
Marc Letourneau Oral History, 2022/09/07


Title (Dublin Core)

Marc Letourneau Oral History, 2022/09/07

Description (Dublin Core)

Some of the things we discussed include:
Being raised catholic, becoming an atheist who believed in evolution and then becoming a Raelian for the last 46 years.
Inventing the correlation coefficient; publishing on YouTube.
Getting sick in 2019.
Extraterrestrials as the origin of human life on earth.
Being a Raelian representative of the West Coast; the pandemic’s impact on programming, eg. cancellation of Go Topless protests (
Losing a fellow Raelian and friend to COVID [edit from Letourneau “and motorcycle accident that preceded the illness and was a factor of his weak health state”]; alien cloning.
Traveling back to Canada to visit sick family; mother dying; different ideas about vaccination from family members.
The expenses associated with traveling unvaccinated.
Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Big Pharma.
Vaccine development and experimentation; vaccine mandates; informed consent.
Biological weapons.
Recent Pentagon statements on UFOs.
The Trucker Convery in Canada; martial law.
The politicization of science; representations of scientists in the media; government control over the media.
The villainization of Elon Musk, Russia, scientists.
Automated labor and the right-not-to-work.
Limiting democracy by forming tests that determine who is smart enough to run for office and who is smart enough to vote [Edit from Letourneau: “Definition of smart (important): Top level in being able to understand problems, even scientific ones + top level in being able to find solutions.”]; policies for reproduction [​​Edit from Letourneau: “Not completely similar- example of something similar: driver license: not all people can drive, they need training and pass a test / so to have children, a women would have to be trained and pass a test.”].
The swastika as a symbol of infinity [Edit from Letourneau: “rehabilitation of the swastika by explaining that it is a symbol of Eastern religions- Buddhism for example, and North America via the native people symbolism.”].
Calculated risk.

Other cultural references: YouTube, Joe Rogan, Nature (the journal), the Iraq War (2003-2011), Didier Raoult, Pfizer, CIA, CNN, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, The Jimmy Dore Show, Facebook, Twitter, Hunter Biden, Google, Fermi paradox, the Big Bang, red shift in Doppler effect, WWII, Albert Einstein, Bill Burr, Joe Rogan, United Nations, Israel-Palestine.

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

September 7, 2022 09

Creator (Dublin Core)

Kit Heintzman

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Marc Letourneau
Kit Heintzman

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Biography
English Government Federal
English Health & Wellness
English Home & Family Life
English Politics
English Science

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)


Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

Los Angeles

Collection (Dublin Core)

Over 60

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Kit Heintzman

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Marc Letourneau

Location (Omeka Classic)

Los Angeles
United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Being raised catholic, becoming an atheist who believed in evolution and then becoming a Raelian for the last 46 years. Inventing the correlation coefficient; publishing on YouTube. Getting sick in 2019. Extraterrestrials as the origin of human life on earth. Being a Raelian representative of the West Coast; the pandemic’s impact on programming, eg. cancellation of Go Topless protests ( Losing a fellow Raelian and friend to COVID [edit from Letourneau “and motorcycle accident that preceded the illness and was a factor of his weak health state”]; alien cloning. Traveling back to Canada to visit sick family; mother dying; different ideas about vaccination from family members. The expenses associated with traveling unvaccinated. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Big Pharma. Vaccine development and experimentation; vaccine mandates; informed consent. Biological weapons. Recent Pentagon statements on UFOs. The Trucker Convery in Canada; martial law. The politicization of science; representations of scientists in the media; government control over the media. The villainization of Elon Musk, Russia, scientists. Automated labor and the right-not-to-work. Limiting democracy by forming tests that determine who is smart enough to run for office and who is smart enough to vote [Edit from Letourneau: “Definition of smart (important): Top level in being able to understand problems, even scientific ones + top level in being able to find solutions.”]; policies for reproduction [​​Edit from Letourneau: “Not completely similar- example of something similar: driver license: not all people can drive, they need training and pass a test / so to have children, a women would have to be trained and pass a test.”]. The swastika as a symbol of infinity [Edit from Letourneau: “rehabilitation of the swastika by explaining that it is a symbol of Eastern religions- Buddhism for example, and North America via the native people symbolism.”]. Calculated risk.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Kit Heintzman 00:03
Hello, would you please state your name, the date, the time and your location?

Marc Letourneau 00:08
My name is Marc Letourneau. I live in Los Angeles today it is September September 7 2022. It is nine, it is nine, nine in the morning and

Kit Heintzman 00:28
And do you consent to having this interview recorded digitally uploaded and publicly released under a Creative Commons license attribution noncommercial sharealike?

Marc Letourneau 00:38
Yes, I agree.

Kit Heintzman 00:40
Thank you so much for being here would you please start by introducing yourself to anyone who might find themselves listening to this?

Marc Letourneau 00:50
I was born in Quebec, Quebec suburb I am on my 22 and I was Catholic I was brought up Catholic but I became an atheist at 12 years 12 years old. And I was inclining to science was believed in evolution. And I was introduced to UF the UFO phenomenon at around 19 and I studied at and I ended up concluding that it was a real phenomenon and a, you know, I would be interested to have contact with them and learn what they know they must know better than more than we, we know so because they can travel here of course. And I learned about Rael and the fall of 1976 an article and now that was a question. Very question very interesting question to answer because I love mysteries and I love to resolve them. And it was said that the earth was Terra formed you know terraforming life has been created scientifically by being who came from another planet who had the technology to travel into space in the genetic engineering knowledge to create life easily. It is the most fitting with for me, for me, then Enrico Fermi, his ideas that life is spread out. Life is mean the universe is full of life because it spreads out, you know, exponential exponentially by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 exponential. So at some point doesn't take that much time to fill out the whole universe. And so it took me nine months. Gration evolution, I wanted to I wanted to know which one was true. And like a baby, you know, nine months. I agreed that yeah, that's the best explanation. For me, I rejected evolution at the time, I found out the failure to explain the origin of life. And I found out the I went into the rabbit hole, I would say, and I know if it was not true, he must have been a problem and to that theory, so I found out what problem it was two problems but anyway, so and discover that ready there was a lot of evidence of creation that they didn't notice because I had the evolutionist glasses, and I couldn't see them. I quit school. I was in administration. At the university for three years, I quit and I reorient reorient myself. You know, refocus, because my family was against it. So you know, when you become Raelian you, you don't it doesn't come from your parents, you know, you have to make a revolution in yourself. So like I did, so family reject you, you know, you have your friends laugh now. So you have to go through a period where if you're not strong enough in your conviction, you're going to just let go and continue in the path of your family because you want to be loved again. And so now, I loved it. I love the truth more than myself. So that came from my father actually gave me that he was a doctor and an inventor also. But I liked this philosophy so I, I stick to it. And I became Raelian and since then there's 45 years 46 no, maybe. And more and more, I discovered because I read a lot and I discovered it. Yeah. It's more and more call confirmation that life has been created here on Earth, but not by magical God, but by scientis who came from the skies. Yeah. So I did videos on YouTube, explaining that, you know, explaining infinity, actually, I did develop, develop arguments, I wrote a book, you know, UFOs plus DNA equal life to explain the arguments, that Raelian is legit. He must be the messenger of the creators. Because there's so much in that message, it's really it's really fits. What would happen if life had been created here, and we've got a messenger like up in the past many, many years and messenger was sent created religions. In fact, religions are traces of extraterrestrial who created life here. And the UFOs are there to wake us up to, you know, if it's if it's if it's, and there was there was some evidence of UFOs recently by the Pentagon, so they confirmed but they don't want to admit to extra terrestrial when they say we don't explain we cannot explain it, it's an option, the door open at least that it could be extraterrestrial. Joe Rogan mention it. And yeah, so I watched a lot of YouTube and read read a lot too. And everything confirmed that. Yeah, so that's me in a nutshell, because the writing movement is my passion. So, but I became also, when I came back to the maybe my tradition is too long. But I came back to school and I study psychology, it became, I got a license in counseling. And after that, I did a master in statistical measurement to measure like the psychometric, you know, make the tests like the SAT and, and vision test, my master's was was on the test, and decorated, and after that, I became an by myself, I studied programming because when you are a statistician, you need to learn programming. So I study SAS, statistical analytical system that was kind of you. And I became a specialist. I wrote two books on that and and that put bread on my table because I started to get job and had left to United States and work as a SAS programmer. And after that this biostatistician, and I got trained into pharmaceutical studies, clinical studies. And I lead, I ended up leading studies and the reporting aspect. And now I'm retired. And I am in charge of the west coast as a Raelian representative, including Alaska and Hawaii to answer your question, and organize meeting and stuff.

Kit Heintzman 08:53
Tell me a story about your life during the pandemic.

