Mask fabric from a friend
Title (Dublin Core)
Mask fabric from a friend
Description (Dublin Core)
As soon as the CDC announced that the general public should start wearing masks whenever we are away from home I began making masks for myself, family, and friends. Unlike most people who sew I did not have a large stash of fabric to work with and the stores were out and even getting it from an online seller was taking four weeks. I reshared a picture of empty shelves at the Walmart fabric department someone else had taken and shared on Facebook and a woman I had only met once offered to send me fabric. I live in Texas and she lives in California. This is the box of fabric she sent via priority mail. I was so excited to receive this treasure. On top of that I've been getting elastic for mask making from another friend in Oklahoma who was able to order it wholesale, right before it became impossible to get.
I've sent 60 masks to a local prison, about 30-40 to the Window Rock Reservation Wellness Center, and have given and sold about another 100 to friends, family, and random people who found out I was making masks via Facebook.
I've also sent mask to several other states, including Ohio, Alaska, Michigan, and Kentucky, including masks made from the material in that box.
*Cotton fabric
I've sent 60 masks to a local prison, about 30-40 to the Window Rock Reservation Wellness Center, and have given and sold about another 100 to friends, family, and random people who found out I was making masks via Facebook.
I've also sent mask to several other states, including Ohio, Alaska, Michigan, and Kentucky, including masks made from the material in that box.
*Cotton fabric
Date (Dublin Core)
April 28, 2020
Creator (Dublin Core)
Chris Twing
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Chris Twing
Event Identifier (Dublin Core)
Partner (Dublin Core)
Arizona State University
Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Clothing & Accessories
Art & Design
Health & Wellness
Community Service
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
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Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)
05/21/2020 HBR - reformatted date to MM/DD/YYYY. Moved type text into description and updated type to "Photograph".
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