Sam Hauke Oral History, 2020/05/13
Title (Dublin Core)
Sam Hauke Oral History, 2020/05/13
Description (Dublin Core)
Sam Hauke, a high school senior, initially learned about covid 19 from online memes and jokes, then saw it come to the US and started to take it more seriously. Sam then talks about online school experience and how there is almost no live interaction with the teachers and that they just watch videos and this isn’t the best way to learn. Sam stays connected with friends via online games and zoom meetups. He also describes the challenge of having to seek another job as his usual summer jobs were pool related and the pools are all closed. Sam describes that a positive of the pandemic for him has been that it has brought his family closer and that other people have been spending more time in nature. Sam then talks about how he gets most of his information about covid from one of his friends and from advertisements and commercials on social media. Lastly, Sam describes how he feels he took for granted hanging out with friends and will spend lots of time with them when the pandemic is over.
Recording Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Sam Hauke
Nick Eggert
Partner (Dublin Core)
University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Social Distance
Environment & Landscape
Government State
Home & Family Life
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
high school
swim team
online learning
Collection (Dublin Core)
Lost Graduations
Lost Seasons
Pandemic Pets
College COVID Stories
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)
Nick Eggert
Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)
Sam Hauke
Location (Omeka Classic)
United States of America
Format (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)
Duration (Omeka Classic)
abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)
Sam Hauke, a high school senior, initially learned about covid 19 from online memes and jokes, then saw it come to the US and started to take it more seriously. Sam then talks about online school experience and how there is almost no live interaction with the teachers and that they just watch videos and this isn’t the best way to learn. Sam stays connected with friends via online games and zoom meetups. He also describes the challenge of having to seek another job as his usual summer jobs were pool related and the pools are all closed. Sam describes that a positive of the pandemic for him has been that it has brought his family closer and that other people have been spending more time in nature. Sam then talks about how he gets most of his information about covid from one of his friends and from advertisements and commercials on social media. Lastly, Sam describes how he feels he took for granted hanging out with friends and will spend lots of time with them when the pandemic is over.
Transcription (Omeka Classic)
Sam Hauke 00:00
Nick Eggert 00:00
Does it say recording the top left for you.
Sam Hauke 00:05
Nick Eggert 00:06
All right. All right. My name is Nick Eggert and I am a student for the UW Eau Claire archive COVID-19 project and today is 5/13 2020. And it's approximately 1:38 in the afternoon. My first question to you is, what is your name? And then do you mind sharing demographic information? such as your race, ethnicity, age and gender for this project?
Sam Hauke 00:42
Well, my name is Sam Hauke, and you have permission to share the demographics.
Nick Eggert 00:49
Okay, awesome. And then what are your primary things that you do on a day to day basis?
Sam Hauke 00:59
Is this with our current state, or before COVID-19?
Nick Eggert 01:05
Um, just before, so like, what your job, extracurricular activities, stuff like that.
Sam Hauke 01:14
Okay, so I'm currently in high school, about to graduate, I am big into swimming. So that is something I did a lot, a practice frequently participate in meets. I also like to go out and walk my dog its just another way to stay fit. And I spend a lot of my time preparing for school, or spending as much time outside as I can, occasionally chatting with my friends on online platforms or through video games.
Nick Eggert 02:00
Where do you live?
Sam Hauke 02:04
I live in Franklin, Wisconsin.
Nick Eggert 02:07
Okay. And then what's it like, there were like a whole COVID-19?
Sam Hauke 02:14
So in Franklin, the rules are all the same as the rest of Wisconsin. So it's a stay at home order currently. And it's a lot quieter than it usually is. I'd noticed if I go out to do something essential, like get some food or even just walking my dogs, I see a lot less people outside. Everyone's maybe a bit more divided. A lot of people wearing masks. I think that the trails outside are actually more full than they were. So that could be a positive or negative potentially it's good to see people outside. But there's also given our circumstances, maybe a little higher risk.
Nick Eggert 03:08
Right. Is there what, when you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it?
Sam Hauke 03:19
I personally learned through it, learn about it mostly through pop culture at the beginning. It was kind of just done online. I knew more about it as a joke, honestly than a serious threat. But then I started to hear about it coming to our country. I heard that it was here in Wisconsin, and then it got a little more serious. I wasn't worried about it because everyone was saying that it only harms adults, but adults and some other conditions people have are at higher risk that is but I was not too worried until more stories came around school got canceled. And yeah, it's pretty much at its peak. It seems like right now.
Nick Eggert 04:15
So have your thoughts changed about it over time?
Sam Hauke 04:21
Oh, yes, I definitely find myself maybe thinking about if I got it more and how that could affect me or all of the loved ones in my life, especially those who are at risk and it makes me want to stay inside more and not potentially put myself or others in danger.
Nick Eggert 04:49
So what issues do you have the most about the COVID 19 pandemic? or most concerned you?
Sam Hauke 04:57
ah um I'm very concerned about while I'm kind of concerned about just the fact that this is an important time in my life, and a lot of it is being spent inside. So there's finishing off school, there are a few important topics for, say, AP classes that were removed from, like the exam, and I want to make sure that I go into college prepared, I also want to make sure that when I continue swimming in college, I'm concerned about my physical health a little bit, because I want to make sure I come to college in shape, just like everyone else, in other states, potentially even those who are able to be outside and swim in a pool during the summer more readily than we are in Wisconsin.
Nick Eggert 05:55
Right. So just want to back up a little bit there, you said that you're a graduating senior, and you're in classes currently, right now. Um, how is COVID-19 affected your classes?
Sam Hauke 06:11
I'd have to say, for a lot of my classes, there is, it's similar work, obviously, most of its online, I think that a positive of it is that teachers are checking their emails a lot more frequently. But I guess that's really just a substitute to in person contact. I think it's, I spend probably less time doing my schoolwork. And that's just because I think we've been assigned a little bit less. Except I recently, just because of AP exams, I've been studying a lot. But I noticed just even yesterday after an exam, I quickly, we got back to kind of getting through my work really fast and [inaudible] so I think it's maybe not the most positive thing for our education right now. Because it's difficult to teach complex subjects. And watching a video isn't quite the same as being in person.
