Chairman of the Pala Band of Mission Indians Encourages Community Not to Spread Rumors and Misinformation
Title (Dublin Core)
Chairman of the Pala Band of Mission Indians Encourages Community Not to Spread Rumors and Misinformation
Description (Dublin Core)
“The County of San Diego has reported today, April 22, 2020, that there is one confirmed positive case of COVID-19 in the area covered by Pala’s zip code, 92059. By law, the County is not able to provide any identifying information about who this individual is, where they live, or their current health status (i.e. hospitalized, quarantined at home, etc.)…The dots on that map are not associated with any specific address; rather, they are placed in the geographic center of the area the zip code covers. Therefore, the dot on the map for Pala is not indicating where the confirmed positive individual lives…I encourage you not to spread rumors or misinformation about this case or make any attempt to discover who the confirmed positive individual may be. This is private information that none of us has, and spreading rumors only serves to stir up fear and panic.” #IndigenousStories
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Type (Dublin Core)
Open Letter to Tribal Members
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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