
Grocery shopping

Title (Dublin Core)

Grocery shopping

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Description of grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Grocery shopping is now an all day affair. First: prep the kitchen and unloading zone (clean and “contaminated” sides of the counter), have the trash open, robe by the laundry, washer open, empty patio bag ready) Go early, wear gloves & mask. Wipe everything down, work fast, in & out. Back to the car, hand sanitizer over the gloves before touching the steering wheel. Sometimes you have to go to a couple stores, so this part repeats. Finally home, unload, wipe down the inside of the car, the handles, the cart. Haul everything up to the condo. Open the door, in with the cart, close & wipe down the door. Remove gloves, wash hands, unload items one at a time and wipe down/spray each one. Wash hands again. Wipe down the cart, check wipe down anything else you missed. Wash hands again. Open and store items and throw away the packaging. All paper (receipts, mail etc) goes in a bag to hang on the patio for a day or so because the virus can live on paper/cardboard for up to 24 hours. All delivery packages have to be left on the patio for a day before opening. Then hand scrub after the transfer from front door to the patio. I worry my cat will sniff them or something and then get sick. Or infect me. So she has to stay inside while the virus dies on the packages.
Outer layers of all clothes worn outside are stripped off and go right into the wash. Wash hands again just to be sure. Shoes stay outside. It’s kind of exhausting. And then I worry, am I short of breath? Do I have it? The worry is half the battle. But then I think: hey maybe Trump will get it! And then I feel better.

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