Marc Letourneau 08:58
Ah, that was that was disappointing to see how much politics was involve and science was put aside and the specialist also was were muted the great ones and I, you know, for me, it's you know, it's when you have to travel and I'd be tested as you know, it's not you know, you have to fight but I didn't know I didn't want to be vaccinated. First of all I know about clinical studies, right. So I know that vaccine was not didn't even even past phase four, phase three. So You don't want to and there was so much so much I would say century sensor sends a lot of specialists with sensors and there was a It looks like there was a secret plan to force the vaccination on people because scientifically this is wrong to do that. You cannot do that unless you pay people to be able to bribe people to do this. You cannot do this. I mean, it's you have to do the experiment, whatever it takes 11 years to to develop the vaccine. You cannot just put the vaccine in one year there, you know, it's, it's, it's it's not not at all it's a you don't know what's gonna happen in the future, you cannot do that. You have to be very careful. And it was not any. And also the vilification of actual treatment was terrible, false article in Nature. Hydro Chloroquine. hydroxychloroquine was vilified crazy to struck that it's so common and false article was written on it. And also ivermectin as, I mean, those medications are constantly accepted naturally, a long time ago. And they were vilified. Why because a vaccine needs to be to be approved needs to, you have to have no other treatment. That's why those drugs were codified. So the vaccine could be accepted, but actually raised this kind of emergency authorization or something like that. It's terrible what happened, I mean, that you could see the level of corruption in the government, controlled by the pharmaceutical it was terrible, it was terrible to see it's very disappointing. To see where the world was going, why, why forcing this vaccine on people there was must be something going on more than why maybe just money's involved. But many scientists have studied those. What happened in the blood after vaccination, and they found that something very something bad blood was losing their electricity feature there was they were plugging into each other. And some people notice micro block law happening everywhere in the body. But not affecting too much, but creating some some problem in people. And somewhere very drastic, you know, I did some die. But I probably did, those vaccine would have run them in the future by limiting the oxygenation of the blood. People would not know why don't people die, it's just an effect of lack of oxygen. Because of the blood, the way, the way this vaccine is putting the the blots together, stuck together. In a word weird for which we're rich word shape. Anyway, so that was something that exists of people who analyze the blog just after vaccination. And so there was a lot of going going on so you know, so that there was something nefarious or just money, but maybe there is a legitimate go, because this this, this virus found out that came from alive and not from the bat and the United States audit and China because they wanted to us to make virus that can, you know, kill people. So why do that hurt in the first place? Right. So biological weapon weapon and they do that in China, in the first place was going on there. And so we learned that they were ahead had biolab in Ukraine to a lot of them. So the government, the US government is not for the people is there is, you know, so you can see that there is a problem that some elites are controlling the government and they, if they cannot control under the country, they, they can change the regime, or they're gonna go to war with it. That's what is happening with Russia right now. And Russia is vilified. And because Russia or China, they don't want to be to be controlled by USA, that's normal. You know, nobody wants to be controlled by anybody. So that's why I record it was destroyed. That's why Libya was destroyed. He didn't want to join us. So they were destroyed and Syria was about to be destroyed. But they asked help to Russia and Russia intervened. And that's why they save Syria, in a way. Even though right now the odd American bases in Syria to extract the oil they are sitting in the face of everybody. This is this is the United State is a pirate. It's terrible, but it's not the American is the leaders that are controlled by submit it's there to control the media. That's why That's why there was so much sensor of the scientists about the pandemic, the sensor, all of the great scientists like Dr. Rowe in France, I mean, it was the best virologist in the world. And he used hydroxychloroquine and his hospital they they succeeded to save a lot of people they have the success was completely in their in what is in his region that is controlled. They didn't have it I think they had very minimum there because they were using treatment. Here my friend died because he went to the hospital Yes, you have COVID Go back home. i One is bad, come back. So they didn't give any treatment and when he came back it was buddy I had a very hard to breed they put a tube in his mouth and he died no treatment. I mean this this is criminal. This is criminal. I'm angry with that. I couldn't do anything Yes, but I had control. And, but those who follow the treatment with whatever ivermectin and some Assam famines and some other things, they there was a high rate of success getting out of COVID and Japan di D at some point the the include of ivermectin and sanitary bond, less death. You know, it's a mystery them the Japan miracle. They don't want to say it's my daughter, McCain and our CO advisor, try to imitate, create a kind of another analog of advert ivermectin, if I decoded, I think Pfizer make 10 or something. Just, I mean, it's not even that good. Anyway, it's, it's terrible what's happening in the world. But, okay, but they're right. It's not that this is my personal view doesn't involve radians. Right. It's it's just my because you know, the radians you don't do not like, following the open to other things. So, especially with my speciality, I can understand a little bit more in there. The problem with this Yeah, so we have a problem this society because the media spokesperson of the government propaganda is now of the government then so had the censoring everything that contradicts the government, so it's kind of thick texture. It's kind of becoming a dictator.

Kit Heintzman 19:28
What would you tell me about the friend who died? Who was that person to you?

Marc Letourneau 19:33
He was my best friend. He was a teacher martial art teacher. That's why I moved to California. To be with him, and so, but the thing is, yeah, well, you had a bike, the bike, motorcycle accident. He would he Ospital long time his leg was completely kaput. So he did give us so much drug and so he was weak. And when he got COVID He had COVID with without this accident, he would have, you know, BAC like me I got COVID in before it was declared 9000 I think, I mean, I got COVID Because I got a I was traveling, you know, redeye and your immune system is very low at that time. And so I got COVID One week, you know, I didn't do fever, we have very strong immune system. So, but it was a special call. I mean, I had never had this strong before. But you know, so I when I think about that back I think that was COVID and and me and I went through easy and under the time also traveling I got another time I think one year after that. But I thought my friend would go through lazy you know, I actually should have used ivermectin or something but I think he got lazy or he was affected by his situation. Maybe believe too much in himself or something, you know? And away he went to the hospital and we don't know what the hospital would do at a time you know? But it just put a tube in for him.

Kit Heintzman 21:43
How did you find out he was sick?

Marc Letourneau 21:46
He just called me one day. Say I got COVID And I said oh, and so we talked about it and I said yeah, take the demand and talk about things and I didn't think I thought it would go through his because he's a martial art teacher he's very well no, because of his leg you know, so this is a this is a problem. He was weakened by he had a black cloth and the red day he had so much thing going on in his by the time so yeah, when his wife called me you know that he was very bad. So I said okay, calling that bonanza. And we stayed we stayed like format as we thought he was a fighter but they put him in kind of They drugged them so much at one point he removed his two, yeah, but yeah, we learned that you know, you know, the thing radian we always try to be positive and and we learned that he has been recruited on the planet so it's for him because that's what they do do him the extra cherish well they they can recreate somebody from cloning process and if somebody did well in his life, they can they can live on with them. They do that for some people. So we learn from Ryle that he was because he had he was a great great things at the right moment. So I was happy for him. It's not it's not that prom is that that is the justice is traveling is on another planet. My my seems crazy for people who don't know, this message and how it is organized and how you do that and why we all have the possibilities and technology they have. But yeah, that's what it is.

Kit Heintzman 24:14
Were you able to have any kind of funeral for him?

Marc Letourneau 24:18
Yeah, yeah, we got to ash ceremony and the ocean. Yeah.

Kit Heintzman 24:29
Do you remember when you first heard about COVID-19?

Marc Letourneau 24:36
Oh, I don't remember exactly. You know, he started very slowly, you know. We heard that or this and gradually they implement more problematic rules. Gradually. It's like, like a frog. If you put directly a frog in boiling water, the frog is going to get out. Right? So but if you put the frog in the water and you call the water and you eat up gradually, the frog will stay in the water and die. So it's a little bit like that that happened. They increased the the restriction more and more. I tell people couldn't even travel. I mean, everybody had to be vaccinated, otherwise, you were a villain. You were a party. I said, so this by the government. Government was doing that it was terrible. It's a it's a freedom of choice Java to be to be injected something strange project and you there was no informed consent didn't end form there was, you know, it was against all of the law of clinical studies. I mean, it's we're becoming like a Soviet Union was we're going that direction is terrible reason for losing freedom. Look at what happened in Canada with this convoy of freedom with Trudeau did with those truckers. They blocked their bank account. They were arrested, of course. Some put in prison. But martial law, comma, it's just a protest. Martial law. It's terrible. They the government is going through very big means to stop people from being independent. Anyway, you have another question?

Kit Heintzman 27:09
Plenty. Were so at the beginning, what were some of your early reactions to hearing about COVID? And then would you say a little bit more about how the restrictions impacted you personally?

