
April 6th - April 12th


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April 6th - April 12th

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The week of April 6th, 2020 – April 12th, 2020 marked over 21 days of
quarantine for myself. Here in Conway, South Carolina, it feels as though life has
taken a hit, but not to the extension that you see in places such as California or New
York. Whether it is people have been lucky here or just not enough testing to
actually confirm the correct number is anybody’s guess. You can still go into a store
such as Wal-Mart and find an overwhelming amount of people at any given time.
Even though Governor McMaster has put on a stay at home order for all nonessential workers, it just doesn’t feel like daily life has slowed down for many. For
myself, the only positive that has come from all of this are the low gas prices, as low
as $1.19 in some places! One of the biggest issues that I have seen is the mental
aspect of the country. The panic, the worry, the fear. Granted it is unprecedented
times, but instead of calm and trying to find positive in this, all over the TV and
media is negativity. In my hometown of Adams, Massachusetts, this virus is
destroying them, but yet when I talk to family members, the lack of action is mind –
blowing to me. My mother works for a dentist office who continues to stay open,
even after her boss recently came back from a cruise. Is it ignorance or greed? I
have struggled with those two topics of this whole situation. It is clear now that the
measures taken at the beginning of the outbreak were not enough. Now the
government handing out money to people to try and keep them afloat is their way of
trying to curb public opinion. What better way to prevent an outcry of the public
than to give them free money to keep their opinions to themselves? For me in this
situation, the real fear in this, is my mind. As someone who has struggled the
majority of my life with addiction and alcoholism, it is a crippling time in the sober
community. On April 15th, it will mark my one year anniversary of being sober.
These last few weeks seem to have tested me more than ever. With the social
gatherings limit, that means all of the meetings I was attending every week are no
longer an option. Being laid off and not being able to go anywhere, you have restless
legs and a restless mind. This past week I have done hours of yard work and home
maintenance just to keep my mind busy and hopefully exhaust me to the point
where I just go to sleep. I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. In the last ten days, I
have had to watch three friends in sobriety, go back out, and lose their lives to the
disease. I know the longer that this pandemic goes on, the more friends I will have
to say goodbye to and you just pray that you stay afloat. There has been good in this
though, there are pop up groups that have created online meetings where you can
facetime in and get to have meetings with people from all over the world. I’m not
sure what this next week holds in store, but just like everyday I pray we see the light
at the end of the tunnel. P.S. I miss sports desperately (this was supposed to be the
Master’s tournament this weekend!).

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Current situation in Conway, my hometown, my life.

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