
A Choice of Monetary Support or Raising your Children?

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A Choice of Monetary Support or Raising your Children?

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This report done by the Center for American Progress really opened my eyes to the way mothers have been affected by the pandemic. For so many mothers, the pandemic forced them to choose between supporting their family by working, or leaving the workforce to become stay at home parents. For myself, I had no other choice than to become a stay at home mother because of the closing of schools and childcare. My son is a toddler, before pandemic he attended a private childcare two days a week and spent the other three with family members so I could work. By the quarantine in March, my job had “closed for the foreseeable future” and my son no longer could visit his family due to the risks. As most of the population has, mothers have made sacrifices this entire pandemic, they have struggled to provide, given up the little time away from home they had and stepped into numerous different roles to ensure their children are safe, cared for and learning. Now, I question if there could’ve been more help for the mothers around the country when the pandemic hit? Could the government relieved some of the stress of losing an income? Why was it a choice between money and the lives of their children?
Report put out by Center for American Progress

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This item was submitted on December 16, 2020 by Gabrielle Dulong using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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