Evento virtual para celebrar Halloween en Lima, Perú. Están ofreciendo un tour virtual del cementerio Presbítero Maestro. Por s./ 19 se pueden recibir un enlace para visitar el pabellón de suicidas, el pabellón de niños y no nacidos, tumbas de asesinos, zonas de brujería, tumbas de ex presidente y más. Los datos son lo siguiente:
No vamos a permitir que por esta pandemia te pierdas la experiencia de Halloween en el cementerio mas misterioso y antiguo de Lima. Así que nuestro equipo de grabación irá al cementerio esa noche para traerte este recorrido virtual EN VIVO para que lo disfrutes desde donde estés, con la misma chispa y emoción como si estuvieras allí.
A Japanese tourist, Jesse Katayama is Stuck in Peru during the pandemic. He has been allowed into the ruins of Machu Picchu after a seven month wait. Stuck in Peru since mid-March, he was only allowed to enter the Inca Citadel on special request. There are 33,305 deaths because of Covid-19, which is the highest per capita mortality rate.
My mother in law came to Arizona from Arequipa, Peru in Febuary. She arrived a few days before the news of Coronavirus seemed to be spreading in the United States. She has been an absolutely lifesaver. Without her, I don't think I could have managed, especially once school was effectively cancelled for my kindergartener in March. Having my mother in law around is like having another mother, another set of hands to help. She is pretty active and mobile, so she doesn't mind keeping up with the 2yo and she helps me take care of all those details around the house that I never have time for like cleaning, washing dishes, letting the dog out, letting the dog in, breaking up the fight between siblings, cooking, all of it. Now we split most of those chores, since my husband works outside the house.
I couldn't do it without her, and I should say that we don't take it for granted. We pay her what we would have paid the daycare for the 2yo, which is actually a decent weekly income when translated back to Peruvian soles. This image shows that there are limited flights back to Peru and that Peru is still in a waves of curfew and lockdowns. We've applied for an extended visa, and I'm hoping she can stay through December. I know she misses home, but she's also glad to be useful and to be living somewhere that isn't enforcing curfews and periodic lockdowns.
A meme from the Being Peruvian Instagram account, it shows the risk of getting sick with or without a mask, and jokes about not liking/eating ceviche.
Meme from Being Peruvian Instagram. It makes light of how inactivity leads to weight gain during the pandemic. Peru has some of the strictest lockdown orders, and it's a society that is accostomed to walking and traveling across the city daily. Loosing daily activity has slowly, but surely affected everyone's health.
My husband's aunt died from COVID. She had complications with a previous lung condition, and went to the hospital, but ultimately didn't survive. His uncle held a virtual mass to commemorte her life, held by the Santa Ana church. His uncle is absolutely gutted, and tested postivie for COVID as well. Luckily, he survived, but it pains him to survive without his beloved by his side.
Peru, loss, grief, mass, death, virtual, obituary
News article from EL Comercio that fact checks the statemet from Arequipa's governor: “El consumo de alpaca y llama combate el coronavirus. Está comprobado científicamente que combate al COVID-19”. A number of different solutions have been proposed to combat COVID in Peru, but the idea of eating llama meat is one of the strangest.
Carne de llama y dióxido de cloro es la receta sin sustento científico para combatir la COVID-19 del polémico gobernador de Arequipa (Perú), Elmer Cáceres, que ahora pide obtener la vacuna rusa después de que el gobierno peruano lo haya despojado de sus competencias en la administración de la salud.
Cáceres Llica es el gobernador de Arequipa. Últimamente ha dicho o hecho cosas extrañas como escribió una carta a Putin pidiendo que le manda unas vacunas, y hablaba temas populistas como decir que comer carne de llama te puede proteger de COVID. El dibujo implica que escuchar a este político es ignorante como curar el COVID con lejía.
More political cartoons from artist Andrés Edery featuring humor or at least political cartoons regarding no escape from COVID and the COVID-19 vaccine trials.
La tía de mi esposo se murió hace una semana de COVID en Arequipa, Peru. Ahora, su tío también tiene COVID. Mi esposo llamó a su primo para conversar de los eventos, y grabé la última parte de la conversación. Lo que me impresionó era que decía que había tantas bolsas des cadáveres, y que la gente moría de asusto o paro cardiaco porque el temor les consumía.
It’s really interesting to me that this recent public health promotion is advocating for nursing and responding to your baby’s changes. The parents are wearing face masks, so it’s clearly tying into the Coronavirus pandemic and larger public health concerns. From the Instragram account of the Ministerio de Salud del Perú.
Daily cartoon from Otra Vez Andrés, showing a man having his head cut open and asking if it's effective against COVID. A man in a black robe answers, if not- I've got chlorine dioxide. The cartoon is making fun of people or at least light of people trying to heal themselves or fortify themselves with ineffective COVID treatments.
A meme posted about the cutthroat labor system in Peru, it's true that there's a lot of competition in certain sectors. In some cases, vendors barely make a profit because everyone is trying to offer the lowest price just to make the sale. I often had this conversation with my mother in law who sold clothing on consignment, I understand that consignment is a normal practice, but if you have to take a bus/taxi to someone's house 3 or 4 times to collect installments, the minimal profits you were making are essentially erased. Now that Peru is allowing some vendors to start selling again, it's once again a volatile and competitive environment because so many people have been without work and the basic necessities.
I really love reading Somos, and I love this short historias piece reflecting on the best and worst of coronavirus from 100 Peruvians. It's reassuring to read what is helping people stay positive, and at the same time recognize that we're all struggling with a really difficult moment. There's a parent who laments she can't visit her daughter when she got into Stanford, another parent willing to watch the Wizard of Oz as many times as his daughter asks, and others who took the extra time at home to learn new skills like baking a carrot cake or reflecting on their lives and relationships.
