
#JOTPYLesson from Amy Evenson

Title (Dublin Core)

#JOTPYLesson from Amy Evenson

Description (Dublin Core)

I've learned that small acts of kindness, go a long way. When I lost my job due to the pandemic, as the only income for my family, I was beyond stressed. When my unemployment application stalled because of the huge number of people applying for assistance, I vented on Twitter. My friends picked up the thread, started an Amazon wishlist, and within days strangers were stepping in and sending my family food, cleaning supplies, essentials, and even toys for my dog. People continued to check in for months to make sure we were doing okay. For most people who helped us, it was a $5-10 purchase; for us it was a lifeline that kept us safe, fed, healthy, and supported. It made a terrifying time a bit easier and kept us afloat until I could find another job.

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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

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Reflections of a Plague Year>Staying Connected

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