Nick Eggert 07:26
And so are your teachers doing like online lectures, like presentations, are they going through like zoom calls and stuff?
Sam Hauke 07:39
I personally, for my classes have had almost no live interaction, there's been, we've been assigned to watch videos that are made by other teachers across the country. So like, for example, the College Board, put up videos for AP classes. So I think that was helpful. But then there's a lot of other classes where it's kind of just I get my work on a document, typically through Google Drive. And then I go through my checklist of work on there, and mostly self teach, with a few video reminders from teachers kind of explaining the work for us.
Nick Eggert 08:26
It's really interesting, it's not something I've heard of before from most schools so I'm assuming [inaudible] shared that. Have you had any difficulties with this changing method? I know you mentioned that you have a lot more like free time maybe teachers are not giving you as much work but have you had any difficulties?
Sam Hauke 08:47
Personally, my biggest difficulty would be getting started too late in the day, because I think I, I'd say on average, I started about at 11, when school would have started at 720. And what that does for me is sometimes I'll be, you know, eat a really late breakfast, I'll do some schoolwork. And then I have to kind of dedicate four o'clock for working out just to for swimming that is so that I find myself staying up late. So it's really a big a sleep cycle thing. I find myself doing schoolwork till later than I would and then having my free time later than I would also. So that's one difficulty. Another one was not being able to ask teachers questions quite as readily, or at least it was for math, for example. It was more difficult for me to ask a specific question because you know all the notation you use in Math classes.
Nick Eggert 10:00
Right. And then how are you graded for the rest of the school year too?
Sam Hauke 10:08
We are currently graded the same, we're using a standard based rubric. So our grades have not change. One could say we still are, we're not moving to pass or [fail] we still have a 4.0 GPA scale. And that's, yeah, I mean, there's a lot more I'd say maybe completion work. But there's also certainly still the same where our percentages are taken. It's not pass or fail.
Nick Eggert 10:43
So and your GPA and like your ability to scholarships aren't really that affected that much then?
Sam Hauke 10:51
No, not at Franklin at least.
Nick Eggert 10:54
All right, well, that's good, that they're keeping that a little bit normal. So you mentioned before with your, your friends, and so you're not seeing people at school like that the interaction how, how much is COVID-19 changed your social life?
Sam Hauke 11:14
I'd have to say that I actually find myself playing more video games for like a social reason that is, because as many know, you can talk to your friends online. So we kinda, we we've been, like, designate Saturday, or like, a social gathering online. So we've done that. I've also had some zoom calls with swim friends. And I use my phone a lot more maybe to respond and chat with others. Because it's, well, it's the easiest way to do it, unless you literally kind of meet up somewhere and talk from a distance. But that's with the weather lately. That's not the best option, or the safest.
Nick Eggert 12:07
Gotcha. Yeah, it's definitely been tough for a lot of people and even having to do this. You know, we didn't see each other over Easter anything holidays. So I just want to move a little forward here. As a graduating senior, what are your plans for your what are the plans for your classes like graduation ceremony?
Sam Hauke 12:31
So currently, our graduation ceremony was actually we originally planned to have it's still on I want to say it was originally July, mid July, let's say. But now they've moved it to Miller Park, supposedly. And that seems cool. It's like later July, I think it's maybe 18, roughly, or something. But I know there's opposition to that. So no one's sure of what's happening. But as of now, the plan is at Miller Park, we're gonna have graduation so that we can practice social distancing.
Nick Eggert 13:10
Thats kind of cool. It's weird for the circumstances you like you mentioned. You mentioned before that you you're a little bit concerned about like your freshman year of college. Do you are you finding it difficult not knowing whether or not you'll be on campus or online classes? How do you feel about that?
Sam Hauke 13:40
Personally, what I feel about that is a little nervous maybe about my future in learning and debt, too, because I know everyone is committing to their schools. And nobody really knows how schools are going to be able to differentiate online learning to say, you know, be as prestigious as they once were in person. So without the facilities of school, it's going to be a lot harder to understand or feel like the money I'm paying for college will be worth it almost. And I'm just worried that my quality of education might be a little short there, as well as me going to swim. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to do that activity either my first year of college.
Nick Eggert 14:42
Can you like elaborate a little bit about that for your swimming plans? How has COVID-19 affected that?
Sam Hauke 14:54
So currently, yeah, they I know the NCAA, they canceled all recruiting trip. So I never even got to go on to refer UW Milwaukee. And that was a bit of a bummer, and maybe made my decision harder to make. Because, you know, I couldn't tour any of the schools that I was thinking about. It was nice to have some friends to be in contact with, though being, you know, I'm local to Milwaukee area. And they say, for the swim season next year, Milwaukee has not decided, obviously, if they have if they're having online school or not yet. So I would think with online school, I feel like swimming might have to be cancelled with that. Either that or they would have practices with limited numbers of people. They have not covered that yet. Because I think they you know, are they don't want to have to think about that. But I think it's, you know, a possibility.
Sam Hauke 16:09
And so with all that up in the air, how are you like staying in shape then [inaudible] For all that? You said, you're walking your dogs, mostly, you're working out? Is there anything else?
Sam Hauke 16:40
Yeah. well, for working out, we have our swim team. So my sister who's younger also is on swim team. They do live video chats with workouts. So we'll spend pretty much every day doing about 45 minutes of exercise to stay in shape. And then there's also my family will run because there are good trails nearby and they're not closed by us. So we're fortunate to have that to stay in shape as well.
Nick Eggert 17:00
Awesome. Awesome. Glad you are still going through with that. All right, I want to change up the topic here from schooling. I'm gonna ask you a little bit about your job status, has COVID-19 affected your job at all?
