Papa bear in an Urrbrae House museum window at the University of Adelaide's Waite campus, South Australia
Title (Dublin Core)
Papa bear in an Urrbrae House museum window at the University of Adelaide's Waite campus, South Australia
Description (Dublin Core)
Inspired by the book 'Going On A Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury, people across Adelaide started putting teddy bears in their windows for children to find when they were out walking. Like all museums in Australia, Urrbrae House (a historic house museum} was closed to public visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions. So during the museum's closure, the Urrbrae House manager decided to put three teddy bears - Mama, Papa and Baby Bear - in various windows of the building for local children to spot. She then alerted people to look out for the bears via social media with the following post: "Mama, Papa and Baby Bear at Urrbrae House heard that bears all over Adelaide were sitting in windows to enjoy the sun and offer a smile to anyone going by while on a safe social distancing walk. While the museum is closed and our bears are in social isolation, they thought this was a splendid idea and have joined in."
The picture represents one way people tried to remain connected during the pandemic and a desire to bring joy to children and their families at an uncertain time.
The picture represents one way people tried to remain connected during the pandemic and a desire to bring joy to children and their families at an uncertain time.
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