Marc Letourneau 27:30
Well, I saw this coming with the kind of things when he started to talk about the vaccine. First of all, looks like it was impacting on the old people that usually die from cold to old people. If they have a cold, they can die. So there was a lot of exaggeration. I could, I could see that the government was trying too much. The CIA was involved. The CIA was involved and you know, some. So there was there was some clues that there was something nefarious going on. Because all of this and so I had my eye open. I was looking, you know, I was looking. I was, you know, I'm not listening to CNN. So I always go, I found journalists that are very honest and tell the truth and the gray zone green, you know, Glenn Greenwald? I didn't Francis Hydras. Ever Kane. Pam Iverson. I love Kevin Kim Iverson. And paradex le, there was a comedian that is very close to the truth, the Jimmy Dore show, I mean, this heist is funny, but this is, you know, it's it's good. It's good in terms of trying to find the truth. You have always to be skeptical of the government, you cannot just believe the government like that you need to research is there a path the animal this, you know, and but most media, they just repeating what the government is saying. And the electors and I personally, I mean, Biden is I mean, what we should elect the most brilliant people, not the most denial. I mean, I don't understand this. I mean, because the because the government is you know, some people in the government controlled the media, you know, it's the culture of the government and the media, so they do what they want and people just follow. Most people didn't didn't have time to research things. They weren't called day and so they just listen to the CNN and their local TV that repeats. You know, it's the They repeat the same text. It's propaganda. And so they are lied to, and they believe the lie. And so people they gather the rules on there get vaccinated and you know you to save other people. And the vaccinated God calling, you know, you're not gonna die, okay. But they die. Many, but they don't know that because the media will then form only what fits the government narrative and the narrative of the government. So, we were lied to, and people believed the vaccine was the Savior, but it was not the case. You have to be boosted and get the boost again. And so, who is making the money follow the money, right? Pharmaceutical cartel in some politicians, but money in your pocket. But people get sick, young people die of bad cloth or cerebral strokes. There is more and more autopsies going on right now by independence that shows that a lot of death that was not attributed to the vaccine are caused by the vaccine. Because of the the way the blood is and define the spine, the spine, molecule protein in there. And there was so much hiding and censure that it's hard for people to notice you have to search you have to go in the rabbit hole, you have to go find the pathologists that do that. You have to find the scientists that are you need to really find I mean, you need to really deep go deep. If you just Google Now the mass media they follow they were just learned. The Twitter now, Facebook, was blocking the information just before the election about the Biden sons laptop that the FBI blocked that the FBI talked to me Facebook to block this information. Okay, so you have the proof here, the government the FBI, is influencing the election. By controlling the information and Facebook Coby and all the obey the Google search now they don't show you what is against the narrative. So, people are brainwashed to follow the narrative of the government. And those who are finding out by different other sources that are looking more in depth, the information, they have CDR seen as a conspiracy to a tourist. And, you know, but people kind of this is how it's done.

Kit Heintzman 33:40
To the extent that you're comfortable sharing, would you say Sonics, would you share some of your experiences of health and healthcare infrastructure before the pandemic?

Marc Letourneau 33:53
To healthcare infrastructure? Why don't I what I learn is that well you know, healthcare is very vast as big and then you have the hospital. Yeah, so I don't know much about I just know that the nurse and the doctor were forced to be vaccinated. I have a friend of his a nurse, and she, she was thinking moving from, from Los Angeles. That's where I live, and to go to a place a state where they don't force a nurse to be vaccinated. A lot of nurses in all over the country and other countries. They understood what clinical trial is, because they have to learn that being a nurse. They understood that the vaccine was not didn't pass off the phases. And so you don't know what's gonna happen in long term. It's an experimentation vaccine. It's a different view. teeny it's not like the other vaccine where you find you remove from the virus it's little feature and you put it in somebody so the virus has the external feature of itself but not the weapon inside the body so it doesn't do anything to buddy but but the body learn about it and destroy it. It's a wonder really what comes it buddies in ready prepared to fight it. That's what a vaccine is normally, but this is completely different and modify your DNA. So this is completely experimental. It's, I mean, it's crazy to, for this new technology to nuts go through the four phases. This is criminal This is it ain't a kid, how corrupt? Is the government? corrupt the call to have allowed us? It's terrible. It's a crime, it will be revealed one day he piss me. This piss me off. Some point,

Kit Heintzman 36:08
I was asking about your own personal experience with health care. So before we get before the pandemic, so when you get sick before pandemic, what would you do?

Marc Letourneau 36:23
Well, I really get sick, I got a call on way too fast. I'm fasting and fasting from time to time. So I don't go to surely, no, I don't I went to this. Why did I go to Oh, yeah, I got I got a bicycle accident, I hit the car. In front of me, I hit the car like that. And that's the only time I went to hospital. But, you know, didn't change anything to me because I am very sick. When I go like just don't eat much drink, water takes damage goes away. I'm not afraid of COVID I didn't fall into that panic mode. I'm a healthy guy. So there was no risk, you know, you have to analyze the risk for yourself. I didn't want to be vaccinated because we don't know what's gonna happen with that vaccine when the study was already done. So I didn't want to be vaccinated. My father is a doctor. So I learned a lot about things to sorry, we got out of the vaccine at a time, but they're good vaccines. I'm not against vaccines have against bad ones. The one that we don't know the future of it, you know, that's normal. That's logical human, a good thinking person would understand that. And it's so obvious I so push us on us and vaccine that is not. So that's why anyway, I want to finish that. So I don't mind it didn't change anything to me. Didn't change when I traveled away, you know, I had to get to pay $2 to get the test and, and go when I come back and other tests, you know, it's it's a hassle. It's a hassle. And also it those tests are problematic, too. There's a problem with those tests, too. So this doesn't see the whole story. Anyway, it's, it's it's it's an hassle. And it stopped many people from traveling, but it didn't stop me why it stopped me from from going to Canada. Early on, but when my mother got sick, and they move from their home to residence from what people I decided to go and go through all this. But I drove there down to because I had time. So it's I want to stay a long time there. So I'm going to try and I passed a border test and everything. I didn't get the current time quarantine. I didn't get the quarantine. The officer did decide you know if you get an A because that took me one week to go because I travel north first day. So since I was in my car I know for one week I think they need to be quarantine.

Kit Heintzman 39:41
You've mentioned some separation from your family earlier in life. When you became interested in ralien ism. Would you tell me a bit about what the dynamic with your family has been like during the pandemic? Now, you've been communicating?

Marc Letourneau 39:58
Oh yeah, yeah. So They all they were vaccinated. And I didn't want to go to seminars, I'm gonna, Okay, so when they learned that couldn't go because I was not vaccinated at the time they were, you know, at the beginning, you know, you couldn't go. So they were angry with me. So, you know, my ice and I don't understand it, it's a vaccine is science. You know why, you know? Here you go again. If you believe in things that you know, are not normal, and it's you prefer believing in this then come and give love to your parents, you know? Well, I understand the teachings and understand so one of my one of my sisters were close to me, so she could talk to them. And then I came to visit them and everything's fine. You know? Parents? Yeah. Sometimes they overreact.

Kit Heintzman 41:32
You've mentioned some of this already,

Marc Letourneau 41:34
I had a problem with my sister and my one of my sisters isn't as a nurse, and she is sorry to interrupt you. And she, because Carrie just came to my mind. And she got it. She was okay with the vaccine. And, you know, she was against me. I think she talked negative with my parents about me at the time, you know, giving false information and you know, I was trying to protect them against because, though, you know, my father is old. My mother died actually died not too long ago. She had the sorrows of livers. She's 90, 90 years old. It's her time you know? And she was suffering so now she's not as good and so yeah, there was some proud my sister but I think that Brazil I don't know what she might forgive to to have giving a vaccine to her children now. Because the more we learn about this vaccine, the more we we think there was a risk and greater than we thought especially for children and so maybe if she gets access to that information but But understanding psychologist you might call in itself it's all fine, you know? So we'll see what happens. I hope it shed on and [inaudible].

Kit Heintzman 43:12
Can you think extraterrestrials will clone your mother?

Marc Letourneau 43:17
No. Now they do do that exceptionally. Even me, I don't know if it's gonna happen. Now, right, yeah. And they learn to be happy in their life. And if you read them on the planet, they will know it at the time. But the just like a wake up in the morning, hey, haven't you recruited? That's nice. You wake up at 20 years old, and by the world There you have 25,000 years in advance. It's another world it's completely different than a year. Here. We are going through a bad time right now. Yeah, to choose between worldwide peace and self destruction. So it's, it's a test of passage. You know, it's like, if you go and some Africa or Amazonian tribes, you know, they don't know anything about science. The way they live is completely different than the way we live right? coppers, and is competent, different is the same from us compared to them. Because they have 25,000 years and others and so it's cognitive difference. So what we think is difficult and easy for them. It's like, they can traveled between planets, like when we traveled between they were here, worked with the neighbors. They do that in this complicated, different mind. Setting your mind though. It's mind boggling. But for me, it's since I've been 45 years in the writing movement. For me, it's like it's integrated. I know that we're have been created here and we're wondering will create another humanity somewhere they will think of gods and they will see our moving like, will they will consider us as magic beings. Like we did an abbess that the technology will be very primitive compared to ours at the time. So yeah, so my mother was not to recreate it because she she wasn't a special. She wasn't a special she was a good model for me. But I mean, she was like any other mother. But when I became writing, and of course, she was, you know, my parents, my father actually was positive about it at the beginning. Which word my mother, but after you read the books, there were so many values that he didn't agree with. Because He's conservative, kind of mine. So you rejected that. And after that is, oh, you're brainwashed by this guy. He didn't believe that. It was not the guy. It was the message the guy just in the center. You know, the random movement, it's not people following a guru. It's people who read that message and agree with that message. Oh, okay. Is there a representative of the to him or help him now? But he's in the center? It's not a God is not a well cool respect him because you represent him of course we respect him a lot. Because you know, like, if we get the president of Australia come here, we're gonna have respect the president of Japan coming here we're gonna respect the guy you know, because he's representing Japan, the same thing. Rail is presenting D O. M, those are created live here. So we're sure respect but it is seen as either radians though, right, like a guru, like the blindly know what a blind we know. He's a messenger. And he, he admits himself he making mistakes, and we understand that he might have done some mistake in the past. And that's okay. It's human. It's not a god.