Sam Hauke 17:15
Oh, yeah, that definitely has. So for some background, my job while I had multiple, and they're actually summer jobs. So they were pool related. One of them was a swim instructor. And the other one is a lifeguard at a nearby essentially Country Club. So both these locations have not been able to tell us really what's happening. I know that the club I work for is a privately like member owned place. So they will probably be able to open up eventually. But it's gonna be rough for me with my jobs. Because I would think if they open up, they'd have to, you know, limit the number of people and potentially, maybe even make a sign up list or when people can come, which would mean less lifeguards needed. My other job for swim instructing would probably be the same because we're poolside a lot of pools are closed for a while, quite a while actually, unless they're privately owned, or I want to say something like that YMCA I know can open but I think I might have to seek another job. Something that I could do that's not related as much to you know, communicating with other people or potentially find a job for an essential service that is.
Nick Eggert 18:54
Does, does your line of work like affects, like paying for school and all that too for the future? Where's the money go for? If you don't mind me asking? where?
Sam Hauke 19:06
Naw that's all right. I've been saving it a bit, mostly for it's kind of like my gas money, too. So it's right now it's like my funds my things I do besides school. So some of it would go towards I would think paying for anything extra I would do maybe when I go to college, you know, like that extra spending money everyone kind of brings with them. I would probably put some of it towards textbooks and materials that I would need, like a computer. I actually need one of those for college.
Nick Eggert 19:56
That's very smart management worth your money for the future. And for my next question, How is COVID-19 pandemic affected employment of people, you know?
Sam Hauke 20:09
So, my dad works for SC Johnson, and they have sent everyone home to work. So he's been working from home. I honestly think that, well, because of the [company] he works for, actually, they're seeing kind of a boom right now because of the situation. So he's at home all the time, and busier, I think. So, he spends a lot of time in meetings that is, and it's probably roughly the same work he would be doing just from home. My mom has filed for unemployment, because she's a dental hygienist. And they were at very high risk of getting the disease or the virus, and she will be returning to work, I believe, late May. And they're gonna have to follow strict precautionary measures to prevent spread.
Nick Eggert 21:14
Okay. And so with all that going on, has COVID-19 affected you and your family's day to day activities then?
Sam Hauke 21:24
Yes, we, I think a positive is that we all see each other a little more. We've been eating together more often. Because nobody, nobody really has anywhere to be, obviously. And we'll occasionally we'll get out and do those things like dog walks as a family more than we would sometimes watch movies. So I think that, as an entire family, it's actually brought some productive things to the house like that. We've been trying to renovate certain parts of the house. But it's also just, we're all a little nervous of what could come. But we're staying hopefulbecause it seems like things are going to return more to more normal in the near future.
Nick Eggert 22:25
That's good. Oh, one of my questions is have you or anyone challenged yourself with new skills? Like have you tried teaching yourself new stuff?
Sam Hauke 22:40
I would have to say, maybe the only thing I've done that's maybe a little new is going out and running. as a, as a swimmer, I swam a lot more than ran. And it's kind of just a commonly known like, thing that swimmers can swim but not run. So I've been working on that a little because it's something close maybe to swimming, at least when it comes to doing activity. And I've been really challenging myself to maybe stay positive while I'm working out. Keep a good attitude to get the most out of the short workouts I am doing.
Nick Eggert 23:28
Very nice. I want to shift a little bit here again. How do you think COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak has affected your community?
Sam Hauke 23:42
In our community, I see there's some division, there's I think if you're looking at politics, maybe there's division between people's opinions on whether we should be out or inside. So that's brought a lot of like, people are, you know, going around telling others to be inside. But then there's some people, you know, essentially like protesting by just being outside...
Nick Eggert 24:19
Alright, so my computer quit and so we're back now. And this is the day and age that we live in now that computer technology technologies cutting out and stuff. So let's go from here. I think we were talking about the community and how it interacted. And you're going on about how Franklin is is reacting to COVID-19. Are they taking it seriously around there?
Sam Hauke 24:52
Oh, yes, I believe we're taking it pretty serious as a community. They've put up The signs to block off all the playgrounds at least. So it's one of those things that they're not really they're not loosely enforcing they're definitely following the law. The one thing is I'd maybe say, I haven't heard much about anyone getting fined for being together. So if we're just analyzing maybe the police department, maybe they could be a little more strict there. But other than that, I think it's, we've been doing a good job, and everyone's been pretty informed of what they're supposed to be doing.
Nick Eggert 25:42
Good. What precautions have you and your family been taken, have been taking during this?
Sam Hauke 25:50
Um, my mom always instructs us to wash your hands after we leave the house, ever. So that's a small thing. But it's important because soap is really able to just destroy all those viruses or destroying the Coronavirus at least. So keeping our hands washed, and just kind of minimizing anything we touch if we ever went out. So for Mother's Day, for example, I went out with my sister and we just we only touched things that we bought from the store. So we also kind of washed those things. Mostly our hands. We weren't like, going too crazy on washing everything. But we just minimize things we touched, made sure our hands are washed. Especially after I was like receiving change from a self checkout and things like that.
Nick Eggert 27:02
Are you finding it harder to find stuff in like your community?
Sam Hauke 27:09
I know for the first few weeks of the stay at home order, my parents were unable to find toilet paper, except for at a gas station. So in fact, they were like limited to buying like a pack of four rolls every time they'd go there. So they'd be like, Alright, let's get up at eight in the morning. So we can make to the opening of the gas station, and then they buy their four rolls of toilet paper. So that's the only item I personally know they've had difficulty finding. But I think that smoothed out a lot now. I think they're able to find it wherever they go.
Nick Eggert 27:56
And then have you seen people around you like change their opinions on day to day activities or relationships in response to the pandemic?
Sam Hauke 28:06
Yes, I certainly have. There's a lot of my friends who are very, very social. They've been strict about this house, the house order they've not left they haven't seen even say their girlfriends or significant others. And that was a big lifestyle change, I think for a lot of them. And then even some of them maybe that were more strict about it are now starting to loosen up because they think that their state of mind is maybe more important than their health at this point. My, I have friend who was very strict about it, he advocated for staying in your house, but he's like, I kind of want to start seeing people once a week at least because I think on I don't know, he's basically said state of mind wasn't good and he wanted to be able to see people a little more. So I think a lot of people are changing from either, you know, becoming less social or people now are just getting antsy near the end of our time.
Nick Eggert 29:26
Has this has COVID-19 changed your like opening and like your relationships with family or friends and community?
