Online prayers
Title (Dublin Core)
Online prayers
Description (Dublin Core)
For the past 22 years, Indians in Ghana have performed a weekly prayer meeting. Popularly known as the "Vishnu Group", each family used to book a slot a year in advance to conduct this prayer at their house. The gathering consists of nearly 60 people who gathered at the host family's house every week. During this puja, the gathering recites the traditional Vishnu Sahasranamam, Hanuman Chalisa, and prays to Lakshmi and Shiva. The group then proceeds to an hour long bhajan. After this, they proceed to the potluck dinner made up of traditional items.
However, due to COVID-19, the group can no longer meet and have instead shifted their prayers online. The picture shows the prayer area in Mrs Gomati Mohan's house. Garlands are seen decorating the pictures and the host couple is seen performing the traditional aarti. In this new, modern form of praying, each member of the group performs the prayer in their own house and updates the other members in a common WhatsApp group.
However, due to COVID-19, the group can no longer meet and have instead shifted their prayers online. The picture shows the prayer area in Mrs Gomati Mohan's house. Garlands are seen decorating the pictures and the host couple is seen performing the traditional aarti. In this new, modern form of praying, each member of the group performs the prayer in their own house and updates the other members in a common WhatsApp group.
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