
Covid-19 and The Media

Title (Dublin Core)

Covid-19 and The Media

Description (Dublin Core)

This article serves to inform the public of President Trump’s current condition after being diagnosed with Covid-19. It talks about how the doctors taking care of Trump contradict themselves when talking about his health condition and it leaves people wondering if he is in a worse state than they are making him out to be. I chose this article because I haven’t heard anything about Trump since he was diagnosed with Covid-19 and I wanted to know the latest news on his condition. This article shows how much of an impact Covid-19 is currently having in our Country. The President getting diagnosed with a disease right before the election can obviously have massive repercussions in the political world and America as a whole. This article is important because it lets people see the current state of our President in this crucial time and see the severity of what's going on. There is no bias that I could find in this article because the headlines, wording, sources, and even the pictures all have a very neutral standpoint. The article is simply presenting the facts and evidence they gathered from various sources. The responsibility of the media during the Covid-19 pandemic is to inform people of the situation around the world and spread the importance of safety. The pandemic has obviously started a lot of conflicts that can be seen all throughout the media, but the main priority of all people should be ensuring the safety of themselves and others around them.

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New York Times

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This item was submitted on October 5, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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