Sam Hauke 29:35
Um, I personally think that it hasn't changed too many of my relations with anyone. I know that I've been I think I've been good at respecting what other people choose to do during this time. Even though some people maybe I could frown upon their actions, you know, the people who are going out and seeing friends whenever they want, wherever they want, and just blatantly breaking the rule and not attempting. So I've maybe lost a little respect to those individuals. But I personally think that I've kept strong relations with everyone, as especially my family during this time.
Nick Eggert 30:35
Nice. So I'm just going to switch it over this next question. Do you know anyone that's gotten sick from COVID-19?
Sam Hauke 30:46
I personally know nobody who's gotten sick from it.
Nick Eggert 30:51
Sam Hauke 30:52
Then there's only Yeah, no only stories from just people that I never even know. I don't know anyone in this community by name who's gotten the Corona virus.
Nick Eggert 31:08
I just didn't know if anyone from school or has got it at all?
Sam Hauke 31:14
And no, not to my knowledge.
Nick Eggert 31:17
Okay. Have you been following along with the news and COVID-19 at all?
Sam Hauke 31:26
Not exactly. I I know there was the news about our graduation was protested. Oh, are not specifically Franklin's. But Miller Park graduations were protested. And I've heard about protests for ending the stay at home order. Just I've mostly heard about kind of backlash from of the whole situation, rather than the actual spread of the disease at this point. I know that there was a lot of talk about flattening the curve, say a month ago. But as of now, I personally could not even say if we're improving or not. I'm not very informed when it comes to the infection spread at least.
Nick Eggert 32:19
Okay. So then do you just you where you mostly learn, like, about COVID then like, if it's [inaudible] you like, what form did you get on?
Sam Hauke 32:32
I learned mostly about it through one of my friends, actually, the one who I was talking about talking while telling people not to go out and do his strong advocator of the law. So he was through lots of our online communication. It's just common topics, because we're all thinking about graduation parties and getting to see each other again. So he brings up a lot of interesting facts being more very more involved. I mean, far more involved with the news, maybe than I am. So I received most of my information from him actually, and occasionally, some, some things on TV. More, more, less of like the news, more of saying, oh, there's a lot of commercials out about the disease right now. So those types of things, kind of how I learned about preventing spread of the disease.
Nick Eggert 33:41
Okay. So, I know you say that you don't really follow along. Do you have like any thoughts on like how the local or state or national government has been handling the whole situation? Have you heard anything about that?
Sam Hauke 34:04
I have heard that we are, quite possibly, wellI've heard that the money or fundings running out in Wisconsin, for people's I don't know if it's their relief checks or unemployment. I'm not sure how that works exactly. But that's a little concerning. I think, here in Wisconsin, I could be absolutely wrong, but I think we've been pretty strict on a law, or pretty strict with a stay at home order, at least maybe compared to other states where I'm hearing a lot more of opening up things and kind of getting the economy flowing again.
Nick Eggert 34:56
Alright. Alright, so I'm gonna switch the topics again here. We're gonna look forward to like the future and all that. Has your experience transformed how you think about your future plans or handling money?
Sam Hauke 35:16
Yeah, I think mostly in relation to the topic of, like I was saying the value of education right now. And how people even think that maybe a school that was online in the past and not considered as prestigious as another school could be just as prestigious, if not more, because they're used to doing this type of thing. So everyone, or at least me, I'm a little concerned about the way I'll feel about my educational experience. I think that, in the end, I don't think that education will be my education will be that hindered. It'll just feel like or at least I'll be a little concerned about maybe the fact that I spent 1000s of dollars and could potentially not even get to experience the facilities that my college will have to offer.
Nick Eggert 36:20
Do you think about things that you took for granted? Like such as attending sports events and going to restaurants and think anything differently about them now?
Sam Hauke 36:38
Yeah, I certainly, I kind of took a lot for granted, when it came to seeing my friends. I think that I, we, we visited restaurants a lot. We're pretty frequent visitors to McDonald's and Taco Bell. But those things now we can't do them. It's kind of upsetting. I even have a lot of gift cards sitting around at home that I am just dying to use get out there. It's a bit upsetting, I've been able to under I mean, I've been able to well I've understood why this is happening. And I don't think I totally took those things for granted. Because I have been pretty hopeful through this whole thing, that I'll be able to return to doing those things shortly. But I will say that I want to put up put a time a lot of put a lot of time aside for my friends after we're released not, you know, choose to not see them if I'm just doing something alone. Like, I certainly want to think about the social aspect of my life more than you know, spending time alone, potentially, say if I was playing video games alone, or spending a lot of time out like walking the dog, I think that I should get out there with my friends and experience things that have been closed for the last few months with them as soon as they open.
Nick Eggert 38:28
So changes kind of like your thought process about you know spending individual time, what you're trying to say?
Sam Hauke 38:36
Yeah, that more of like the not very constructive individual time, which there's certainly a lot that just time on my phone that's like why would I spend on my phone if I could get out there and hang out with them instead? Because you know, I have all the time in the world kind of to be on my phone right now. But I don't really see the value of being on your phone for as long as I could be right now.
Nick Eggert 39:05
All right. Do you think any differently now about large crowds and like public display of affection?
Sam Hauke 39:14
I think that right now it's pretty shunned upon or frowned upon if you see people in big crowds right now just with their friends. You know, also some public display of affection maybe in there. It would just not be I dont know I think for few months everyone should [inaudible] in large crowds because it's just not a popular thing right now. I think that after the pandemic is you know, once things slow down again And I don't see much of a problem with large crowds, because I think it'd be very hard to limit crowds for, you know, the rest of our existence. But for now, even the next few months, I think it would be a safe idea to avoid large crowds when possible.
Nick Eggert 40:23
Nice. How long do you think the pandemic lasts?
Sam Hauke 40:28
I'm hearing that it could be a recurring matter. But I think that I think that things will be closest to normal. This is kind of just a prediction, but I don't think things are going to be even close to normal come May 26. I think it's going to take till at least July for things to be semi normal again.
Nick Eggert 41:02
Okay. All right. I got one final question for you. Is there anything that you can think of there's been a positive effect of the pandemic?
