Social Distancing at Walgreens in Chicago’s Southwest Suburbs
Title (Dublin Core)
Social Distancing at Walgreens in Chicago’s Southwest Suburbs
Description (Dublin Core)
Although many businesses have closed their doors due to COVID-19, pharmacies have kept theirs open. Essential workers, like pharmacists, store leadership, pharmacy technicians, and customer service representatives, have continued to work for their communities despite the potential risks to their health. As a part-time pharmacy technician, it is difficult to social distance while at work, as my job relies on interacting with my coworkers and numerous patients throughout the day. This sign serves to remind its viewer that even small errands during a global pandemic, such as picking up medications, may present a preventable health threat to all parties involved.
*Walgreens Corporate; notice distributed to individual stores
*04/08/2020; Posted in the pharmacy queue during Illinois’ Shelter in Place
*Walgreens Corporate; notice distributed to individual stores
*04/08/2020; Posted in the pharmacy queue during Illinois’ Shelter in Place
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Type (Dublin Core)
Corporate notice for customers and employees
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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