Kit Heintzman 47:12
I'd be delighted if you shared more about the experience you had in the 90s.

Marc Letourneau 47:18
I moved. I moved to United States in the 90s in 1990.

Kit Heintzman 47:26
What brought you to Raelianism?

Marc Letourneau 47:28
That was in the 70s 76. And Titan took me nine months to study to go into the rabbit holes of the evolution theory because I thought I knew it. But as if rallies, right, so evolution should be wrong somewhere. So I play chess with myself. You know, when you play chess, you change side and you play and you change that up. So I was evolution against Croatia, I wanted to know which one is right. So both are wrong. But so. But gradually, during the nine months, I realize that, for example, evolution is to engine into evolution. There is accidental mutation that needs to happen first, and after that natural selection that selects that mutation. So the problem is not natural selection. The problem is the accidental mutation needs to happen first. And what made me think Well, first of all, the DNA code is very complicated that I began I started to be a programmer at a time and to think that the sophisticated program can occur can be coded by itself just by accident. It's very, very, very improbable dirt probability so slim. But evolution is see with time it happened. You have a lot of time and accident happen. But there was another problem with that. But first, that was this and after that, I look at the art and Life for tropical fish. Butterflies. Bird birds to colors. If it was accidental, first should be like psychedelic Color all mixed up. But no you see, design, you see line lines of color, you see colors around the eyes. And on this, you see design see a design, it can see there is a design. And so that was first and and one time I found the butterfly that was dead. But it was intact. There's a monarch or I think he had a tiger or one or two. And I looked at it and at the time the printers started to be more precise, the dots you know, because it is in the 70s. It is, too it's very early on. Or maybe this was after, but when one one thing that may be made me very certain. Since one iPhone, I look at the butterfly. And because I had put, I was open to creationist, ISIS, something I never noticed before. It was obvious that it was designed, you know, what I saw, the black pigment of the butterfly was exactly disposed on the nerves of the wings. The odd independent feature, to program descended DNA, it needs to be programmed, needs to be thought. Because those pigments, they could be anywhere. I know, they were exactly. It's like if you throw painting on the walls like you are, you're blinded, and you put that kind of painting. And after that you open your eyes, and you see lines that fit the beam behind the wall, the two by fours, you know, and the colors are exactly the black line you have black line exactly where the beams are in the back, it could be like What is your property that could happen. So I started to learn statistic the time. So I calculated the probability of that it was one chance or the number that is so big that you would fit in the book that you have to write that number you know, in the book 10056 in your area, you and you have 500 pages of that the size, how big the number would be. And so on, you find that everywhere I studied life, so and so the color in the line of color and wings of a bird from one feather to the other. The line is at a different position on the feather. But it forms a lie. To program this is very interesting. It takes a lot of proof the DNA and after all that DNA is information. Right? This is information. And today we know that information can be created only by intelligence. It takes intelligence to create information, we know that this is proven, we cannot create information without a mind. By accident, we cannot do that by accident, create information, especially at the level of the DNA. The DNA content is the most spectacular storage of information that exists that we know of. And we're starting we learn we know it even more and more as we go. It says it's an advanced technology actually. It's, it's if we want to prove Extraterrestrial Alien, this is the proof of extraterrestrial, we have it's in our face, our DNA. It's technology. It's it's it's extra terrestrial technology. It's so in everything because I was became a programmer. And as I understand how it takes to make a program, you make it in error, you put the comma to a different place and the old program doesn't work. I mean, and so on just just something else. You think puzzle, for example, take a puzzle, you mix on a piece of a puzzle. You throw in the air, where is the chance that it falls on the ground? All done. Exactly. You know it's impossible. It's not it doesn't take time. You know the Every shouldn't say he's going to with the alarm time it's going to happen at some point. No, because the puzzle, you need to click piece together, it needs it's greater than gravity, you need to apply a pressure, a specific pressure on the piece to click. And gravity cannot do that. So that's why it's impossible. There's zero chance, not a minimum, not a small chance, no zero. So life is the same thing, because the DNA is a lot to click in the DNA, to create the DNA to put the information together as a lot of click between the molecules in more than gravity to do that, and lightning and stuff like that happening by accident. And there is Fermi and Enrico Fermi, that was the nail in the coffin. Because his idea, they call it the power of the Fermi Paradox. Now, you're very fluido, your video is very, you losing quality. So I bought the Fermi Paradox, it's not a paradox. His idea was, if many years ago, civilization existed in a galaxy or anywhere, they would have developed to a point where they would have put life on the planet like Elon Musk is trying to do on Mars, right? That's just a natural tendency. When you develop the technology of trolling to space, you do that. And especially at the same time, genetic engineering would be developed. And we could create life there too, or just put live can just put live, if you want to. But if you had the technology to create it, you can create a life that is going to be adapted to that planet specific planet. Maybe you have to change your planet a little bit, you know, so there was a time. But anyway, so one become two. And now those two, great add that one after a certain period of time. And it was for great one, I'm at the minimum at the minimum, the gray one, this is the minimum to become eight, if that 16. So this is an exponential, if you know about the exponential curve, it goes very fast. At some point, it takes about six to eight duration. The number is enormous, more than the grain of sand on the earth. And so he said, Okay, that the universe would be full of life. And he said this famous question, where are they? So where are they? We should see them? Where are they? And it wasn't a few days, and the UFOs didn't started to appear yet. But a few years after that. You first started, it was like an answer. So yes, the UFO phenomena is a real phenomenon, the Pentagon confirmed that she is back. And they're ready gents confirmed I do with what the religions are seeing beings from the sky came here, and they create life. And they made love in their image. Thereby their religions are another clue that life was TerraForm on Earth. So for me was right. It's not a paradox. But scientists are so so programmed and brainwashed into evolution, and to believe that the speed of light is a limit. Being entrenched in a religion, that they reject anything that could involve Extra Terrestrial and also because they are at war with a creationist who wants to bring God Of course it's it's not it's not scientific to bring a god but everything that was that could have supported the creation or a young earth or something like that. They rejected it in a paper in publication and everything. So there was science become part of polity size, I would say by really rejecting all of the ideas and papers at scientists that would bring something that would support even a little bit creation. And so that's why we brainwash the world into evolution. Because we throw the baby with the bathwater, it's okay to say yeah, God is not a good idea. Because it doesn't explain anything, you know, who's got you know, what they, but it's not science, but Had they rejected the idea of a Christian by extraterrestrials who still is in the scientific domain? We would do that one day. I mean, people can read the sky quick line here this science could be it's part of the science it could. But they rejected the whole thing, everything creation, external intervention, they rejected the whole thing. And we program all generation into the illusion theory, which doesn't make sense at all in my eyes. Now that I know what I know,

Kit Heintzman 1:00:34
Forgive the naivete of this question. Who created the extraterrestrials?