Sam Hauke 41:14
positive effects would be I think everyone's enjoying nature more. I think that people are, you know, very conscientious about nature as well, when they're out there. I see a lot of people spending time with their families, I see them walking the trails. I see people spending a lot of time maybe studying for their classes. So not everyone is, you know, doing the their best schoolwork. But I think people are being productive. And the passionate people, people who are passionate about their education, are doing something unique with this time. Whether they're practicing an instrument that they want to keep playing in the future, or if they're making their own workouts, figuring out what works best for them to get stronger. Or even if it's just trying out new things, like you mentioned earlier.
Nick Eggert 42:27
All right. well, that's all the questions for me. Is there anything else that you'd like to say to anyone about COVID-19?
Sam Hauke 42:37
No, that's really all I have.
Nick Eggert 42:38
All right, well, awesome. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do this interview with me. And I hope everything in the future works out for you. And that classes in school and swimming, and all works out for you too in the fall... you have a great rest of your day.
Sam Hauke 43:04
Thank you. for your. Bye
Nick Eggert 00:00
Does it say recording the top left for you.
Sam Hauke 00:05
Nick Eggert 00:06
All right. All right. My name is Nick Eggert and I am a student for the UW Eau Claire archive COVID-19 project and today is 5/13 2020. And it's approximately 1:38 in the afternoon. My first question to you is, what is your name? And then do you mind sharing demographic information? such as your race, ethnicity, age and gender for this project?
Sam Hauke 00:42
Well, my name is Sam Hauke, and you have permission to share the demographics.
Nick Eggert 00:49
Okay, awesome. And then what are your primary things that you do on a day to day basis?
Sam Hauke 00:59
Is this with our current state, or before COVID-19?
Nick Eggert 01:05
Um, just before, so like, what your job, extracurricular activities, stuff like that.
Sam Hauke 01:14
Okay, so I'm currently in high school, about to graduate, I am big into swimming. So that is something I did a lot, a practice frequently participate in meets. I also like to go out and walk my dog its just another way to stay fit. And I spend a lot of my time preparing for school, or spending as much time outside as I can, occasionally chatting with my friends on online platforms or through video games.
Nick Eggert 02:00
Where do you live?
Sam Hauke 02:04
I live in Franklin, Wisconsin.
Nick Eggert 02:07
Okay. And then what's it like, there were like a whole COVID-19?
Sam Hauke 02:14
So in Franklin, the rules are all the same as the rest of Wisconsin. So it's a stay at home order currently. And it's a lot quieter than it usually is. I'd noticed if I go out to do something essential, like get some food or even just walking my dogs, I see a lot less people outside. Everyone's maybe a bit more divided. A lot of people wearing masks. I think that the trails outside are actually more full than they were. So that could be a positive or negative potentially it's good to see people outside. But there's also given our circumstances, maybe a little higher risk.
Nick Eggert 03:08
Right. Is there what, when you first learned about COVID-19, what were your thoughts about it?
Sam Hauke 03:19
I personally learned through it, learn about it mostly through pop culture at the beginning. It was kind of just done online. I knew more about it as a joke, honestly than a serious threat. But then I started to hear about it coming to our country. I heard that it was here in Wisconsin, and then it got a little more serious. I wasn't worried about it because everyone was saying that it only harms adults, but adults and some other conditions people have are at higher risk that is but I was not too worried until more stories came around school got canceled. And yeah, it's pretty much at its peak. It seems like right now.
Nick Eggert 04:15
So have your thoughts changed about it over time?
Sam Hauke 04:21
Oh, yes, I definitely find myself maybe thinking about if I got it more and how that could affect me or all of the loved ones in my life, especially those who are at risk and it makes me want to stay inside more and not potentially put myself or others in danger.
Nick Eggert 04:49
So what issues do you have the most about the COVID 19 pandemic? or most concerned you?
Sam Hauke 04:57
ah um I'm very concerned about while I'm kind of concerned about just the fact that this is an important time in my life, and a lot of it is being spent inside. So there's finishing off school, there are a few important topics for, say, AP classes that were removed from, like the exam, and I want to make sure that I go into college prepared, I also want to make sure that when I continue swimming in college, I'm concerned about my physical health a little bit, because I want to make sure I come to college in shape, just like everyone else, in other states, potentially even those who are able to be outside and swim in a pool during the summer more readily than we are in Wisconsin.
Nick Eggert 05:55
Right. So just want to back up a little bit there, you said that you're a graduating senior, and you're in classes currently, right now. Um, how is COVID-19 affected your classes?
Sam Hauke 06:11
I'd have to say, for a lot of my classes, there is, it's similar work, obviously, most of its online, I think that a positive of it is that teachers are checking their emails a lot more frequently. But I guess that's really just a substitute to in person contact. I think it's, I spend probably less time doing my schoolwork. And that's just because I think we've been assigned a little bit less. Except I recently, just because of AP exams, I've been studying a lot. But I noticed just even yesterday after an exam, I quickly, we got back to kind of getting through my work really fast and [inaudible] so I think it's maybe not the most positive thing for our education right now. Because it's difficult to teach complex subjects. And watching a video isn't quite the same as being in person.
Nick Eggert 07:26
And so are your teachers doing like online lectures, like presentations, are they going through like zoom calls and stuff?
Sam Hauke 07:39
I personally, for my classes have had almost no live interaction, there's been, we've been assigned to watch videos that are made by other teachers across the country. So like, for example, the College Board, put up videos for AP classes. So I think that was helpful. But then there's a lot of other classes where it's kind of just I get my work on a document, typically through Google Drive. And then I go through my checklist of work on there, and mostly self teach, with a few video reminders from teachers kind of explaining the work for us.
Nick Eggert 08:26
It's really interesting, it's not something I've heard of before from most schools so I'm assuming [inaudible] shared that. Have you had any difficulties with this changing method? I know you mentioned that you have a lot more like free time maybe teachers are not giving you as much work but have you had any difficulties?
