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Collected Item: “Canada labels the Proud Boys, neo-Nazi groups as terrorists”

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Canada labels the Proud Boys, neo-Nazi groups as terrorists

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News article

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I’m mainly sharing this article for posterity; it was published on the day when the Canadian parliament listed the Proud boys and 13 other white supremacist/Nazi organizations as terrorist groups throughout Canada. For me, this is a positive development in my country; yet it shouldn’t have taken this long, nor should it of needed a coup attempt on the U.S. government to occur in the first place. This relates to the social justice collection mainly that it is an example of the state actually taking action against white supremacy (for a change), largely this is the result of Jagmeet Singh, the NDP and Canadians who voiced their fears and concerns regarding the effects of white supremacy, and the threat it poses to each and every one of us. I wanted to include this to demonstrate the effects of the January 6th coup on Canadian politics and society; it should also be interesting that Canada is the first country to label the Proud Boys as a terrorist organization.

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white supremacist, CBC, Proud Boys, Canada, January 6th 2021, hate groups, extremism

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John Paul Tasker

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