post - The Networking Dog 23 March 2020
Title (Dublin Core)
Instagram post - The Networking Dog
23 March 2020
23 March 2020
Description (Dublin Core)
On Sunday 22 March I received the following message from the University's Vice Chancellor, "If you need to come to campus to collect anything essential to continue to teach online or work remotely you must do so before 5pm tomorrow, Monday 23 March." On Monday I posted this image to alert the community of researchers who use our facility that we would be closed until further notice. This poster designed again by Alex Stitt, a brilliant graphic designer, illustrator and social commentator, dates from 1997, and its message is relevant today. This week I have begun to work remotely and attended online training sessions Microsoft Teams 101, and Video Conferencing on Skype and Microsoft Teams.
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This is a screen shot of an instagram post for Monday 23 March. It includes a poster titled: Alex Stitt, The Networking Dog: We want to get everybody on the Net, 1997-1999, poster created for Monash University Centre Electronic Commerce, Gift of Alex and Paddy Stitt,
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