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Collected Item: “Charts: The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the U.S. So Far”

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Charts: The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the U.S. So Far

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News Article

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This article provides a break down of the big picture of United States economics in the past few months. This break down includes simplistic graphs of the following: consumer spending, national debt, U.S. money supply, consumer sentiment, fed balance sheet, U.S. dollar, fiscal expenditures, inflation rate, and loans to the private sector. These grids provide a representation of how COVID-19 has impacted the United States in a variety of different ways. The article also has short descriptions of each segment that provides the reader with more detailed information. This article provides statistical analysis and quantitative evidence depicting the economic downfall that the United States has faced due to this global pandemic. #pandemic #monetaryshortage #lossofbusinesses #jobloss #stimuluspackages #unemploymentratesskyrocket #consistentlyhighunemploymentrates

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Visual Capitalist

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