Collected Item: “Covid Procedures”
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Covid Procedures
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text story
Tell us a story; share your experience. Describe what the object or story you've uploaded says about the pandemic, and/or why what you've submitted is important to you.
Because of the arrival of this new virus, Covid, we all need to follow new procedures to keep us safe. The Los Angeles County guidelines state that masks must be worn in public, we need to social distance, and more. The main rule that citizens must follow is to wear a mask. Experts say that masks can lower your chance of transmitting or receiving the virus because it would be harder to be in contact with the air particles. Although the masks are beneficial to keeping us safe, they can also make breathing harder. I personally do not like wearing masks but I respect it. I feel all citizens should respect the rules and wear a mask, even if they do not trust it. Out of all the procedures, we must follow, I wish one day we can stop wearing masks in public and attend big gatherings such as movie theatres and concerts.
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Angela Zhao
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