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Collected Item: “Senior Sadness”

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Senior Sadness

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When the pandemic abruptly flipped our world upside down, I did not know how to react. Within a matter of just a couple days, I felt as if everything that I had worked towards was being stripped away from me. I was a senior in high school during the 2019-2020 year. March 12, 2020 will go down as one of the worst days in my life. That is the day I found out bad news after bad news. I first found out that all the hard work my basketball team and I had put in was coming to an end. We had just won our PA state quarter final game the night before. We had hopes of making it back to the state championship. That was a hard pill to swallow. No more memories, no more practices, no more laughs and cries with my teammates and coaches. Later that day, it was then announced that school was strictly online for the remaining of the year. I can remember the pit in my stomach when I heard that news. In life, we take so many things for granted- my high school experience being one of them for me. As a senior, you work so hard in the classroom, build so many great bonds with your friends and teachers, and that was all just taken from us. In this day in age, keeping engaged in friendships and relationships is very easy with technology. But this felt different, this WAS different. No more senior activities. No prom. No end of the basketball season. No graduation. No more giggles with your friends in the hallway, at lunch, in the classroom. There was no proper goodbye. That is what hit me the hardest. Everyone is impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic in every way possible- some more than others. It took me a while to accept my new normal, and to accept the fact that it is out of my control. I am not the only senior who felt like what was supposed to be the best year of their life, turned out to be the worst year of their life. I’ve tremendously grown from the situation our world is in, and I know so many others have, too.

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