Sam Hauke 08:47
Personally, my biggest difficulty would be getting started too late in the day, because I think I, I'd say on average, I started about at 11, when school would have started at 720. And what that does for me is sometimes I'll be, you know, eat a really late breakfast, I'll do some schoolwork. And then I have to kind of dedicate four o'clock for working out just to for swimming that is so that I find myself staying up late. So it's really a big a sleep cycle thing. I find myself doing schoolwork till later than I would and then having my free time later than I would also. So that's one difficulty. Another one was not being able to ask teachers questions quite as readily, or at least it was for math, for example. It was more difficult for me to ask a specific question because you know all the notation you use in Math classes.
Nick Eggert 10:00
Right. And then how are you graded for the rest of the school year too?
Sam Hauke 10:08
We are currently graded the same, we're using a standard based rubric. So our grades have not change. One could say we still are, we're not moving to pass or [fail] we still have a 4.0 GPA scale. And that's, yeah, I mean, there's a lot more I'd say maybe completion work. But there's also certainly still the same where our percentages are taken. It's not pass or fail.
Nick Eggert 10:43
So and your GPA and like your ability to scholarships aren't really that affected that much then?
Sam Hauke 10:51
No, not at Franklin at least.
Nick Eggert 10:54
All right, well, that's good, that they're keeping that a little bit normal. So you mentioned before with your, your friends, and so you're not seeing people at school like that the interaction how, how much is COVID-19 changed your social life?
Sam Hauke 11:14
I'd have to say that I actually find myself playing more video games for like a social reason that is, because as many know, you can talk to your friends online. So we kinda, we we've been, like, designate Saturday, or like, a social gathering online. So we've done that. I've also had some zoom calls with swim friends. And I use my phone a lot more maybe to respond and chat with others. Because it's, well, it's the easiest way to do it, unless you literally kind of meet up somewhere and talk from a distance. But that's with the weather lately. That's not the best option, or the safest.
Nick Eggert 12:07
Gotcha. Yeah, it's definitely been tough for a lot of people and even having to do this. You know, we didn't see each other over Easter anything holidays. So I just want to move a little forward here. As a graduating senior, what are your plans for your what are the plans for your classes like graduation ceremony?
Sam Hauke 12:31
So currently, our graduation ceremony was actually we originally planned to have it's still on I want to say it was originally July, mid July, let's say. But now they've moved it to Miller Park, supposedly. And that seems cool. It's like later July, I think it's maybe 18, roughly, or something. But I know there's opposition to that. So no one's sure of what's happening. But as of now, the plan is at Miller Park, we're gonna have graduation so that we can practice social distancing.
Nick Eggert 13:10
Thats kind of cool. It's weird for the circumstances you like you mentioned. You mentioned before that you you're a little bit concerned about like your freshman year of college. Do you are you finding it difficult not knowing whether or not you'll be on campus or online classes? How do you feel about that?
Sam Hauke 13:40
Personally, what I feel about that is a little nervous maybe about my future in learning and debt, too, because I know everyone is committing to their schools. And nobody really knows how schools are going to be able to differentiate online learning to say, you know, be as prestigious as they once were in person. So without the facilities of school, it's going to be a lot harder to understand or feel like the money I'm paying for college will be worth it almost. And I'm just worried that my quality of education might be a little short there, as well as me going to swim. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to do that activity either my first year of college.
Nick Eggert 14:42
Can you like elaborate a little bit about that for your swimming plans? How has COVID-19 affected that?
Sam Hauke 14:54
So currently, yeah, they I know the NCAA, they canceled all recruiting trip. So I never even got to go on to refer UW Milwaukee. And that was a bit of a bummer, and maybe made my decision harder to make. Because, you know, I couldn't tour any of the schools that I was thinking about. It was nice to have some friends to be in contact with, though being, you know, I'm local to Milwaukee area. And they say, for the swim season next year, Milwaukee has not decided, obviously, if they have if they're having online school or not yet. So I would think with online school, I feel like swimming might have to be cancelled with that. Either that or they would have practices with limited numbers of people. They have not covered that yet. Because I think they you know, are they don't want to have to think about that. But I think it's, you know, a possibility.
Sam Hauke 16:09
And so with all that up in the air, how are you like staying in shape then [inaudible] For all that? You said, you're walking your dogs, mostly, you're working out? Is there anything else?
Sam Hauke 16:40
Yeah. well, for working out, we have our swim team. So my sister who's younger also is on swim team. They do live video chats with workouts. So we'll spend pretty much every day doing about 45 minutes of exercise to stay in shape. And then there's also my family will run because there are good trails nearby and they're not closed by us. So we're fortunate to have that to stay in shape as well.
Nick Eggert 17:00
Awesome. Awesome. Glad you are still going through with that. All right, I want to change up the topic here from schooling. I'm gonna ask you a little bit about your job status, has COVID-19 affected your job at all?
Sam Hauke 17:15
Oh, yeah, that definitely has. So for some background, my job while I had multiple, and they're actually summer jobs. So they were pool related. One of them was a swim instructor. And the other one is a lifeguard at a nearby essentially Country Club. So both these locations have not been able to tell us really what's happening. I know that the club I work for is a privately like member owned place. So they will probably be able to open up eventually. But it's gonna be rough for me with my jobs. Because I would think if they open up, they'd have to, you know, limit the number of people and potentially, maybe even make a sign up list or when people can come, which would mean less lifeguards needed. My other job for swim instructing would probably be the same because we're poolside a lot of pools are closed for a while, quite a while actually, unless they're privately owned, or I want to say something like that YMCA I know can open but I think I might have to seek another job. Something that I could do that's not related as much to you know, communicating with other people or potentially find a job for an essential service that is.
Nick Eggert 18:54
Does, does your line of work like affects, like paying for school and all that too for the future? Where's the money go for? If you don't mind me asking? where?
Sam Hauke 19:06
Naw that's all right. I've been saving it a bit, mostly for it's kind of like my gas money, too. So it's right now it's like my funds my things I do besides school. So some of it would go towards I would think paying for anything extra I would do maybe when I go to college, you know, like that extra spending money everyone kind of brings with them. I would probably put some of it towards textbooks and materials that I would need, like a computer. I actually need one of those for college.
