
A Picture of New York City in Crisis

Title (Dublin Core)

A Picture of New York City in Crisis

Description (Dublin Core)

A link to an article from Photography Collections Preservation Project about New York City essential delivery person, artist and poet Kurt Boone. As Boone travels through New York City making his deliveries, he photographs the city during the pandemic.

The first paragraphs of the article relate the project:
"A bustling city once teeming with urbanites on crowded sidewalks and in jam-packed subway cars comes to a grinding halt. Save an eerie silence made more deafening by the occasional ambulance siren, the events of the city beyond our apartment walls are largely left to the imagination. For most, this has been the picture of New York City ever since Governor Andrew Cuomo’s shelter-in-place order effectively shut it down in late March and indefinitely altered daily life for millions. A smaller population of New Yorkers, however, have been uniquely privy to public life in the age of the coronavirus pandemic. This is the case for the many essential employees currently working in New York City including messenger and street photographer Kurt Boone.

Every morning at 7:30 A.M., Kurt Boone–a veteran New York City courier of over 20 years–prepares for a full day of making essential deliveries around the five boroughs. After checking the news for the latest coronavirus updates before leaving his New Jersey apartment, Boone arrives at the World Trade Center in Manhattan only to greet a different city each day. In the U.S. epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis, around 1,000 new coronavirus patients are admitted to hospitals daily. More and more quintessential New York establishments shutter their doors, and the gripping effects of this crisis are increasingly felt by all. Worse, there is no clear end in sight. For Boone, these scenes of strife and desolation are “surreal and depressing.” As a longtime documentarian of urban culture, Boone feels a responsibility to show the world how this pandemic is unfolding in New York City. "

Date (Dublin Core)


Creator (Dublin Core)

Charis Morgan
Kurt Boone
Nicholas Sansone

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Erin Craft

Type (Dublin Core)


Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Source (Dublin Core)

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Photography Collections Preservation Project

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Art & Design
Race & Ethnicity

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

essential worker

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

Boone emailed us links and information. I created hyperlink to article. Added screenshot. Added pdf with hyperlinks to author, publisher and two photographers. Linked to other items. Erin Craft

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Kurt Boone New York City Covid 19 Photo Collection #4 Linked Data Interactive Resource
Kurt Boone New York City Covid 19 Photo Collection #3 Linked Data Interactive Resource

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