Pet Adoption Stories
Pet adoption rates soared during the pandemic. According to the organization Shelter Animals Count, which tracks around 500 rescue groups in the United States, adoptions were up 15% in 2020 from 2019 (Washington Post). That’s about 26,000 more animals who found homes. These statistics do not even include animals adopted through social media sites or purchased from breeders. According to one study, the demand for pets increased as "social isolation became more stringent” ( On this page of the exhibit, you will find submissions documenting stories of pet adoption during the pandemic.
Below those heartwarming stories, however, you will also find stories of financial stress and surrender. In the United States, the unemployment rate soared to 14.8%, a number not seen since 1948. Between January 2020 and April 2020, 22.1 million American jobs disappeared (Congressional Research Service). These devastating economic developments were felt across the globe. Some jobless pet owners had little choice but to give up their companions who they could no longer afford to care for. In the United States, many of those pets were costly exotic animals, but worldwide cats and dogs felt the consequences of unemployment as well. This page includes stories of exotic animal surrender, for surrender of cats and dogs see the Covid's Effects on Pets page.
Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole. - Roger Caras
I think having an animal in your life makes you a better human. - Rachel Ray
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. - Anatole France

The call has been answered
Borngraeber said the shelter was "overwhelmed" by the level of response they received from the public. "We were actually able to place every single one of our animals into foster care, the day before [New Jersey's] shelter-in-place order formally went into place," she said.

Light at the End of the Tunnel
" Scrolling on the internet with all my free time I saw that a lot of dogs were in need of a home due to shelters and pet stores overflowing. This led me to find the most perfect puppy ... Ozzy turned out to be the light at the end of the tunnel, providing me with the happiness I was missing in the past few months due to the declining state of the world."

Diamond Dog - HIST 393
"The most positive change in my life since the pandemic began has been my new family member, a mini Australian shepherd named Penny Lane. Penny is my family’s first dog and has been a big part of how we stayed sane throughout the initial craziness of Covid."

How Ronnie Red Found a Forever Home in the Middle of a Global Pandemic
"Ronnie the cat and I share a 650 square foot apartment in Jackson Heights, Queens, roughly a mile from the coronavirus epicenter. He 'supervises' my remote work and keeps me sane and organized."

New Dog
"In late March in the height of quarantine my mom saw a breed of dog that she really liked, a mix of an English sheepdog and a poodle. So, 5 weeks later, we headed into the heart of Appalachia to retrieve our puppy, Annie. Now, while this is a generic story of a family getting a dog, the only reason we went ahead with this was because everyone in the family had significantly more free time on our hands, as a direct result of the pandemic."
Exotic Pets Increase in Popularity
Dogs, cats, and other furry critters were not the only ones adopted during the pandemic. Birds, reptiles, fish, and invertebrates flew, crawled, slithered, and swam their way into our homes and hearts.

Exotic Pets and Reptile Gain Popularity in Australia
While the pandemic has fuelled an increase in sales of real estate and some consumables, people are also snapping up an array of bearded dragons, snakes, frogs, tarantulas and geckos.
Exotic Pets Readily Available for Adoption
During the pandemic, many exotic pets were surrendered for adoption. Families facing health and/or financial crises were forced to surrender their pets. Exotic pets require specialty foods and healthcare which are often expensive. Birds, particularly the large parrot species, are often very loud. They don't really care if you are in a Zoom meeting with the CEO or trying to take a test for school. Luckily, many of these animals did find new homes, eager to have them.
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