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Collected Item: “Airlines Conduct Tests to Prove that COVID-19 Spread is not High in Airplanes”

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Airlines Conduct Tests to Prove that COVID-19 Spread is not High in Airplanes

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Tell us a story; share your experience. Describe what the object or story you've uploaded says about the pandemic, and/or why what you've submitted is important to you.

United Airlines, Boeing and the Defense Department conducted tests to gauge the risk of getting infected with the coronavirus on a plane. They used a mannequin that would use a spray to stimulate a cough. They concluded that the spread of infection is not high. However, the test failed to test many other factors, such as the patient turning their head to the side to cough, coughing while walking around the cabin, and other common locomotions of airplane passengers. Thus, the test was inconclusive, and seems like a desperate effort for the airline companies to get their customers back.

Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your story. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

airplane, flights, airline, vacation, infectionrate

Enter a URL associated with this object, if relevant.


Who originally created this object? (If you created this object, such as photo, then put "self" here.)

Hugo Martin

Give this story a date.

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