Marc Letourneau 1:00:43
Gee, I want to explain something to you the all the fact that life exists contain DNA, not only DNA, but the information in DNA. And since we know that information is artificial, that means it has to be created by a mind that needs it has to be created by something else, it has to be created, that imposes an infinity infinity circle. And fit is like an infinite cycle. Because it cannot have a beginning, cannot come from. From nothing, just by accident, because it is artificial by nature. Nature is artificial. You know, it's hard to, it's hard to realize that. But nature because there is a difference between dirt, rocks, and life. Life. There are machines with biological machine, you find a computer on the planet, you see somebody made it, but you find a life more complicated than the computer, it's hired technologically. And so that's nature and made by itself is crazy, but we have we don't see it because we're brainwashed. So life because it is such a show. There is no bigger has to be no beginning and is sent and sent interesting because independently of that, we can understand that the universe is infinity and this is part of the message that the universe is infinite in time and space. And I made a demonstration on YouTube about that. So dear to him was has been created by other and the others have been created by others. And this is like Fermi said, this goes forever. But it started by one but this one has was created cannot have a beginning like the universe. So 90 minute cycle goes very well with an infinite universe. Both are infinite. But scientists are so don't like infinity, you cannot you cannot you know all of the medical multiple medical equation, they want to resolve them by eliminating the Infinity aspect of the equation, the Infinity they don't like infinity because they cannot define it infinity you cannot define it. So they want to define so I said they define I want to define this I want to find the beginning you want to you want to find define things. But infinity cannot be defined can be defined in a way that it's infinity you can see it. But it's not satisfying what your mind is programmed to see a beginning and the end on everything. You make a cake you have to start by something but you forget that yeah, the flower come from the plants that come from the dirt that come from the sun and the sun come from something else. It's there is an infinite cycle and all everything. But the mind is programmed to see this illusion of a smaller, smallest, biggest beginning and enter things. And they were programmed to think that way. So we don't want to go towards infinity theory because a group of scientists believe the universe is infinite. It's part if it's not the majority, but as a group, so but the majority of the end who invented the Big Bang, a priest, of course, needs the beginning for God to exist. It's a priest who invented that biometric the redshift, you know, you know, you know, I don't know if you know about the redshift, but you know, the Doppler effect of the light starts going away with turn into a red light because they're going away. It's lower frequency. They forget that they forget one thing. That higher for can see, don't go for the lower frequency go further. That's quick, we see the redshift that because they are going away, it's because they are far away. And the higher frequency don't travel very fast. It's like FM radio or the wave, the sound, the sound the same thing, the sound or frequency go further than the higher frequency. Some birds in the woods they're gonna so lower frequency in the woods, because they're gonna go further in the field they can, they can sing higher frequency, sonar, the same thing in water. So light is the same thing. Why the why it's all red is because they are far away. But they don't want that they don't like that explanation because they prefer the Big Bang. Because it's more understandable. It's modified is, you know, what is what happened before the Big Bang? Oh, this is philosophy called the science doesn't take care of it. Well, you're not a real scientist, you don't care about that. And what I what I said is that, in my demonstration, is that if there was nothing before the Big Bang, if there was nothing before the beginning of the universe? Because if you believe in the beginning, you have to have nothing before because if you have something that's not the real beginning, right? So if there's nothing before the beginning, nothing could an app, because there's nothing How can something happen when there was nothing? That thing mentioned that existing aka icon, we're gonna see what doesn't exist, exist, you're contradicting yourself. Something that doesn't exist doesn't exist, cannot say it exists. So when you talk about there was nothing before you're, you're saying, which doesn't exist, exist. It's a nonsense. semantically speaking. So I prefer because of that, a beginning exclude itself, a finite universe, exclude itself, but it's nonsense. And the only other option we have is infinity. And that's what the mid the disabled means. Infinity in space and in time, the symbol of the Elohim because it's scientific. And we've copied it here on Earth, partially or entirely. And it's funny because the East adore this Rustica this is their religious and blame and put this symbol is rustico. No, we forgot Hitler, Hitler just anomaly in history. Jessica, you find it in everywhere in China, and Japan, Thailand, it is their symbol, their religious symbol in the West. Okay, we have the cross, but it comes from Jewish, okay, it put the cross to make the Jewish people guilty of killing Jesus. Otherwise, if Jesus would have succeeded his mission, we will be all Jewish, all of the Catholic Christian would be Jewish. Because that's what Jesus wanted to do. So we'll have the Star of David, the West will have the star David, the east will have this westacre. So both together as the unification of the world, the West and the East. So it's interesting to see how history and how the rising movement is bringing the west of the East together. But if there isn't a way to explain to people that just because not a bad sample is just ether was bad, but not the symbol.

Kit Heintzman 1:08:57
Other than the pandemic, what have been some of the social and political issues on your mind over the last two years?

Marc Letourneau 1:09:12
So many, but I'm not worried about that, because I must optimistic. There's a lot of suggestion at this message that makes sense, like general cracy, which is make sure that people we put in power are smart. I think it's obvious. But we believe in democracy that is kind of wild democracy. That is artificial is that doesn't exist naturally. So one, when we form a hockey team, for example, which was the best they can play hockey, right? We don't know democratically picking people we don't make election we measure people towards their hability and we take the best
That works. When we open a position, any position, we're trying to take the best that will do the job in that position. Though with the walk movement, we kind of try to choose, okay, is that person is Asian we're going to take, but we should take the best. And when we do that normally for position and for work and stuff like that, now what to govern, to be in position of power to, you need to be the best at what, because that's what my specialty is. I'm a specialist in measurement, measurement and evaluation, that's a master's degree in education, that's what I got. And so, what you need a person that is, understand problems, they need to, you know, you need if you have to, if you need to govern, you need to understand the problem that occurs in society, you need to be able to have the mind to understand, you have to have this ability. And you need to be able to imagine solution to not only understand, but imagine what could do, but this require knowledge to scientific knowledge. Because if you don't know anything, yeah, the solution you're going to find are not going to fit. So, but usually, those who can understand from very, very high level and imagined solution are already very knowledgeable. It goes can see very, very highly correlated. So by the way, I invented the correlation coefficient and what I was studying in my master's degree, by first year, I published it on YouTube. Because I was too lazy to publish a paper, I just explain it on YouTube. So I, I could recognize one day if somebody I agree with this. But anyway. Talking about correlation, yeah. So that's what we, we should measure people on the degree of capacity of understanding problem kept us to funny solution.

Marc Letourneau 02:27
And only those could be elected. They will be detectable. Like in hockey team, only those who have a high degree of hockey skills are electable to be part of that team. And somebody has money, and you want to play hockey, and I'm gonna give you $1 million money, like an idiot to play hockey. Yeah, everybody's gonna laugh at our team, if that's what's happening with Biden right now. So but anyway. So that's what we should have. Not a wide democracy, but a selective democracy, that mean, is democratic in the sense that everybody that has those capacity, that have those capacity would be electable, no matter their race, no matter their religion, that will be democracy, can that sense and logical to you don't put it yet and power? What is this? What's going on? You know, and, of course, it has to be this way. But people are afraid of elitism. But that's what we have, we have financial it is elite that controls, but it's not necessarily correlated to doing good to people, we need an elite, but the right one not not not another kind of elite that is not looking out for us. So, we need an elite of the mind capacity to understand problem can still be imagined any solution and there will be an election. So every part of any region, you have 20 people and then people would vote, which one is the we liked the most, to be the most human among them, that would happen. So we choose among the most capable the most capable people we choose the most human one people will like him and people can Can Can Can, can decide that. This we might go we could go further than that. We could decide to only those who have maybe 10% of Those capacity could vote. So because they would select the best one ready to make sure that the best one is selected, we could do that. Me personally, I would do a card, a voting card, everybody will be evaluated on those tests, and you will have a score and you vote and if your score is high enough, your vote will count. If not, you will not count the people will not do not people will not know if they want to know they will have to see a psychologist because people don't like to be told that they are not smart enough. Of course this is I think it'd be in the future. We're not ready now. Because it's kind of it's to this idea is vilified. Were afraid of elites. Were many people are afraid to know that other people are smarter than them is the most sensitive issue. There are the ego is very big in this world. We don't like to know that somebody is smarter than us. Especially in our group of tribe. Other people they don't know it's okay. But in our tribe, no, no, I'm just smarter. You know. And so we have a problem with this a go problem. So that's why it's gonna be difficult to implement this. But it will save us to quit Elon Musk is doing is your brand man Dr. With that because the thing is, is that because it's brilliant. It's both he's brilliant. And also he has a heart. He wants to do good for humanity. Want to save by creating, removing pollution by electric cars? If we destroy ourselves, we can go to Mars before that happened. Yeah. So he's trying to do good, but he's vilified. Now normally, because you know, people don't like people are smart, or succeed or destroying their company, if they are in oil, the normal car business and those company they pay the media so has been vilified a lot. But him and his harvest friend geniuses they are, it is a train that is unstoppable right now. And they will succeed. And they want to change the world. But they might they might bring this idea when they because that's what they do in their company. They choose the best they don't choose who has the most diplomas. They really choose the best people who are not normal. Will they go outside of the trail, Discovery create things that are new, and Venters. That's what the that's the kind of people they want. And that's why they succeed. And the best people wants to go to work for them too. Because they know what the revolution is there. They're going to build a robot. Now the September 30, which is the birthday of anniversary of Raul. That's probably not by accident. I don't know. But because the philosophy, right, because if you don't know, we have to build a robot to liberate the world from forced labor. And we can create a paradise on Earth by doing that, but we have to change the health system. So people don't want to change that's a problem. But that's why you know, people change when Dr. Anish shipped into the nose, when he cannot breathe now they want to change. That's probably what's going to happen, you know, we have to be in misery and now we accept the change. And probably how it's gonna happen. But the robot, the one of the solution, it's going to change completely the people will want to have the right not to work and to be free and do whatever they want. And that's like the alien planet. That's what you do. Everything is automated. Only some people are working to create the machine and stuff, the best geneticists and they are arena mandated by leaving eternally so this is the demise. There's no money there. Well, but everybody wants to live a tunnel eternally. So it's like the carrot in their world, that everybody gets it. But their normal life is 1000 so it's not like 100 here 1000 It's To put a good spin is good. It's a good number. So but to get to eternal life, you need to do a lot to be at the service of the world and do a lot. And so only a few, you know, 700 700 are eternal over there. And so this is their motivation and their will. That's money.

