
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Daily Updates

Title (Dublin Core)

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Daily Updates

Description (Dublin Core)

○ Every day at 5pm people across the state of Kentucky turn on their televisions and tune in to Governor Andy Beshear’s daily update on COVID-19. For many this daily ritual has become a source of comfort and encouragement, a glimmer of hope. Every day for weeks Governor Beshear has come on TV to remind Kentuckians that their individual actions are powerful and their choices to follow social distancing guidelines during this crisis directly affect the other people in their communities, and reminds everyone that as “Team Kentucky” the state will get through the COVID-19 pandemic together. #DePaulHST391
4/8/2020; Posted as hospitals are running severely short on personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s official Instagram account

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Screenshot from Instagram

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