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Collected Item: “A stronger conversion to faith”

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A stronger conversion to faith

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Facebook Post

Tell us a story; share your experience. Describe what the object or story you've uploaded says about the pandemic, and/or why what you've submitted is important to you.

Today I curled my hair and wore earrings. A first in many weeks! Sunday worship is a huge part of our family life. We practice our faith daily and gather weekly with The Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter Day Saints. Of course with quarantine, like everyone else, we can not gather. But it hasn’t stopped us from our worship.
In our home, we continue to dress weekly for the Sabbath, mostly because my husband and oldest son are able to administer the sacrament for us, which we hold very sacred. After a short intimate family worship service we have an opportunity to hear uplifting words recorded and shared online from members of our local congregations. With days that mesh together, having a defining Sunday is refreshing and keeps my soul uplifted.
I grew up in the LDS faith however, I had to come to decide on my own and gain my own testimony in it’s teachings. We honor the Bible and have a deep testimony in Jesus Christ as our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer. We also believe The Book of Mormon to be the word of God and goes hand in hand with our beloved Bible giving added testimony of the glories of Christ.
I don’t recall one moment in my life that I can define as my conversion moment, as others may. I do remember moments where I had to question myself and my beliefs and decide who and what I wanted to follow and believe. My conversion has been a lifelong journey and process and everyday I draw closer to God is a day my testimony is strengthened.
I have enjoyed this time of intimate worship with my family. As we slowly emerge from our cocoons I have heard others are rejoining their faiths of worship. It will be a little slower here in Belgium before we can return to our church family because of government safety measures. I do look forward to that day when we can meet and embrace again. But this time with my children has been one of the best faith building times in my life. (With a stubborn 6 year old and teenage attitudes one can’t help but question their why😉) And for that, I am completely grateful. The virus hasn’t been all that bad. ❤️

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Jennifer Wight

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