Protecting Yourself From Covid-19 in The Workplace
By Aaron Jaramillo
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Coronavirus 19 a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, they declared it a global pandemic. At this point there were over 108,000 cases reported in over 110 countries. From this day forward the world around us changed, especially the business world. Employers across the world have all been figuring how they keep their employees and customers safe.
Staying Safe In The Workplace According To The WHO And The CDC

How To Get Your Workplace Ready For Covid-19
The World Health Organization advises workers on how to stay safe in the workplace.
The World Health Organization and other public authorities around the world are taking action to help contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. All sections of our community are needed including businesses, employers and employees, and must play a role if we are to stop the spread of this disease.
How Different Businesses Are Staying Safe

Staying Safe In Restaurants And Bars
The CDC makes recommendations on staying safe in restaurants and bars
When it comes to staying safe and dealing with coronavirus the food industry comes to mind. The government shut down restaurants and bars across the world. To stop the spread. Eventually, they were allowed to reopen to stay safe they would only do to go orders and convert over to deliveries to stay safe and still service customers wanting to eat at their establishments.
Staying Safe In My Own Workplace

Staying Lowe’s Safe During COVID-19
Lowe's is promoting social distancing while shopping at their stores.
Currently I am employed at Lowe's Home Improvement on the northside of San Antonio and coronavirus has changed how we operate during and after business hours. We have multiple signage to remind customers of social distancing while shopping. We also offer masks to those that do not have masks for the safety of our associates and customers. Along with the shopping music we also have an automated message reminding us to stay safe and ways you can help make Lowe’s a safe place.
COVID-19 And The Horrible Effects It Caused On Smaller Businesses And Employees Of All Businesses

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act Helps Employees Everywhere
U.S. Department of Labor provides information on the FFCRA Act, which offers financial aid to those affected by COVID-19

The Struggles Of Small Businesses During Covid-19
Small businesses struggle during COVID-19 Because of things like lack of cash flow and financial needs not being met.
While some parts of the economy havee begun to start back up, many small businesses are still struggling to get started and need further economic aid and stimulus to survive day to day. As we go about our day seeing chain businesses still survivng we can not race by the fact that the smaller family owned businesses are really feeling the wave of this pandemic. Along with smaller businesses being affected there are employees around the worl being affected financially whether being employed be a smaller business or a chain business.