Nick Eggert 19:56
That's very smart management worth your money for the future. And for my next question, How is COVID-19 pandemic affected employment of people, you know?
Sam Hauke 20:09
So, my dad works for SC Johnson, and they have sent everyone home to work. So he's been working from home. I honestly think that, well, because of the [company] he works for, actually, they're seeing kind of a boom right now because of the situation. So he's at home all the time, and busier, I think. So, he spends a lot of time in meetings that is, and it's probably roughly the same work he would be doing just from home. My mom has filed for unemployment, because she's a dental hygienist. And they were at very high risk of getting the disease or the virus, and she will be returning to work, I believe, late May. And they're gonna have to follow strict precautionary measures to prevent spread.
Nick Eggert 21:14
Okay. And so with all that going on, has COVID-19 affected you and your family's day to day activities then?
Sam Hauke 21:24
Yes, we, I think a positive is that we all see each other a little more. We've been eating together more often. Because nobody, nobody really has anywhere to be, obviously. And we'll occasionally we'll get out and do those things like dog walks as a family more than we would sometimes watch movies. So I think that, as an entire family, it's actually brought some productive things to the house like that. We've been trying to renovate certain parts of the house. But it's also just, we're all a little nervous of what could come. But we're staying hopefulbecause it seems like things are going to return more to more normal in the near future.
Nick Eggert 22:25
That's good. Oh, one of my questions is have you or anyone challenged yourself with new skills? Like have you tried teaching yourself new stuff?
Sam Hauke 22:40
I would have to say, maybe the only thing I've done that's maybe a little new is going out and running. as a, as a swimmer, I swam a lot more than ran. And it's kind of just a commonly known like, thing that swimmers can swim but not run. So I've been working on that a little because it's something close maybe to swimming, at least when it comes to doing activity. And I've been really challenging myself to maybe stay positive while I'm working out. Keep a good attitude to get the most out of the short workouts I am doing.
Nick Eggert 23:28
Very nice. I want to shift a little bit here again. How do you think COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak has affected your community?
Sam Hauke 23:42
In our community, I see there's some division, there's I think if you're looking at politics, maybe there's division between people's opinions on whether we should be out or inside. So that's brought a lot of like, people are, you know, going around telling others to be inside. But then there's some people, you know, essentially like protesting by just being outside...
Nick Eggert 24:19
Alright, so my computer quit and so we're back now. And this is the day and age that we live in now that computer technology technologies cutting out and stuff. So let's go from here. I think we were talking about the community and how it interacted. And you're going on about how Franklin is is reacting to COVID-19. Are they taking it seriously around there?
Sam Hauke 24:52
Oh, yes, I believe we're taking it pretty serious as a community. They've put up The signs to block off all the playgrounds at least. So it's one of those things that they're not really they're not loosely enforcing they're definitely following the law. The one thing is I'd maybe say, I haven't heard much about anyone getting fined for being together. So if we're just analyzing maybe the police department, maybe they could be a little more strict there. But other than that, I think it's, we've been doing a good job, and everyone's been pretty informed of what they're supposed to be doing.
Nick Eggert 25:42
Good. What precautions have you and your family been taken, have been taking during this?
Sam Hauke 25:50
Um, my mom always instructs us to wash your hands after we leave the house, ever. So that's a small thing. But it's important because soap is really able to just destroy all those viruses or destroying the Coronavirus at least. So keeping our hands washed, and just kind of minimizing anything we touch if we ever went out. So for Mother's Day, for example, I went out with my sister and we just we only touched things that we bought from the store. So we also kind of washed those things. Mostly our hands. We weren't like, going too crazy on washing everything. But we just minimize things we touched, made sure our hands are washed. Especially after I was like receiving change from a self checkout and things like that.
Nick Eggert 27:02
Are you finding it harder to find stuff in like your community?
Sam Hauke 27:09
I know for the first few weeks of the stay at home order, my parents were unable to find toilet paper, except for at a gas station. So in fact, they were like limited to buying like a pack of four rolls every time they'd go there. So they'd be like, Alright, let's get up at eight in the morning. So we can make to the opening of the gas station, and then they buy their four rolls of toilet paper. So that's the only item I personally know they've had difficulty finding. But I think that smoothed out a lot now. I think they're able to find it wherever they go.
Nick Eggert 27:56
And then have you seen people around you like change their opinions on day to day activities or relationships in response to the pandemic?
Sam Hauke 28:06
Yes, I certainly have. There's a lot of my friends who are very, very social. They've been strict about this house, the house order they've not left they haven't seen even say their girlfriends or significant others. And that was a big lifestyle change, I think for a lot of them. And then even some of them maybe that were more strict about it are now starting to loosen up because they think that their state of mind is maybe more important than their health at this point. My, I have friend who was very strict about it, he advocated for staying in your house, but he's like, I kind of want to start seeing people once a week at least because I think on I don't know, he's basically said state of mind wasn't good and he wanted to be able to see people a little more. So I think a lot of people are changing from either, you know, becoming less social or people now are just getting antsy near the end of our time.
Nick Eggert 29:26
Has this has COVID-19 changed your like opening and like your relationships with family or friends and community?
Sam Hauke 29:35
Um, I personally think that it hasn't changed too many of my relations with anyone. I know that I've been I think I've been good at respecting what other people choose to do during this time. Even though some people maybe I could frown upon their actions, you know, the people who are going out and seeing friends whenever they want, wherever they want, and just blatantly breaking the rule and not attempting. So I've maybe lost a little respect to those individuals. But I personally think that I've kept strong relations with everyone, as especially my family during this time.
Nick Eggert 30:35
Nice. So I'm just going to switch it over this next question. Do you know anyone that's gotten sick from COVID-19?
Sam Hauke 30:46
I personally know nobody who's gotten sick from it.
Nick Eggert 30:51
Sam Hauke 30:52
Then there's only Yeah, no only stories from just people that I never even know. I don't know anyone in this community by name who's gotten the Corona virus.
Nick Eggert 31:08
I just didn't know if anyone from school or has got it at all?
Sam Hauke 31:14
And no, not to my knowledge.
Nick Eggert 31:17
Okay. Have you been following along with the news and COVID-19 at all?