I didn't realize there were organizations coordinating the production and distribution of medical supplies to send abroad, it seemed like just a few months ago we couldn't even get states to agree to share supplies. I'm wondering where these ventilators will go, or if they won't even make it out of Lima. The comments and replies seemed laudatory for the president, but nothing too significant, so I didn't screenshot them. Tweet text: Today, 250 brand-new, state-of-the-art ventilators arrived safely in Peru. This
@USAID donation is another example of American generosity as the United States battles COVID-19 at home and around the world.
This is a news clip from ABS News showing the archbishop of Peru blessing and making the sign of the cross over 1000s of photos representing people who have died from COVID-19 in Peru. It's sometimes so easy to feel like COVID isn't happening and that social distancing is blown out of proportion, or to question if we're overreacting. And then on seeing this video, all I feel is pain. So much pain for the lives lost, both young and old in what seems like a never-ending public health crisis.
This prison looks like a terrible place to serve a sentence, and even worse during a pandemic. The article discusses an Israeli inmate who died from Coronavirus while imprisoned in Lima, Peru. Sure, he was in jail for 20 years for trafficking cocaine, but it raises larger issues about the dire inequities and lack of funding present in Peruvian jails. Allegedly the woman, Hodaya Monsonego was mentally impaired, suggesting that perhaps she should have been repatriated to her family.
Restaurantes Peruanas en el área de Phoenix poniendo posts en un Facebook group que se llama peruanos en Arizona. Los posts avisan que los restaurantes ya están abiertos. Seguro necesitan clientes después de tanto tiempo de cuarentena.
Nuestro compromiso por los océanos es promover el consumo responsable de productos marinos, impulsar las pesquerías sostenibles y trabajar con las instituciones para mantener nuestras playas libres de plásticos de un solo uso.
En el marco de la Nueva Convivencia, hoy participamos de la presentación de espacios públicos para la reubicación temporal de los comerciantes ambulatorios del Cercado de Lima. Esto les permitirá ofrecer sus productos de manera ordenada y respetando medidas de bioseguridad.
Identifico 100% con este meme. Una de las pocas cosas que me consuela es el humor y mi red social. Tantos memes me han hecho reír y sentir no tan horrible. No salva todo, pero puede salvar un momento.
Un dibujo político que muestra un hombre con un laptop investigando o publicando sobre el tema #BlackLivesMatter, al fondo se ve una mujer de la clase baja, seguro una empleada que trabaja en la casa. Esta sentada y se ve la escoba, cosas de limpieza, su cama y un tanque de agua. Se trata de la hipocresía que la gente tiene, y la realidad que hay mucho discriminación según líneas de clase, genero, y raza.
Un dibujo mostrando una astronave con el nombre “space x” pasando por otra astronave que tiene dos extraterrestres. Al reconocer que la otra viene de la tierra, los extraterrestres se ponen sus mascarillas. Implica como si fuera el sentido común más básica, ponte la mascarilla. Es algo básico de la salud pública.
"A person dressed as a Kusillo, a traditional Andean harlequin, reminds people to wear a face masks, gloves and maintain physical distance as a preventive measure against the novel coronavirus in Puno, Peru, on May 15, 2020 [Carlos Mamani/AFP]"
Imagen de un hombre mirando por la ventana. Lo que es más interesante para mi es que alguien @truly.goldenn comentó “Yo esperando que los policías paguen por sus delitos contra la gente.” Muestra que la reacción de por lo menos de una persona no fue reírse, pero decir que ya es tiempo que la policía está transformado. Que no podemos seguir aguantando el asesino hombres y mujeres por el mismo estado y sin justicia.
This post probably applies to the Peruvian community living in the United States. The post reads, "stay safe," and advises people what to wear and take to a protest. It shows that Peruvians and other people of color identify with the #BlackLivesMatter movement and are part of the protests asking for accountability and strucutral change from police.
This image better describes some of the hypocrisy surrounding the social media support for #BlackLivesMatter. I'm glad that people in Peru are paying attention, but statements like "racism doesn't exist in Peru," belie the horrible truth. Racism is all around us whether in the U.S. or Peru. This meme in particular points out some of the controversial media images like La Paisana Jacinta that embody and make light of race and class differences.
Image of a black man holding a sign saying "Cops need to do ayahuasca," referring to the recent protest over George Floyd, which has also sparked conversations about race worldwide. In Peru, social media accounts are posting memes, statements, and declarations against racism and the current situation in the U.S.
Victoria Santa Cruz estará siempre en la memoria de las mujeres negras de habla hispana. Pero además es una figura indispensable en la recuperación y conservación de la cultura Afroperuana y negra en Latinoamérica.
Victoria Santa Cruz.
Perú, 1922 - 2014. | @perfectbybp
Post: @melaniegastulo | @fabiola_isvet
El presidente Martín Vizcarra anunció la aprobación de un decreto de urgencia que declara de interés nacional el oxígeno medicinal, con ello se busca incrementar su producción y acceso. #YoMeQuedoEnCasa
Hola mi familia, a seguirnos cuidando por favor!
Bendiciones infinitas!!
El presidente @MartinVizcarraC
informa sobre la situación del Estado de Emergencia en el #Día76 y las acciones que realiza el Gobierno para contener la propagación del COVID-19. En vivo: http://ow.ly/z8Ar30qL5rz
Call for Participation
Cartoon reflecting on the first day children were allowed to go outside in Peru following quarantine. They were permitted to go outside for the first time, within 5 blocks of their home on Monday, May 18 2020.
Image 61-80 in Diario de una cuarentena, por Andrés Edery posted by El Comercio Peru
38 year old man dies from Coronavirus in Peru after visiting Canada.