Kit Heintzman 10:28
Could you are there any examples of leaders across the world, it doesn't need to be in Canada or the US who you think, meet that criteria of being smart enough to run their governments,

Marc Letourneau 10:44
No one. First of all, to do would have to pass a test, test capacity, intellectual, intellectual capacity to see if they meet the criteria. It's a minimum, the rest is human quality stuff can be voted, you know, by people. But you need to have this minimum intellectual minimum to be sure that that person will understand the problem and, and find solutions you need. We need to be sure that otherwise, otherwise, stupidity will happen. That's what happened. That's what we have war. No, no, no. It's like, the problems aren't solvable. Of course, we have the Jetsons with its weights and stuff, and corrupted the course is, you know, but I think if you put that kind of people in power, they will I think there is a correlation between this capacity and corruption adversely. neveress correlation, when you are, there is a level to which you reach to which you cannot be corrupted. Because doesn't make any sense. See, so, of course, you be below that you can, but at some point, I'm talking about the geniuses, you know, the top of the top it's impossible to be corrupted, it will be insane. And then that because their value as a person is not based on money is based on what they can do for humanity, you see the difference? A lot of people their value is based on how much money they have. I'm Rich, I have somebody, when when you're smart, you know that your value is you're smart. You can do we can help you can bring something it's not the money. It's a I can create this racket. This is their value, they can I can do this. It's nice. That that's that I have $1 million. If you study it on mass, he didn't care about the money at all. Because the what he does has a lot more value than the money used money is like a tool tool. It's a little tool. But so a lot of people say oh, yeah, you know, do you deal with the villains also because the the movie the movie, the villain is always a scientist, a mad scientist, you know, we're brainwashed with that. But in fact, this test here the opposite who who helped the most these worlds the hard the inventors inventors always helping this world there they make us make our life easier. The washing machine, the automobile, the politician are using those invention to the wars to those little, little mind. egoist things they are using by them by giving salary to the geniuses. See ya. The genius is not always cognizant of the whole game. Especially if they are been passionate about something and they have worked all their life on something very focused. And they when they get older, they understand it like in China, you know, helped to create the atomic bomb but he regretted a lot of scientists at the time regretted. They thought it would be if they were convinced it will be that will protect them and similar. Nobody's going to attack us if we had that ball. That was the philosophy One day saw Hiroshima and Nagasaki they were so depressed it's terrible what we did it says genocide and killing all people you know young babies mother whole city disappearing This is a crime This is would never apologize there was a movie talking about hey, the flag American flags were brought America and there was a movie in the there was a call lock and Student Yeah, America was so good. And the guy said You're so good. You think so? And now your limit is he put all the facts together? No, we're not that good. We're kind of the villain. But the media the government tried to convince otherwise. There's so much war, we have 400 bases we try to control the world and of course we're gonna have war if we try to control the world nobody wants to be controlled. So we vilify right Russia but Russia is just trying to defend itself against this invasion of NATO against his border but now they have a coalition with China and it it's it's good otherwise if the United States would have controlled the whole world I don't know what those elites what they would do because they don't have good intention because we can see in this one society we don't we have a lot of misery and the creative misery on other people I think they consider people like you know how they call it the pill and French could like a chess board you know that piece on the chalkboard upon upon Yeah, so people are pawns for them that's why you don't care about the wars you kill people they want a country they're gonna kill everybody there are a lot of people just to get control they don't say they don't care but people so we don't we're not we're not see Russia about four bases and China for 400 bases. They don't have the same imperialist idea of course China has its own problem because they don't have they don't have Junio cracy and so when you don't have Jr Chris you cannot resolve the problem entirely. But at least they don't try to invade oil like the US is doing for the West to control the whole world and if they don't you invade you know they find a reason and then lead so yeah, I don't find anybody just well I don't know that person maybe the media don't talk about that person. It is you know, they asked Dan Stein to be President of Israel one day and yet he refused he refused I guess he would have been killed at some point. So yeah, so it's but I have hope because what the media are spreading is the narrative the government and also not the positive one. Good news piece. Stuff They Don't they don't show that they don't so but let's dive in know I consider the world like, you know, an avalanche. Before they have an answer. You have a lot of snow. You see the mountain a lot of snow. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Nothing happened in bank suddenly, right? Yeah. But if you could see through the snow, and you could see the forces working on the structure of the snow itself. You could see an increase and downward forces and their resistance weakening and the lower part until you reach a critical point, and everything falls. So in the world, we don't see those structure those forces for good. We don't see them because the media don't show that. So but they are there. And worst would be more Energy will go towards the good to counterbalance the bad and to the critical point where it will be so bad that there will be a big portion of the energy of the world going to towards the good to change it and the evidence will occur it will occur like the Berlin Wall quickly so, I believe in that the rain is the organizer. So, every week, planetarium net pledge and planter button meditation for peace in us one for Canada every country to meditate for peace because we do believe in telepathy. Telepathy is not something mysteries like waveforms from the brain and there is a communication happening. That's why there's a we have a site in psychology we have clues that telepathy exists, we don't have the we just don't have the physical substrate to explain it. What is the waveform that is existed to communication is possible so we don't know that waveform it is possibly that's possible that the waveform is so he's located in the Infinity small it's very small that we haven't discovered those waves yet. But it's like radio or television the antennas satellite there is there is a wave and between device devices. And there's a decoder encoder and we can decode the information into the waves and decode this information and see the images in the audio. So something same thing with the brain except that the wave is unknown you probably too small in the microwave and and very fast faster than the speed of light. And because the speed of light is the limit when you be when you understand that the universe is infinite they cannot be a limit to speed. Because there are infinite level of matter. Inside yeah told inside electron inside the proton and the quarks and the all of the particles, you cannot find the smallest particle because you just cut into too small as it's infinity everywhere. So everything vibrates at their level. And as you go into the Infinity small the vibration of those waveforms are smaller and faster, very faster as you go. So there is no limit to speed. There is because there is an infinite level of substrate and vibration into that substrates. And it goes to infinity. So it's faster and the Infinity small built out world and we will we are building at large. So So yeah, so it's probably one of those waves. And so we believe in telepathy that means we grew up with the LHC It is revealed to me that this message from space that telepathy is like the prayer people were praying they were trying to communicate. And so and it is it has been as has been demonstrated with some studies and when a group of people meditate for peace together, it was less cry during that time. So it seems a correlation. They don't know how to explain it though. That's the problem. You know, and you need to have a biological explanation, a physical explanation, but it's a correlation. So but it's dilemma it's telling us that we can infer the world by sending thoughts and emotion through a group of people which increase exponentially its power if you're a group so that's why every Monday at six o'clock Pacific time we're all united states have radians and people who believe in in group telepathy influencing the world. We do that that's one way it's a little bit just effort and that's the only thing we can do because what can we do so yeah, that Maitreya rallies. I have proposed that. So we do this It was a planetary meditation loss for that, and they've a quarter will happen soon, actually. So, yeah, so I don't think what was the question? Tell us a question.

Kit Heintzman 25:19
It was about other issues that have been.

Marc Letourneau 25:22
Oh, yeah. Yes. Other issues. Yeah. So democracy. And also, I'm very into electrification of transport, about a Tesla, so part of the revolution so yeah, so that's going to remove pollution in cities. Big, big game. i People think I was gonna take more electricity. No, because I charged a car on that night. And not the whole car. Just if what you spend during the day and what you need the next day, even if you drive 20 miles, you're gonna charge for 20 Miles is going to be all the trash for five hours. What? The wanton plug, you know, anyway. So that's things. overpopulation. This is very important. And I'm against it on last idea, but that there is a real problem overpopulation. Because this planet is limited in resources. And people are, a lot of people are in misery. So we should resolve that first before going to another planet. resolve this, the problem we have here instead of exporting death, either wealth. And so that's why Jr cracy is important. And once we have that, the problems will be resolved. Yeah, so overpopulation is a big, big, big problem, because we need more energy, more food, Molly's mother. And right now, we have to work too many, I mean, because half of the world 1/3 of the world is not fed properly. So we should stop, stay constant. But the problem is that the system we have doesn't allow that we need to grow population, so the system can work. And that's what Elon Musk he made the mistake is, yes, right? If we keep the same system, but we need to stop population, it changes system. So to stabilize population stay constant. And there's a solution in the book. So you know, you can, a woman could have the right to have only two children. And she would have to pass a test to be to see if she can be a good mother. She has to fit, like a driver's license, you know, it's not a right to drive, it's a privilege. Same thing for to having children should be a privilege. If you don't, you're not allowed senile woman to have a child. I mean, this would be she cannot. He cannot This is too, it's criminal to do that. So it should women should be trained, and pass a test. And they should have those who pass the test and the judge, they could be a good mother. Good enough. You know, we just said the level you know, According to psychologists, and the genius one, and you have a license who are children, but only two only two children. But you could give that you could decide to a woman could decide I don't want children I give my best to another woman that woman could have. She could, you know, could have that no matter the Father. Father is not important the mother or the mother the child only to child. So that's a state the population in which they constant to child to parent to parents. To replace to.

