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A Journal of the Plague Year
Arizona Collection
Bronx Community College New York
Brooklyn College New York
Las Americas
Lockdown Staten Island
New Orleans
Oral Histories
Sacramento Community Based Organizations
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Teaching the Pandemic
The City College of New York
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A list of all of the Calls for Collecting
Law Enforcement
#Indigenous POV
#COVID-19 Survivor Stories
#SMHopes: An Archive of Hopes and Dreams
Our Exhibits
Arizona's COVID-19 Pandemics
Art Museums, Institutions and Galleries: Impact of COVID-19 on the Arts
Art & Technology
Art Fairs
Job Loss & Financial Strain in the Art World
Camp Wolfeboro: Scouting during the Pandemic
Be Prepared: COVID-19 at Camp Wolfeboro
Scouts in the Pandemic
The Staff Experience
Nature and Environment in the High Sierra
About the Exhibit
#CoverYourFangs: Behind the Mask of a University During COVID
Adapt to Combat: A Change in Procedure
Covid Campuses: How St. Mary's University Cared for Students
Cover Your Fangs in the St. Mary's Wind Ensemble
The Educational Journey through a Pandemic
"Empower | Community Engagement Through COVID-19"
New Beginnings: International Students during COVID-19
The Pandemic Is Not Over at St. Mary's University
Powerful Perspectives of the Pandemic
Diverse Voices and Pandemic Perspectives of St. Mary's Students
Snapshots of the Student-Veteran Experience During COVID-19
This is Sick: Online Learning During Coronavirus
A Day in the Life at StMU During a Global Pandemic
Keeping in Touch Without Touching Each Other
Commuting and First-Year Students During the Pandemic
Extracurricular Collaborations During the Pandemic
From Face-to-Face to Zoom: The Professor's Perspective
Staying Safe
Finding New Ways to Cope with Anxiety During a Pandemic
Protecting Yourself From Covid-19 in The Workplace
The Environment and The Pandemic
The Environment and The Pandemic: Gardening and Growing Food
The Environment and The Pandemic: Effects on Wildlife
The Environment and The Pandemic: Nature as Healer
The Environment and The Pandemic: Pollution
The Environment and The Pandemic: The Future
Faith During the Pandemic
Changes in Ritual: Adapting to the times
It's Complicated
We Shall Overcome
From Far and Wide: CoVID Canada
LGBTQ Pandemic Stories
A Mental Health Catastrophe within the Pandemic
Spending Time with Pets During Quarantine
Connecting with the Outdoors
Major Habit Changes during COVID-19
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Navigating Labor During COVID-19
Essential Workers
Loss of Businesses and Jobs
Navigating Non-COVID 19 Health Care During The Pandemic
#NUIndigenousStudents: COVID-19 Experiences From the Perspective of Indigenous Northeastern University Students
Indigenous COVID-19 Experience at NU
Indigenous COVID-19 Experience Outside of NU
Oaks Christian Middle School
Pandemic Pets
Pet Adoption Stories
Pets & Mental Health
Bonding & Exercising With Pets
Covid's Effects on Pets
Veterinary Care and Death
Pet Humor
Our Wild Animal Friends
Reflections of a Plague Year
2020: The Year of Me Time
Family and Friendship
Mental Health and Self-Care
Staying Connected
Reflecting on a Plague Year
Silver Linings
Bonding through Isolation: COVID Bubble Unity
Indoor Hobbies
Mental Health and Mindfulness: Success Stories
Outdoor Hobbies: Connecting with Nature
Southwest Stories
About the ASU/Luce COVID-19 Rapid Relief Project
Browse the Southwest Stories Collection
Rural Communities
Schools, Services and Small Businesses
Native American Communities
Incarceration Stories
Refugee and Immigrant Communities
Jessica Myers
Katelyn Keenehan
McKenzie Allen-Charmley
Sarandon Raboin
Vandana Ravikumar
Teleworking Exhibit
Teleworking Exhibit: Pros and Cons
Teleworking Exhibit: Animal Companions
Teleworking Exhibit: Parenting While Teleworking
Teleworking Exhibit: Zooming
Vaccination Stories
COVID-19 and Vaccination: A Timeline
Mass Vaccination
Breakthrough Cases
Voices for Social Justice in North America
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JOTPY Workshop Series
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Media Impact on Outcomes of Criminal Court cases
This is a good way of seeing if media changes the mind of people
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