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Collected Item: “Ontario dog first in Canada to test positive for COVID-19, but researcher says there are likely more”

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Ontario dog first in Canada to test positive for COVID-19, but researcher says there are likely more

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text story

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An Ontario dog living with four human COVID-19 patients is the first dog in Canada to test positive for the virus. But researchers say the discovery doesn't mean pet owners need to worry.

The animal is from the Niagara Region and lived in a home where four out of six people had the virus, according to Dr. Scott Weese, chief of infection control at the University of Guelph's Ontario Veterinary College.
"At last check, both dogs were fine, everyone in household sounds like they're doing well," he said.
Weese described COVID-19 as a "human virus."
There is some risk of animal-to-human transmission when it comes to mink, and experiments have shown infected cats can pass the virus to other cats, but that has not been shown in dogs, he said.
"If your dogs has COVID or is infected with this virus, it got it from you or someone else in the household."

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Pandemic Pets, pet, dog, mink, cat, animal, transmission, test, positive, quarantine, Niagara Region, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Dan Taekema, CBC News

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