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Collected Item: “Concerts, performances could return in the fall ‘if everything goes right,’ Fauci says”

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Concerts, performances could return in the fall ‘if everything goes right,’ Fauci says

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Dr. Anthony Fauci offered hope that concerts and theater performances could return in 2021.

Speaking at a conference for the Association of Performing Arts Professionals, the nation’s top infectious disease expert was asked when indoor venues will be able to reopen their doors for the public. The performing arts industry has largely been shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci said it’s important for the country to reach herd immunity of 70 to 85% of the population vaccinated from the coronavirus.

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Dr. Fauci, hope, concert, entertainment, theater, indoor venues, public, performing arts, herd immunity, population, vaccine, ASU, HST580

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Mike Stunson

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