COVID-19 College Kid Starter Pack
Title (Dublin Core)
COVID-19 College Kid Starter Pack
Description (Dublin Core)
Very relatable meme. As a fellow college student, I have just been sitting around my house in pajamas. I have been eating a ton of popcorn and ramen. I drink alcohol with my roommate to try and avoid boredom. I find the news so overwhelming, scary and depressing so I've hidden the news app and Twitter on my phone so I'm not tempted to look at those and make myself feel worse. I stream shows and use social media to distract myself.
The meme also shows the experience of a group that was hit very hard; the college students. As a senior, I had so much taken from me and I am being forced to move home instead of pursuing my post-grad plans. Me and my friends got no closure for college and didn't get to say goodbye to each other. We didn't get graduation, or many of the senior sendoff plans that many of us had in our campus organizations. The students in years below me have to worry about school being online next year and housing problems/work issues that might accompany that.
The meme also shows the experience of a group that was hit very hard; the college students. As a senior, I had so much taken from me and I am being forced to move home instead of pursuing my post-grad plans. Me and my friends got no closure for college and didn't get to say goodbye to each other. We didn't get graduation, or many of the senior sendoff plans that many of us had in our campus organizations. The students in years below me have to worry about school being online next year and housing problems/work issues that might accompany that.
Collage, found on Facebook group Zoom Memes for Quaranteens
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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Date Modified (Dublin Core)
This item was submitted on June 1, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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