Staying Safe
A Page from Christopher Metta Bexar, concerned student at St. Mary's University, San Antonio. I am also a person at higher risk from the virus.
As I said, I am a member of the group at higher risk to the effects of the virus. So I have had to take all of my courses online this semester for my health, and the protection of my wife who is also a member of the higher risk group in two categories.
I had the opportunity to interview a professor and a university administrator at two San Antonio area universities, who are dealing with the pandemic as both members of staff as well as members of the group at higher risk to the effects of Covid-19. Their insights were invaluable to understanding the challenges added to continuing to deliver education by the virus. It is not just students who have had their experience disrupted by Covid-19.
David teaches necessary science courses, prerequisites for many majors in both science and medicine. Sam runs an important program to see that all ethnic and social groups are represented in grad schools.
Education on the virus is important to me and to others because of the potential this virus has for harm. I need, as do others, as much education as I can about the virus and how to prevent its spread.
One of the reasons a lot of the American public is ignorant about the virus and how it is spread is the Trump Administration wanting to override the experts such as The Centers for Disease Control and Johns Hopkins University.
Visuals of the Pandemic
Some visuals from the pandemic. They help to illustrate some of the changes made necessary by the virus to life in 2020, as well as some of the ways people are educating others. Tee-shirts and teaching via Zoom can be powerful educators during the crisis as are changes to buildings....and sometimes clever.