Kit Heintzman 29:39
You'd mentioned being responsible for a region of Raelians

Marc Letourneau 29:44

Kit Heintzman 29:45
We have the programming interrupted by the pandemic. Was there anything that had to,

Marc Letourneau 29:49
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Because we couldn't. We used to do extra curriculum activities around women's like a go topless. You know, we created that movement. We had also we had so good office it's like every once a year, once a year we're gather and we've got a protest but we're going to street in the beach and we have sign and then we have we, you can you can you can Google it and we promote toplessness right for a woman to be topless like man as as men so just not to force people to a woman can decided they want to be nice like in some region of the world they can be topless no problem. And in France to some beaches you can be taught there's no problem with that. Of course, here this Christian and you know, the see, to see a browsers like Chrome, you know, while BB scepter press or a new porn I mean, it's not a crime. It is. Anyway, so we do that, but we couldn't do that. With all of the practice protests, festivities and groups were canceled we're gonna know the city didn't allow that. So we were stopped from doing any any gathering big gathering at parks and stuff. So that blocked us at the block bed. It was good at the time for them because they can control more people no protests, no university you know, this is a way to control people more I think it's the pandemic is was a tool for the politician to the like that is he went he went with their where they like you know, a politician did not like they don't like protest against that policy. So by stepping protest and gathering and they could control that. So we were stopped from doing that and also our seminars you know, group of Brian together who can couldn't do that. We have a planetary gathering in Okinawa where Metro Rail reside and we couldn't do it. So now we plan to have one in 2023 and December planetary one, so there would be a lot of people because we haven't had one for a long time. So, we had zoom meetings that Yeah, but it was it was not well, you know right into IP by nature, do you want to always be positive that positive attitude for so but we couldn't do gatherings like we used to on a smaller one

Kit Heintzman 33:18
What does the word health mean to you?

Marc Letourneau 33:25
Well, there is a mental health and the physical health both are very important. Difference each other. Mental health is more important. Because it will refer to physical health many people are only focused on the physical health and they are stressed and the the the stress would destroy their health you know. So if you're, if you learn how to be we meditate right? Right and meditate I learned meditation from what actually I learned with meditation from hunting. And naturally, that's the kind of people will not understand this, but it's the best scent exercise you can have. Especially grouse hunting what I use because I'm a thinker, I was always thinking thinking all the time. Stop thinking because I pleasure to think but I love hunting to buy to hunting you cannot think it stop thinking covertly you have to feel feel the words. Listen, see, smell and try to feel the animals where they have to be It's a sense, it's essential activity, central meaning Centaurea the pleasure to be connected to your environment. So at the beginning, it was hard like hell, I was always thinking, instead of thinking, because I was missing, you know, the birds are flying all around, and I was startled by them. And I was forcing myself to stop thinking. So by, and you have to do that the whole day. It's not like a little 30 minute Zen exercise, you seem to park with people. No, you do the whole day, and you walk in, and you just try to not think, Oh, you think a little bit here and there with you, okay, I'm gonna turn that trail that trail, you know, but mostly, to try to feel and after years of doing that, I succeeded to balance myself. And to be able to stop thinking, to control that. And, and Orion movement is also taught to be able to balance yourself the thought of thinking, but also stop thinking, relax your brain, just connect to your senses. Your senses is getting information. If you're always thinking, you don't get more information. It's like you had enough information and now you just keep going with this information. But sensory information is important for enriching the brain. Of because this is what connects you to the universe around you. So when I became Brian, it as part of it, so I feel that I was doing naturally I was kind of going that direction too. So meditating is to be conscious of inside what you have and outside. And also when I became Rhydian, I was a psychology also, I went to study in psychology. And any why? Because psychology always passion me understanding the mind if people Why did you test why have this emotion why what's going on by by trying to go into the rabbit hole into that, I realized that it's too simple. In fact, it was just but many people thought I was crazy at the time. Even though there rain movement, it was not clear as it was but it became clear like we what I understood and Orion movement went to the same direction like and I understood it's a perception is creating the emotion when you perceive you have an example. For example, if you're on a bus, and you hold the little thing, and somebody hits you in the back, you angry, you know, come somebody's you know, doesn't take care of taking kick getting his position. And so you look at this a blind person I know from angry, you become pm PTF A pity for that person. So I call me change emotion is the same event, the same event cause two different reaction, because you had two different perception. First, you thought it was not fair, but somebody hits you. That person is not. Sitting goes not doing the right thing in the bus. And when you turn your seats, a blind person. Oh, you know, she's Antica that's can happen, you know? So now you have pity. So everything's perception. So thinking positively she being positive thing, instead of judging and if everything is unfair, you're gonna be angry all the time. But if you understand that, well, that's, that's no longer something happened like that. Like, Bill Burr. You know, Bill Burr is a comedian, a monologue comedian. And he's angry man, but he's working on it. And it is exactly what he's doing now. Because he's driving and somebody's very slow, you know? It's yeah, very slowly. And now after that, he's angry now. Now he's thinking, Oh, maybe BB has a bad day. Yeah. Maybe He is discussing with his wife and they is really busy talking and so he slowed down. So he tried to understand what's happening to be empathetic, empathetic to the other person, that sometimes himself is slow. Sometimes he himself is slow, like, sometimes I'm slower because I do this oh yeah, maybe that's what's happening to another person. So, I Gerges up here. And now money comes back. So that's how you change your emotion by trying to use your mind your intelligence and your imagination to perceive event in a way that will be positive even at death of a person you can see past anything, you can you can see the positive in it of course, you can cry at the beginning, but after that, you you modify your perception or you change it can have a first reaction, because you have reflexes and perceptive Ria, reaction, reflexes, perception that is ingrain a program in your brain that is automatic, and to change that you need to, to to be persistent to always create a new perception. And so you're going to change your as as you go, you're going to modify your connection and your brain and change them. And one day you're going to be reacting completely differently, you're going to be a different person, but you need to prepare persistently to thinking differently. So we teach that around movement to how to be positive and understanding. And so you become happier more often and stay stable in terms of happiness. And so yeah, so I understood that early on and I worked on it and it helped me I was a very generous person at the beginning and modified that and maybe lost 80% of that

Kit Heintzman 42:23
What does the word safety mean to you?

Marc Letourneau 42:26
And also physical health so you know organic and eating you know chemicals are bad for you buddy not drink too much alcohol and you know that smokers stop smoking when it became right in so it's an important thing physically to you know, so yeah it says you're physically to resolve this then mentally mental health is difficult more difficult than the physical

Kit Heintzman 43:04
What does the word safety mean to you?

Marc Letourneau 43:12
Safety can be an add to cap like I think about our use safety was very important for me was locked in Israel Why do you put himself in a prison it can become irrational safety it has to be balanced because one needs to take risk to live a life if you don't want to take risk you don't have any freedom. You put yourself in a prison of course there are a reason a reasonable risk. And so it depends on the intelligence you have and the knowledge you know, somebody that killed that believes that COVID It's gonna kill them if they get it. Of course it gonna be like closed I mean, it's gonna wear a mask the car or wear a mess in the countryside when they are alone. And or just the end present themselves in their house and not getting out. Safety can be a prison, if you're not knowledgeable enough and rational enough to understand the risk are what is the information given to you? That's what the media and the government are responsible of the information that was given to us And bad information can make people act in a way that will be against their freedom because they think it's a good thing to do the right thing to do because they are misinformed and if they don't know how to get in form so there is a balance freedom is very important it's a balance between freedom and safety need to be reasonably reasonable what happened was not reasonable. were misinformed. And that helped the government to continue what he was doing. So yeah, I prefer to be free then to safe I prefer freedom but to a reasonable point, you know, of course I'm not going to jump off a cliff just to feel the sensation of falling and I'm free and I'm going to die You know, so I knew I'm going to die. So there is a rational to everything we do you need to be rational enough. So we need to we need to get to balance the risk but you need to be informed for that. So we need to get information where it's good information. The problem that's sad is that we were misinformed but for me personally, I wanted to derive it hold on I got the right information so but of course I was blocked by the rules in society forced to wear a mask stupid mask that the virus can go through easy because it's not the fiber on the thin enough and but and also difficulty to travel so that was forced on me but I didn't take I was free to not take the vaccine they almost succeeded to force it down on people though. But I went around it at the time I was Yeah, I was work still working. And so I work from home so no problem for me. And but I wasn't afraid to see my friends and you know, because we we had the, the same philosophy. So

Kit Heintzman 47:48
Were there any safety precautions around COVID that felt reasonable to you?

