
SL and S Oral History, 2021/12/09


Title (Dublin Core)

SL and S Oral History, 2021/12/09

Description (Dublin Core)

[SL] and [S] (Last name unknown) take turns interviewing each other on the topics of covid-19 and how it relates to past pandemics in history.

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

Type (Dublin Core)

oral history

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)


Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)


Format (Dublin Core)


Coverage (Dublin Core)

March 2020- December 2021

Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

[SL] and [S] (Last name unknown) take turns interviewing each other on the topics of covid-19 and how it relates to past pandemics in history.

Annotation (Omeka Classic)

0: Introductions of interviewer & interviewee. Asks the question "After this class how have your perceptions of covid-19 changed?"

1: Interviewee relates the current covid-19 pandemic to the plague pandemic in regards to masks. Also discusses other pandemics and how it relates to covid such as quarantine. Interviewer asks, "Did learning about the history of pandemics help you understand covid right now?"

2: Interviewee says it kind of helped him understand but not fully. Interviewer asks if they were "surprised by any past pandemics or did they learn anything they did not know?" Interviewee responds saying that he was constantly learning new things about different pandemics.

3: Interviewer asks, "Do you think humans have learned from past pandmics?" Interviewee responds with yes and that humans are slowly getting better at handling pandemics with the masks and quarentine. Society is learning what we can do to make a pandemic end faster.

4: [SL] then becomes interviewer and [S] becomes interviewee. Interviewer asks, "How do you think learning about other pandemics help or did not help putting covid-19 in context?' Interviewee responds with it did help because they saw a lot of common themes with government, scape goating and anti vax people.

5: Interviewer then asks next question, "How do you think this pandemic cmpares to the past pandemics from history in relation of being less severe or more severe and how did we handle it?" Interviewee responds that it is not as severe as the plauge or smallpox, but it is still at the death rate that it stays in society longer. Says that the world did not handle it well but did not know what should have been changed.

6: Interviewer asks last question, "Do you think that humanity has learned from past pandmeics?" Interviewee responds with saying that in terms of medical treatments yes such as fast produced vaccines, not sure in terms of society but does not really think so. Thinks society has still responded in a chaotic way.

7: Ends interviews

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

S 0:04
Hello [Silence] and do you give consent to be recorded?

SL 0:13
[Silence] I, yeah, I give my consent, do you give consent to be recorded?

S 0:18
Yes, I give consent. And today is Thursday, December 9th, and it's currently 2:03pm. So my first question is after taking this class, how has your views of COVID-19 changed.

SL 0:37
Um, so, I feel like one of the major things that changed after taking the class is how I can see how some of the practices came into play. Um, by this, I mean, like, how, during the plague, they used masks to kind of, to, so they could breathe in good smelling things to keep the plague away. And that kind of developed into like, current day masks. And then throughout other pandemics, such as, like cholera, we see how they're trying to, like, limit the contact of different people. So I mean, I feel like seeing where some of the practices like quarantining, and the masks came from initially, that's what's kind of changed my view.

S 1:38
Yeah, I completely agree with that. Then my second question is, did learning about you know, all the history of pandemics help you understand the situation of COVID-19 like right now?

SL 1:56
Um, so I feel like it kind of helped me understand, but I feel like at this point in time, we’re almost so far into COVID that all the, all the um hype and like hysteria is dying down at this point. So, I don’t know.

S 2:15
Yeah, it's kind of, seems to be never ending, but um…

SL 2:18

S 2:19
And then I touched on like past pandemics, but have those, are you surprised at any of the past pandemics or learn anything that really, you didn't know?

SL 2:33
Um, yeah. So I mean, a lot of the information was, um, it was, it was a lot of like, digging more into depth of things that I had, like a brief knowledge of. But, um, yeah, I mean, I really liked it because like a lot, throughout the class, I was constantly learning new things about different pandemics.

S 2:58
And then my last question is, do you think humans have learned from past pandemics?

SL 3:08
Um, yeah, I think humans have learned, and they're slowly getting better at handling pandemics, um, because, like as I said earlier, there's like, the masks which kind of developed and then there's the practice of quarantining and limiting contact with others. And they're kind of slowly learning of what we should do as a society to make the pandemic end faster. So yeah, they're learning. And is that it? Um, now, now I'll ask you questions. Okay, so my first question for you is, um, how do you think learning about other pandemics helped or didn't help put COVID-19 into context?

S 4:11
Um, I think it helped a lot learning about past pandemics, because I saw a lot of common themes, like whether it be government issues or scapegoating, or like anti-va-, anti-vax movements. I think there was a lot of common ground between a lot of the pandemics, even though COVID is so different than any we've had before like, there's just things that reminded me specifically of other pandemics.

SL 4:49
Alright, and, um, my next question, is, um, how do you think this pandemic compares to past pandemics from history like, do you think this form is less severe or more severe? Or, and how do you think we handled it?

S 5:10
Um, in terms of severity, I think, like, like causing death, it's not as bad as like the plague, or smallpox or something like that, but it's also at that percentage of death rate where it stays in society a lot longer. And I don't think the world has handled it that well. Um, I don't know what a better way would be, but I think it's hard with how connected everything is to really respond in a way that would, you know, cancel the, the virus.

SL 5:57
All right. I agree. And, uh, my last question for you is, do you think that humanity has learned from past pandemics?

S 6:11
Uh, in terms of like, medical treatments, definitely. Um, like the vaccine for COVID came out like really quickly, which was nice, but it also caused a lot of like, skepticism and concern of how fast it was created. In terms of society, I'm not sure like, I don't think, I don't really think so. I think everyone's just gonna react to a pandemic, you know, in a kind of chaotic way if they aren't prepared better. So no, I don't think like society has responded better.

SL 7:01
Alright. Um, and yeah, that's all I have for you for questions.

S 7:04
All right. Well, nice interview.

SL 7:09

S 7:10

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This item was submitted on December 10, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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