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Collected Item: “Greece: Coronavirus threatens fate of abandoned dogs”

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Greece: Coronavirus threatens fate of abandoned dogs

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text story

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Athens, Greece – As a nationwide lockdown enters its second month in Greece, animal rescue groups and shelters have become overwhelmed with the number of strays piling up in their facilities.

Although dog adoption in central Athens and other urban city centres continues, as some seek companionship in the form of pets during the lockdown, international dog adoption from Greece to countries across Europe and the US has come to a standstill.
A lack of resources means that shelters have been forced to stop taking in new strays, leading to more dogs on the street.

It also means more dogs continuing to breed in the wild, which again increases the number of strays.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic changed the nature of dog adoption in Greece, more dogs were being abandoned because people could no longer afford them and also due to a hunting culture.

Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your story. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

Pandemic Pets, pet, dog, stray, hunting, adoption, international, abandonment, financial crisis, shelter, rescue, lockdown, travel restrictions, Athens, Greece

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Fahrinisa Campana

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