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Collected Item: “To-go cocktails and mixed drinks are legal in PA”

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To-go cocktails and mixed drinks are legal in PA

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I'm not a PA native, so the blue laws of PA have always seemed very strict to me. When Governor Wolf signed a bill allowing Pennsylvanians to pick-up cocktails and mixed drinks, I was a bit shocked. The ability to purchase beer and wine in the grocery store has only been legal in PA for a few years, and liquor stores still close on Sundays. The coronavirus pandemic has pushed PA to adapt their alcohol laws faster than I thought possible. It's still too soon to see if this new relaxation on alcohol laws will remain or if PA will tighten them up again once the pandemic ends. Submitted by Stephanie Berry, curatorial intern for Arizona State University, HST 580. #ASU #HST580

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#alcohol #Pennsylvania #foodways

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Greg Pickel

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