
Physically Distanced Line-up outside LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario)

Title (Dublin Core)

Physically Distanced Line-up outside LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario)

Description (Dublin Core)

A line of people queue using tape lines on the sidewalk 2 meters apart in front of the LCBO location at the Ottawa Trainyards. Those retail spaces allowed to open are limited in the number of people they can hold at one time to permit physical distancing, meaning any additional shoppers must wait outside for other customers to leave. Despite some backlash liquor stores were listed as essential businesses by the province of Ontario from the beginning of the state of emergency in late March. This was in acknowledgement of that fact that there are those within Ontario society with a physical dependency on alcohol and if their access was restricted it might result in an unnecessary strain on the health care system. Not only would time and resources be used if an individual required medical assistance due to withdrawal, they might also be unnecessarily exposed to the virus while seeking treatment. Some industry services have been limited, however; the Beer Store, the only store which buys back empty bottles, is no longer doing so. This is a blow to those who collect bottles on the street or from recycling bins as an income.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 8, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Hope Gresser

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Hope Gresser

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Consumer Culture (shopping, dinning...)
Health & Wellness
English Social Distance
English Food & Drink
English Social Class

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

liquor store
physically distanced
alcohol dependency
substance abuse

Collection (Dublin Core)

Mental Health

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


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