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Collected Item: “Kiersten Camby Oral History, 2020/07/17”

Give your story a title.

Kiersten Camby Oral History Interview

What sort of object is this: text story, photograph, video, audio interview, screenshot, drawing, meme, etc.?

audio interview

Tell us a story; share your experience. Describe what the object or story you've uploaded says about the pandemic, and/or why what you've submitted is important to you.

This is an interview of Kiersten Camby about her experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kiersten Camby is a fulltime wedding planner. She lives with her fiancé and two German Shepherds in Spartanburg, South Carolina. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kiersten was temporarily furloughed from her job and spent most of her time in self-isolation. Her fiancé is an officer and continued to work. Kiersten was able to return to work 3 months after being furloughed and was able to slowly return to full-time status. During her time in self-isolation, Kiersten continued to be able to see her family to enjoy dinners and at-home movie nights. Her parents both contracted Covid-19 and were quarantined for a period of two weeks plus time to recover. Kiersten stated that it was draining physically for her parents and that they remained bedridden for the duration of their illness. Kiersten and her family have taken the precautions to remain healthy and she hopes that life will one day return to normal.

Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your story. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

Spartanburg, wedding planner, COVID-19, family, fiance, parents

Who originally created this object? (If you created this object, such as photo, then put "self" here.)

Stephanie Berry

Give this story a date.

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