Teleworking Exhibit: Parenting While Teleworking
Individuals who had to juggle teleworking with childcare for their young children and online learning for their school-aged children faced significant challenges during the pandemic.

Mom's work from home time-lapse video reminds women everywhere: 'You're not alone'
Video of a woman working while caring for her children.

Kids Now Know to Ask "Are you in a meeting?"
"With so many people working from home children have learned to approach their parents and ask if they are in a meeting before saying anything else."

Constant interruptions
"I feel like it's not possible to get it all done, and then I think...not getting it doesn't feel like a choice I can make."

The Challenges of Caring for Children and Working at Home
"It is challenging and chaotic, but also it brings a lot of joys in watching kids develop."

COVID19 home office/kinder afternoon
Needing to combine working with childcare resulted in some innovative work/play spaces.
Parent/Worker/Teacher: Many parents had to combine teleworking with online teaching for their school-age children. Juggling these multiple roles left many exhausted and frustrated. The positive aspects were that parents were able to play a bigger role in their children's education and spend more time with them.