Sam Hauke 31:26
Not exactly. I I know there was the news about our graduation was protested. Oh, are not specifically Franklin's. But Miller Park graduations were protested. And I've heard about protests for ending the stay at home order. Just I've mostly heard about kind of backlash from of the whole situation, rather than the actual spread of the disease at this point. I know that there was a lot of talk about flattening the curve, say a month ago. But as of now, I personally could not even say if we're improving or not. I'm not very informed when it comes to the infection spread at least.
Nick Eggert 32:19
Okay. So then do you just you where you mostly learn, like, about COVID then like, if it's [inaudible] you like, what form did you get on?
Sam Hauke 32:32
I learned mostly about it through one of my friends, actually, the one who I was talking about talking while telling people not to go out and do his strong advocator of the law. So he was through lots of our online communication. It's just common topics, because we're all thinking about graduation parties and getting to see each other again. So he brings up a lot of interesting facts being more very more involved. I mean, far more involved with the news, maybe than I am. So I received most of my information from him actually, and occasionally, some, some things on TV. More, more, less of like the news, more of saying, oh, there's a lot of commercials out about the disease right now. So those types of things, kind of how I learned about preventing spread of the disease.
Nick Eggert 33:41
Okay. So, I know you say that you don't really follow along. Do you have like any thoughts on like how the local or state or national government has been handling the whole situation? Have you heard anything about that?
Sam Hauke 34:04
I have heard that we are, quite possibly, wellI've heard that the money or fundings running out in Wisconsin, for people's I don't know if it's their relief checks or unemployment. I'm not sure how that works exactly. But that's a little concerning. I think, here in Wisconsin, I could be absolutely wrong, but I think we've been pretty strict on a law, or pretty strict with a stay at home order, at least maybe compared to other states where I'm hearing a lot more of opening up things and kind of getting the economy flowing again.
Nick Eggert 34:56
Alright. Alright, so I'm gonna switch the topics again here. We're gonna look forward to like the future and all that. Has your experience transformed how you think about your future plans or handling money?
Sam Hauke 35:16
Yeah, I think mostly in relation to the topic of, like I was saying the value of education right now. And how people even think that maybe a school that was online in the past and not considered as prestigious as another school could be just as prestigious, if not more, because they're used to doing this type of thing. So everyone, or at least me, I'm a little concerned about the way I'll feel about my educational experience. I think that, in the end, I don't think that education will be my education will be that hindered. It'll just feel like or at least I'll be a little concerned about maybe the fact that I spent 1000s of dollars and could potentially not even get to experience the facilities that my college will have to offer.
Nick Eggert 36:20
Do you think about things that you took for granted? Like such as attending sports events and going to restaurants and think anything differently about them now?
Sam Hauke 36:38
Yeah, I certainly, I kind of took a lot for granted, when it came to seeing my friends. I think that I, we, we visited restaurants a lot. We're pretty frequent visitors to McDonald's and Taco Bell. But those things now we can't do them. It's kind of upsetting. I even have a lot of gift cards sitting around at home that I am just dying to use get out there. It's a bit upsetting, I've been able to under I mean, I've been able to well I've understood why this is happening. And I don't think I totally took those things for granted. Because I have been pretty hopeful through this whole thing, that I'll be able to return to doing those things shortly. But I will say that I want to put up put a time a lot of put a lot of time aside for my friends after we're released not, you know, choose to not see them if I'm just doing something alone. Like, I certainly want to think about the social aspect of my life more than you know, spending time alone, potentially, say if I was playing video games alone, or spending a lot of time out like walking the dog, I think that I should get out there with my friends and experience things that have been closed for the last few months with them as soon as they open.
Nick Eggert 38:28
So changes kind of like your thought process about you know spending individual time, what you're trying to say?
Sam Hauke 38:36
Yeah, that more of like the not very constructive individual time, which there's certainly a lot that just time on my phone that's like why would I spend on my phone if I could get out there and hang out with them instead? Because you know, I have all the time in the world kind of to be on my phone right now. But I don't really see the value of being on your phone for as long as I could be right now.
Nick Eggert 39:05
All right. Do you think any differently now about large crowds and like public display of affection?
Sam Hauke 39:14
I think that right now it's pretty shunned upon or frowned upon if you see people in big crowds right now just with their friends. You know, also some public display of affection maybe in there. It would just not be I dont know I think for few months everyone should [inaudible] in large crowds because it's just not a popular thing right now. I think that after the pandemic is you know, once things slow down again And I don't see much of a problem with large crowds, because I think it'd be very hard to limit crowds for, you know, the rest of our existence. But for now, even the next few months, I think it would be a safe idea to avoid large crowds when possible.
Nick Eggert 40:23
Nice. How long do you think the pandemic lasts?
Sam Hauke 40:28
I'm hearing that it could be a recurring matter. But I think that I think that things will be closest to normal. This is kind of just a prediction, but I don't think things are going to be even close to normal come May 26. I think it's going to take till at least July for things to be semi normal again.
Nick Eggert 41:02
Okay. All right. I got one final question for you. Is there anything that you can think of there's been a positive effect of the pandemic?
Sam Hauke 41:14
positive effects would be I think everyone's enjoying nature more. I think that people are, you know, very conscientious about nature as well, when they're out there. I see a lot of people spending time with their families, I see them walking the trails. I see people spending a lot of time maybe studying for their classes. So not everyone is, you know, doing the their best schoolwork. But I think people are being productive. And the passionate people, people who are passionate about their education, are doing something unique with this time. Whether they're practicing an instrument that they want to keep playing in the future, or if they're making their own workouts, figuring out what works best for them to get stronger. Or even if it's just trying out new things, like you mentioned earlier.
Nick Eggert 42:27
All right. well, that's all the questions for me. Is there anything else that you'd like to say to anyone about COVID-19?
Sam Hauke 42:37
No, that's really all I have.
Nick Eggert 42:38
All right, well, awesome. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do this interview with me. And I hope everything in the future works out for you. And that classes in school and swimming, and all works out for you too in the fall... you have a great rest of your day.
Sam Hauke 43:04
Thank you. for your. Bye
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