Marc Letourneau 48:00
Like any anything layered any precaution I'd like to call you know, yes, somebody has a cozy Okay, stay home and you know, I don't know how to catch a cold, same thing. So everything outside that is too much. Of course you need to protect the old people that can get cold and die from it. Same thing is true. If you have a call if you have symptoms, stay home. But if you don't have some tone, you cannot propagate the virus but they made you believe that you could that's that was not true. It's important to have the right information and also you need to have a good sleep you know, because if you don't have a good sleep that's how people get the virus that's how I get it That's Joe Rogan was talking all of his friends that got COVID they were traveling and not sleeping well. And I know it because when I don't sleep at some point I start to feel tickle in my throat and I when I go too late that means the human system is start stopping working and so the virus start taking over. So it's very obvious to me and so again to take some precaution you don't want to be to have the flu for a week anyway. So COVID was a little bit more strong. And yeah, you could you could die from it. If you if you don't take your precaution, but they weren't they were Treatment Treatment but they were really fired you. You have to be very informed. Yeah, the ivermectin here, just in case, but I think I'm immune already because I got I think I got COVID I cannot prove it, but I think according to what I fell from my buddy, I think that was COVID. And because it was different, quite different. And so I was immune naturally. So, I was positive about that. But I haven't ivermectin here so can take it to find your diamond C A. D. And that's enough. Can in France secret. They got that 97% successful treatment at eat DD row. Tt era was present beta one of the top virologist in the world. Yeah.

Kit Heintzman 50:48
Was it easy for you to get the ivermectin?

Marc Letourneau 50:52
Oh, you have to search. You have to search it. But I got it. Yeah, you have to kind of, you know, Google it enough to find a place where you can buy it

Kit Heintzman 51:12
How are you feeling about the immediate future?

Marc Letourneau 51:17
The immediate future. I'm always positive, even if it's gonna go bad, actually. Worse is gonna be closer, we're going to be to D resolution. Because as I said, People move when they are in big shit. When they are in the minor to the nose. Now they resist the fight to get out. And so when I see the world going in a bad direction and worse and worse and misery, say, Okay, we're getting close, I'm gonna close, you're gonna explode at some point. And it's like, what happened after the Second War, Second World War, or there was a people wanted so much peace. And there was so much love around the world. It's ending and people were celebrating, and they created the United Nation. I don't know if they created but they they fortified it. And not to never happen again. So I predict there will be a war pig Well, I think especially Israel in Iran. We already know from the time that Israel would no longer exist. So a wall must a wall will happen sometime. They remove their protection to Israel to anyone were protected his room, but they now no longer do it. So there would be big things happening. That's why they say to the Israeli Israelis to tie in Israel to to leave Israel. If Yeah, because of the Palestinian conflict. I don't know about Iranians, but they weren't the only embassy to be near Jerusalem. We're building an embassy as you know. So and when they saw it, Israelis government was doing to the Palestinians with which are Jewish too, but they were converted by force by Muslim. But you have genetically the archers to have no idea. They wanted their embassy to be near Jerusalem. And they're the one they saw that they removed their protection to Israel. And they say if you what you do is horrible. and Israeli was created to get the embassy and we were hoping that he would integrate with the Palestinians and big guys a big family and you did the opposite. So we remove up we don't deserve our protection anymore. And because of that, Israel will be disappearing. But as Tony would take will be reborn and the embassy will be there. So that's what I presume that was predicted 10 years ago.

Kit Heintzman 54:57
What are some of your hopes for a longer term future?

Marc Letourneau 55:01
So the short term is that they're doing the bad the longer term after bad thing happen the world would be forced to have peace and there will be a renewal towards the good and all of the nefarious things that the government would have done will be revealed and the embassy will be built and everyone will land and now the world will realize that what the truth is and they will read the message of the NLM and then the message our suggestion how to build this world can your cracy monetarism are the suggestion that to make a better world and that's what we're going to start the world will start to follow this guidance and also the room will give us some secret technological secret probably in logging the life to 1000 years we'll be able to live 1000 A year and they would get give us technology to create a paradise on earth but gradually little by little to see what we do with it. So it will be a completely different world Yeah, so I think it's gonna happen in 10 years I mean, 10 years I mean the embassy built in 10 years so they learn that long after that

Kit Heintzman 56:52
When you needed support over the pandemic, well have you turned to who's been who is supportive of you when you're stressed?

Marc Letourneau 57:03
Myself I add to to to the ways you can have friends who can talk but I already know the tool too because I'm positive you know, I learned the tools to get into positive mode and so I switch my money to finding the way to see positive it happens so I don't need somebody to tell me this is I know the trick but I have friends and we cut together and you know but I'm all I'm rather as ping others I would say to find a positive and things the one who people will call to help them so my wife and I we talk and so what people are turned to that's what you Christian. So it's Yeah, as a tool to help myself but I help other people mostly and Maitreya is always posting on Facebook and stuff and there's always a nice philosophy that he posts reminding us what is positive in this world

Kit Heintzman 58:47
What are some of the things you do to take care of yourself?

Marc Letourneau 58:52
Meditating drinking a lot of water fasting trying to lose weight I like to eat but yeah I need to lose weight difficult now I'm gonna fastest week fasting is one of the best tool to have to buddy cure itself. Because when you fast to draw little robots that goes along nanotechnology, you know it's in the body that goes around the DNA and repair to nuclear DNA pays and it's a way of cleaning the body. Because when you eat these busy to digest and store the food and this is the main priority, whatever you don't need when you don't eat. Nobody goes into a cleaning mode, but you need to drink a lot of water. And so that's how Should I do to take care of myself? Also meditating, breathing a lot in the morning to get tucks into my brain. Sometime I thought I'm forgetful. I'm six, seven. So I'm forgetful but yeah, try to do that. Also I that my dog dough man, I do a lot of support scuba diving. Bicycling, kayaking, like I just went to Catalina Island, my wife, Kay yakking a lot, and also snorkeling. So, yeah. So, jogging or so, to be in shape, I do some weight

Kit Heintzman 1:00:52
What do you think scholars in the humanities and the social sciences so disciplines like literature and sociology and poli sci, what should we be doing to help us understand the human experience of the last couple years?

Marc Letourneau 1:01:09
Tell the truth. Find the truth. First. You need to really find the truth because everybody has been. I would say they were submitted to false information. So does everybody needs to go into rabbit holes and find the truth and spread it? Just private information right now the priority is to get the right information to us, as most people as possible. People need to know to know what happened what is real. First, this is a priority.

Kit Heintzman 1:01:59
I'd like you to imagine speaking to a historian in the future, someone listening to this who is far enough away, that they have no lived experience of this pandemic. What would you what would you tell them cannot be forgotten about this experience?

Marc Letourneau 1:02:22
I would say, what happened is was an effort from the government to control the media. They succeeded to brainwash people, to remote their freedom to censor the different voices. Become like most a dictator, it become a dictator almost and we're losing freedom exponentially. And it's a very, very we weren't, we were are in that direction right now. And it's important we chant course, and so I don't know what would be the outcome. But I am hopeful that you had come would be a revolution. And we're talking about, you know, insurrection, I'm talking about a revolution that can what happened in Soviet Union, but straight to where there was a revolution in terms of a we want to know the truth, because there was a lot of propaganda Soviet Union and go batch of product revolution to tell the truth, what is really happening. Right. And there was a revolution in the wall failed. So something must happen now and we're in it didn't happen yet. So we are in the verge of our either become completely controlled by the government or are changing it. We are just at that fork. And very important we get the right one. And people don't know it, because they were misinformed. But this very, very important that this information get known. So we are able to make the change. And of course, people struggled. Me personally it takes takes a lot to struggle, but I can see the struggle and other people, but I can see also how brainwashed you were believing they were doing the right thing. But they were removing freedom from other people like it happened in Nazi Germany. There is Jewish, a Jewish take them away. Today doesn't ask a is not vaccinated. You know, we are at that phase now to the to the bit relaxed because the internet is here and even though there were sensors, there was a lot of a lot I would say there was a proportion of good and pharma that are gaining. But I'm afraid it would be censored too. So we are right in the middle of it. And I have hope. I hope it's in my DNA.

Kit Heintzman 1:06:06
I want to thank you so much for the generosity of your time and the thoughtfulness of your answers. Those are all of the questions I know how to ask right now, but if there's anything you'd like to share that my questions haven't made room for, please take some space and share it.

Marc Letourneau 1:06:33
Nothing comes to mind. I think I said a lot more than I thought that I would.

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